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shekhawat XII SCIENCE
Name: Romil Talaich Class: XII Sc.

Roll No.

Institution Hind Zinc School

This is certified to be the bonafide work of the student

in the laboratory during the academic year

Teacher In-charge

……………….. ……………….
Examiner’s Signature Principal

Institution Rubber Stamp

It is my foremost duty to express my deep regards and

gratitude to my chemistry teacher Mrs.Prabha Shekawat under
whose guidance and supervision I am able to undertake this
project. It is her who has been my primary source of inspiration
and who motivated, guided and encouraged me at different
stages of this project.
I am also thankful for the help rendered by the lab assistant
Mr.Naresh Sharma who made available the various lab
apparatus and chemicals needed for the experiment, else it
would have been difficult to perform this project successfully.

I sincerely express my gratitude to our principal Dr. Bindu Nair

who pushed us forward to make this project a grand success.

S.No . Content Page No.

I Introduction 1
II Objective
III Materials Req.
IV Theory
V Procedure
VI Observations
VII Conclusion
VIII Bibilography
It is well known that the food we take undergoes a series of complex reactions
within the body which constitute digestion and metabolism. These reactions are
catalyzed by enzymes which are very specific in their action and can function
properly only when the pH of the medium is within a specific range.
Some enzymes require mildly alkaline conditions while others operate only in
weakly acidic media. Amongst the latter category of enzymes are the enzymes that
control the digestion of proteins present in the food as it reaches the stomach. In the
stomach, dilute hydrochloric acid is secreted and it provides mildly acidic
conditions required for the functioning of protein digesting enzymes in the stomach.
Gastric acid is a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It has a pH of 1.5 to 3.5 and
is composed of 0.5 % hydrochloric acid (HCl). It is produced by cells lining the
stomach, which are coupled to systems to increase acid production when needed .
Other cells in the stomach produce bicarbonate to buffer the acid, ensuring the pH
does not drop too low (acid reduces pH). Also cells in the beginning of the small
intestine, or duodenum, produce large amounts of bicarbonate to completely
neutralize any gastric acid that passes further down into the digestive tract. The
bicarbonate-secreting cells in the stomach also produce and secrete mucus. Mucus
forms a viscous physical barrier to prevent gastric acid from damaging the stomach.

However, sometimes the stomach begins to secrete an excess of HCl. This leads to a
condition known as Gastric Hyperacidity. This condition can also be triggered by
the intake of to much food or highly spiced food. This, in turn, makes the stomach
lining cells to secrete more acid resulting in Hyperacidity. It also leads to acute
discomfort due to indigestion.To counter this situation, substances like Antacids or
literally anti - acids, have been developed. Antacids are commercial products that
neutralize the excess acid in the stomach providing a sensation of relief to the
person. The action of antacids is based on the fact that a base can neutralize an acid
forming salt and water.Common antacids satisfy the condition – right amount of
alkali that can neutralize the acid. If the content of alkali in the antacid is too high,
no doubt acidity is relieved, but it’ll create alkaline conditions that makes the
digestive enzymes ineffective.To make sure that the pH of the stomach remains in a
specific range, many substances are added to the antacids.

Working of Antacids

+ + - NaCl+H2CO
Na +HCO3- +H +Cl

The excess Na+ and HCO3-ions are absorbed by the walls of the small intestines as
the food passes throughThe H2CO3 formed during the reaction decomposes rapidly
to form water and carbon dioxide gas.
Types of Antacids:
 Sodium Antacids (Alka-Seltzer, Bromo-Seltzer and Others): Sodium
bicarbonate (commonly known as baking soda) is perhaps the best-known of
the sodium-containing antacids. It is potent and fast-acting. As its name
suggests, it is high in sodium. If you're on a salt-restricted diet, and especially
if the diet is intended to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), take a
sodium-containing antacid only under a doctor's orders.
 Calcium Antacids (Tums, Alka-2, Titralac and Others):Antacids in the
form of calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate are also potent and fast-
acting. Regular or heavy doses of calcium (more than five or six times per
week) can cause constipation. Heavy and extended use of this product may
clog your kidneys and cut down the amount of blood they can process.
Extended use of calcium antacids can also cause kidney stones.
 Magnesium Antacids (Maalox, Mylanta, Riopan, Gelusil):Magnesium
salts come in many forms -- carbonate, glycinate, hydroxide, oxide,
trisilicate, and aluminosilicate. Magnesium has a mild laxative effect; it can
cause diarrhea. For this reason, magnesium salts are rarely used as the only
active ingredients in an antacid, but are combined with aluminum, which
counteracts the laxative effect.
This project aims at analyzing some of the commercial antacids to
determine which one of them is the most effective by conducting a
quantitative analysis.
Materials required
The following were the materials required for the project:
1. Burette
2. Pipette
3. Conical Flasks
4. Measuring Flask
5. Beakers
6. Standard Flasks
7. Filter Paper
8. Funnel

9.Weighing machine

1. NaOH powder
2. Na2CO3powder
3. 10Mconc.HClacid
4. Four different brands of antacids
5. Phenol pthalein
6. Methyl Orange

