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1.Which of the following is not a legitimate way of bringing a new business idea to

o A. A start-up
o B. A business plan
o C. A franchise
o D. A buy-out
o E. Buy-in

2 Which of the following is a recognized disadvantage of setting up as a start-up as

compared with other routes to market entry?

o A. Less satisfaction of the owners

o B. Less help from various agencies
o C. The business starts with a clean sheet
o D. There are more funds required
o E. There is a high failure rate

3. Someone legally appointed to sell off the assets of a bankrupt firm is called

o A. a Liquidator
o B. An Auctioneer
o C. A Terminator
o D. A Management consultant
o E. A Lawyer

4 In the list below, there are four types of potential liabilities in a business, and one
type of potential asset. Which is the potential asset?

o A. Creditors
o B. Intellectual property
o C. Tax
o D. Bank loan
o E. Hire purchase agreement

5 . There is more than one way to value a business. Which of the list below is not
commonly used?

o A. Market value of the assets

o B. Wealth of the owner
o C. Multiple of profits
o D. Employee numbers
o E. Legal cases against entreprenuer

6 . The list below gives three possible advantages of buying a business and one
potential disadvantage. Which is the potential disadvantage?

o A. Overcomes barriers to entry

o B. Not all my own work
o C. Track record
o D. Buys market share
o E. All people are not recruited by me

7. Which of the following is not one of the ways in which an entrepreneur causes
distinct changes in the market through the introduction of innovations:

o A. The introduction of new products or services

o B. The opening of a new market
o C. The reverse-engineering of an existing product line
o D. The carrying out of the new organisation of any industry
o E. The introduction of a new method of production

8. Which of the following statements most accurately describes innovation:

o A. Innovation is an absolute not a relative concept

o B. Innovation is easy to measure
o C. Innovation is much more important to small busineses than to large
o D. Innovation is a relative not an absolute concept
o E. Innovation is nothing but thinking innovatively

9. Which of the following is not one of Peter Drucker’s ‘Seven Sources of


o A. The unexpected
o B. The incongrous
o C. Process need
o D. New knowledge
o E. Imagination

10. Which of the following factors does the ‘macro-environment’ not include:

o A. Political and regulatory factors

o B. Customer needs in a given market
o C. Social and demographic factors
o D. Technological changes
o E. Economic conditions

11 Which of the following is least likely to influence the timing of new business

o A. Government policies
o B. Profitability
o C. Interest rates
o D. Consumer expenditure
o E. Weather conditions

12. A lifestyle firm exists primarily to support the owners and usually has…….growth

 A. High
 B. moderate
 C. Low
 D. Zero

13 Foundation companies are………created from research and development that lay the
foundation for a new industry:

 A. Big industries
 B. Multinational companies
 C. Small industries
 D. Firms

14. High powered ventures are also called

 A. Gazelles
 B. Joint ventures
 C. Creditors
 D. Companies

15 A lifestyle firm exists primarily to support the……..

 A. Investors
 B. Ventures
 C. Manager
 D. Owner

16 . Intrapreneurship means

 A. Entrepreneurship within an existing company

 B. Evolving new company
 C. Enterprenuership in a new company
 D. Entrepreneurship in joint ventures

17 Following personal skills are required in entrepreneurship EXCEPT

 A. Innovative
 B. Risk taking
 C. Inner control
 D. Comic

18. Fllowing technical skills are required in entrepreneurship EXCEPT

 A. Writing
 B. Oral communication
 C. Monitoring the environment
 D. web designing

18 Following management skills are required in entrepreneurship EXCEPT

 A.Planning
 B. Decision making
 C. Marketing
 D. Innovative

19. Intrapreneurship can also bridge the gap between science and………..

 A. Marketplace
 B. Technology
 C. Economy
 D. Management

20 .Any patents, trademarks , copyright or trade secrets held by the entrepreneur is

known as

1. Disclosure document
2. Patent
3. Intellectual property
4. None of the mentioned

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