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2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a description on the reviewed literature in Technology
Transfer (TT), International Technology Transfer (ITT) & ITT experience in
different situations.

As the first step of this study this literature review was carried out in order to gain a
better understanding of concepts, tools and models adopted by other researchers on
ITT and the experiences of other countries. Also the literature review provides the
basis which is essential in formulation of the conceptual model in order to review
the success and failures of the ITT project in Sir Lanka and to identify the factors
that affected the success of the project.

The past experiences in Sri Lanka and other developing counties in ITT have been
taken into consideration in framing the guidelines for future ITT project.

TT is an important business strategy today because the technology provides the

ways and means of producing goods and services. Competitiveness of a firm or
country, which engages in producing goods and services, depends on the technology
they use. Pietrobelli (2000) states that the economic activities have become global
and that technology is playing a central role in all economic activities. Feature of
globalizing of economic activities means that the transfers and interchanges of
technologies have increased tremendously while becoming vital to their

However, Offiri, (2001) indicates that the introduction of technology effectively into
the organization and reaping the benefits is more complex. It points out the need of
technology in the economic development of a country or a firm and


Chapter 02 Literature Review

the needs for being vigilant in purchasing and implementing technology, specially
for the developing countries.

Therefore, an in depth study of the implications of ITT is necessary.


2.2 Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer (TT) is a crucial and dynamic factor in social and economic
development. Abbot (1985) defined TT as “the movement of the science from one
group to another, such movement involving its use”. Simkoko (1992) defined the
TT for construction industry as “the planned conveyance and acquisition of
technical knowledge and techniques of construction firms”. This implies that there is
no true TT until the technical knowledge received from the donor has been put into
effective use. Technology Transfer involves a two way process which can succeed
only when both the donor and the recipient work together in deciding what needs to
be transferred and implemented (Sridharan, 1994, Moavenzadeh and Hagopian,
1984) suggested that foreign contractors’ involvement is a key requirement for the
development of local construction industry and have shown that local contractors
progressively enhance their capability by working with foreign contractors, until
eventually they become able to export their services. It is evident with the Singapore
construction industry, that the local contractors’ capacity and ability have been
enhanced as a result of their involvement with foreign firms.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD, 1990) suggested

that effective transfer occurs when the technology is requested, transmitted,
received, understood, applied, diffused widely and improved. Construction
technology may be transferred through joint ventures between foreign and local
companies which may either be project specified or of a long-term nature (Ofori,
1994). International joint ventures and subcontracts employed in building material


Chapter 02 Literature Review

and construction can be serious vehicles of TT provided it contributes to provide

high quality inputs into the wider industry (Ganesan and Kelsey, 2006).
Kumaraswami (1997) show that technology transfer can take place in various ways,
such as direct use of technology, use of technology with modification, and the
reverse use of technology.
TT has advocated as a catalyst of the change or improvement required in many
construction industries; however free transfer of technology from one country or
region or firm to another has been restricted by various barriers (Shrestha and
Kumaraswami, 2000). Organization culture, Lack of time, Capacities of individuals,
Attitude of individuals, Lack of clear policy, Lack of clear agreements Lack of clear
procedures, lack of funding provisions, are some of major barriers.

2.3 Technology Transfer for Enhancement of Capabilities

Akubue, (2002) indicates that, in a present study technology transfer is defined as

the transmission of technical knowledge through commercial contracts involving the
provision of goods and services. Included in this definition of technology transfer
are many types of contracts ranging from the delivery of equipment and the
acquisition of production rights to the training of persons the temporary provision of
management with the transfer of responsibility. Complete technology transfers are
there for package deals including a whole variety of goods and services. Some
contracts are usually referred to as technology transfers, such as licensing or turnkey
contracts, which are in the above definition only partial technology transfers or
elements of such transfers, since the actual transmission of technological knowledge
may be minimal. It is a also clear that complete technology transfer is longer
processes, the number of years required depending on the complexity of the
technology and the technological capabilities of the transferee.
2.4 Technology Capabilities & Assessment

