MACE Gamma-Ray Telescope - A Status Update: Ramesh Koul

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MACE gamma-ray telescope – a status update

Ramesh Koul*
Astrophysical Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India

20 GeV from Vela pulsar opens up another interesting

A 21 m diameter imaging atmospheric Cherenkov
telescope is being installed at the high-altitude astro- area of understanding the nature of pulsars at gigaelec-
nomical site at Hanle in the Ladakh region of North tronvolt energies with ground-based gamma-ray tele-
India. When operational by 2018, it will have the dis- scopes8.
tinction of being the largest gamma-ray telescope in In order to address the unexplored energy region of
the northern hemisphere and the second largest in the 10–100 GeV and beyond, the Himalayan Gamma Ray
world. Operating at a trigger threshold energy of Observatory (HiGRO) collaboration formed by BARC,
<20 GeV, it will play an important role in understand- TIFR and IIA is setting up a large-area imaging atmos-
ing very high energy processes in the Universe. pheric Cherenkov telescope MACE (Major Atmospheric
Cherenkov Experiment) at Hanle, in the Ladakh region of
Keywords: Galactic and extragalactic sources, gamma- North India. Hanle (32.8N, 78.9E, 4270 m amsl) is a
ray astronomy, high-energy processes, imaging atmos- high-altitude, dark astronomical site in the Himalaya,
pheric telescope. which offers an annual average of about 260 uniformly
distributed spectroscopic nights, leading to a good year-
round sky coverage for source observations. The 2 m
Introduction diameter Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) set up by
IIA has been in operation at Hanle since 2000 and offers
VERY high energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy has
an opportunity of concurrent VHE and optical–infrared
made impressive progress during the last two decades,
(IR) observations. The location also has the advantage of
from a few well-established sources to nearly 200 galac-
extending the longitudinal coverage of atmospheric Cher-
tic and extragalactic sources of various types catalogued
enkov telescopes in the northern hemisphere by filling the
presently1,2. Most of these sources have been detected in
gap between the MAGIC and VERITAS telescopes.
the >100 GeV energy range by large (>10 m diameter)
Located closer to the shower maximum, the Cherenkov
ground-based gamma-ray telescopes like VERITAS,
photon intensity at Hanle is about a factor of ~2 more
MAGIC and HESS. The smaller (~3 m diameter) tele-
than at Mt Abu (1300 m amsl), where the TACTIC
scopes like TACTIC, HAGAR and FACT are also com-
gamma-ray telescope has been operating for more than a
plementing these efforts by monitoring flaring episodes
decade9. The reduced atmospheric attenuation effects at
of nearby active galactic nuclei in the energy range
higher altitudes combined with the geometrical aspects of
400 GeV (refs 3–5). The >100 MeV catalogue has also
atmospheric Cherenkov light contribute substantially to
expanded from the 270 sources detected by EGRET
the enhancement of the Cherenkov photon density at
detector on-board the Compton satellite observatory to
Hanle. The high altitude of Hanle and the large 21 m
more than 3000 sources picked up by the Fermi satellite
diameter light collector of MACE are used to advantage
observatory which was launched in 2008 (ref. 6). The
to lower the gamma-ray trigger threshold of the telescope
Fermi satellite has detection capability up to 300 GeV;
to ~20 GeV.
however, its sensitivity beyond 10 GeV is limited be-
cause of its small detection area of about 1 sq. m. The en-
ergy band of 10–100 GeV which has remained largely Telescope design concept
unexplored got a fill-up with the recent release of the first
Fermi-LAT catalogue of >10 GeV, which lists 514 The overall design concept of the telescope was evolved
sources7 . As the detailed temporal and spectral studies of with the main target of lowering the trigger energy
highly variable sources like blazars are limited by the threshold to ~20 GeV with indigenous design and devel-
sensitivity constraint of the Fermi detector, exploring the opment. The three major subsystems of the telescope
gamma-ray sky in the 10s of GeV energy range with low were identified as the mechanical structure, including its
threshold ground-based atmospheric Cherenkov imaging altitude–azimuth drive system, light collector optics, and
telescopes continues to be an important research area. the multi-pixel camera and its data acquisition system.
The recent detection of pulsed gamma ray emission above The number of photons required for the generation of an
unambiguous signal from the photomultiplier-based cam-
*e-mail: [email protected] era at the focal plane of the light collector was used as a

