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Quick Start Guide

4th Edition
ver 1.1

1. Category Search

2. Picture Search

3. Advanced Search

4. Code or Keyword Search

5. Work Sheet

6. Referential Index

7. Annotation Manager
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1. Category Search

Fig. 1

Click Category title to display

the sub-categories in the tree
view structure, and click the
sub-category title to display
Search Result on the right.

Fig. 2

Double click on a product row

in the Search Result to activate
the Work Sheet Add.

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Fig. 3

Fill quantity.

Additional Description text or

Remarks can be added before
clicking on the Save button.

Any Additional Description will result in a change

of the product's IMPA code where the last 2 digits
of the code will be changed to xx when displayed Click for Save.
in the Work Sheet.
Remarks, however, will not change the product's
IMPA code in anyway.

Fig. 4

Work Sheet lists and displays

all the products added to it in
the format as shown.

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2. Picture Search

Fig. 5

Click "Picture Search" button to

bring up Picture Search module.

Fig. 6

This module displays all categories in

the tree view structure in the left side.
Upon selecting the sub-category, all
the item images within the sub-category
are displayed in the thumbnail view at
the right side.

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Fig. 7

Left click on the thumbnail image

will bring up a detailed product
sheet on the product.
Right click on the thumbnail image
will give an enlarged view of the
item image.

Click "Add" button to activate

the Work Sheet Add function
Fig. 8 for user to add this product to
the Work Sheet.

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Fig. 9

Fill quantity.

Additional Description text or

Remarks can be added before
clicking on the Save button.

Any Additional Description will result

in a change of the product's IMPA code Click for Save.
where the last 2 digits of the code will
be changed to xx when displayed in the
Work Sheet. Remarks, however, will
not change the product's IMPA code
in anyway.

Fig. 10

Work Sheet lists and displays

all the products added to it in
the format as shown.

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3. Advanced Search

Fig. 11

Click this button to bring up

the Advanced Search Module.

Advanced Search increases the precision

Fig. 12
of Keyword Search by combining a keyword
(any length of text) with a specific category
or IMPA code.

Select a category from the pull down

category list and fill keyword in keyword
box. Click "Search".
Fill code in Code box and fill keyword,
and click "Search".

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Fig. 13
This example shows the use of a
keyword and category.
When category 15 is selected and
the keyword "cotton" is entered, all
the products containing the word
cotton in category 15 are listed as

Fig. 14

Refer to Fig. 2 about

how to add an item to
Work Sheet.

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4. Code or Keyword Search

Fig. 15

Enter at least 2 digits into Enter any length of text into the
the code search box. code search box to search for
products within description
containing this string.

Fig. 16

Refer to Fig. 2 about

how to add an item to
Work Sheet.

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Fig. 17

Right click on the product row will bring up

a small menu with 2 options.
Product details will bring up a detailed sheet
on the selected product.
Copy will allow the product code, description
and unit of measurement be copied on to the
operating system's clipboard, and later trans-
ferred to another application like a text editor.

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5. Work Sheet

Fig. 18

Work Sheet can be sorted by any of the

columns by simply clicking on any column

2 textboxes allows a user to view any

Additional Description or Remarks added
for the selected product during the Work
Sheet Add process.


Fig. 19

New IMPA and non-IMPA products can be

added the Work Sheet by directly entering
the product code using this function.
Every Insert function can add a maximum
of 10 products into the Work Sheet.

2 textboxes allows a user to view any Additional Descriptions or

Remarks added for the selected product during the Work Sheet
Add process.
Additional Descriptions or Remarks can be added for any IMPA
or non-IMPA products to be inserted into the Work Sheet.
An Additional Description added to an IMPA product will result in
a change in its product code within the Work Sheet.
Remarks added will not make any change in both IMPA and non-
IMPA products.
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To change the quantity, Additional

Description or Remarks of a listed
Edit IMPA product or all attributes of a
listed non-IMPA product.
Fig. 20 Before clicking on the Edit button,
a product listed in the Work Sheet
must be first highlighted to indication

For an IMPA product, the user can make changes to

the quantity, Additional Description and Remarks fields.
In additional, the-pull down menu at the top left hand
corner allows the user to change the product list to
Click on the Save button to complete the Edit process.


Fig. 21

The user can delete any unwanted product

in the Work Sheet by selecting the product
and clicking on the Delete button.

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Fig. 22

If a work sheet was previously saved, it can

be imported with the import function.
Simply navigate through the file system, select
the save Work Sheet file and click Open to
import the file.


Fig. 23

Work Sheets can be saved in files for

later use in Microsoft(R) Excel, TDF
(Tab Delimited File), plain text, MTML
1.0 or MTML 1.5 formats

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Save - MTML format To save in either MTML details

must be completed.
Fig. 24 The pop-up MTML detail dialog
will display default information
as currently known to the Work
Click on the Save button to save
the details.


Fig. 25

Click this button to delete all the products

currently listed in the Work Sheet.

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Fig. 26

Using Crystal Report, a Work Sheet can be

printed with the all the product and details
currently listed.
To print the report, select the Print icon shown.

Requisition Details

Fig. 27
Requisition detail fields are displayed for
inputting information such as requisition
number, date, ship name, account, port
name, date of delivery and other details
related to the RFQ, Draft or Order.

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6. Referential Index

Fig. 28
Referential Index is used to refer to product
related information such as shoe sizes and
measurement definitions.

Fig. 29

For example, when the user access 45 Petroleum

Products, sub-category Miscellaneous Oil is revealed.
And on selecting the sub-category, the referential
tables related to Miscellaneous Oil will be displayed.

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Fig. 30

To print a Referential Index,

click on the Print button.

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7. Annotation Manager

Fig. 31

The Annotation Manager help users to

store comments related to certain IMPA
product codes to future references.

Select Product Details from menu

to open the Product Details sheet.

When the Add Annotation button is

Fig. 32 activated on a product sheet, the Add
Annotation dialog will pop-up for the
user to enter an annotation.
Click the Save button to save the

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Fig. 33

User can view the complete annotations

by clicking View Annotation button on
Product details sheet.

Fig. 34
Activate Annotation Manager from the Master
Window to display all the annotation that were
previously added to the annotation sections.

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Fig. 35

The list of annotations can be sorted by serial number,

message, code, date of entry or product category.
When annotations are lengthy, users can view the
complete annotations by double clicking on the re-
spective row to bring up the View Annotation dialog.


Fig. 36

To view the product details of an

annotation that is added, select the
item in the list and click on the Go

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Select any one annotation on the Annotation
Manager and click the Edit button.
Fig. 37
An Edit Annotation dialog will appear to allow
editing of the annotation.


Fig. 38

The user can delete an annotation by

selecting the annotation and clicking
the Delete button.

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Fig. 39
The user can search for an annotation by
input keywords and clicking the Search
All items that satisfies the search key will
be displayed.


Fig. 40

The user can save the annotation

to a file in Microsoft(R) Excel,
TDF or plain text formats.
When the save dialog box is
displayed, enter a filename and
select the path where the file is
to be saved.


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