Since the technological capability enhancement can be considered has a measure of

determining the success of TT, it is important to study further what specific


Chapter 02 Literature Review

capacities are required for a particular firm with respect to their comparative
Sexton and Barrett, (2003) indicate that Technological Capability as the capacity to
gain an overview of the technological components on the market, assess their value,
select which specific technology is needed, use it, adapt and improve it and finally
develop technologies oneself. This is a skill possessed both by direct producers
(farmers, workers) and also decision-makers (in companies, in state agencies).
Technological capability is not only the prerequisite for independent technological
developments but also for successful technology transfer. For us the term technology
also involves organization and know-how, and a country's own independent
technological efforts and technology transfer are not alternative options but
complement each other. A common feature of both organization and know-how is
that they can only be partially transferred.

Further they pointed out that there are four pillars on which technological capability
is based:

1. The skill of the producers to imitate and innovate;

2. The economic, political, administrative and legal framework conditions, which

determine whether incentives to develop technological capability exist. In the past, it
was often not recognized that these incentives do not exist in many developing
countries, especially if an import substitution policy relieved companies of all
pressure to be competitive or to innovate;

3. Direct support by technology-oriented state institutions or specific types of

service companies - depending on the given development level, the competition
situation and the characteristics of a technology branch in the given country;

4. Indirect support by the educational system; in addition to a sound basic education

it is important that technical training of a suitable quantity and quality is available at
the secondary-school level and also in the universities.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

The close interaction between these four pillars creates technological capability: If
framework conditions are not conducive to innovations, learning processes are very
arbitrary and take place with a time lag. Successful innovation systems are
characterized by close networking between producers, technology institutions and
training institutions.
It should be stated that every business does not require all these capabilities at the
highest level. Even though the capabilities have been there for the productive sector,
they can be applied to the technologies related to the infrastructure sector as well.

It is also important to maintain that “self learning’ which is an outcome of

commitment, plays a vital role in enhancement technological capacities. A
recipients’ commitment cannot be ignored in successful TT.

The marking system maintained in the ‘Technology assessment score sheet for
management to technological capabilities’ is used for the assessment of the
accumulation of capabilities of a firm. Similarly, the same method can be applied
with modification to assess the enhance capabilities of a firm after a particular TT

2.5 Technology components

Purchasing hardware alone is not sufficient to gain these types of capacities, but the
different levels of capabilities need different technology components at different
levels. Also capabilities need different technology components at different levels.

Enhancement of technological capabilities levels of a recipient also depends on

needs and capabilities. For example Malik, (2002) stated that hardware alone is not
enough to solve the problems of our societies. Technical problems must be properly
recognized and solutions must be properly recognized. Solutions must be developed
and once such solutions have reached the production stage, the user will often
require specialized knowledge and skills to exploit them efficiently. Knowledge and
skills are embodied in people.
The findings of Malik, (2002) stress the necessary of transferring the


Chapter 02 Literature Review

knowledge and skills to people along with the hardware, but it depends on the
technological requirements of the recipient.
Some authors pointed out the need for acquiring all useful knowledge by the
recipient, because the technology can be refined and optimized only with the
understanding of the related science even though the technology can be developed
without the thorough knowledge of the related science. Understanding of the related
science is essential to refining and optimizing the acquired technology. This
indicates that knowledge is required for operation and maintenance. However the
different levels of knowledge required will have to be decided by the receiver,
according to capacities & expectations.
While Malik, (2002) stresses the need of transferring the knowledge along with
hardware, some authors indicates the importance of related scientific knowledge for
successful Technology Transfer.

2.6 Important Factors in International Technology Transfer

Technology and its choice

As described by De Wit, (1988), there are two approaches for choosing technology
and can be mentioned as follows.