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017 691

parameter to optimize the light collector specifications to trigger along with a single-pixel threshold of nine photo-
~21 m diameter and 25 m focal length. The optimization electrons. Using the Random Forest technique we have
of the pixel size and number of pixels went through a estimated the integral sensitivity of the MACE telescope.
series of iterations before being finalized as 0.125 Figure 1 depicts its comparison with MAGIC-I sensitivity.
(7.5 arcmin) and 1088 respectively. In order to overcome Details of simulation studies and sensitivity estimation
the problem of signal attenuation through long lengths of are given in the literature12,13. The preliminary sensitivity
coaxial cables, it was decided to house all the signal- estimates of the telescope suggest a 5 detection of a
processing electronics at the focal plane of the telescope source with 2.7% Crab Nebula flux in 50 h of observa-
with only power and data cables going to the control tion.
room. During a series of technical reviews it was decided
to install two instrumentation shelters on the alidade
Mechanical structure and drive system
structure of the telescope. One of these shelters was des-
ignated to house the dual-rack drive control system, while
The MACE telescope deploys a 21 m diameter quasi-
the other will house the 48 V power supply required for
parabolic light collector on an altitude–azimuth tracking
the camera electronics and the controllers of the mirror
structure. In order to ensure stability of the structure, a
alignment system. An additional specification of quick
track and wheel design is followed for the azimuth
pointing towards any direction in the sky in a maximum
movement. The 180 tonne telescope is supported on uni-
duration of 60 s was also incorporated for monitoring
formly spaced 6  60 cm diameter and 100 mm wide
gamma-ray burst events. In order to reduce the weight of
wheels on a 27 m diameter circular track whose planarity
the telescope structure the use of composites was investi-
has been maintained to within 0.75 mm. The track is
gated, but in view of the limited expertise available in the
formed of 25 machined interlocking sections which are
country on composite materials, mild steel of EN-24
clamped to the sole plate anchored to the 600 tonne RCC
grade was chosen as the main structural material for the
circular foundation of 0.6 m width and 3 m thickness.
telescope. This material retains good impact strength at
The first layer of the alidade structure connects the six
low temperatures of –30C experienced at Hanle during
wheels and the central pintle-bearing housing. Two dia-
the winter months. Diamond-turned aluminium honey-
metrically opposite A-frame structures rise to a height of
comb mirrors, whose 30 cm diameter prototypes were
15 m to support the two elevation brackets which house
developed indigenously, were selected for use on the
the spherical roller bearings of 148 mm inner diameter.
telescope. The detailed design work for the various tele-
These brackets in turn support the 23 m diameter stiffen-
scope subsystems was started in 2008.
ing ring (SR) from which the mirror basket is suspended.
The SR also supports the four planer booms which in turn
Simulation studies hold the 1.5 tonne camera assembly at a distance of 25 m
from the mirror surface. The two-layer mirror basket fol-
lows a rod and knot design, and has a square pitch of
After defining the main specifications of the telescope,
1008 mm on the front surface where the 984 mm 
detailed simulation studies were carried out with the
984 mm mirror assemblies are to be installed. Figure 2
CORSIKAv6.735 (COsmic Ray SImulations for KAscade)
shows a photograph of the trial assembly of the telescope
simulation package to understand its expected perform-
ance10. A database of a million showers each for gamma
rays, protons, electrons and alpha particles at each of the
zenith angles of 0, 20, 40 and 60 was used for the
study. A total of 16 million showers in the energy range
5 GeV–10 TeV was generated for the simulation study.
The night sky background measurements taken at Hanle
during 2003–08 by HCT were used to compute the con-
tribution of the night sky background to the Cherenkov
event 11, which turns out to be ~0.29 photoelectrons/ns. In
order to ensure that the actual after-pulsing rate of the
photomultiplier tubes is also considered in the determina-
tion of the single-pixel threshold, laboratory measure-
ments of a few gain-calibrated photomultiplier tubes were
taken by exposing them to the light intensity which gives
rise to the anode current magnitude expected at Hanle.
Various close cluster nearest neighbour (CCNN) trigger
Figure 1. Comparison of the integral sensitivity of the MACE and the
schemes were also investigated and it was determined MAGIC-I telescopes at 5 zenith angle. The Crab Nebula power law
that the best performance was obtained with 4 CCNN spectrum is also plotted for reference.

