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The National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995)

Date of publication in Nepal Gazette

2052.2.28 (June 11, 1995)

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 21 of the National

Broadcasting Act, 2049 (1993), His Majesty's Government has framed the following

1. Short title and commencement: (1) These Rules may be cited as the
“National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995)".

(2) This Regulation shall come into force forthwith.

2. Definitions: Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, in this


(a) "Act" means the National Broadcasting Act, 2049 (1993).

(b) "Permission letter" means the permission letter issued

pursuant to sub-section (2) of Section 9 of the Act for
broadcasting a program by establishing the earth station
relating to satellite and cable television.

(c) "Other means of communication" means any means of

communication other than the satellite and cable, and this term
includes the multi-channel microwave distribution system
(M.M.D.S.) and optical fiber transmission system.

(d) "Consumer" means any person or institution using the

communication service of any broadcasting institution or person
having obtained the license and permission letter.

(e) "Ministry" means the Ministry of Information and

Communications, His Majesty's Government.

3. Submission of application for license: Any person or corporate body who

desires to obtain the license, pursuant to Section 5 of the Act, in order to
broadcast any program through satellite, cable or other means of
communication or broadcast any program by establishing the frequency
modulation broadcasting system has to submit to the Ministry an application,
accompanied by the fee as referred to in sub-rule (1) of Rule 7, in the format
as referred to in Schedule-1 (a) and Schedule-1 (b), respectively.

4. Issuance of license: If any application is submitted for the license

pursuant to Rule 3, the Ministry may, if, upon holding necessary inquiry as to
the application, it deems that the license may be issued to the applicant,
issue the license to broadcast any program through satellite, cable or other
means of communication or to broadcast any program by establishing the
frequency modulation broadcasting system, in the format as referred to in
Schedule-2 (a) and Schedule-2 (b), respectively, by collecting the fee as
referred to in sub-rule (2) of Rule 7.

5. To obtain permission letter to broadcast program by establishing

earth station: Any person or corporate body referred to in sub-section (1) of
Section 9 of the Act who desires to broadcast any program by establishing the
earth station relating to satellite and cable television has to submit an
application, accompanied by the fee referred to in sub-rule (1) of Rule 7, in
the format as referred to in Schedule-3, to the Ministry for permission letter.

6. Issuance of license: If any application is submitted for the permission

letter pursuant to Rule 5, the Ministry may, if, upon holding necessary inquiry
as to the application, it appears that the permission letter may be issued to
the applicant to broadcast any program by establishing the earth station
relating to satellite and cable television, issue the permission letter in the
format as referred to in Schedule-4, by collecting the fee as referred to in
sub-rule (2) of Rule 7.

7. Fees for application, license and permission letter: (1) Any application
to be submitted for the license and permission letter shall be accompanied by
the fees as mentioned in Schedule -5 (a).

(2) The fees charged for issuing the license and permission letter
shall be as mentioned in Schedule -5 (b).

8. Terms to be observed by broadcasting institution or person

broadcasting program: While broadcasting a program, a broadcasting
institution or person having obtained the license and permission letter has to
observe the following terms, subject to Rule 9:-

(a) While broadcasting or distributing a program, consent of the

concerned broadcasting institution or person has to be

(b) No broadcasting institution or person shall sell or otherwise

transfer his license or permission letter to any other person or

(c) No program other than that mentioned in the license or

permission letter shall be broadcast or distributed.

(d) Any broadcasting institution or person broadcasting programs through less

than four channels has to devote one-fourth of his program broadcasting time to
broadcast, and any broadcasting institution or person broadcasting programs
through more than four channels has to devote at least one channel to broadcast, a
program of the broadcasting institution owned by His Majesty's Government, by
concluding agreement with that institution.

(e) In times of distress or natural calamity, governmental

information has to be broadcast free of charge for up to five
minutes at a time and for up to six hours a day, if it is so
directed by the Ministry.

(f) If the Ministry, in times of war or emergency situation, gives a

direction to broadcast any particular programs only, only such
programs have to be broadcast.

(g) If, while broadcasting or distributing programs, any private

house and compound belonging to anyone or public land or
road, electric pole etc. has to be used, an agreement has be to
concluded with the concerned person or body.

(h) An agreement has to be concluded between the broadcasting

institution or person broadcasting programs and the consumer
on the distribution and use of such programs.
(i) Any broadcasting institution or person broadcasting programs
has to give his call sign at the beginning, interval and end of
the programs.

