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What Plays to Run?

Gregory Double Wing

Article 1
By: Coach Jack Gregory
The number one question I am always asked during the off season and as the new season
begins is “What plays and formations should I use with my team?”. This is usually
followed by a list of plays and formations that the coaches would like to run after
reviewing my playbook. I always reply back and give them my thoughts on the double
wing and what makes the double wing the double wing and why I would run certain
plays. I finally decided to put this down in a permanent format so that any coach could
review it and then come to his own conclusions.


First in order to run the double wing offense you have to understand it is a philosophy of
what we do and how we do it. Here it is in my own words and I am sure my fellow
double wing coaches will offer additional insight to it after they read this. We want to
run at you and we want to run you over. We want to overwhelm you at the point of
attack (POA) with more blockers then you have defenders. We want to pry a hole open
by kicking out the outside man and sealing an inside defender. We are going to force you
to respect our power game and in doing so open you up to our misdirection game. We
want to use solid faking to pull defenders away from the POA when using misdirection. I
define misdirection as faking an action in one area and attacking the defense in another
area. Not necessary the opposite side but a different point of the defense. So it could be a
counter play to the opposite C gap, or a trap in near or far b gap, or a play action pass to
the perimeter or behind the defense. All of these are forms of misdirection that we can
use. If we do decide to go outside it will be in conjunction with our power or
misdirection plays to force the defense to defend the entire field and limit the amount of
defenders we have to block on the perimeter.

Secondly it is a basic concept of how I utilize my formations and positions. What I mean
is that I use tight line splits. Splits that are normally zero to six inches in distance but can
often span to one foot if the need arises. I use the depth of my lineman to my advantage
to create separation from the defensive line to allow us to easily form wedges, explode
into our tracks, and pull. I line up my full back, I call him a B-back or blocking back, in
a sniffer position behind the quarterback. Meaning that he is within two feet behind the
quarter back. This allows him to get in a blocking path against defenders on the ends of
the line of scrimmage (LOS) and it hides him for running plays and passing plays. These
are huge benefits to us and to be honest with you my mindset on the B-back has changed
in the past season after going to the Double Wing Symposium in Dallas and seeing Kevin
Thurman’s presentation on the B-back. I would recommend ,if you get a chance, going
to Kevin’s site and taking a look at all of the resources he has as
well as his playbooks. They are very well priced and Kevin in my opinion is one of the
finest youth and double wing coaches in the country. The wingbacks aligns inward and
facing the near lineman’s near hip. We do this so that his motion track (we use a fast at
depth motion that puts him deeper then the B-back under the B gap), so that if he has to
block down he his in a perfect angle to do so, it also puts him in a great position for
misdirection plays and blocking inside traps as well. The QB is a blocker as well as a
ball carrier. I believe in a four back offense and every back is a blocker, faker, and ball
carrier. We can position the ends, wingbacks, b-back, and even the quarter back in
different positions and still hold true to our basic philosophy.

Blocking System

Now that I have went over what my basic philosophy is and how I perceive my double
wing system I want to briefly discuss my blocking schemes. I use Severe Angle
Blocking (SAB), Wedge blocking, pulling (sealing and trapping), and reach blocking in
my system. I think the traditional drive block (one on one block) is absolutely worthless
unless you have a superior athlete/blocker in each match up and that is not feasible in
most youth football circumstances. I would rather use angles, pulling, and multiple
blockers and take advantage of defenses in that manner. With that being said I like the
GAP ON DOWN scheme (double team scheme) and the ODD/EVEN scheme that is
synonymous with the double wing but I have found that it requires a lot of additional
training and teaching the actual rules, techniques (double, combo, coming off to pick up
the inside blitz), and timing that I just simply don’t have with a youth team that I would
with a middle school, high school, or semi-pro team. So that is why I use SAB and
wedge as my main blocking schemes because they allow me to quickly implement a
offensive blocking scheme and then get really good at it and then teach simple
adjustments for it. I just can’t get that with the time constraints that I have currently.
Now that we have that out of the way and you sort of understand my basic philosophy I
am going to elaborate on four series of the double wing that I think are very lethal and if
used in conjunction with each other will put the defense in one heck of bind and give you
the ability to attack the defense in a variety of ways effectively anywhere on the field.
Given unlimited time I would be teaching both GOD and SAB but I have this firm belief
that the simplest answer is the most efficient way of defeating my opponent.


Some coaches tend to only stick to the Tight formation and run their entire offense out of
tight only. That to me is self-limiting and I refuse to limit or hamstring my offensive unit
by only using one formation and not have the ability to adapt to the defense. Simply put I
classify formations into three groups; base formation (the formation that the vast majority
of my plays can be run out of), adjustment formations (those formations that keep the
same basic concept of the base offense but can move or adjust a defender in way that the
offense can better run its core series of plays), alternative formations (those formations
that are completely different from the base and can be used to run the core series with
some changes). I always want to have at least two or three adjustment formations that
allow me to move defenders away from the play or put them in a position that I can better
block or misdirect them. The formations that I use most often are the TIGHT formation
(our base), SPLIT formation (adjustment), LOOSE formation (adjustment), and SLOT
formation (adjustment).
The Core – Super Power Series

First the Super Power series is the double wing core series and when people ask if you
run the double wing what they are really asking is if you run this series of plays. To me
this is the first series of plays you have to get working. Most youth teams and some high
school teams use only this series of plays and they are very very successful with it. The
core series depends on your level of coaching:

* - initially taught as the core

Age 5-8
*Super Power
*BB Wedge
*CB Counter (CB Lead Counter)
Super Power Sweep (WB reaches and BB + pullers log)
CB Wedge
QB Wedge

Age 9-13
*Super Power
*BB Wedge
*CB Counter (CB Lead Counter)
*BB Trap (either direction)
Super Power Sweep
CB Wedge
QB Wedge
Wedge Fade Pass
Flood Pass (my version of SP pass)

The key play in this series in the Super Power and the two major core plays are BB
Wedge and CB Counter. I also think that if you have a team that can handle an additional
play from this series with the additional teaching of another blocking scheme then it
should be BB Trap as this play works well with super power but also with the BB wedge.