692 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017

structure. Two azimuth drive-wheels are coupled to three alloy plate of Al 6161 T6-grade and a 1 mm thick alumin-
phase, permanent magnet brushless AC servo motors ium sheet with structural adhesives followed by curing.
through multi-stage gearboxes for providing azimuth The 5 mm thick aluminium plate is subsequently diamond-
movement. The elevation movement is provided through turned to a mirror finish with the required radius of
a gearbox coupled to the 13-section bull-gear assembly of curvature. After characterization and acceptance of the
~11.6 m radius. All the drives have counter torque capa- mirror facet for use on the telescope, a protective layer of
bility to avoid gear backlash errors. The motors are SiO2 of ~100 nm thickness is deposited on its reflecting
driven by pulse width-modulated drive amplifiers pow- surface. In order to ensure that the integrated spot size of
ered by 480 V DC derived from a solar photovoltaic the 21 m diameter light collector is <27 mm diameter
array-based power station. The positions of the two axes (half of the pixel diameter), mirrors with increasing focal
are monitored by 25 bit absolute optical encoders with length of 25–26.16 m are deployed from the centre of the
20 arcsec accuracy. Both the azimuth and elevation gear- mirror basket to its periphery. Each of the mirror panels
boxes have also been provided with high-speed options to is supported on three ball joints. Two of these are pro-
move the telescope at 3 s–1 to quickly point in the direc- vided with motorized linear actuators with a travel range
tion of interest on receipt of a satellite alert for events of 20 mm, which are used for the purpose of aligning
like a gamma-ray burst. The drive system can ensure the individual mirror panels to form an integrated quasi-
tracking accuracy of better than 1 arcmin in wind speeds parabolic light collector surface. The mirror alignment
of up to 30 km h–1. At sustained wind speeds of >40 km h–1, system uses 712 brushless DC motors and their drive
the telescope is automatically brought to the parking electronics is controlled by an elaborate algorithm to
position. The telescope structure is designed for survival ensure reliability.
at wind speed of 150 km h–1.
Imaging camera and data acquisition system
Light collector optics
The 1088 pixel imaging camera has a resolution of 0.125
The 21 m diameter mirror basket of the telescope has 356 and covers a field of view of 4.3  4. Also, 38 mm
square mirror panels of 984 mm  984 mm fixed on it. diameter, six-stage photomultipliers (ETE, UK-make
Each mirror panel comprises 4  488 mm  488 mm 9117 WSB) arranged at a triangular pitch of 55 mm are
spherical mirror facets pre-aligned to give a spot size of used for the detection of the few nanoseconds duration,
<4 mm diameter at its focus for a parallel beam of on- fast Cherenkov light flash produced by the interaction of
axis light. A structurally rigid mirror blank is made by the incident VHE gamma-ray photons, protons and other
sandwiching a 26 mm thick HEXEL aluminium honey- progenitors with the Earth’s atmosphere. The photomulti-
comb structure between a 5 mm thick aluminium pliers are provided with hexagonal front-coated light
concentrators for enhancing their light collection effi-
ciency by collecting the photons which fall in the dead
space between adjacent photomultipliers. The light col-
lection efficiency of these light concentrators has been
determined experimentally to be ~85% in the wavelength
range 240–650 nm. The camera is modular in design and
comprises of 68 camera instrumentation modules (CIM)
of 16 channels each. A fully assembled CIM shown
in Figure 3 houses the photomultipliers, high-voltage

Figure 3. A fully assembled 16-channel camera instrumentation mod-

Figure 2. Trial assembly of the mechanical structure of the MACE ule of the MACE telescope. The 16 photomultiplier tubes can be seen
telescope at ECIL, Hyderabad in June 2014. A set of eight aligned mir- in the front, while the fast signal processing electronics is fixed at the
ror panels can be seen in the centre of the mirror basket. rear of the module.

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017 693

generators, signal-processing electronics, first-level trig- in a second-level trigger generator where proximity of the
ger generation logic and signal digitization circuitry for triggered pixels in adjacent CIMs is checked. After the
the 16 channels. Figure 4 shows the partially assembled generation of the second-level trigger, the data from all
camera and its power supply rack. An analogue switched the 68 modules are collated by the data concentrator,
capacitor array DRS-4 developed by PSI, Switzerland is which in turn sends them to the data acquisition computer
being used as an analogue ring sampler at 1 GHz speed in the control room through optical fibres. The innermost
for continuous digitization of the photomultiplier signals. 576 pixels (24  24) are used for generating this trigger
These digitized values are stored only for channels which according to predefined logic. As mentioned earlier, the
have triggered. In order to ensure a large dynamic range, topological trigger scheme uses CCNN patterns which are
the photomultiplier signal is simultaneously amplified by predefined for nearest pairs, triplets, quadruplets, etc.
a gain of 14 and 140. If the high gain output saturates, About 50 GB of data will be stored during every hour
then the low gain output is used for further processing. of observation. Quick-look algorithms will do a prelimi-
The amplitude discriminator output of each channel is nary analysis of the data and archive them. A copy of the
used for monitoring its single channel rate and also for data will also be archived in a Data Centre at BARC,
generating the first-level trigger from an individual CIM. Mumbai, from where it will be made accessible to the
The first-level triggers from all the modules are collated astronomy community. The data acquisition and archiv-
ing system along with the telescope drive control system
have been designed for internet-based remote operation.
In the first phase remote operations from BARC and
TIFR over the Anunet network, operated by the Depart-
ment of Atomic Energy (DAE), will be established. Sub-
sequently, connectivity will be established with other
collaborating institutes.