(j) To observe such other terms as prescribed by the Ministry thinking it


9. Prohibition on broadcasting: No broadcasting institution or person

broadcasting the program shall be allowed to broadcast any program on the
following matters:

(a) A matter that is hateful or contemptible to, or generates

enmity with or jeopardizes, the honor of, His Majesty the King
or the Royal family.

(b) A matter that undermines the security, peace and order of the
Kingdom of Nepal.

(c) A matter that jeopardizes the decency, morality of the general

public and social decency.

(d) A matter that undermines the sovereignty and integrity of the

Kingdom of Nepal.

(e) A matter that creating enmity or social misbelieve amongst the

people of various castes, tribes, religions, races, regions,

(f) A matter that results in the contempt of court.

(g) A vulgar material of such kind as to spread social deformity.

(h) A material that undermines the reputation, honor or prestige

of any person, by pointing out the name of that person.

(i) Such other materials prohibited from being broadcast as prescribed by the
Ministry from time to time.
10. To record particulars: (1) The Ministry shall record particulars of the
license and permission letter in the registration book as referred to in
Schedule -6.

(2) Even if any particulars mentioned in the license or permission

letter are altered pursuant to Rule 15 or the license and permission letter are
renewed, the Ministry has to record that matter in the registration book as
referred to in sub-rule (1).

11. Broadcasting and distribution fees: (1) A broadcasting institution or

person broadcasting programs has to pay a sum to be set by four per cent of
his annual gross income to His Majesty's Government as a royalty.

(2) The fees to be collected by a broadcasting institution or person

broadcasting programs from the consumers shall be as prescribed by the Ministry,
also based on the expenses actually incurred by such broadcasting institution or

12. Availability of broadcasting time: Time for broadcasting program may,

subject to Rule 9, be made available to a foreign broadcasting institution or
means of communication intending to broadcast any program as referred to in
Section 13 of the Act.

13. Availability of time for broadcasting advertisement: If any person

intends to get any advertisement broadcast pursuant to Section 14 of the Act,
the advertisement fee to be collected from such person, institution or body
shall be as prescribed by the Ministry, also taking into account the actual
expenses to be incurred in broadcasting that advertisement by the institution
or person providing the time for broadcasting that advertisement and the
advertisement fees charged by the broadcasting institutions of SAARC

14. Closure of broadcasting activity: If a broadcasting institution or person

having obtained the license and the permission letter intends to close
broadcasting related activities being made by him for any reason, the
institution or person has to give information thereof in writing to the Ministry
no later than one month; and the Ministry has also to mention it in the
registration book as referred to in Rule 10.
15. Alteration in particulars: (1) Any person who intends to alter any
particulars mentioned in the license and the permission letter has to submit to
the Ministry an application in the format as referred to in Schedule-7,
accompanied by a fee of five hundred rupees.

(2) The Ministry may, if the contents of the application submitted to

alter the particulars pursuant to sub-rule (1) appear reasonable, alter the particulars
as per the application.

16. Period of license and permission letter and renewal fee: (1) The
period of the license and the permission letter shall be as mentioned in the
license and the permission letter.

(2) A broadcasting institution or person intending to have the

license or the permission letter renewed has to submit to the Ministry an
application for renewal, in the format as referred to in Schedule-8, prior to
expiration of the period mentioned in the license or the permission letter.

(3) If an application is submitted for the renewal of the license or

the permission letter pursuant to sub-rule (2), the Ministry may renew such
license or permission letter, by charging an additional fee in a sum to be set
by ten percent of the fee chargeable for the issuance of license or permission

(4) If it is applied for the renewal of the license or the permission

letter after expiration of the time limit referred to in sub-rule (2), the Ministry
may renew such license or permission letter, by also collecting a fine of ten
percent for up to the first one month, twenty percent for up to the second one
month, thirty percent for up to the third one month, forty percent for up to
the fourth one month, fifty per cent for up to the fifth one month and cent
percent for the sixth one month. The license or the permission letter shall be
deemed to have ipso facto been canceled if that license or permission letter is
not got renewed even within six months.

17. Issuance of duplicate copy of license or permission letter: If any

person applies for a duplicate copy of the license or the permission letter,
showing a reason that it has been lost or destroyed due to natural calamity,
torn out because of being old or the renewal space therein filled up, the
Ministry may issue a duplicate copy of such license or permission letter by
collecting a fee of five hundred rupees.

18. Power of inspection and investigation: (1) The Ministry or the authority
prescribed by the Ministry may inspect or investigate, or cause to be
inspected or investigated, a broadcasting institution as to whether the
programs have been broadcast in consonance with the Act, this Regulation or
the terms mentioned in the license or the permission letter.

