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Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

The Procure to Pay cycle is vital to an organization as in this process the organization buys and
received goods or services from its vendors and makes necessary payments.

The key functionalities for different processes of the Procure-to-Pay cycle are:
In-built intelligence with business transactions--Role based dash boards and work area for buyer,
approver; presenting the statistical report, trend, spend analysis, personalized search capability

Enhanced sourcing capabilities--Supplier analysis, visibility of supplier lead time and popularity
across departments

Supplier self-service-- Single log-on for supplier providing complete visibility to their transactions and
full invoicing capability

Standardized processes -- to facilitate shared services model and centralized procurement function

Smart Receipt capabilities-- Automatic receipt application engine, Over/Under payment rules, scored
recommendations based on customer, transaction or exceptions, centralized approach for receipt
processing, setup rules to match receipt to the specialist for manual intervention and rules to mark the
priority of the receipt based on attributes

Payable dashboard--To collaborate with various participants, visibility of priority items and work
volume, item tagging option for quick retrieval

Invoice Work Area-- Invoice creation from scanned images, exception resolution, Invoice creation in a
format based on real life physical invoice offering easy data entry and audit

Integrated invoice image processing-- Image attached with the invoice throughout invoice life-cycle

Invoice indicators--Out of balance, status and hold, prepayment alert during entry

Voucher matching -- with the receipt and PO in the same window

Personalized view-- Excel like capability to freeze columns, personalized search, full screen view,
export to excel

One of the best characteristics of the Oracle Fusion applications is that these can be fully integrated
with traditional Oracle ERP solutions like PeopleSoft, Oracle EBS. So the existing Oracle customers can
choose to implement module wise and selective Fusion functions too.

With the in-built business intelligence capabilities and business benefits of cloud based applications;
Oracle Fusion financials and procurement definitely equip the finance and purchasing users to play a
bigger role and add value in overall business achievements.
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

The P2P cycle comprises of the following steps,

01. Create Requisitions
02. Approve Requisitions
03. Create Purchase Orders
04. Approve Purchase Orders
05. Receive Goods
06. Create Payables invoice with Match PO Lines
07. Approve Invoice
08. Invoice Payment to Supplier with Electronic Method
09. Approve Payments
10. Verify the Transaction Life Cycle
11. Transfer Payables data to General Ledger
12. Transfer Payments data to General Ledger
13. Verify the Journal Batches
14. Verify the Notifications in Mail
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 1: Create Requisitions

Nav: Procurement  Purchase Requisitions

Click the More Tasks dropdown and select Request Noncatalog Item.

Enter the below requisition details and click on Add to Cart button
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Requisition added to cart

Click on the cart and click on the Review button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Review the requisition details and click on Submit button

Requisition will create ad it will submit for approval, click on the View PDF button to check the
requisition details
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 02: Approve the Requisition

Login the application with Manager user and click on the notification bell icon

Click on the Approve button

User will get the Approved notification

Requisition status changed to Approved

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

And also get the mail notification

Tabled involved in Requisition

TO_CHAR (prha.approved_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.quantity_cancelled AS cancelled_line_qty,
TO_CHAR (prla.req_bu_id) AS bu_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS org_id,
TO_CHAR (prla.po_line_id) AS po_line_id,
NVL (TO_CHAR (prla.deliver_to_cust_id), '0') AS deliver_to_cust_id,
prla.destination_type_code AS destination_type_code,
prla.item_source AS item_source,
NVL (prla.suggested_supplier_item_number, 0) AS
NVL (prla.suggested_vendor_name, '-') AS suggested_vendor_name,
prla.line_status AS line_status,
WHEN prla.matching_basis = 'AMOUNT' THEN prla.amount
ELSE prla.quantity * prla.unit_price
END) AS line_amt,
TO_CHAR (prla.requested_ship_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prla.last_approval_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

TO_CHAR (prla.cancel_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS cancel_date,

