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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BKL-001

Certificate in Korean Language and

Culture (CKLC)
Term-End Examination
December, 2018
BKL-001 : Basics of Korean—I

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions
carry equal marks.

1. Write appropriate Korean words for the words

given below : (10x2 = 20)
(a) Teacher
(b) Book
(c) Desk
(d) Summer
(e) Morning
(f) Sunday
(g) To go
(h) To eat
(i) To study
(j) To work

(A-4) P. T. O.
[2] BKL-001

2. Match the words given below and make one

simple sentence in Korean using each one of
them : (10x2 = 20)

(a) Korean

(b) Doctor

(c) Apple

(d) Movie eq- Af

(e) Football WOF -SFCE

(f) Yesterday cigSf

(g) What 0-i741

(h) When 9.i Ai-

(i) To meet Atx1-

(j) To like

3. Conjugate the Korean verbs according to the

example given below for each verb : (10x2 = 20)
Example: 7FCI
(a) CEIr-i- -->
(b) iF E F ->
(c) ->
Example: 7FCF
(d) -->
(e) 4
(f) gC.1- -->
Example: 7E* --->
(g) -->
(h) -
itiCf -->

[ 3 ] BKL-001

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of

the verbs given below : (5x4 = 20)

(a) kre L112.1 J40U ( 71-C1)

(b) *al UI4J it01 ( *6111-4
(c) 11117f VM011 71-2. (
(d) dal Agt ON*
goiega. ( goFt1.4 )
(e) xi71 Y171- 4101 clot M10112. ( act )

5. Read the passage and write 'True' or 'False'

according to the questions given below : (5x4 = 20)
shoshbIL-wi? zip 4J+4.4-14. sire x1 0474- =E111.1
t11511 Y4E111 ttU4. xis MR Algol 711-114. AlltoVet A} hi Aefm. Iola
1:11-114. 24 047;1 tIt• nit 4k 4.11-11*. =am SDI !CIF 801* 411-14. 4 04xF
101tR-14. =2Nkl elJ ti5 iva &01431-11:4-.
(a) .2.1te 12.J4= Al MALICE

(b)air x1 64011 INSLI of EIf 101-10-.

(c)12! Alt J4 OIA1 AI-31- c1.1.1 7Hf 411-lci.
(d) ER*E. 21 li)Eloi
(e) J4 AkI21 014 CLe-'

6. Complete the conversation given below in

Korean : (5x4 = 20)
(a) 71-: Oixii 2N ttazoi 2i ttoisit.?

(b) 7F: mitx} Al, JWIA1Vaoxi OAPII 7E8?


[4] BKL-001

(c) 7i-: MIS:1 0 1 44 011.2.?


(d) Ci int MI, 4LiD17• JP11042.?

(e) 7h Mil MI, *el LIM A*111171%22

BKL-001 1500


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