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Kawawa naman si Ninoy, kaya pala

Cory Aquino and Kris Aquino SCANDAL! nagpakamatay!!! Dios Mio!!!

CORY divorced Sen. NINOY AQUINO as early as in Since it is a verified fact that CORY’s own cousin,
1980 and particularly insisted on separation in and four (4) others ordered the execution of
Boston, Massachusetts. NINOY refused to sign the NINOY, it was suspected that since CORY and the
divorce papers over love for his children. berdugo cousin are blood relatives, she knew of
the plan to eliminate her technically divorced
Due to the highly opinionated, one-track mind husband, but she simply did not care. It is
and unbendable thinking of CORY, a very peculiar probably even possible that she warned him not
situation existed in the AQUINO house in Boston. to go to RP but more in spite than as a show of
When the family were buying their food supplies her love and concern for NINOY’s well being.
and toiletries, et al other personal items, NINOY
had a push cart of his own. CORY on the other Contrary to her claim, CORY was disgusted at the
hand, had a push cart for herself and supposedly so-called advocacy of NINOY for democracy. All
for her children. she supposedly wanted was to live like the
daughter of a rich couple, spend money around
When NINOY ate, he either cooked or ate alone and engage in her love: gambling. CORY was
or sometimes with an infrequent guest. allegedly addicted to gambling even at an early
age that when NINOY was a neophyte Senator,
NINOY was allegedly sometimes “aburido” he was always humiliated when he entertained
(anguished) over the arrangement that CORY visitors in their house at Times Street.
imposed upon the family that even he would
even sometimes quarrel with his infrequent When not travelling out of the house, CORY
guest(s). would always stay in her sleeping wear (dusters /
negligees) and play mah jong or other games
However, it was NINOY who took care of all the with her amigas and amigos in the guest room of
bills and CORY did not even have a single cent to the Times Street house.
spare. Each time the family’s finances ran low,
NINOY would rush to a public pay phone in any If CORY went out of the room to fetch an item
of the streets or corners of Boston and make a outside of the game room or use the comfort
confidential call to the late Ferdinand MARCOS room away from the gamblers, and she passes by
FERDIE, his fraternity brother in Upsilon Sigma the Guests of her Senator husband, she just
Phi. passes by them. She would not even offer water,
tea, coffee nor juice to any of the Guests.
After each call, with only minutes, an hour or
hours interval, a packet of One Hundred NINOY would do the chore himself with the help
Thousand United States Dollars (US$100,000) of the maids or house boys. CORY would also
would arrive at the family’s place or at a hardly make any decent greetings to Guests she
designated drop point. had no relations to, like “Hi!”, “Hello!” or shake
hands with the Guests. She just whizzes past them
This arrangement with NINOY was brought by as if they were made of stone or did not exist and
CORY to her relationship with the siblings of as if she was trying to show them that she never
husband. That if she and husband were cared but that it was her house and the Guests
separated, even if technically, and they were were complete strangers and/or their presence
living together in a hellish artificial arrangement was unwanted.
for the sake of image, the children and other
factors, ergo, all the relatives of NINOY were of no CORY did not love NINOY nor God. When Raul
more consequence to her since she was no MANGLAPUS and NINOY quarreled sometimes in
longer related to them as well under law. their Boston home, CORY is said to have sided
always with MANGLAPUS. MANGLAPUS on the
other hand, during his stay in the US, was active the time of ex-Pres. Fidel V. RAMOS (FVR) at an
in recruiting for the religion of Satanism. It is attached agency of the Department of Public
suspected that since CORY embraced the political Works and Highways (DPWH) based at Balara,
party of MANGLAPUS (National Union of Quezon City. Of course, ORBOS can always deny
Christian Democrats --- NUCD) as her party also, he slept with Kris. And vice versa. Ms. Kris would
she might have been recruited to Satanism. cry if you ask her, how is it like to have sex and
keep shouting "Dad! Pa!" all the time. It's oedipal
Kristina Bernadette Aquino YAP KRIS and all her complex, to some psychologists.