TO_CHAR (prla.last_submitted_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.item_description AS line_text,
prla.rate AS loc_exchange_rate,
prla.uom_code AS primary_uom_code,
prla.line_number AS purch_line_num,
prha.requisition_number AS purch_rqstn_num,
prla.quantity AS requested_qty,
NVL (prla.currency_unit_price, prla.unit_price) AS unit_price,
prla.secondary_uom_code AS uom_code,
prla.urgent_flag AS urgent_flg,
prha.document_status AS document_status,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prha.approved_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prla.need_by_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS operating_unit_org_key,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prha.creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_CHAR (prla.item_id) AS item_key,
TO_NUMBER (NULL) AS received_on_dt_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.requester_id) AS requestor_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS rqstn_org_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.vendor_site_id) AS supplier_account_key,
TO_CHAR (NVL (pov.party_id, prla.vendor_id)) AS supplier_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.item_id) AS supplier_prod_key,
'Purchase Requisition' || '~' || prla.order_type_lookup_code AS
TO_CHAR (prha.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.quantity AS ordered_qty,
(prla.unit_price * prla.quantity) AS amount_ordered,
pda.distribution_amount AS distribution_amt,
NVL (pda.distribution_quantity, 0) AS distribution_qty,
pda.nonrecoverable_tax AS nonrecoverable_tax,
pda.recoverable_tax AS recoverable_tax,
fnd.username AS line_last_updated_by,
fnd_c.username AS line_created_by,
TO_CHAR (prha.submission_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
por_requisition_headers_all prha,
por_requisition_lines_all prla,
po_line_locations_all polla,
gl_code_combinations glcc,
por_req_distributions_all pda,
per_users fnd,
per_users fnd_c,
poz_suppliers pov
AND prla.requisition_header_id = prha.requisition_header_id(+)
AND prla.requisition_line_id(+) = pda.requisition_line_id
AND pda.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
AND TO_CHAR (fnd.user_id(+)) = prla.last_updated_by
AND TO_CHAR (fnd_c.user_id(+)) = prla.created_by
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

AND pov.vendor_id(+) = prla.vendor_id

AND prha.requisition_number = '204073'
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 03: Create Purchase Order with Requisition

Nav: Procurement  Purchase Orders

Click on the tasks and click on the Process Requisitions task from Requisitions

Search with requisition and select the requisition and click on Add to Document Builder button
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Select the line click on Ok button

Click on the Create button to create the order

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

It will create the order and generate the order number

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Verify the details and click on the submit button

It will Submit for manager approval

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 03: Approve the Purchase Orders

Login the application with Manager user and click on the notification bell icon

Click on the Approve button to approve the purchase order

User will get the order approved notification

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

And also will get the email notification

Below the Tables are effected

TO_CHAR (prla.requisition_line_id) AS purch_req_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.deliver_to_location_id) AS deliver_to_location_key,
TO_CHAR (prha.approved_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
polla.amount_cancelled AS cancelled_line_amt,
prla.quantity_cancelled AS cancelled_line_qty,
pha.currency_code AS doc_curr_code,
TO_CHAR (DECODE (pha.agent_id, NULL, prla.assigned_buyer_id)) AS
TO_CHAR (prla.req_bu_id) AS bu_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS org_id,
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

