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Nama : Megha Azhari Maddeppungeng

NIM : 0910580319038

Kelas : E-inst.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Macam-macam Tenses beserta contohnya!
1. Simple Present Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan fakta, kebiasaan, dan keadaan umum yang
terjadi pada saat ini.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
Subject + Verb / Verb-s/es He works hard for this
+ Complement company
Subject + am/are/is +
She is beautiful
Sunbect + do/does not + He does not work hard
Verb1 + Complement for this company
Subject + am/are/is + not
She is not beautiful
+ complement
Do/does + Subject + Does he work hard for
Verb1 + Complement? this company?
Am/are/is + Subject +
Is she beautiful?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah: usually, always, every, sometimes,
normally, dan seldom, dll.

2. Present Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung. Yang paling
utama dari tense ini adalah adanya durasi waktu untuk kata kerjanya.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
Subject + am/are/is + We are studying English.
Verb-ing + Complement She is reading a magazine
We are not
Subject + am/are/is + Not studying English.
+ Complement She is not reading a
Am/are/is + Subject + Are we studying English?
Verb-ing + Complement? Is she reading a magazine
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah now, at the time, at this present, at this
moment, dll.
3. Present Perfect Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi atau kejadian sudah selesai dan
menekankan pada hasilnya.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I have finished my
Subject + has/have + homework.
Verb3 + Complement She has finished her
I have not finished my
Subject + has/have + not + homework.
Verb3 + Complement She has not finished her
Have I finished my
Has/have + Subject + homework?
Verb3 + Complement? Has she finished her
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far,
till now, dll.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan
terus berlanjut sampai saat ini. Biasanya aksi yang menggunakan tense ini
mempunyai durasi waktu tentu dan mempunyai relevansi dengan kondisi
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
You have been
working here since 2015.
Subject + has/have + been
Positif She has been
+ Verb-ing + Complement
speaking for the last 3
You have not been
Subject + has/have + not + working here since 2015.
Negatif been + Verb-ing + She has not been
Complement speaking for the last 3
Have you been
working here since 2015?
Has/have + Subject + been
Interogatif Has she been
+ Verb-ing + Complement?
speaking for the last 3
5. Simple Past Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian di masa lampau.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
Subject + Verb2 + He worked hard for that
Complement company.
Subject + was/were +
She was beautiful
Subject + did not + Verb1 He did not work hard for
+ Complement that company.
Subject + was/were + not
She was not beautiful.
+ Complement
Did + Subject + Verb1 + Did he work hard for that
Complement? company?
Was/were + Subject +
Was she beautiful?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah last year, last month, yesterday, in
1996, last Sunday, dll.

6. Past Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada masa
lampau. Biasanya, ada 2 kejadian terjadi di masa lampau, dan kejadian yang
diinterupsi tersebut yang menggunakan tense ini.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I was studying English
Subject + was/were + when he called.
Verb-ing + Complement She was watching
television at 2 o’clock
I was not
studying English when he
Subject + was/were + Not
Negatif called.
+ Verb-ing + Complement
She was not watching
television at 2 o’clock
Was I studying English
Was/were + Subject + when he called?
Verb-ing + Complement? Was She watching
television at 2 o’clock
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah when, while, as long as, at this time
yesterday, dll.
7. Past Perfect Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu
tertentu di masa lampau, dan lebih menekankan pada hasil dari pada
durasinya kejadiannya. Biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian
mana yang terlebih terjadi dahulu di antara 2 kejadian yang terjadi di masa
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I had finished my
homework before I met up
Subject + had + Verb3 +
Positif with my friends yesterday.
She had gone before you
I had not finished my
homework before I met up
Subject + had + not +
Negatif with my friends yesterday.
Verb3 + Complement
I hadn’t already taken a
bath when you visit me
Had I finished my
homework before I met up
with my friends
Had + Subject + Verb3 +
Interogatif yesterday?
Had you already
graduated from senior
high school last year?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah before yesterday, till three days ago,
already, until that day, dll.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan sudah
selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga. Tense ini menekankan
pada durasi kejadiannya. Tense ini juga digunakan pada Reported Speech
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
You had been crying for
Subject + had + been + an hour.
Verb-ing + Complement She had been playing
badminton at 7 o’clock
You had not been
Subject + had + not + been crying for an hour.
+ Verb-ing + Complement She had not been playing
badminton at 7 o’clock
Had you been crying for
Had + Subject + been + an hour?
Verb-ing + Complement? Had She been playing
badminton at 7 o’clock?
9. Simple Future Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi atau suatu keadaan di masa depan.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I will work hard for this
Subject + will/be going to company
+ Verb1 + Complement I am going to work hard
for this company.
I will not work hard for
Subject + will not / be not this company.
Negatif going to + Verb1 + I am not going to
Complement work hard for this
Will I work hard for this
Will + Subject + Verb1 + company?
Complement? Am I going to work hard
for this company?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah next…, tomorrow, five days later, dll.