siblings all knew that NINOY loved CORY up to
the extent that he could but that CORY fully came The CPP/NPA/NDFP, AQUINO family, civil society,
to reject him since the late 1970s and in 1980. Her political opposition et al said to have been
statement that CORY loved only NINOY and was imported paid mourners from Tarlac, Pampanga,
CORY’s one and only was not totally accurate. Nueva Ecija, from Hacienda Luisita and other
parts, to attend the funeral of CORY. The Three
AFTER EDSA 1 Hundred Thousand odd purported crowd that
attended the funeral, was fake. The only real
In Malacañang, after EDSA I, the late CORY and a CORY lovers in that crowd were the family and
prominent politician, Cabinet turned senator, CPP whose original leaders were helped and
would enter the Malacañang president’s propelled by CORY and family in the beginning to
bedroom. The purpose was for an alleged Closed form their underground organization.
Door Meeting. The couple would not re-emerge
from the bedroom for more than half a day and There is no way that the much ballyhooed
when they did, they appeared to be a silently massive turn out can suffice to form a new People
loving couple. Power at EDSA (or elsewhere) and overthrow the
regime under ARROYO that will not be full of for-
The practice lasted until the cabinet member hire participants from the squatter areas. Even the
turned senator died. The wife of the senator squatter area residents have already wizened to
might have suspected and supposedly hated the temptations of attending mass protests since a
CORY for that. CORY also had other flings and lot of the programs of government have
standing sexual relationships with other men. It penetrated into their communities already.
was bandied around in Malacañang at the time
that CORY’s choice of the senator was that he had That the massive sympathy crowd can determine
a really very long sexual organ and he could still the course of the 2010 elections, or a coup d’ etat,
manage to have intercourse. The gossip in or any other anti-government purpose is a fallacy.
Malacañang was that if the man who was invited
to have a closed door with CORY had a long penis Even in Tarlac itself, particularly in the place
then the meeting was not a real one but an act of where there are NINOY relatives, CORY will not
knowing in the bible's sense. even be considered a VIP or worse, she might
even be looked down upon not as a human
This practice of CORY got too well known that being for the way she treated NINOY.
when CORY caught her daughter KRIS naked in
her own bedroom lying on the stomach of then The saintly attributes of CORY appears to be
Executive Secretary Oscar ORBOS OCA who was overshadowed by the real and actual testimonies
also naked, KRIS after getting a mouthful from her of those that shared space with her, as follows:
mother mumbled to the effect that she was not to
understand where else will she inherit her “Makati Before CORY became President, in Malacañang
Puke” but from her mom. There and then ORBOS Palace every Thursday, there was a so-called
and his entire “bitbit” staff were kicked out “Sunshine Day!”
unceremoniously out of Malacañang, never to
return. Only a lawyer director of ORBOS was Contractors secretly offered gifts to the First
reappointed, but during or immediately before Family contained in single boxes each per
contractor or supplier. In each box were highest for making PCGG soft on those that have the
denomination bills at the time of One Hundred capacity to pay.
Philippine Pesos (Php100.00) amounting to either
Five Hundred Thousand, One Million, One Pesos The second set of payments was arranged by the
Five Hundred Thousand Pesos in most of the time. then Exec. Sec. who demanded from Lucio TAN a
tremendous amount of cash to ensure that PCGG
Come “Sunshine Day!”, all employees and many will not turn the TAN group of companies upside
times even residents of Brgy. Malacañang would down. TAN was forced to shell out initially Four
be required to form a line at the Finance Division Hundred Million Philippine Pesos
then headed by Presidential official in charge with (Php400,000,000) followed by another payment
the MARCOS administration’s finance Jacobo C. of a similarly huge amount.
CLAVE JAKE. Each employee was given a pay
envelope with token cash coming the gift boxes A large number of MARCOS favored personalities
of contractors and suppliers. were forced to pay out very large amounts to the
CORY family.
When CORY came to the Palace, the single box
were replaced with big trendy suitcases. The Former Judge now senator, was summoned by
Php100 denominations were replaced with Five CORY and told to head the Immigration Bureau.
Hundred bills. The amounts of Php500,000, The ex-Judge accepted the offer and now
Php1,000,000 and Php1,500,000 were replaced became Immigration Commissioner. CORY was in
with a very low of Ten, Fifteen and a normal level firm agreement with some Filipino Chinese to
of Twenty Million Philippine Pesos launch a secret record destruction operation at
(Php10,000,000, Php15,000,000 and the bureau. In exchange for more or less Five
Php20,000,000). Hundred Thousand Philippine Pesos
(Php500,000), CORY ordered the papers of a
Mrs. "DDD", senior staff of CLAVE informed Ma. single illegal Chinese alien to be burned,
Elena Aquino CRUZ BALLSY, then chief aide of shredded or purged in any other fitting manner.