Pure Techno –Economic Approach

This is based on technical criteria and well established economic analyzers such as
cost benefit analyzers. Using this method one can select the technology that satisfies
the stipulated technical criteria and delivers the highest economic efficiency or
highest net benefits.

When the chosen technology is utilized in surroundings similar to the area in which
it was developed and then successfully commercialized for a similar purpose.

Contingency approach
Considers the other factors like technological capacity to the potential user, nature of
supertitle and raw material used when the surrey of the potential adopter of T & T
objective functions differs.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

2.7 Brief History of Technology Development of Sri – Lanka.

As described by Dissanayaka (2003) Sri Lanka technology can be divided into two
major periods.

One, pre – Independence period. In ancient times there existed advance knowledge
of technology, and practical geometry and astronomy were well known in Sri Lanka.
In the health sector, a number of hospitals were built by several kings, and therefore
most writers report that Sri Lanka was very advanced in respect to cotemporary
Aurvedic medicine technology. Some writers report that in the Sri Lankan 12th
century ancient technology was unique and such technology could not be seen in
the rest of the world till the 17th century (Goonathilaka, 1976; Mandis, 1974).

Although Sri Lankan technology was bit an advance in the 16th century it was a dark
clement that came after Portuguese incursion from the 16th century. Portuguese
introduced their own technology neglecting Sri Lankan unique technology. The
Roman Dutch too introduced some technologies. Technological era began from the
19th century with the British colonization. In order to facilitate their agricultural base
market they developed irrigation, road sector, Colombo seaport and the rail sector
etc. Consequently, Ceylon the Government Railways (CGR), Public Works
Department (PWD) were developed. This had created various implications for
construction technology transfer.

Two, post- independence period. In order to develop Sri Lankan Science &
technology, Ceylon Institute of Science and Industrial Research (CISIR) was the
first of such kinds of institutions. But this institution failed to deliver its objectives
as reported by many publications (Wijesekera, 1976).

In 1976, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

mission came to Sri Lanka and they reported that Sri Lanka has the machinery for
screening imported technology but complete and considerable Research&
Development (R&D) is required. This mission recommended that a Center for


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Transfer and development of Technology be established as a focal point to link

R&D institutions with national economic planning apparatus.
During 1960- 1977 period, R&D work did not take place in the in the field of
construction sector due to heavy state involvements in the economy. During this
period, most of the TTs occurred as donations as mega factories from the Soviet
Union. Development in science and technology did not happen after 1983, due to
the increase of the ethnic problem in the country.

Not ever the above brief history Sri Lanka of Research & Development (R&D)
shows that it was successful. Most of the significant reasons for the failure were lack
of high level political commitment and support for the R&D activities. But after the
post – war in 2009, reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts and the general
economic revival are expected to trigger a construction sector boom in Sri Lanka
over the next 5 years. Figure1 exhibits Sri Lankan construction industry growth. It is
indicate that the construction industry drastically increased from 2009 to 2013.

Construction Indusry Growth

17.6% 18% expected
Growth Rate

8.9% 9.2% 9% 9.3%
8 6.6% FY
5.5% 5.6%
4 2.4%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 1: construction industry growth

Source: Central Bank SL IMaCS Analysis


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Some of the key areas, which are expected to generate significant demand in the
budget 2013 for construction, include power, roads, ports, water supply, sanitation,
tourism, and health sector. The budget proposal 2013, the government of Sri Lank
has introduced several schemes targeted at the construction industry. This significant
demand for construction it will need significant technology and skill, either from
foreign or local contractors.

Considering the outlook for the present Sri Lankan construction industry, it is
expected that the value of construction projects awarded to local contractors,
including sub constructors, will increases annually be approximately 50-60 per cent
over the next three years.