TO_CHAR (pla.category_id) AS category_id,

TO_CHAR (prla.po_line_id) AS po_line_id,
NVL (TO_CHAR (prla.deliver_to_cust_id), '0') AS
prla.destination_type_code AS destination_type_code,
prla.item_source AS item_source,
NVL (prla.suggested_supplier_item_number, 0) AS
NVL (prla.suggested_vendor_name, '-') AS suggested_vendor_name,
prla.buyer_processing_flag AS buyer_processing_flg,
TO_CHAR (prla.requested_ship_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prla.last_approval_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prla.cancel_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prla.last_submitted_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.item_description AS line_text,
prla.rate AS loc_exchange_rate,
TO_CHAR (NVL (polla.promised_date,NVL (polla.need_by_date,
prla.need_by_date)),'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS needed_by_date,
TO_CHAR (pha.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (DECODE (pha.approved_flag, 'Y', pha.approved_date,
NULL),'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS po_approved_on_date,
pha.revision_num AS po_revisions,
TO_CHAR (pha.submit_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.uom_code AS primary_uom_code,
prla.line_number AS purch_line_num,
prha.requisition_number AS purch_rqstn_num,
prla.quantity AS requested_qty,
pla.uom_code AS standard_uom_code,
NVL (prla.currency_unit_price, prla.unit_price) AS unit_price,
prla.secondary_uom_code AS uom_code,
prla.urgent_flag AS urgent_flg,
prha.document_status AS document_status,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prha.approved_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (polla.promised_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_CHAR (pha.default_po_trade_org_id) AS inventory_org_key,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prla.need_by_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (prha.creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (DECODE (pha.approved_flag, 'Y',
pha.approved_date, NULL),'YYYYMMDD')) AS po_approved_on_dt_key,
TO_CHAR (pha.document_creation_method) AS po_creation_method_key,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (pha.submit_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

TO_CHAR (prla.item_id) AS item_key,

TO_NUMBER (NULL) AS received_on_dt_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.requester_id) AS requestor_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.destination_organization_id) AS rqstn_org_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.vendor_site_id) AS supplier_account_key,
TO_CHAR (NVL (pov.party_id, prla.vendor_id)) AS supplier_key,
TO_CHAR (prla.item_id) AS supplier_prod_key,
'Purchase Requisition' || '~' || prla.order_type_lookup_code AS
TO_CHAR (prha.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
prla.quantity AS ordered_qty,
pdar.quantity_delivered AS quantity_delivered,
(prla.unit_price * prla.quantity) AS amount_ordered,
(prla.unit_price * pdar.quantity_delivered) AS amount_delivered,
pda.distribution_amount AS distribution_amt,
NVL (pda.distribution_quantity, 0) AS distribution_qty,
pda.nonrecoverable_tax AS nonrecoverable_tax,
pda.recoverable_tax AS recoverable_tax,
TO_CHAR (pha.segment1) AS po_num,
TO_CHAR (pla.line_num) AS po_line_num,
TO_CHAR (prla.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prha.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (polla.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (pha.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (pla.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (pdar.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
fnd.username AS line_last_updated_by,
fnd_c.username AS line_created_by,
TO_CHAR (pha.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (pla.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prla.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prha.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (polla.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (pdar.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (prha.submission_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
'PO_LINE_TYPE' || '~' || prla.line_type_id AS line_type_key,
WHEN (prha.document_status IS NULL OR prha.document_status =
ELSE 'PO_DOC_STATUS' || '~' || prha.document_status
END AS approval_status_key,
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

AS integration_id
FROM por_requisition_headers_all prha,
por_requisition_lines_all prla,
po_line_locations_all polla,
po_headers_all pha,
po_lines_all pla,
po_distributions_all pdar,
gl_code_combinations glcc,
por_req_distributions_all pda,
per_users fnd,
per_users fnd_c,
poz_suppliers pov
WHERE prla.requisition_header_id = prha.requisition_header_id(+)
AND prla.requisition_line_id(+) = pda.requisition_line_id
AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id(+)
AND pdar.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id(+)
AND pdar.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id(+)
AND pdar.line_location_id = polla.line_location_id(+)
AND polla.po_line_id(+) = pla.po_line_id
AND polla.po_header_id(+) = pha.po_header_id
AND pda.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
AND pdar.req_distribution_id(+) = pda.distribution_id
AND TO_CHAR (fnd.user_id(+)) = prla.last_updated_by
AND TO_CHAR (fnd_c.user_id(+)) = prla.created_by
AND pov.vendor_id(+) = prla.vendor_id
ORDER BY pdar.po_distribution_id
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

05. Receive Goods

Nav: Procurement  My Receipts

Search with Requisition number or Purchase Order number and select the line and click on Receive

Enter the receive quantity and click on Submit button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Receipt number will generate

Tables of Importance for this specific report are below:

This has return to supplier transaction types. Please query the data and
then review the column TRANSACTION_TYPE to filter specific 'Return to
supplier' records.