Implementation status

The trial assembly of the mechanical structure of the tele-

scope was completed at ECIL, Hyderabad in June 2014.
Eight mirror panels were also installed on the telescope
basket and the automated alignment of these mirror pan-
els using a distant light source was successfully demon-
strated. The azimuth and zenithal drive systems were also
Figure 4. The partially assembled imaging camera of the MACE tele-
scope at ECIL, Hyderabad in June 2016. The central 19 CIM modules tested for various sequences of operation for a duration of
can be seen along with the two motorized front shutters. The 48 V about 40 h spread over 10 days. Subsequently, the tele-
power distribution rack connected to the camera can be seen on the left scope was disassembled and most of its subsystems were
of the photograph.
packed and transported to Hanle by road. The installation
of the circular track and the first layer of the alidade
structure, including its six wheels was completed by the
end of 2014. The partially assembled imaging camera
shown in Figure 4 was also tested at ECIL, Hyderabad
during June 2016. The assembly and testing of all the
CIM modules is likely to be completed by September
2017. As can be seen in Figure 5, by December 2016 the
major part of the mechanical structure of the telescope,
including the mirror basket was assembled at Hanle, and
it is expected to be fully assembled and tested by Sep-
tember 2017. Subsequently, with the installation of the
mirror panels and the imaging camera commissioning tri-
als will be started towards the end of 2017. It is proposed
to observe the Crab Nebula during the commissioning tri-
als for checking the integrity of the complex hardware
and software of the telescope. According to our simula-
Figure 5. The status of the telescope installation at Hanle in Decem-
ber 2016. The two instrumentation shelters are mounted on the alidade
tion results, it should be possible to detect a 5  signal of
structure. The solar photovoltaic panels deployed for providing electric gamma rays from the source in a few minutes of observa-
power to the telescope can be seen on the left of the photograph. tion with the MACE telescope.
694 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017
Summary 5. Bretz, T. et al., FACT – the GAPD revolution in Cherenkov
astronomy, 2014; arXiv:1403.3573v1.
6. Acero, F. et al., Fermi Large Area Telescope third source catalog.
The mechanical structure of the MACE telescope is at an ApJS, 2015, 218, 1–23.
advanced stage of installation at Hanle. The altitude and 7. Ackermann, M. et al., The first LAT catalog of sources above
azimuth drive systems of the telescope have been exten- 10 GeV. ApJS, 2013, 209, 1–34.
sively tested at Hyderabad. More than 1400 spherical 8. Gajdus, M. et al., Pulsations from Vela Pulsar down to 20 GeV
mirror facets required for the telescope have been manu- with HESS II. In Proceedings of the 34th ICRC, 2015, p. 841.
9. Koul, R. et al., The TACTIC atmospheric Cherenkov imaging
factured indigenously and characterized. Most of the telescope. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 2007, 578, 548–564.
associated mirror alignment hardware is also ready for 10. Heck, D., Peirog, T. and Knapp, J., CORSIKA: an air shower
deployment. A major part of the camera electronics has simulation program. Astrophysics Source Code Library, 2012.
been tested at ECIL, Hyderabad, while the rest of it is at 11. Stalin, C. S. et al., Night sky at the Indian astronomical observa-
various stages of production. The elaborate software for tory during 2000–2008. Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 2008, 36, 111–
data acquisition and archiving has also been tested exten- 12. Borwankar, C. et al., Simulation studies of MACE-I: trigger rates
sively. The commissioning trials of the MACE telescope and energy thresholds. Astropart. Phys., 2016, 84, 97–106.
are expected to start towards the end of 2017, when 13. Sharma, M. et al., Sensitivity estimate of the MACE gamma ray
installation of all the telescope hardware and software is telescope. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 2017, 851, 125–131.
expected to be completed.

1. Holder, J., TeV gamma-ray astronomy: a summary. Astropart. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I thank the scientists and engineers of
Phys., 2012, 39–40, 61–75. BARC, TIFR, IIA and ECIL for their contributions towards the design,
2. development and installation aspects of the MACE telescope at Hanle.
3. Ghosal, B. et al., VHE observations of Mrk 421 with TACTIC The support provided by DAE through a Raja Ramana Fellowship is
during 2012: multiwavelength study. Astropart. Phys., 2017, 87, also acknowledged.
4. Saha, L. et al., A study of the performance parameters of the High
Altitude Gamma Ray (HAGAR) telescope system at Ladakh in
India. Astropart. Phys., 2013, 42, 33–40. doi: 10.18520/cs/v113/i04/691-695

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