Na2CO 3Powder

Phenolpthalein Solution
Antacids react with excess stomach acid by neutralization.
i.e. HCl + NaOH → H2O + NaCl
During the process, hydrogen ions H+ from the acid (proton donor) or a
hydronium ion H3O+ and hydroxide ions OH Θ from the base (proton acceptor)
react together to form a water molecule H2O. In the process, a salt is also formed
when the anion from acid and the cation from base react together. Neutralization
reactions are generally classified as exothermic since heat is released into the
Acids are proton donors which convert into conjugated bases. They are generally
pure substances which contain hydrogen ions (H+) or cause them to be produced in
solutions. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) are common
examples. In water, these break apart into ions:
HCl → H+(aq) + ClΘ(aq) OR
H2SO4 → H+(aq) + HSO4Θ(aq)
Bases are proton acceptors which convert into conjugated acids. They are generally
substances which contain hydroxide ion (OHΘ) or produce it in solution. Alkalis
are the soluble bases, i.e. a base which contains a metal from group 1 or 2 of the
periodic table. To produce hydroxide ions in water, the alkali breaks apart into ions
as below:
NaOH→ Na+(aq) + OHΘ(aq)
Examples of bases include sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide
(KOH), magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).
Antacids are generally bases.

Determination of concentrations of substances in neutralization:

The experimental method about neutralization is the acid-base titration. An acid-
base titration is a method that allows quantitative analysis of the concentration of
an unknown acid or base solution. It makes use of the neutralization reaction that
occurs between acids and bases, and that we know how acids and bases will react
if we know their formula.
Before starting the titration a suitable pH indicator must be chosen. In this project,
phenolphthalein is chosen. The endpoint of the reaction, the point at which all the
reactants have reacted, will have a pH dependent on the relative strengths of the
acid and base used. The pH of the endpoint can be estimated using the following
• A strong acid will react with a strong base to form a neutral (pH=7) solution.
• A strong acid will react with a weak base to form an acidic (pH<7) solution.
• A weak acid will react with a strong base to form a basic (pH>7) solution.
Phenolphthalein is used to determine the end point of the titration which indicates
complete neutralization. In the presence of, an acid solution is colourless, a basic
solution is very dark pink, and a neutral solution is very pale pink. At this point the
solution is very slightly basic, with a negligible amount of excess NaOH. By
keeping track of exactly how much NaOH is needed to complete the neutralization
process, the amount of HCl originally neutralized by the antacid can be calculated.
The difference between the number of moles of HCl initially added to the antacid
and the number of moles of HCl neutralized by the NaOH during the titration is the
number of moles neutralized by the antacid. Several antacids will be tested and the
relative strengths of each will be compared.

Nature of phenolphthalein:
Phenolphthalein is a chemical compound with the formula C20 H14 O4. It is
insoluble in water, and is usually dissolved in alcohols for use in experiments. It is
itself a weak acid, which can lose H+ ions in solution. The phenolphthalein
molecule is colorless. However, the phenolphthalein ion is pink. When a base is
added to the phenolphthalein, the molecule⇌ ions equilibrium shifts to the right,
leading to more ionization as H+ ions are removed. This is predicted by Le
Chatelier's principle.
1. Prepare 1 liter of approximately N/10 HCl solution by diluting 10mL of
concentrated acid to 1 liter.

10ml HCl 1L-0.1M HCl

2. Similarly make 1liter of N/10 NaOH solution by dissolving 4.0g of NaOH to
prepare 1L of solution.


3. Perpare N/10 Na2CO3 by weighing exactly 1.325g of anhydrous

sodium carbonate and then dissolving it into water to make
0.25L(250ml) of solution.
4. Now, standardize the HCl solution by titrating it against standard
Na2CO3 solution using Methyl Orange as indicator.

Conical falsk:- 0.1N Na2CO 3+ Methyl Orange

Burette:- 01. N HCl
5. Similarly standardize NaOH solution by rating it against
standardize HCl solution using phenolphthalein as
Burette: 0.1NHC
Conical flask:1N NaOH + phenolphthalein
6. Powder the various sample of antacids tablets and weigh 1.0g
of each.
7 Add specific volume of standardize HCl solution to each
samples taken in conical flask . The acid should be slight excess, so
that it can neutralize all the alkaline components of the tablets.

8. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein and warm it till most of the powder
dissolves. Filter off the insoluble material.

9. Titrate this solution against the standardized NaOH solution , till a

permanent pinkish tinge is obtained.

10. Repeat this process with different antacids.


Standardisation of HCl solution:

Volume of N/10 Na2CO3 solution taken = ………. ml.

Indicator used = Methyl Orange


Concordant Reading = ……. ml

Applying normality equation,

N1V1 = N2V2
(Acid) (Base)

N1 x = 1/10 x

Standardization of NaOH Solution:

Volume of the given NaOH solution taken = ……… ml.

Indicator used = Phenolphthalein



Concordant Reading = .......... ml
Applying normality equation,
N1`V1` = N2`V2`
(Acid) (Base)

Analysis of antacid tablets:

Weight of the antacid tablet powder = ……...g

Volume of HCl solution added = …

S.No. Aanacid Volume of NaOH used Volume of HCl used for

for neutralizing unused neutralizing 1.0g of
HCl. antacid matter.
1. Gelusin
2. Milk of magnesia
3. Digene
4. Omez
The antacid for which maximum volume of HCl used for neutralizing , is more

Antacids play a very important role in relieving many patients suffering

from gastric hyperacidity, commonly referred to as gastritis. This project was
undertaken to analyze the best commercially available antacid according to the
amount of hydrochloric acid they could neutralize.




 Comprehensive Practical Chemistry Class XII

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