This has the receipt header details


This has receipt line details including the quantities.


poz.segment1 vendor_num,
DECODE (rcvh.vendor_site_id, NULL, NULL, site.vendor_site_code)
DECODE (rcvl.po_header_id,NULL, 'Unordered','Ordered') AS receipt_type,
rcvh.creation_date AS receipt_date,
hrl.location_code||'-'|| hrl.description AS ship_to_location,
-- ppf.full_name,
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

poh.segment1 AS po_num,
poh.creation_date AS po_date,
rcvh.comments AS header_note,
DECODE (rcvl.routing_header_id, 2, 'Yes','No')
rcv_shipment_headers rcvh,
rcv_shipment_lines rcvl,
poz_suppliers poz,
poz_supplier_sites_all_m site,
hr_locations_all hrl,
per_all_people_f ppf,
po_headers_all poh,
po_lines_all pol,
po_line_locations_all poll
WHERE rcvh.shipment_header_id = rcvl.shipment_header_id
AND rcvh.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id
AND poh.vendor_id = site.vendor_id
AND rcvh.vendor_site_id = site.vendor_site_id
AND rcvl.ship_to_location_id = hrl.location_id
AND rcvh.employee_id = ppf.person_id(+)
AND rcvl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+)
AND rcvl.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id(+)
AND rcvl.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id(+)
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

06. Create Payables invoice with Match PO Lines

Nav: Payables Invoices

Click on the Create Invoice link from Invoices task

Search with PO number and enter the invoice details and select the Match Invoice Lines and click on
the Go button
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Select the PO and click on Apply, Ok button

PO lines will be defaulted in invoice lines

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Validate the invoice, Click on Invoice Actions Validate

Initiate the Invoice Approval, Invoice Actions Approval Initiate

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 06: Approve Invoice

Login the application with Manager user and click on the notification bell icon and click on the

Click on the Approve button to approve the Invoice

User will get the order approved notification

And also will get the email notification

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Back to invoice page, click Save and close button

aia.set_of_books_id AS ledger_id,
aia.legal_entity_id AS legal_entity_id,
aia.org_id AS bu_id,
aia.vendor_id AS supplier_id,
aia.vendor_site_id AS supplier_site_id,
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (aia.invoice_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) AS invoice_dt_id,
NVL (aia.accts_pay_code_combination_id, 0) AS glcc_liab_id,
NVL (dist.dist_code_combination_id, 0) AS glcc_expense_id,
aia.terms_id, AS terms_name,
TO_CHAR (aia.invoice_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS invoice_date,
TO_CHAR (aia.invoice_received_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

