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The 3 frm Name ……….
1. Complete the sentences:

This is a ……………………..

This is ……………………....

This …………………….. .......



2. Choose the right colour!

The sky is white

A bear is blue
An egg is brown
A leaf is yellow
The sun is red
An apple is green

3. Find the members of a family:

m-th-r fa - - er s - s t - r - ro - h - r
pa - e - ts gr - n - fa - he - g - a - d - ot

The 4th form Name………..

1. Complete with the right form of the verb „to be”:

We are very good friends.

a) You…….. my friend.
b) He …….with you.
c) ……. she at home?
d) They…….not bad students.
e) How….. your mother today?
f) I …… at school.

2. Write the right form:

There is/ There are some pictures on the wall.

a) _________a flower on the table.

b) ____________telephone in this building?
c) _____________ any good clubs in this town.
d) ______________ is some children in the park.
e) ______________ any pencils on the desk?
f) ________________ a teacher in the classroom.

3. Complete the sentences with the verb “To have/has got”

Jane……………………an orange eraser.
Mike and Chris……………………… eyes.
The duck………………………two legs.
I…………………..a blue ball.

4. . Complete with he, she, it, we, you, they

- Helen_____ - Tom and I_____ - school _____

- Sam _____ - car _____ -apples_____
- father_____ - dogs _____ - book_____
- mother_____ - you and Jane _____ - Nick and I _____
The 5th form Name………….

1. Write the singular or plural of these words:

Singular Plural Singular Plural
boy……………………. child…………………
…………………cities ……………….people
box…………………… ……………
………………. buses party…………………
………………..mice bench…………………..

2. Write the correct form of the verb “to be”:

 …………. your mother home?
 We………not English, we ……….Romanian.
 …………...Sam and Lucy in the 5th form?
 Bucharest ……….not the capital of the U.S.A. It ……the capital of
 What nationality …… I ………American.

3. My identity card:

First name:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Telephone number:

4. Find the days of the week and put them in the right order::
S - - d - y, Sa - u - - a -, M - nd - -, Th - r - d - y, - ri - - y, T - - sd - y, - ed - e - - ay



The 6th form Name…………

1. Complete with the past simple of the verbs in brackets:

Cinderella (be)……..a beautiful girl who (live)…….together with her step-
mother and her two step-sisters. The three women (make)……….her work all day
long. She (be)…………very unhappy.
Her fairy godmother (appear) ……….. and (wave)……….her magic stick.
“Don’t forget you must be back home when the clock strikes twelve”, she (say)…….
All night the Prince (dance)…….only with Cinderella. Everyone (want)……
know who the lovely girl (be)……….
At midnight, Cinderella (leave)…….. the Prince and she (run)……down the
palace steps. She (lose)……..a glass slipper as she (run)………
The glass slipper (be)…….. very small and it only (fit)………Cinderella’s
little foot. That’s how the Prince (find)…………her and, very happy, (marry)…….
Cinderella quite soon.

2. Write questions and answers about past activities according to the model:

Where (you/go) yesterday? (to the cinema)

Where did you go yesterday? I went to the cinema.
1. Where (she/ go) last week? (to Paris)
2. What (he/ buy) at the weekend? (new jeans)
3. What time (the bus/ leave) last night? (at eight o’clock)
4. What (the students/ do) in class? (a project about Romania)
5. When (you/see) his girlfriend? (two days ago)

3. Write sentences about the past using the verbs: break, eat, give, write and know.
Model: (sleep) I slept yesterday afternoon.
Did you sleep in the morning, too?
No, I didn’t sleep in the morning.



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