According to the Ministry of Finance and Planning, over LKR 700 billion worth of
construction related projects have been planned by the Government between 2010
and 2015. Considering massive completed projects such as express ways,
Hambantota port further development, Mattala Air port, Norochcolai power plants
etc., Government plan has being successes. Although the projects where successful,
Government has not measured how much technology was transferred to the Sri
Lankan Construction industry or what gained through these projects.
Sri Lanka’s construction sector professionals recently called to cut down the number
of foreign contractors, consultancies, and labour employed in mega infrastructure
projects taking place in the country, stressing the practice has proved harmful to the
local construction industry. Unfortunately, it has not happened and as a result, most
of the infrastructure projects are handled by the foreign counterparts at a huge cost
to the government. The neglect of this matter is that when we check with the donor
countries or multilateral development banks, they maintain that it is not their fault
but that of the Treasury for not negotiating for the involvement of the local
construction industry when funding is sourced for projects.

In the proposed construction and development scenario, developing the road and rail
way network takes precedence. The Government is now seriously looking at
improving the railway network in addition to roads


Chapter 02 Literature Review

From the above outlook once again can say that there will be a significant demand
for construction and it should be provide significant technology and skill either
from foreign or local contractors.
Less than 5 per cent workers in Sri Lanka have been systematically trained and carry
certificates that are indicative of their skill. Due to the high demand for professionals
in many countries and the low level of salaries in Sri Lanka, has resulted in a flight
of skills. If the construction sector aspires to grow at the rate of 9 per cent in coming
years it would require thousands of skilled workers. According to the Industry of
Construction, Engineering Servile Housing and Common Amenities the number of
skilled construction workers in Sri Lanka is 300,000. It is imperative that the
Government and the industry join hands and initiate a skills development

2.8 The role of the technology transfer in innovation within the construction

Performance improvement based on technology absorbed in to construction firms

through TT does occur successfully. However firms need to understand and manage
technology transfer activity to ensure consistent success. De Wit, (1988) identified
the following variables as affecting the degree of success in the process and results
of technology transfer.

 person – to – person contractors

 Knowing whom to contract
 Variety of communication channels
 Increase in awareness of transfer
 A sense of common purpose

However, present construction industry technology transfer endeavors are being

severely hampered by a lack of proper understanding of such TT issues and their
interrelationships to both company capabilities and processes, and the knowledge
characteristics of the technologies being transferred in particular (Barrett and
Sexton, 1999).


Chapter 02 Literature Review

First, current approaches tend to view technology transfer as a mechanistic “pick

and – mix” exercise. Indentifying new technologies and trying to insert them in their
existing form into unreceptive construction firms.

Second, current TT mechanisms are not sufficiently informed by or engage with,

company strategic direction and organizational capability and processes necessary to
enable them to absorb technologies and turn them into appropriate innovation.
Finally, current TT mechanism does not fully appreciate both the ability and
motivation for construction firms to absorb and new technologies are significantly
influenced by knowledge characteristics of the technologies.

2.9 Factors influencing the development of Sri Lankan construction industry.

Even though the Sri Lankan contraction industry is in an upward trend since 2009,
some barriers are present. The Sri Lankan Government has much more to do to
bring their technological status to some satisfied level. One of the major drawbacks
is the lack of proper technology policy framework integrated with an industrial
development framework.
Devapriya &Ganesan (2002) pointed out that the following are some points that are
barriers facing the Sri Lankan construction industry.
 Technological and marketing forces changes and necessary Construction
Industry Act are also most important the educate to public and business
 There is no due recognition to build Sri Lankans own Science & Technology
 Another important role is creation of a Science & Technology culture. Sri
Lankan government at ministry level should take necessary initiatives.
 Lack of opportunities for domestic industries professionals in foreign funded
projects. Very few private sector consultants and contractors have work in
infrastructure projects.
 The prevailing tax structure for the construction industry is a deterrent for the
development of the industry. As the cost of building materials, bank interest
transport and labor cost are still very high.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

 Tender awarding procedure also is one of the factors preventing the

development of Sri Lankan construction industry.
Most important influence for the development of Sri Lankan construction industry is
the prevailing practice of foreign constructions and contractors being given the lead
role in government and government aided projects while the local counterpart is
given a sub – contracting role. This has to be changed to be the other way, where the
local consultants or contractors shall take the lead role and mobilize any expertise
necessary from foreign sources.
Other key challenges to the rapid development of the industry include a possible
increase in prices of raw materials such as steel, cement, and sand. In addition the
skilled labour force in Sri Lanka may be insufficient considering the expected
growth in the construction projects.