CORY about the tradition of “Sunshine Day!” and Salvaje!!! Nationalist? Not likely!!!
requested that it be continued. BALLSY was
infuriated about the information and pointed at At the time of CORY’s ascendancy in the Palace,
some suitcases full of cash from contractors there were about six million (6,000,000) Chinese
whose papers were being expedited by the new in the Philippines. The figure can be contested but
group of CORY in Malacañang and said, “Ano’ng it was the only estimate at the time closest to the
sunshine-sunshine? Eh, barya nga lang yang nasa true situation. Only two million (2,000,000) were
maleta!!! Ano pa ba ang gusto nila, eh di naman either legal Chinese or else were paying Alien
sa kanila yan!!!” Effectively, the Thursday Registration Fees regularly for staying in the
“Sunshine Day!” tradition was scrapped and country. About four million (4,000,000) or the
replaced with Thursday “Lungkot Day!” figure could be higher, were illegals. A good
number of the illegals were even criminals that
A security aide of NINOY in the US, revealed that were fugitives of their native land.
after the forming of the Presidential Commission
on Good Government (PCGG), the cousin of CORY had an account in Switzerland and other
CORY immediately made a transfer of funds in offshore banks where she ordered Immigration
Australia from his account to a confidential Commissioner to forward the payments from the
account in favor of CORY, through her brother Chinese whose papers were erased from the
Jose S. COJUANGCO, Jr. PEPING in the amount of record section of the immigration bureau. To
Two Hundred Million United States Dollars make the situation fully covered, a small operation
(USD200,000,000). The transaction was kept very was conducted to make the fourth floor of the
hidden and was bruited to be the first of the set of bureau building look extremely topsy turvy. All
enormous amounts to come into the CORY family the systematically organized files at the records
room were turned upside down, thrown here
and there and the room was made to appear very as a consultant to the Presidential Security Group
messy and dirty. As a result, no one learned about (PSG) to be banished from NSC forever as long
CORY’s destruction of untold files of illegal the pro-CORY people worked there.
Chinese in the country.
Another charge against KOC was that he was
If the maximum number of illegals and with a reported to have spread the news that the Armed
large number of additionals (newly human Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the old National
smuggled chinese) will be accounted for, the Intelligence Security Agency (NISA) budgets were
amount that could have been placed in CORY’s cut by seventy percent (70%) on the advice of
Switzerland or other offshore bank(s) will have leftists inside and outside the government
come to a rough total of Two Trillion Philippine providing “advise” to CORY. The charge was
Pesos (Php2,000,000,000,000) that could have baseless because O’CHAVEZ was only shown and
converted at a rate of Php21 : US$1.00 to Nine only saw a box containing orders of the President
Five Billion Two Hundred Thirty Eight Million and (CORY that the NSC Director said cut down the
Ninety Five Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Eight AFP-NISA money by 70%, but did not actually see
United States Dollars (USD95,238,095,238). At the the orders in print. Also the consultant never told
time, that would have been one-tenth of the anyone about the unseen papers or the box.
entire Swiss Deposits (one-third of the worldwide
total) of the MARCOS wealth. A staggering When brought up with the NICA during the time
amount of money that Immigration Commissioner of ex-pres. Jose Marcelo EJERCITO ERAP, KOC
could have also partaken of and could be one of who was asked to consult discreetly with the
the more likely entrusted managers aside from subject Agency, the NICA still considered it
some Chinese individual or group that CORY used preposterous that the NSC Director was ordered
to filch the Sino community in the country. to pare down the AFP and intelligence
community budget by 70%. In reality that was
It is suspected that many of the criminals freed by what happened. Morale in the AFP went down.