NVL (aia.voucher_num, 0) AS voucher_num,

aia.wfapproval_status AS wfapproval_status,
aia.description AS description,
TO_CHAR (aia.gl_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS accounting_date,
NVL (aia.invoice_amount, 0) AS invoice_amount,
NVL (aia.amount_paid, 0) AS amount_paid,
NVL (aia.discount_amount_taken, 0) AS discount_amount_taken,
NVL (aia.amount_applicable_to_discount, 0) AS
NVL (aia.base_amount, 0) AS base_amount,
NVL (aia.freight_amount, 0) AS freight_amount,
NVL (aia.cancelled_amount, 0) AS cancelled_amount,
NVL (aia.payment_amount_total, 0) AS payment_amount_total,
NVL (aia.control_amount, 0) AS control_amount,
NVL (aia.total_tax_amount, 0) AS total_tax_amount,
NVL (aia.self_assessed_tax_amount, 0) AS self_assessed_tax_amount,
aia.party_id AS party_id,
NVL (aila.amount, 0) AS ap_inv_line_amount,
aila.line_number AS ap_inv_line_no,
aila.description AS ap_inv_line_desc,
aila.line_type_lookup_code AS line_type_lookup_code,
aila.attribute_category AS l_attribute_category,
aila.global_attribute_category AS l_gdf_category,
aila.inventory_item_id AS l_inevntory_item_id,
bat.batch_name AS batch_name,
NVL (dist.amount, 0) AS ap_inv_dist_amount,
TO_CHAR (dist.accounting_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
dist.type_1099 AS type_1099,
dist.distribution_line_number AS dist_line_number,
dist.attribute_category AS dist_attribute_category,
dist.global_attribute_category AS dist_gdf_category,
alc.displayed_field AS invoice_type,
alc1.displayed_field AS posted_status,
alc2.displayed_field AS dist_type,
alc3.displayed_field AS line_type,
TO_CHAR (aia.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aia.created_by AS h_created_by,
TO_CHAR (aia.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aia.last_updated_by AS h_last_update_by,
TO_CHAR (aila.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aila.last_updated_by AS l_last_updated_by,
TO_CHAR (aila.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aila.created_by AS l_created_by,
TO_CHAR (dist.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

dist.last_updated_by AS dist_last_updated_by,
TO_CHAR (dist.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
dist.created_by AS dist_created_by,
poh.segment1 AS purch_order_num,
aila.attribute1 AS l_dff_activity_code,
TO_CHAR (aila.attribute_date1, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (aila.attribute_date2, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
dist.attribute1 AS dist_dff_activity_code
ap_invoices_all aia,
iby_payment_methods_tl pm,
ap_terms_tl apt,
ap_invoice_lines_all aila,
ap_batches_all bat,
ap_invoice_distributions_all dist,
ap_lookup_codes alc,
ap_lookup_codes alc1,
ap_lookup_codes alc2,
ap_lookup_codes alc3,
po_distributions_all pda,
po_headers_all poh
AND aia.payment_method_code = pm.payment_method_code(+)
AND NVL (pm.language, 'US') = 'US'
AND aia.terms_id = apt.term_id(+)
AND NVL (apt.language, 'US') = 'US'
AND aia.invoice_id = aila.invoice_id
AND aia.batch_id = bat.batch_id(+)
AND aila.invoice_id = dist.invoice_id(+)
AND aila.line_number = dist.invoice_line_number(+)
AND alc.lookup_type = 'INVOICE TYPE'
AND alc.lookup_code = aia.invoice_type_lookup_code
AND alc1.lookup_type(+) = 'POSTING STATUS'
AND alc1.lookup_code(+) = dist.posted_flag
AND alc2.lookup_type(+) = 'INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE'
AND alc2.lookup_code(+) = dist.line_type_lookup_code
AND alc3.lookup_type(+) = 'INVOICE LINE TYPE'
AND alc3.lookup_code(+) = aila.line_type_lookup_code
AND dist.po_distribution_id = pda.po_distribution_id(+)
AND pda.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+)
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

08. Invoice Payment to Supplier with Electronic Method

Nav: Payables Payments

Click on the Submit Payment Process Request link from Payments task

Enter the PPR name and select the Payment Method, Supplier, Bank, Payment process profile and
Approver and click on the Submit button
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Click on the Go Action button

Verify the payments and click on Submit button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Click on the Go Action button

Click on the Resume Payment Process button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Once the payment is created it will ask for the approval, click on the Go Actions button to Initiate the

Click on the Save button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Step 09: Approve Payment

Login the application with Manager user and click on the notification bell icon and click on the

Click on the Approve button to approve the PPR

User will get the order approved notification

And also will get the email notification

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Back to Payments page, Status will changed to approved, Click on the Go actions button

Click on the Resume Payment Process button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

It will complete the process and submit the programs, Click on the View Output on Format Payment
Files job