10. Future Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi atau keadaan yang akan terjadi di
suatu waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I will
Subject + will / be going
be studying English.
Positif to+ be + Verb-ing +
You are going be
studying English.
I will not be
Subject + will not / be not
studying English.
Negatif going to + be + Verb-ing +
You are not going to be
studying English.
Will I be
Am/are/is + Subject + studying English?
Verb-ing + Complement? Are you going to be
studying English?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah tomorrow morning, in ten years, dll.
11. Future Perfect Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan berakhir di masa depan.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I will have finished my
Subject + will have + homework.
Verb3 + Complement He will have arrived by
the end of this month
I will not have
Subject + will not have + finished my homework.
Verb3 + Complement He will not have slept at
the time you go home.
Will I have finished my
Will + Subject + have homework?
Verb3 + Complement? Will you have taken bath
at 4 pm?
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah next…, in a week, dll.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan terus terjadi di masa depan.
Tense ini menekankan pada hasil.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
In 2020, she will have
been working here for 2
Subject + will/shall + have
Positif + been + Verb-ing +
I shall have been
writing a letter at this
time tomorrow
In 2020, she will not have
been working here for 2
Subject + will/shall + not
Negatif + have + been + Verb-ing +
I shall not have been
writing a letter at this
time tomorrow
In 2020, will she have
been working here for 2
Will/shall + Subject + have
Interogatif + been + Verb-ing +
Shall I have been writing
a letter at this time
13. Past Future Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan dilakukan di masa lalu namun
gagal (rencana yang gagal).
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I would come to your
party if you invited me
Subject + would/should +
Positif She would finish
Verb1 + Complement
washing if you didn’t
come here.
I would not come to your
party if you did not invite
Subject + would/should
Negatif not + Verb1 +
She would not finish
washing if you didn’t
come here.
Would I come to your
party if you invited me?
Would/should + Subject +
Interogatif Would she finish
Verb1 + Complement?
washing if you didn’t
come here.
Kata sinyal waktu untuk tense ini adalah yesterday, the day before, last week, dll.

14. Past Future Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan di masa
lampau dan akan berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Tense ini menekankan pada durasi aksinya.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I would be studying if
you did not disturb me
Subject + would/should +
Positif be + Verb-ing +
She would be finish
cooking if the stove is not
I would not be
studying if you did not
Subject + would/should
disturb me yesterday.
Negatif not + be + Verb-ing +
She would not be finish
cooking if the stove is not
Would I be studying if
you did not disturb me
Would/should + Subject +
Interogatif be + Verb-ing +
Would she be finish
cooking if the stove is not
15. Past Future Perfect Tense.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi yang akan sudah dilakukan di
masa lampau namun ternyata tidak dilakukan (rencana yang gagal). Tense
ini menekankan pada hasil.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
I would have bought a
new car if I had enough
Subject + would/should money.
Positif + have + Verb3 + This office would have
Complement been painted if all
workers had came
I would not have
bought a new car if I had
Subject + would/should enough money.
Negatif not + have + Verb3 + This office would not
Complement have been painted if all
workers had came
Would I have bought a
new car if I had enough
Would/should + Subject + money?
Interogatif be + Verb3 + Would this office have
Complement? been painted if all
workers had came

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan sudah dan masih sedang
dilakukan di masa lampau, namun sebenarnya tidak terjadi. Tense ini
menekankan pada durasi dan hasilnya.
Fungsi Rumus Contoh
She would have been
waiting for me for 3 hours
Subject + would/should + yesterday but she had
Positif have + been + Verb-ing + gone at 9.00 PM.
Complement She would have been
sleeping if the fan was not
She would not have been
waiting for me for 3 hours
Subject + would/should yesterday but she had
Negatif not + have + been + Verb- gone at 9.00 PM.
ing + Complement She would not have been
sleeping if the fan was
Interogatif Would/should + Subject + Would she have been
have + been + Verb-ing + waiting for me for 3 hours
Complement? yesterday?
Would she have been
sleeping if the fan was
broken ?
Kata sinyal untuk tense ini adalah for, but, unfortunately, dll.

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