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B.S. Arch.

Technical Courses: Allied Courses

>> Full List Of B.S. Arch Technical Courses


 Architectural Visual Communications 1: Graphics 1

 Architectural Visual Communications 2: Visual Techniques 1
 Architectural Visual Communications 3: Graphics 2
 Architectural Visual Communications 4: Visual Techniques 2
 Architectural Visual Communications 5: Visual Techniques 3


Architectural Visual Communications 1: Graphics 1

Course Name: Architectural Visual Communications 1: Graphics 1
Course Description: The study of visual communication, typography, alphabet of lines and their applications
and the use and care of instruments, geometric construction, use of scale, mensuration and
dimensioning. Emphasis is given to the study of the theory of projection with analysis of the relationship
between points, lines and planes in space. Includes exercises on surface development and graphic
Number of Units: Lecture – 1 unit and Studio - 2 units
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture – 1 hour and Studio - 6 hours
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: None
Course Objectives: At the end of the term, the student should be able to:
1. Prepare typographic composition using architectural lettering.
2. Properly utilize drawing instruments and drafting paraphernalia.
3. Apply alphabet of lines and appropriate drafting techniques in producing geometric drawings.
4. Prepare orthographic drawings.
5. Compile and submit portfolio of works.
Course Outline:
1. Architectural lettering.
2. Drawing instruments; use and care.
3. Alphabet of lines: proper applications.
4. Rules of dimensioning.
5. Geometric construction; graphical method.
6. Theory of projection.
6.1. Orthographic projection.
6.2. Axonometric projection.
7. Surface development.
7.1. Plotting using graphical method.
7.2. 3-D modelling.
Studio Equipment: Drafting tables and chairs
Suggested Textbooks and References: Suggested References:
1. Architectural Graphic Standards - Ramsey and Sleeper
2. How to Draw - Hill, Adrian
3. Technical Drafting 1 - Cardenas, Elpidio J. & Felizardo Y. Francisco
4. The Principles of Architectural Drafting - (A Sourcebook of Technics & Graphic Standards) Browning,
Hugh C. 1996
5. Drafting in the Industry – Brown, Walter C. 1984

Architectural Visual Communications 2: Visual Techniques 1

Course Name: Architectural Visual Communications 2: Visual Techniques 1
Course Description: The study of visualization and graphic presentation in the form of freehand drawings
including still-life and architectural forms and entourage using different media, in black and
Number of Units: Lecture - 1 unit and Studio - 1 unit
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio - 3 hrs.
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: None
Course Objectives: At the end of the term, the student should be able to:
1. Visualize three-dimensional forms.
2. Prepare freehand drawings of still-life, architectural perspectives and other architectural forms using
different media in black and white and monochrome.
3. Compile and submit portfolio of works.
Course Outline
1. Principles of freehand drawing including composition, proportioning and shading
2. Techniques in the use of different tools and media in presentation such as Pencil, Pen and Ink
3. Wet and Dry Brush
4. Other Monochromatic media
5. Principles of incorporating architectural entourage in perspectives.
Studio Equipment: Drafting tables and Chairs, Studio lights.
Suggested Textbooks and References:
1. Basic Drawing - Gallagher, Jean
2. Complete Guide in Drawing and Painting Readers Digest 1997
3. Entourage
4. How to Draw - Hill, Adrian
5. Drawing (Step-by-step to Guide Drawing Techniques) - Gair, Angela, 1994
6. Barron’s Art Handbooks Mixing Colors–3. Dry Techniques, 2000

Architectural Visual Communications 3: Graphics 2

Course Name: Architectural Visual Communications 3: Graphics 2
Course Description: An introduction to measured drawings applying graphic conventions; the study of
pictorial presentation and perspective projections; plotting of shades and shadows in both orthographic
and perspective drawings.
Number of Units: Lecture – 1 unit and Studio - 2 units
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio - 6 hrs.
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Architectural Visual Communications 1: Graphics 1
Course Objectives: At the end of the term, the student should be able to:
1. Apply graphic and drafting conventions in the production of simple floor plans, elevations and sections
using pencil and pen & ink.
2. Apply principles of perspective drawing and plotting of shades and shadows.
3. Compile and submit portfolio of works.
Course Outline
1. Architectural graphic conventions
1.1 Materials
1.2 Line weights
1.3 Dimensioning rules
1.4 Architectural lettering, rules and proportion conventions
1.5 Standard size of paper and requirements for title blocks for working drawings
1.6 Sheet Composition
2. Architectural drawings
2.1 Introduction to principles and techniques in producing architectural drawings such as floor plans,
elevations and sections.
3. Principles of perspective projection; shades and shadows (exterior and interior perspective) One-point
and Two-point.
Studio Equipment: Drafting tables and chairs
Suggested Textbooks and References:
1. Architectural Graphic Standards - Ramsey and Sleeper
2. How to Draw - Hill, Adrian
3. Technical Drafting 1 - Cardenas, Elpidio J. & Felizardo Y. Francisco
4. The Princples of Architectural Drafting (A Sourcebook of Technics & Graphic Standards) - Browning,
Hugh C. 1996
5. Drafting in the Industry - Brown , Walter C. 1984