CORY from illegal status are among those that are The defenders of democracy and the very people
leading in the syndicated drug trafficking activities that put CORY in power were victims of CORY’s
in RP and beyond our shores, making RP a paranoia.
notorious nation on the drugs watch list. It has
also corrupted RP’s system into a narco-politic CORY placed her relatives in the NSC-NICA payroll
state. among other relatives since their fat salaries need
not be accounted for under the law. Further, they
It is expected that if any AQUINO will run for high acted as her eyes and ears inside that intelligence
public office, BID Commisioner as a finance / fund Agency.
manager will not be far behind. Or given her
innate intelligence and intellect, Immigration chief Among the elites in the country during the
could use a go-between to serve as the fund MARCOS era, it is almost impossible to identify any
manager for the AQUINO candidate, possibly one elite family that did not kowtow and kiss the
Sen. Benigno C. AQUINO III NOYNOY or Kristina *** of then First Lady Imelda Romualdez MARCOS
Bernadette Aquino YAP KRIS. MELDY (FL) and her husband, the late Pres.
MARCOS just to borrow money from the couple.
Mr. KOC (code name), a former deep cover FL was gracious and generous to the AYALAs,
consultant of the National Security Council (NSC) LOPEZes, ORTIGASes, EJERCITOs, COJUANGCOs
director who reported the operation under a et al. She considered herself a friend to all of them
report codename “YELLOW FEVER”, was when in fact they talked harshly against her at her
entrapped in a sting operation where KOC was back.
secretly charged with illegal financial dealings
concerning the release of a certain detainee Col. Multi-millions up to billions of Pesos were given in
ACOSTA and a Lt. Roque LIWAG of the rebel loans in exchange for land titles of worthless real
military organization RAM and KOC was endorsed estate; shares of stocks of dying companies -
Ortigas Group, Ayala companies; future superior court traced the account, it belonged to
receivables from companies in dire straits and CORY. The commission of MULLER became stone.
heavy indebtedness like Meralco, etc. Many of Kawawang Pedro!!!
these companies were sequestered during Martial
Law for their refusal to pay loans and for other The deal to transfer the MARCOS wealth as the
reasons, aside from the fact that military late president willed to the Filipino People and the
administration required sequestration and survivors of the MARCOS family became null and
nationalization of foreign interests. void, still, even with FVR, ERAP, GMA becoming
presidents, it was still CORY’s signature on the
After MARCOS was gone, CORY gave back agreements and the riders that were binding.
Meralco and other related companies like ABS- Now that CORY is dead, even the commissions of
CBN, Chronicle, etc. to the LOPEZes despite the PEPING, KRIS, BALLSY, Maria Victoria Eliza Dee
heavy debts to the MARCOS family and the VIEL, Maria Aurora Corazon Abellada PINKY and
Philippine Government being the guarantor of its Benigno Cojuangco AQUINO, III NOYNOY, and
enormous foreign debts. the rest of the relatives and former Cabinet,
friends, cronies, are gone. Naku! Sayang!!!
CORY did the same to the LOPA empire, since
BABY LOPA was married to her sister, Gina The decision of The Honorable, The Supreme
COJUANGCO, whose son, RAPA LOPA is the Court of the Philippines to make FL the executor
owner on record of survey company Pulse Asia of the will is long due, however it could not be
that is giving GMA a bad name every time it does done with CORY still alive. Or nearly all the money
a survey. will go to CORY and her own very close people.
So Namatay na, wala nang sagabal na sakim.
During CORY’s regime, she ordered selected
members of the Supreme Court to transfer the CORY is far from being a saint. Which is the
shares of stock of Hans MENZI and Ferdinand reason why, FL who is terrified of even the idea of
MARCOS, Jr. to her dummy, a man purporting to the existence of CORY as if she were Satan
call himself DON EMILIO YAP. Effectively, personified, prefers to just call her “pangit” and
government and MARCOS shares came under the lashes at her at every occasion.
ownership of “DON EMILIO YAP” in Bulletin
Today, Manila Hotel and a long string of other When one of CORY’s daughters was about to
companies. marry, it was gossiped in the family that the
husband-to-be of daughter was a member of a
When the agreements between the Government family that were notorious ... disguised as decent
of the Republic of the Philippines and Switzerland “businessmen.” CORY allegedly said in confidence
were firmed up, the Swiss Minister of Finance to one of her amigas, “Aba! Eh ano kung ... ?