(2) If, in conducting inspection or investigation pursuant to sub-rule

(1), it is found that the programs have been broadcast in contravention of the terms,
the Ministry may, taking into account the case, provide an opportunity to act as per
the terms for one time; and if, even after providing such opportunity, it is found from
the inspection or investigation conducted again that acts have been done in
contravention of the terms, the Ministry may cancel the license or the permission
letter obtained by such broadcasting institution or person.

19. Responsibility of broadcasting institution or person having obtained

license or permission letter: If the broadcasting of a program by any
person pursuant to the Act or this Regulation affects the right, interest,
prestige or honor of any one, the concerned broadcasting institution or person
having obtained license or permission letter shall be responsible therefor.

20. Power to form committee: The Ministry may, if it thinks necessary, form a
committee consisting of the persons having expertise in the field of
communications, so as to accomplish the objectives of the Act or this
Regulation or render advice and suggestion about the functions of the
Ministry. The formation, functions, duties and powers and other procedures of
such committee shall be as prescribed at the time of its formation.

21. Penalizing Authority: (1) There shall be a committee as follows for the
purpose of imposing punishments pursuant to Section 17 of the Act:-

(a) Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communications –


(b) One officer appointed by the Ministry from

amongst the officers of His Majesty's
Government having experience in the field of law

(c) Chief, Frequency Management and Technology

Analysis Division, Ministry of Information and
Communications - Member-secretary

(2) The meetings as well as other procedures of the committee

referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be as prescribed by the Ministry.

22.[1] Power to make alteration and addition or deletion in Schedule: The

Ministry may, by a notification published in the Nepal Gazette, make
alteration and addition or deletion in the Schedule.
Schedule - 1 (a)

(Relating to Rule 3)

Application for

license to broadcast programs through satellite, cable or other means of




I/we hereby submit this application, setting out the following particulars, for
the license to broadcast programs through satellite/cable or other means of
communication pursuant to Rule 3 of the National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052

1 Applicant's,

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary address-

District:- District:-

Municipality/V.D.C.:- Municipality/V.D.C.:-

Ward No.:- Ward No.:-

Village/Tole:- Village/Tole:-

Phone No.:- Phone No.:-

2. Applicant's citizenship:-

3. Broadcasting institution or person’s-

(a) Name:-

(b) Economic condition (fixed and running capital):-

(c) Experience:-

(d) Technical capacity:-

4. Place of broadcasting:-

5. Area of broadcasting and population:-

6. Broadcasting commencement date: -

7. Means of broadcasting:-

8. Capacity of broadcasting: -

9. Frequency and channel to be used for broadcasting:-

10. Equipment to be used for broadcasting:-

11. Agreement on broadcasting made with consumers and other persons or


12. Language to be used in broadcasting:-

13. Time and period of broadcasting:-

14. Programs to be broadcast:-

The matters contained above are true and correct; if they are proved false,
I/We shall bear and pay according to law.






The applicant has to get a detail study of financial, technical and business
aspects of the subject on which he intends to obtain license done by an
experienced and reputed person or a recognized research institution in the
concerned field, and attach such study with the application.
Schedule - 1 (b)

(Relating to Rule 3)

Application for license to broadcast programs by establishing

frequency modulation broadcasting system

I/we hereby submit this application, setting out the following particulars, for
a license to broadcast programs by establishing the frequency modulation
broadcasting system, pursuant to Rule 3 of the National Broadcasting Regulation,
2052 (1995).

1. Applicant's -

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary address-

District:- District:-

Municipality/V.D.C.:- Municipality/V.D.C.:-

Ward No.:- Ward No.:-

Village/Tol:- Village/Tol:-

Phone No.:- Phone No.:-

2. Applicant's citizenship:-

3. Broadcasting institution or person’s-

(a) Name:-

(b) Economic condition (fixed and running capital):-

(c) Experience:-

(d) Technical capacity:-

4. Place of establishment of transmission system and broadcasting centre:-

5. Area of broadcasting and population:-

6. Broadcasting commencement date: -

7. Means of broadcasting:-

8. Capacity of broadcasting: -

9. Things to be used while broadcasting-

(a) Frequency:- (b) Band:-

(c) Channel:- (d) Transmitter:-

(e) Antenna:-

10. Equipment to be used for broadcasting:-

11. Agreement on broadcasting made with consumers and other persons or


12. Language to be used in broadcasting:-

13. Time and period of broadcasting:-

14. Programs to be broadcast:-

The matters contained above are true and correct; if they are proved false,
I/we shall bear and pay according to law.