Here is the output of payment

bu.primary_ledger_id AS ledger_id,
ipa.org_id AS bu_id,
ipa.legal_entity_id AS legal_entity_id,
checks.vendor_id AS supplier_id,
checks.vendor_site_id AS supplier_site_id,
COALESCE (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (ipa.payment_date, 'YYYYMMDD')), 0) AS
TO_CHAR (checks.check_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS check_date,
COALESCE (aia.accts_pay_code_combination_id, 0) AS glcc_id,
TO_CHAR (aipa.accounting_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aipa.invoice_id AS invoice_id,
aia.invoice_num AS invoice_num,
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

TO_CHAR (aia.invoice_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS invoice_date,

TO_CHAR (ps.due_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS due_date,
COALESCE (checks.check_voucher_num, 0) AS check_voucher_num,
aipa.amount_inv_curr AS amount_inv_curr,
checks.check_number AS check_number,
NVL (checks.amount, 0) AS check_amount,
NVL (aipa.amount, 0) AS amount,
NVL (aipa.invoice_base_amount, 0) AS invoice_base_amount,
NVL (aipa.payment_base_amount, 0) AS payment_base_amount,
aia.invoice_currency_code AS invoice_currency_code,
checks.currency_code AS currency_code,
checks.cleared_amount AS cleared_amount,
TO_CHAR (checks.cleared_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS cleared_date,
ipa.payee_name AS payee_name,
ipa.payment_amount AS payment_amount,
TO_CHAR (ipa.payment_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS payment_date,
aplc.displayed_field AS check_status,
ipa.payment_status AS payment_status,
checks.recon_flag AS reconciled_flag,
DECODE (checks.payment_type_flag,
'A', 'Payment Process Request',
'M', 'Manual',
'Q', 'Quick payment',
'R', 'Reunfund') AS payment_type,
TO_CHAR (checks.stopped_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (checks.void_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
TO_CHAR (checks.released_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
ipa.payee_supplier_site_name AS payee_site_name,
ipa.ext_bank_account_number AS remit_to_bank_account_no,
ipa.payee_address_concat AS remit_to_address,
ipa.remit_to_location_id AS remit_to_location_id,
ipa.beneficiary_name AS beneficiary_name,
checks.iban_number AS iban,
ipa.ext_bic AS bic,
flvt.meaning AS payment_function,
ipa.ext_bank_name AS remit_to_bank_name,
ipa.ext_branch_number AS ext_branch_number,
ipa.ext_bank_branch_party_id AS ext_bank_branch_party_id,
ipa.ext_bank_branch_name AS remit_to_branch_name,
ipa.internal_bank_account_id AS internal_bank_account_id,
ipa.external_bank_account_id AS external_bank_account_id,
ipa.org_type AS payment_org_type,
ipa.payment_profile_id AS payment_profile_id,
ipa.payment_profile_acct_name AS payment_process_profile,
cpd.payment_document_name AS payment_document,
ipa.payment_process_request_name AS payment_process_request,
ipa.payment_instruction_id AS payment_file_reference,
ipa.payment_service_request_id AS payment_service_request_id,
ipa.payment_method_code AS payment_method_code,
ipa.int_bank_account_name AS disbursement_bank_account,
ipa.int_bank_name AS int_bank_name,
ipa.int_bank_branch_name AS int_bank_branch_name,
ipa.int_bank_branch_number AS int_bank_branch_number,
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