Passing is not a high priority for me in this series but I do want to be able to throw out of
this series eventually. Especially as the season progresses and defense tend to stack on
the LOS to stop our core series.

I believe in being balanced, in my play calling and that means that any play I install I can
utilize on both sides of the formation. This stems from my simple belief that I need to be
able to attack a defense based on what they are doing on each side of the ball. If I install
a trap on just one side of the ball and the defense I am facing is only trappable on the
other side then I am not truly balanced and I have limited myself by teaching my offense
in that manner.
Buck Series – (Wedge Series)

This is a series I use when we do not use motion and is a basic series of plays that I teach
to our wedge team (a group of minimum play players combined with my starting Center,
Guards, Motion Back, Blocking Back, and depending on how may MPPs (minimum play
players) I also have my starting QB in place as well. This series uses the BB wedge as
the primary play of the series in conjunction with the Wedge Sweep and the Waggle Pass
(either Wedge or Power depending on skill level and age). I would seriously consider
using this series as my initial series for very young teams (5-8) so that I had a very
successful simple series while I developed the super power series.

*- initially taught

Age 5-8
*BB Wedge
*Wedge Sweep
*Wedge QB Waggle Pass (Keep)
Wedge Fade Pass
QB Wedge
BB Trap (either side)

Age 9-13
*BB Wedge
*Wedge Sweep
*Power Waggle Pass (Keep)
Wedge Waggle Pass (Keep)
QB Wedge
BB Trap (either side)
CB Criss Cross Lead Counter

This series puts pressure on both sides of the defense and the interior of the defense at the
same time. This makes this series very effective because of that perimeter pressure and
the additional pressure placed on the middle of the defense. I really enjoy using this
series and how simple it is the install the core plays.

Rocket Series – (Outside threat)

This is a series that is based on the wing-t series of the same name. The primary play is
the Rocket Sweep – (Wedge Sweep or Reach Sweep) that puts immediate and fast
pressure on the perimeter of the defense. The key component of this series is the fast
motion of the motion wing and the snap and toss of the quarter back to the motion back.
The other key component of this series is the fact that the blocking back is going the
wrong way which works well with my super power series as the b-back wrong ways
(kicks out the backside defensive end) on the CB Counter play. The fact that the B-back
and Q-back (bootleg out) are both going to the opposite side of the sweep action puts a
tremendous amount of pressure on both perimeters and forces the defense to expand
outwards opening up the (softening) the middle of the defense. What I really like about
this series is that it is another series that you can develop using wedge blocking for
younger age groups and then grow into the SAB as we do with the Buck Series.

*- initially taught

Age 5-8
*Wedge Sweep (Fold)
*CB Wedge
*BB Wedge
QB Wedge Waggle Pass (Keep)
QB Wedge
CB Power
BB Trap (to playside)
Reach Sweep
QB Wedge Fade Pass

Age 9-13
*Wedge Sweep (Fold)
*CB Wedge
*BB Wedge
*QB Wedge Waggle Pass (Keep)
QB Wedge
CB Power
BB Trap (to playside)
CB Trap (to backside)
Reach Sweep
QB Wedge Fade Pass
Creep Sweep (BB Trap)
BB Counter (to playside with PSWB sealing inside)

What I really like about this series is it is really a polar opposite of the super power
series. In that super power series we are looking at attacking the C gap and putting slow
and deliberate pressure on that c gap. In the rocket series we are putting fast immediate
pressure on the D gap but then doing the same thing we do in the super power series by
then utilizing various methods of misdirection to take advantage of the defense.

Loose Passing Series (used with Loose Formation look)

This is a perimeter quick passing game that I designed for our kids that is based on the
Coverdale quick passing game, Bunch Principles, and spread passing theory. It is simple
to use and simple to execute for the entire unit. Basically we use whatever series is the
most effective for us and use pass protection based on that series. We then use at least
two to three of the patterns in conjunction with each other and the base series to get our
better athletes on the perimeter and facing open field against perimeter defenders. I
happen to love using this package as it lets me attack defenses with short easy passes
against defenses that are collapsing on us and not defending the entire field.


When I begin to install my system I install the core plays of the super power series and
the buck series. I feel with those plays in place I can be extremely competitive at the
beginning of the season. As the season progresses and my team becomes experienced in
the offense and shows a mastery for the plays and series I then know that I can add more
to the mix of plays. I normally install three plays (super series – super power, BB wedge,
and CB counter) at the same time and work on perfecting those three plays first. Once
that is achieved everything else falls into place for us.

I want to point out that I have a real firm belief in running what works on any given game
day. So if a play or particular series is really working for us I am more then likely going
to stick with that for the majority of the game. Why change if the defense cannot stop it?
On the other side of that if a defense is playing us well and the game is close and the yard
per play is getting smaller we have to adjust to take advantage of how the defense is
adapting to stop us. No offensive series is perfect, although I think the super power series
is about as perfect as you can get, and you have to be able to adapt or throw out
something different that you are good at so that you force the defense to readjust. To me
the Super Power, Buck, Rocket, and Loose series allow me to do that effectively and
efficiently with just about any youth team I coach.

Coach Jack Gregory

Copyright 2004. Jack Gregory

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