The applicant has to get a detail study of financial, technical and business
aspects of the subject on which he intends to obtain license done by an
experienced and reputed person or a recognized research institution in the
concerned field, and attach such study with the application.
Schedule - 2 (a)

(Relating to Rule 4)



broadcasting programs through satellite, cable or other means of


Number of license:-

1. Name of person or institution having obtained license:-

2. Address:-

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary


District:- District:-


Ward No.:- Ward No.:-

Village/Tol:- Village/Tol:-

Phone No.:-
Phone No.:-

3. Name of broadcasting institution or person:-

4. Means of broadcasting:-

5. Capacity of broadcasting: -

6. Things to be used while broadcasting-

(a) Frequency:- (b) Channel:-

7. Place of broadcasting:-
8. Area of broadcasting and population:-

9. Broadcasting commencement date: -

10. Language to be used in broadcasting:-

11. Time and period of broadcasting:-

12. Programs to be broadcast:-

13. Validity date of license:-

14. Other terms:-




Licensing authority’s-





Renewal details

Fiscal year Renewal fee and Date of Signature of renewing

other details authority
Schedule - 2 (b)

(Relating to Rule 4)



broadcasting programs by establishing

frequency modulation broadcasting system

Number of license: -

1. Name of person or institution having obtained license: -

2. Address: -

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary address-

District: - District: -

Municipality/V.D.C.:- Municipality/V.D.C.: -

Ward No.: - Ward No.: -

Village/Tol: - Village/Tol: -

Phone No.: - Phone No.: -

3. Name of broadcasting institution or person: -

4. Means of broadcasting: -

5. Capacity of broadcasting: -

6. Things to be used while broadcasting-

(a) Frequency: - (b) Band

(c) Channel: - (d) Transmitter

(e) Antenna: -

7. Place of establishment of broadcasting system and broadcasting center: -

8. Area of broadcasting and population: -

9. Broadcasting commencement date: -

10. Language to be used in broadcasting: -

11. Time and period of broadcasting: -

12. Programs to be broadcast: -

13. Validity date of license: -

14. Other terms: -




Licensing authority’s-

Signature: -

Name: -


Office: -

Date: -
Renewal details

Fiscal year Renewal fee and Date of Signature of renewing

other details authority
Schedule - 3

(Relating to Rule 5)

Application for

Permission letter for broadcasting programs by establishing earth station

relating to satellite and cable television



I/we hereby submit this application, setting out the following particulars, for
the permission letter to programs by establishing the earth Station relating to
satellite and cable television, pursuant to Rule 5 of the National Broadcasting
Regulation, 2052 (1995).

1. Applicant's:

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary address-

District: - District: -

Municipality/V.D.C.: - Municipality/V.D.C.: -

Ward No.: - Ward No.: -

Village/Tol: - Village/Tol: -

Phone No.: - Phone No.: -

2. Applicant’s citizenship: -

3. Of person or institution broadcasting programs by establishing the

earth station: -

(a) Name: -

(b) Economic condition - (fixed and running capital): -

(c) Experience: -
(d) Technical capacity: -

4. Investment to be made for broadcasting: -

(a) Proposed investment: -

(b) Source of investment: -

5. Income from broadcasting: -

(a) Annual income: -

(b) Source of income: -

6. Means of broadcasting and distributing programs: -

(a) Through up-linking with satellite

(b) Through other means

7. Details of the earth station: -

(a) Satellite to be linked with

(b) Frequency band / frequency to be used

(c) Surface means of program distribution

8. Place of broadcasting and broadcasting station: -

9. Area of broadcasting and population: -

10. Date of commencement of broadcasting: -

11. Language to be used in broadcasting: -

12. Time and period of broadcasting: -

13. Programs to be broadcast: -

14. Name of the countries from which equipment is imported: -

15. Other particulars: -




Applicant's: -

Signature: -

Name: -

Date: -

Note: -

The applicant has to get a detail study of financial, technical and business
aspects of the subject on which he intends to obtain license done by an experienced
and reputed person or a recognized research institution in the concerned field, and
attach such study with the application.
Schedule - 4

(Relating to Rule 6)