ipa.int_bank_account_number AS int_bank_account_number,
ipa.bill_payable_flag AS bill_payable_flag,
ipa.payment_reference_number AS payment_reference_number,
checks.check_id AS check_id,
TO_CHAR (aipa.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aipa.created_by AS aipa_created_by,
TO_CHAR (aipa.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
aipa.last_updated_by AS aipa_last_updated_by,
TO_CHAR (checks.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
checks.created_by AS checks_created_by,
TO_CHAR (checks.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
checks.last_updated_by AS checks_last_updated_by,
TO_CHAR (ipa.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
ipa.created_by AS ipa_created_by,
TO_CHAR (ipa.last_update_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
ipa.last_updated_by AS ipa_last_updated_by,
COALESCE (aipa.invoice_payment_id, 0)
ap_checks_all checks,
ap_invoice_payments_all aipa,
fun_all_business_units_v bu,
ap_invoices_all aia,
ap_payment_schedules_all ps,
ap_lookup_codes aplc,
ce_payment_documents cpd,
iby_payments_all ipa,
fnd_lookup_values_tl flvt
AND aipa.check_id = checks.check_id
AND ipa.org_id = bu.bu_id
AND aipa.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
AND aipa.invoice_id = ps.invoice_id
AND aipa.payment_num = ps.payment_num
AND aplc.lookup_type(+) = 'CHECK STATE'
AND aplc.lookup_code(+) = checks.status_lookup_code
AND checks.payment_document_id = cpd.payment_document_id(+)
AND checks.payment_id = ipa.payment_id(+)
AND ipa.payment_function = flvt.lookup_code(+)
AND flvt.lookup_type(+) = 'IBY_PAYMENT_FUNCTIONS'
AND flvt.source_lang(+) = 'US'
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

10. Verify the Transaction Life Cycle

Nav: Procurement  Purchase Requisitions

Search with Requisition number, Click on the requisition number

Click on the View Life Cycle button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Purchase order Life Cycle

Search with Purchase order number and click on the View Details button
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

11. Transfer Payables data to General Ledger

Navigate to Payables, Search with invoice number in Manage invoice task
Click on the Invoice Actions and click on post to ledger button

Invoice Accounting status will changed to Accounting

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Verify the Post Journal report

Batch Name is : Payables A 1622089000001 1622089 N

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

12. Transfer Payments data to General Ledger

Navigate the Payments page, Click on Manage Payments link

Search with PPR name and click on payment number

Click on Actions and post to Journal button

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Verify the Post Journal report

Batch Name is : Payables A 1622098000001 1622098 N

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

13. Verify the Journal Batches

Nav : General Accounting Journal

Click on Manage Journal Task

Search with Journal batch Name

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Click on the Payments Batch

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

Click on the Purchase Invoice batch

Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

COALESCE (l.ledger_id, 0) "LEDGER_ID",
COALESCE (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (l.effective_date, 'YYYYMMDD')), 0)
COALESCE (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (h.posted_date, 'YYYYMMDD')), 0)
COALESCE (l.code_combination_id, 0) "GLCC_ID", "JE_BATCH_NAME",
b.status AS "JE_BATCH_STATUS",
b.description AS "JE_BATCH_DESC",
b.approval_status_code AS "JE_BATCH_APPROVAL_STATUS",
b.je_source AS "JE_BATCH_SOURCE",
b.default_period_name AS "JE_BATCH_PERIOD_NAME",
TO_CHAR (b.posted_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

TO_CHAR (b.default_effective_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:mi:ss') AS

l.je_header_id "JE_HEADER_ID",
l.je_line_num "JE_LINE_NUM",
l.je_header_id || '~' || l.je_line_num "JOURNAL_ID",
l.je_header_id || '~' || l.je_line_num "INTEGRATION_ID"
gl_je_lines l,
gl_je_headers h,
gl_je_batches b,
gl_ledgers gl,
per_users fu,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
gl_periods gp,
per_users ful,
gl_translation_rates gtr
AND l.je_header_id = h.je_header_id
AND h.je_batch_id = b.je_batch_id
AND gl.ledger_id = h.ledger_id
AND gcc.code_combination_id = l.code_combination_id
AND l.period_name = gp.period_name
AND gp.period_set_name = :period_set_name
AND l.last_updated_by = ful.username(+)
AND fu.active_flag(+) = 'Y'
AND ful.active_flag(+) = 'Y'
AND gtr.set_of_books_id(+) = gl.ledger_id
AND gtr.period_name(+) = gp.period_name
AND gtr.to_currency_code(+) = 'USD'
AND l.last_update_date >= :last_run_date
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flow OracleApps88

14. Verify the Notifications in Mail

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