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Phenol from Cumene

22.2 Phenol production from Cumene

22.2.1 Reactions

 Peroxidation: Cumene + Air → Cumene Hydroperoxide.

Hydrolysis: Cumene Hydroperoxide + H2SO4 → Phenol + Acetone.

22.2.2 For Peroxidation

 • Aqueous emulsion is prepared using emulsification agents.

• Operating conditions: Normal T & P.

• Emusification agent: NaOH (Alkali).

22.2.3 For Hydrolysis

 • 10 – 25 % H2SO4 (Aqueous) is used.

• Operating conditions: 55 – 65°C and atmospheric pressure conditions.

Process Description:
 • Fresh cumene is mixed with hydrogenated unreacted cumene, cumene + alpha methyl styrene
(recycle streams).

• The pre-purification step involves converting unsaturates such as alpha methyl styrene and others
to saturates. This is done by using nickel catalyst at 100°C and feeding hydrogen to the pre-purification
reactor. The product from this unit then mixes with the fresh cumene.

• The fresh cumene and processed cumene and alpha methyl styrene are fed to the oxidation reactor.
The oxidation reactor refers to a gas liquid reaction between air (Oxygen) and the cumene.

• An emulsion of cumene is prepared in the oxidation reactor by adding alkali to it.

• pH is maintained in the range of 8.5 – 10.5 to suit good emulsification conditions.

• After reaction, vent gases are condensed and recycled back and the product is sent to a cleavage

• The cleavage unit consists of a stirrer and is fed with fresh and recycled H2SO4 aqueous solution to
enable the hydrolysis of cumene hydroperoxide.

• The product streams from the cleavage unit enter a settler (phase separator) which upon gravity
settling yields two streams namely the acid rich aqueous stream and the phenol rich organic stream.

• The aqueous stream consists of the sulphuric acid and is sent back to the cleavage unit as a recycle

• The organic stream consists of cumene (unreacted), phenol (product), acetone (side product), alpha
methyl styrene (side product) and acetophenone (side product).

• The organic stream from the gravity settler unit then enters a scrubber fed with water. In this
operation, water extracts the remaining acids in the organic stream and produces crude phenol
stream. Water leaving the unit consists of acidified wash water.

• The crude phenol then enters a distillation unit that separates acetone from the other components.

• The bottom product from this distillation column enters a vacuum distillation column that produces
cumene as a top product.

• The bottom product from the distillation column enters another vacuum distillation unit to produce
alpha methyl styrene.

• The bottom product of this distillation column enters the final vacuum distillation unit to produce
phenol as top product and acetophenone as the bottom product.

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