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Organization and Management in Context

(Week No. / Dates)
WEEK 1 June 4 – 8, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1a-b-1 Discuss the meaning and functions of management Role Playing June 4 – 8, 2018 –
Classes start
ABM_AOM11-1a-b-2 Explain the various types of management theories Group Activities

WEEK 2 June 11 – 15, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1a-b-3 Explain the functions, roles and skills of a manager Role Playing June 12, 2018 –
Independence Day
WEEK June 18 – 29, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1c-d-4 Identify various forces/elements of the firm’s
3&4 environment.
Group Activities
ABM_AOM11-1c-d-5 Summarize these forces the PEST and SWOT

ABM_AOM11-1c-d-6 Describe the local and international business

environment of a firm

WEEK July 2 – 13, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1c-d-7 Explain the role of business in relation to the
5&6 economy.

ABM_AOM11-1c-d-8 Discuss the different phases of economic Exercises 3 of chptr 2– Org. &
development. Mgt. Page 22

ABM_AOM11-1c-d-9 Differentiate the various forms of business


WEEK July 16 – 27, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1e-g-10 Discuss the nature of planning

7&8 Exercises 2 of chptr 2– Org. &
ABM_AOM11-1e-g-11 Compare and contrast the different types of plans Mgt. Page 31

ABM_AOM11-1e-g-12 Describe planning at different levels in the firm

WEEK 9 July 30 – Aug. 3, ABM_AOM11-1e-g-13 Apply appropriate planning technique and tools
2018 Exercises 4 of chptr 2– Org. &
ABM_AOM11-1e-g-14 Formulate a decision from several alternatives. Mgt. Page 35

ABM_AOM11-1h-j-15 Discuss the nature of organization Exercises 1 chptr 4 – Org. &

Mgt. Page 39
WEEK 10 Aug. 6 – 10, 2018 ABM_AOM11-1h-j-16 Distinguish the various types of organization
Exercises 2 chptr 4 – Org. &
ABM_AOM11-1h-j-17 Apply organization theories in solving business Mgt. Page 43

ABM_AOM11-1h-j-18 Identify the different elements of delegation Exercises 5 chptr 4 – Org. &
Mgt. Page 50
ABM_AOM11-1h-j-19 Differentiate formal from informal organization
WEEK Aug. 13 – 24, 2018 ABM_AOM11-11a-b-20 Discuss the nature of staffing Exercises 1 chptr 5 – Org. &
11 & 12 Mgt. Page 53
ABM_AOM11-11a-b-21 Explain the steps in the recruitment and selection
process Exercises 3 chptr 5 – Org. &
Mgt. Page 60
ABM_AOM11-11a-b-22 Recognize the different training programs
Exercises 4 chptr 5 – Org. &
Mgt. Page 63

ABM_AOM11-11a-b-23 Identify the policy guidelines on compensation/wages Exercises 5 chptr 5 – Org. &
and performance evaluation/ appraisal Mgt. Page 67

WEEK Aug. 27 – Sept. 7, ABM_AOM11-11a-b-24 Discuss the importance of employee relations Exercises 6 chptr 5 – Org. &
13 & 14 2018 Mgt. Page 69
ABM_AOM11-11a-b-25 Differentiate various employee movements

ABM_AOM11-11a-b-26 Adopt effective rewards system

Discuss the nature of Directing
Exercises 1 of chptr 6 – Org.
Differentiate leading to managing & Mgt. Pages 79, 83
Identify the different theories of motivation
Sept. 10 – 21, 2018 Exercises 3, 4 of chptr 6 –
Differentiate styles of leadership Org. & Mgt. Pages 87, 92
Appreciate the role of communication in directing
people within the organization

Explain the management of change and diversity in

the workplace Exercises 5, 6 of chptr 6 –
Org. & Mgt. Pages 96, 100
Recognize the interrelationship of Filipino from
foreign cultures

WEEK 1 6 Sept. 24 – 28, 2018

Discuss the nature of controlling

Describe the link between planning and controlling

Distinguish control methods and system

ABM_AOM11-11f-h-36 Exercises 1,2 of chptr 7– Org.
Oct. 1 - 5, 2018 & Mgt. Pages 103, 109
Apply management control in accounting and
WEEK 17 ABM_AOM11-11f-h-37
marketing concepts and techniques

Prepare budget Plan

Exercises 1,2 of chptr 8– Org.
Oct. 8- 12, 2018 ABM_AOM11-11i-39
WEEK 14 Explain the nature and role in the firm of different & Mgt. Pages 127, 129, 132,
areas of management 135

Explain how to start a small-family business

Identify the business legal forms and requirements
ABM_AOM11-11j-41 Exercises 1,2 of chptr 9– Org.
& Mgt. Pages 141, 145, 147
WEEK 15 Oct. 15 - 19, 2018 Appreciate the role of small-family business in an
improving economic status

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