2.10 Government Incentives

According to the Mahinda Chinthana vision the 10 year development framework for
the period of 2006-2016 Sri Lanka’s strategy for infrastructure development
includes public sector investment through direct budgetary allocation or
foreign donor support. Programmes have been designed to channel
investments through a consolidated fund, private and foreign direct
investment, and public private partner ships. Roads, energy, water supply
and sanitation, ports and aviation etc…are main areas of to focus. Creation of
a separate ministry for construction in 2007 has enabled to focuse policy
development for the industry. A new parliamentary act is being proposed to
transform ICTAD (Institute of Construction Training and Development) into
Construction Development Authority giving it much wider power and
coverage to govern the construction industry.
Some of the incentives are

 Incentives for minimum investment of Rs. 2 million in small scale

infrastructure in housing, tourism and water supply, income tax for five
years, followed by 10% rate for two years and 20% concessional tax


Chapter 02 Literature Review

 Income tax holidays of 6-15 years for large –scale infrastructure projects.
Land acquisition facilities for foreign investors
 land available on lease for 35-50 years, the National Housing
Development Authority (NHDA) to provide planning and technical
assistance for low-income households to build or improve quality housing
 State banking facilities and internally generated income of NHDA to be
used to promote low- income housing.
 A construction technology power to be established to popularize skills and
low cost housing technology.
 Training skills for construction as well and research and development to
bring down the cost of construction to be treated as an allowed
expenditure against income tax.
 Encouraging foreign contractors to establish working partnerships with
local construction companies.
 Customs duties on a few construction raw materials have been reduced.

2.11 Foreign Contractor’s Involvement

The Sri Lankan government intends to develop stronger economic ties with other
countries such as Qatar, Singapore, Jamaica, and Spain. Indirectly, a part of these
investments will flow into the country’s construction sector. So that foreign
contractor’s involvement is high.

The exchange control relaxations effected by the central bank in November 2010
have facilitated foreign exchange transactions and business activities during the past
few months. The relaxation measures which enables companies to borrow foreign
loans. Resulted in 20 new foreign companies commencing business in Sri Lanka
year 2013.Sri Lanka’s entire mega projects business has been formed out of four
Chinese companies and seven Indian companies, with over 30,000 semi- skilled and
unskilled Chinese workers, throughout the country.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Chinese companies are currently engaged in the Norokcholai power plant, Colombo
Katunayaka expressway, Kankasantura rail – line, Jaffna housing complex for the
army and a host of other projects. The entire Hambanthota project is expected to
cost about US$ 1.5 billion and a consortium of Chinese companies lead the project
China’s Huuichen investment will provide US$ 28 million and manage a special
economic zone at Mirigama for Chinese investors. In addition China has provided
US$ one billion as humanitarian aid and for internally displaced persons and
technical assistance for de-miming operations in Northern and Eastern province.
Some 332 km of road inclusive of the Kandy – Jaffna Highway will be developed
and modernized with Chinese funding of US$ 355 million India is also stepping into
Sri Lanka’s mega project business in a big way by entering into building
construction in the North and East. A Mumbai –Based Company will manage the
project to build 12,500 houses in the Kilinochchi district and similar number in the
Mullatitivu district, 10,000 houses in Vavuniya and 15,000 in Jaffna and Mannar,
under the supervision of the Government of India. Indian companies have won bids
in railway expansion projects in the North and the South as well as in the proposed
coal power project in Saampurni in Trincomalee. President of Chamber of
Construction Industry Sri Lanka (CCISL) has been appealing on a regular basis to
the Treasury to include in their contracts with donor funding organizations a
substantial portion of the work to the local construction industry. Unfortunately, the
Treasury is not thinking out of the box. The question is, why the local contractors
unable to do at least two or three story building projects?. Don’t they have the
technology? The treasury is still adopting old models of economic theory, which is
ineffective in today’s technology advanced world.
The Chinese influence is gradually changing the community in Hambanthota and the
agriculture industry in the area is providing Chinese – type green vegetables to
around 350 Chinese workers at the harbor construction site as these vegetables are
not available in the Sri Lankan market. The Project has been funded by the JICA
Livelihood improvement programme. It focused on agriculture and institutional