Architectural Visual Communications 4: Visual Techniques 2

Course Name: Architectural Visual Communications 4: Visual Techniques 2
Course Description: An introduction to the study of color as form-giver; psychology of color; theories of light
and color; scientific and aesthetic considerations of color; study and exercises on the use of color as
presentation tool; architectural presentations and outdoor color rendering using appropriate
techniques in color mixing and application and various media such as watercolor, acrylic paints, pastel
Number of Units: Lecture – 1 unit and Studio - 1 unit
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio - 3 hrs.
Prerequisite: Architectural Visual Communications 2: Visual Techniques 1
Course Objectives: At the end of the term, the student should be able to:
1. Prepare coloured architectural presentation and rendering using various media such as watercolor,
acrylic paints, and pastel.
2. Submit a portfolio of finished works.
Course Outline:
1. Theories of light and color
1.1. Additive and subtractive
1.2. Color composition and schemes
1.3. Light, shade and shadow in color
2. Architectural rendering materials
2.1. Types of paper
2.2. Types of brushes
2.3. Types of watercolors
2.4. Other coloring materials
2.5. Auxiliary tools and materials
3. Techniques in handling color
3.1. Rendering in transparent watercolor (wet and dry)
3.2. Rendering in opaque watercolor
3.3. Rendering in dry media
Studio Equipment: Drafting Tables and Chairs, Studio lights
Suggested Textbooks and References:
1. Barron’s Art Handbooks Mixing Colors – 3. Dry Techniques.
2. Basic Drawing - Gallagher, Jean
3. Complete Guide in Drawing and Painting Readers Digest 1997
4. Drawing (Step-by-step to Guide Drawing Techniques) - Gair, Angela, 1994
5. Entourage
6. How to Draw - Hill, Adrian
7. Light in Watercolor - Barrass, Jackie, 2000
8. Watercolor Basics: Light, Judy Morris, 2000
9. Watercolor Mixing: The 12-Hue Method - Willard, Christopher 2000

Architectural Visual Communications 5: Visual Techniques 3

Course Name: Architectural Visual Communications 5: Visual Techniques 3
Course Description: Covers exercises on advanced techniques of presentation using mixed media. Includes
the study of multi-media composition/digital presentation, photography and computer generation.
Number of Units: Lecture – 1 unit and Studio - 1unit
Number of Contact Hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour and Studio - 3 hrs.
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Architectural Visual Communications 4 : Visual Techniques 2
Course Objectives: At the end of the term, the student should be able to:
1. Prepare presentations in different media using advanced techniques.
2. Prepare simple architectural models
3. Compile a portfolio of works.
Course Outline
1. Advanced presentation techniques using:
1.1. Markers
1.2. Colored Pencils
1.3. Air-brush
1.4. Mixed media
2. Model-making principles and techniques
3. Architectural Photography
3.1. Photographing buildings and landscapes
3.2. Photographing table models
3.3. Photo-montage techniques
4. Introduction to computer-generated presentation.
Studio Equipment:
1. Drafting Tables and Chairs
2. Studio Lights
3. At least one (1) set Airbrush set with compressor per class
4. At least one (1) computer set
5. One (1) Scanner
6. One (1) Printer
7. Audio-visual equipment
Suggested Textbooks and References:
1. An Introduction to Airbrushing and Photo Retouching Breckon, Brett 1987
2. Barron’s Art Handbooks Mixing Colors – 3. Dry Techniques.
3. Basic Drawing - Gallagher, Jean
4. Complete Guide in Drawing and Painting Readers Digest 1997
5. Drawing (Step-by-step to Guide Drawing Techniques) - Gair, Angela 1994
6. Dynamic Airbrush - Miller David and James M. Effler 1987
7. Entourage
8. How to Draw - Hill, Adrian
9. Light in Watercolor - Barrass, Jackie 2000
10. Watercolor Basics: Light - Morris, Judy 2000
11. Watercolor Mixing: The 12-Hue Method - Willard, Christopher 2000
12. Books on Photography
13. Books on Computer Presentations

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