Maintenance Audit Sample

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By Author, Larry Bush

Productive and cost effective maintenance management of a company or plant’s

assets is absolutely essential for maximum profitability and long term survival of
that company or plant. The only way to know for certain whether the
maintenance activities of a company are productive and effective is through
records and inspections, including regular departmental audits.

The financial health of a company requires strict financial controls, records,

audits, etc. The health of a company’s physical assets requires controls,
records, and audits, also. A properly defined and carried out maintenance
department audit will show the strengths and weaknesses of the maintenance
department and management of company assets.


Subject Page


A. MANAGEMENT …………………………………………. 3

B. FINANCIAL CONTROLS ………………………………. 6

C. PLANNING ………………………………………………. 10

D. SAFETY and TRAINING ………………………………. 13

E. SPARE PARTS and MATERIAL ……………………… 16

F. FACILITIES ………………………….…………………… 19

G. EVALUATION …………………………………………… 21

15. Does the department maintain a complete machinery history of the facility
and equipment?

15.1. all .....…......…............................................................................ 10

15.2. major equipment only ............................................................. 5

15.3. intermittent or none ........................................................................ 0

16. Does the department use work standards and review past work to
determine and implement time saving work methods?

16.1. 90 to 100% …...…......…................................................................ 10

16.2. 80 to 90% …………………………………………………………… 5

16.3. less than 80% ....................................................................... 0


1. Is there a departmental safety program of safety training courses,

including lockout/tagout, forklift safety, lift-truck driving, lifting, electrical hazards,
electrical explosive hazards, electrical arc flash hazards, welding, compressed
gases, and other state mandated safety courses.?

1.1. all .............................................................................................. 10

1.2. less than 100% ........................................................................ 0

2. Are safety meetings scheduled periodically?

2.1. weekly .....…......….................................................................. 10

2.2. monthly ................................................................................... 5

The Maintenance Department shall maintain complete records of all
departmental training and safety inspections, including inspection violations and

The Maintenance Department of a facility or manufacturing plant is critical to the

success of the organization. An optimally functioning department adds value to
the organization and the opposite is also true.

If you found this Maintenance Audit by Larry Bush useful, download his book…

“Writing Maintenance Policy and Procedure Manual”


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