Chapter 02 Literature Review

development and income generation among the villagers in Hambanthota. Hence

agriculture sector (irrigation) technology transfers are taking place.

2.12 Foreign Contractors Entry Modes

2.12.1 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Foreign Direct Investment and trade has grown in an unprecedented fashion. FDI
has rocketed from 2009 in to being the Sri Lankan government’s, largest recipients
of foreign investment received to the country. In terms of growth in FDI, the most
remarkable increase was registered by Sri Lanka with an impressive 70 per cent
between the years 2010 to 2012. In 2011, a record high level of investment poured
in to Sri Lanka.

While generally the effect of FDI on growth has been viewed as positive with FDI
raising the welfare level of the recipient country,

Researchers have found significant improvements in the local contractor’s ability as

a result of Foreign Direct Investment and Participation. It is related to the
Technology Transfer.

2.12.2 Joint Venture, Partners

Kumaraswamy (1997) proposed a basic model for appraising potential partners in

terms of their short and long term objective, resource pools and compatibilities.

Sri Lankan construction industry is in talks with a top Indian infrastructure finance
company on setting up a fund to support the Island’s post war construction activity,
said Surath Wikramasingha, president of the Chamber of Construction Industry.

This statement reveals that India and Sri Lanka attempt to start joint ventures in the
construction industry. It is the most popular foreign contractor’s entry mode in any


Chapter 02 Literature Review

2.12.3 Sub contractor

The sub contracting arrangements as a vehicle for Technology Transfer , involving

different parties from a part of a joint venture itself , during its operation. Local
contractors who are disqualified from bidding for a project in their own capacities,
often end up as sub contractor (Kumarassamy, 1995) Reducing the size of the work
packages, formed by increased opportunities for local bidders and thereby promote
technology acquisition process.

2.13 Impact of Foreign Contractors

Recently, several major projects, such as power plants, ports, express way, are
constructed by the foreign funds technology and contractors.

Most of the Sri Lankan firms do not have sufficient funds and expertise for such
projects. Table 1 exhibits how the foreign contractors are involved in the Sri Lankan
constriction industry. Development projects are heavily funded by international
entities, particularly originating from the People’s Republic of china.

85% of the Colombo- Katunayaka highway is funded by a loan provide by China

with engineering carried out by the China Metallurgical Corporation.

The foreign firms are not keen on effectively transferring their technology since they
believe that it means they would be nurturing their future competitors. Both local
and foreign firms will benefit if systematic efforts are made by the latter to develop
the former.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Table 1: Involvement of Foreign Contractors in Sir Lankan Constriction Industry

Estimated Total Major
Major initiatives Time Duration Project Value Constructor and
Roads and MAGA NEGUMA Engineering
highway Highway and 2007- 2017 $ 6.2 billion Maga
expressway Engineering
MTD Walkers
China Harbor

Colombo and MTD Walkers,

Hambantota Ports, $2.5 billion in
China Harbor
Ports and Mattala and 2010- 2016 ports and
Aviation Katunayaka Aviation $660 million in
projects, airports
Funded through
Zhenhua Airport
China and JICA and