Peter MULLER was corrupted by CORY, Francisco Masama ba’ng gumawa ng pera ang tao? Hanap
CHAVEZ (then Solicitor General), government buhay lang yaaan!” The marriage happened and
secretaries and relatives of CORY. MULLER agreed so one of her daughters is now the infamous
to be part of the “commissioners” and secret riders missus to a big time
to the GRP-Swiss agreements on the transfer of
the Swiss deposits were made where CORY and CORY'S REGIME
her subalterns, blood relations were to receive a
huge part of the MARCOS wealth in the form of During CORY’s regime, she ordered a former
commissions. central Luzon governor using diplomatic and
other perks to hand carry for her multi-millions of
Growing greedy, CORY thereafter demanded that United States Dollars to foreign banks, for
principal amount including the sums indicated in purposes undeclared. A then Manila International
the rider agreements be placed in a conduit Airport (MIA) contingent of the Intelligence
account. She gave the account coordinates to Group, Armed Forces of the Philippines (IS AFP)
MULLER. When the final deciding entity, the Swiss
intercepted the voluminous amount of money released all the captured communists into private
and placed the former governor on hold. cognizance. Madre de Dios!!!

After learning about the plight of the ex-governor Furthermore, having a brain the size of a moon
and panicking about the condition of her money, bean, during a mah jong session, DOLLY
CORY went super ballistic, called the airport NAZARENO, wife of Gen. Cesar NAZARENO said
officials thereat and berated them as well as gave if she wins the game, Cesar will become Chief,
a mouthful of dirty, harsh words against the ISAFP PC/INP later PNP. DOLLY won, so Cesar became
personnel. Mother of God!!! Chief. MONCHIE BIAZON also did the same with
CORY. During a session reaching up to
During the time of then Sec. FVR as Secretary of midmorning, CORY lost and MONCHIE found
National Defense (SND), one operative in ISAFP herself as the wife of the new Chief of Staff of the
was required to submit a project proposal to Armed Forces of the Philippines. One late
negate and neutralize at least one economic member of 12 Apostles when he was alive
threat to the country, as were several other confided after BIAZON and NAZARENO became
operatives. The operative submitted the target chiefs, “No other pea-brained housewife ever
Antonio KHO, most notorious overlord of the achieved such an accomplishment in the entire
smuggling syndicates operating in the Bureau of history of the country. So Tita Cory must really
Customs since the time of MARCOS. The plan to deserve all the credit for having a moon bean for
raid the premises of KHO’s offices and residence a brain!”
was elevated to the Chief of Staff AFP (CS AFP).
After several weeks, it was again elevated, this In the time of CORY, the NISA was renamed into
time to SND. After another several weeks, it was NICA. It was during this time when all the
elevated to CORY. The late ex-president said not derogatory records of many allies of Chairman
to touch KHO because he was her relative. The Jose Ma. SISON of the CPP/NPA/NDFP, other
qualifying statement said to be from SND was also kinds of leftists with crimes against society and the
that: “Malaki masyado iyang isda na yan. Kaya people, were whitewashed by the subalterns of
tayo habulin kahit saan tayo magpunta kung CORY.
hulihin natin iyan!”
There will be more to suffer from the acts and
Among the worst that CORY did in her life was notoriety of CORY in the years and generations to
place her factotums like Constabulary agent Jesus come. And those of her kampons. There will be
Jose Maria Cabauatan BINAY as mayor of Makati untold stories that will come out of the
and as her so-called confidanté in the so-called woodwork.
Cause Oriented Group (COG). Muy negrito!!!
Matón y animales de primero!!! Carajo!!! Que The sad memory of a maniac and adorer of things
barbaridad!!! Ms. Corazon Juliano SOLIMAN et al material will be eased out of the public mind only
into the government to learn to steal from the through a painful process. And over a long, long
public treasury after mastering the act of stealing time.
from NGO coffers. (SOLIMAN is the daughter of
her family’s capataz at Hacienda Luisita.) So is her
sponsorship of the CPP/NPA/NDFP, although she
cannot be faulted for not really understanding
NINOY’s creation of KUMANDER DANTE in behalf
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), using the
late Bren GUIAO and his (NINOY’s) so-called
Twelve (12) Apostles as runners between himself
and DANTE.

After NINOY died, thinking that the

CPP/NPA/NDFP were friends of NINOY, she

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