Permission letter


broadcasting programs by establishing earth station

relating to satellite and cable television

Number of license: -

1. Name of person or institution having obtained permission letter: -

2. Address: -

(a) Permanent address- (b) Temporary address-

District: - District: -

Municipality/V.D.C.: - Municipality/V.D.C.: -

Ward No.: - Ward No.: -

Village/Tol: - Village/Tol: -

Phone No.: - Phone No.: -

3. Permission letter holder’s citizenship: -

4. Of person or institution broadcasting programs by establishing the earth

station: -

(a) Name: -

(b) Economic condition - (fixed and running capital): -

(c) Experience: -

(d) Technical capacity: -

5. Of the earth station: -

(a) Satellite to be linked with: -

(b) Frequency band/frequency to be used: -

(c) Surface means of program distribution: -

(d) Antenna: -

(e) Others: -

6. Means of broadcasting: -

7. Place of broadcasting and broadcasting station: -

8. Area of broadcasting and population: -

9. Date of commencement of broadcasting: -

10. Language to be used in broadcasting: -

11. Time and period of broadcasting: -

12. Programs to be broadcast: -

13. Validity period of permission letter: -

14. Other terms: -




Seal of the office

Permission letter issuing authority's: -

Signature: -

Name: -

Designation: -

Office: -

Date: -
Renewal details

Fiscal year Renewal fee and Date of Signature of renewing

other details authority
Schedule - 5 (a)

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 7)

Fees payable while applying for

license and permission letter

1. For broadcasting programs through

satellite, cable or other means of communication Rs.2, 000/-

2. For broadcasting programs by establishing

frequency modulation broadcasting system Rs.1,


3. For broadcasting programs by establishing

earth station relating to satellite and cable

Rs.5, 000/-

4. For broadcasting programs by establishing earth station

used by foreign media workers who come to transmit

information of programs such as assemblies, conferences,

seminars, symposiums for a short period Stamp of Rs. 5/-

Schedule - 5 (b)

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 7)

Fees payable while issuing license and permission letter

1. For broadcasting programs through means of communication relating to

satellite or cable

(a) For cable network with capacity not exceeding 500 lines Rs. 5,000/-

(b) For cable network with capacity not exceeding 2500 lines Rs. 20,000/-

(c) For cable network with capacity not exceeding 5000 lines Rs. 30,000/-

(d) For cable network with capacity not exceeding 10000 lines Rs. 5,000/-

(e) For whatever capacity more than 10,000 lines Rs.100,000/-

2. For broadcasting programs by establishing frequency modulation

broadcasting system

(a) For broadcasting center with capacity not exceeding 20 watt Rs.10,000/-

(b) For broadcasting center with capacity not exceeding 50 watt Rs.25,000/-

(c) For broadcasting center with capacity not exceeding 100 Rs.50,000/-

(d) For broadcasting center with capacity not exceeding 250 Rs.100,000/-

(e) For broadcasting center with capacity not exceeding 500 Rs.200,000/-

(f) For whatever capacity more than 500 watt Rs.500,000/-

3. For broadcasting programs by establishing earth station

relating to satellite and cable television Rs.3, 50,000/-

4. For broadcasting programs from earth station relating

to satellite and cable television.

(a) For up to ten channels Rs. 25,000/-

(b) For ten to twenty channels Rs. 50,000/-

(c) For more than twenty channels Rs. 75,000/-

5. For broadcasting programs through other means

of communication Rs. 50,000/-

6. For broadcasting programs by establishing earth station

used by foreign media workers who come to transmit

information of programs such as assemblies, conferences,

seminars, symposiums for a short period Stamp of Rs. 50/-

Schedule - 6

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 10)

Registration Book


license and permission letter

S.N Name Date of Validity Fee for In case of In case Remark

. and issue of broadcastin s
license period of renewal any g
address and of alteration
of permissio license in activity
n letter, and license
person and type and license is
having thereof permissio and
obtained n letter n letter stopped,
and permissio
license n letter, detail
and renewal de-
permissio date tails
n letter thereof and date
Schedule - 7

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 5)



alteration in particulars mentioned in license/permission letter



As the following particulars, out of those mentioned in the

license/permission letter obtained by me/us on........., are to be altered, I/we have
submitted this application, accompanied by the fee payable pursuant to Rule 15 of
the National Broadcasting Regulation, 2052 (1995), and the original copy of the
license/permission letter.

Particulars to be altered:








Name: -

Date: -
Schedule - 8

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 16)



renewal of license/permission letter



As the validity period of the license/permission letter obtained by me/us

on........., is to expire on---------, I/we have submitted this application, accompanied
by the fee payable under the rule and the original copy of the license/permission
letter, for renewal of the license/permission letter.


Signature: -

Address: -

Name: -

Date: -

See notification in the Nepal Gazette dated 2054.4.1 (July 16, 1997).

Inserted by a notification in the Nepal Gazette dated 2058.9.9 (Dec. 24, 2001).

Inserted by a notification in the Nepal Gazette dated 2058.9.9 (Dec. 24, 2001).

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