Energy, Norochcholai and $ 500 million line MTD Walkers,

Telecom, and Sampur coal and of credit for China Machinery
related Termal projects, 2009-2016 Sampur Engineering
infrastructures Telecom upgrade of $375 million for
over 1000 towers Norochcholai

and Tourism and 2009- 2020 $375 million in Various suppliers
Residential Housing projects hotels and constriction
construction constriction
Source: Sri Lanka Commercial Construction Business opportunity 2006-2012- May, 2011

Thalgodapitiya says, Sri Lanka is deeply involved with the Chinese but they have a
particular system of work . They fund projects, and then recover all of that funding
in 4-5 months by selling machinery, consultant, systems and software etc. They


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Also bill for the engineer who does not have the working knowledge of Sri Lankan
labourse. At the end, having to pay their salaries that are highly inflated. So it’s a bit
like double taxation, they recover their investment.
Projects which are large and complex are undertaken by foreign contractors but it is
the responsibility of the State to use available construction work to support the
growth and development of the indigenous contractors enabling eventual
replacement of foreign contractors.

Provision of international finance for implementation of major infrastructure

projects, particularly when local construction companies lack finances and
sometimes expertise to participate in the sponsorship of privatized projects.
Nevertheless, foreign direct investment in projects could lead to an increase in
construction demand creating opportunities for domestic companies.
It is observed that, the objective of foreign construction enterprises and host
developing country governments differ. In the long- term, the gap between local
construction firms and their foreign counterparts in technology, finance and
management know-how could be filled through technology transfer, for example,
via joint venture among the two groups of firms.

However, several authors have mentioned the difficulties involved in technology

transfer, including the tendency of foreign contractors to adopt strategies which do
not support host countries efforts to develop their industries.

The foreign firms are not keen on effectively transferring their technology since they
believe that it means they would be nurturing their competitors. Both local and
foreign firms will benefit if systematic efforts are made by the latter to develop the

2.14 The Role of the Technology Consultant

Effective transfer of technology, as applied to Consulting Engineering and related

professions, comprises the transfer of knowledge and experience from an


Chapter 02 Literature Review

organization, or individuals, to those not possessing such skills. This policy

statement deals with the transfer of technical and management skills of developed
countries’ professionals to their colleagues in developing countries. It should be
emphasized that knowledge of local political, social and environmental conditions,
and on indigenous techniques and materials, is equally important to ensure that the
acquired knowledge and experience can be put to effective and lasting use by the
receiving party. The principle of appropriate transfer of technology in the terms of
this policy statement. Technology transfer as an essential element in the process
towards sustainable development on a global scale. Accordingly, the transfer of
technology, and how it should become a necessary element of projects undertaken in
the developing world. In some cases, such transfer could even comprise the entire
scope of a project.
Consulting Work as a Channel for Transfer
The transfer of know-how is a continuous process taking place in all sectors of
society. However, an obvious and effective channel for accomplishing this transfer
is professional consulting work, which generally starts with the conceptualization,
planning and development of capital projects, and then continues through design,
implementation, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation. In professional
consulting work, the transfer of know-how usually involves the passing of
knowledge and experience from consulting organizations or individual consultants
of the industrialized countries to the local consultants, or the staff of clients, in
developing countries.
Working in Mixed Teams
There are many ways to achieve transfer of knowledge and each method has a
particular advantage or disadvantage depending on many factors. It is very important
to carefully select the appropriate method in view of the local circumstances and
objectives. Notwithstanding the method of approach, however, an effective transfer
of knowledge through development projects will hardly be possible unless the
receiving party plays a meaningful role in the project. A passive counterpart system
has proved not to be the answer. Integration of clients’ and consultants’ teams, or of
local and foreign consultants, will ensure the local input necessary to make transfer
of knowledge work.


Chapter 02 Literature Review

Classroom type of instruction and on-the-job participation

The transfer of know-how can take place in the client’s country or in the country of
the foreign consultant, or possibly in both places. It can be achieved through formal
classroom type instructions, and/or on-the-job participation and training in the
planning, design, implementation and commissioning of projects. Ideally, the
recipient personnel should receive formal classroom type instruction and also be
required to apply the knowledge thus acquired by working on projects.
Comprehensive scope of skills to be transferred
The transfer of know-how should be aimed not only at passing on technical skills,
but also at teaching the overall aspects of project development, environmental
concern and project management, as well as company administration and finance.
The full integration of project teams should be recognized as an important
requirement for achieving the optimum transfer of technical, ecological,
administrative and financial know-how from foreign to local consulting firms.

This comprehensive skill is often overlooked with the result that the transfer of skills
to individuals may be successful, but the receiving party may not be able to benefit
because of the failure of the local business unit. Accordingly, the strengthening of
the consulting industry should be an objective to enhance the survival rate of local
2.15 Impact of Globalization
Globalization of construction industry will greatly affect the Sri Lankan construction
industry and also improve the economy. Adaption of new equipment, infrastructure,
advent of Information technology and safety measures, will be the order of the day.
Experts in technology have come forth, with vision of the future growth and given
their views on the subject and construction vision 2020 from their futuristic eyes.
Recently, several major projects, such as Keraverapitiya power plant, Hambantota
port, are constructed by using foreign funds, technologies and contractors. Sri
Lankan construction firms have no funds or expertise in such projects, but direct
foreign investment in projects leads to increase in construction demand, creating


Chapter 02 Literature Review

work opportunities for local contractors. Table 2 exhibits advantages and

disadvantages of globalization.
Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Considering Construction Industries in
Developing Countries
Advantages Disadvantages
Involvement of international finance Local construction firms have no funds
makes possible the implementation of or expertise to participate in the
several projects, such as those of major sponsorship of privatized projects.
Direct foreign investment in projects Local construction companies lack of
leads to increase in construction demand, technical and managerial capability to
creating work opportunities of local undertake most of the foreign funded
firms projects
Competition among foreign firms lowers It is possible that local firm will be
the costs of projects to developing deprived of the opportunity to grow
Presence of large number of Foreign construction firms play lip
international firms offers scope for service to technology transfer, or take
technology transfer and the industry. The measures to avoid it. Moreover, local
large numbers of such firms also means companies may not be in a position to
that technology transfer can be for benefit from technology transfer, or to
competition subsequently utilize the acquired
Sources: Raftery et al (1998)

Even though it is argued that presence of a large number of international firms offers
scope for technology transfer, upgrading of the domestic industry and development
of local companies, more often than not in actual fact very little technology transfers
have taken place. Globalization should cause competition among overseas
contractors hopefully lowering the Project Cost, but it may result in curtailing
opportunities for growth of domestic companies. However, several authors have
mentioned the difficulties involved in technology transfer, including the technology


Chapter 02 Literature Review

of foreign contractors to adopt strategies which do not support host countries, efforts
to develop their industries.

2.16 Summary of the Key Issues in Technology Transfer

 The business model of Technology Transfer has been used to suggest

development paths of technology transfer based on mutual advantage for the
acquirer and the supplier.
 The framework identifies technology transfer routes for countries with a
limited industrial base that have been slow to gain revenues from supplying
the technology, but again careful consideration is needed in managing the
arrangement and valuing the technology.
 Prevailing practice of foreign contractors being given the lead role , while
the local contractors given a sub contracting .
 More consider about Government Intensive, to improve technology.
 Foreign construction firms play lip service to technology transfer, or take
measures to avoid it. Moreover, local companies may not be in a position to
benefit from technology transfer, or to subsequently utilize what is acquired
 Local construction firms have no funds or expertise to participate in the
sponsorship of privatized projects.
 Considered Role of Consultant for the technology transfer
 Impact of globalization for the technology transfer.


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