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Strategic Human Resource


The field of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has burgeoned over
the past thirty years. Over this time there has been a shift towards a strategic concep-
tion which posited workers as ‘assets’ rather than ‘costs’. These ‘human resources’
were reconceptualised as a key source of competitive advantage. As such, these assets
were to be treated seriously: selected with care, trained and developed, and above all,
induced to offer commitment. The concept of ‘human capital’ came to the fore, and
in the decades following these developments, research output has been voluminous.
Strategic Human Resource Management: A Research Overview, authored by
global research leaders, provides an expert summary of this crucial element of organi-
zational performance. This new shortform book develops the argument that one of
the crucial elements of organizational performance is the way work is organized in
skill and talent packages both within an organization’s boundary and across global
competency clusters. Secondly, it focuses on current and emergent challenges. The
‘package’ of HR approaches has changed over time and patterns can be observed. This
new volume pays special regard to the HR implications arising from radically altering
contexts – economic, social, and technological.
This concise volume covers crucial themes of lasting interest, and as such is
essential reading for business scholars and professionals.

John Storey is Professor of Human Resource Management at The Open University,

UK. He has served as Principal Investigator on numerous research council projects
concerning strategy, innovation, organizations, and human resource management.

Dave Ulrich is Professor of Business at the Ross School of Business, University of

Michigan, USA. He has been ranked by Business Week as the Number 1 manage-
ment educator and listed in Forbes as one of the top five business coaches.

Patrick M. Wright is faculty director of the Center for Executive Succession in the
Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina, USA. From
2011 to 2017, he was named by HR magazine as one of the 20 “Most Influential”
Thought Leaders in HR.
State of the Art in Business Research
Edited by Professor Geoffrey Wood

Recent advances in theory, methods, and applied knowledge (alongside

structural changes in the global economic ecosystem) have presented
researchers with challenges in seeking to stay abreast of their fields and
navigate new scholarly terrains.
State of the Art in Business Research presents shortform books which
provide an expert map to guide readers through new and rapidly evolving
areas of research. Each title will provide an overview of the area, a guide to
the key literature and theories, and time-saving summaries of how theory
interacts with practice.
As a collection, these books provide a library of theoretical and concep-
tual insights, and exposure to novel research tools and applied knowledge,
that aid and facilitate in defining the state of the art, as a foundation stone
for a new generation of research.

Business Models
A Research Overview
Christian Nielsen, Morten Lund, Marco Montemari, Francesco Paolone,
Maurizio Massaro and John Dumay

Mergers and Acquisitions

A Research Overview
David R. King, Florian Bauer and Svante Schriber

Strategic Human Resource Management

A Research Overview
John Storey, Dave Ulrich, and Patrick M. Wright

For more information about this series, please visit:

Strategic Human Resource
A Research Overview

John Storey, Dave Ulrich, and

Patrick M. Wright
First published 2019
by Routledge
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 2019 John Storey, Dave Ulrich, and Patrick M. Wright
The right of John Storey, Dave Ulrich, and Patrick M. Wright to be
identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance
with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Storey, John, 1947- author. | Ulrich, David, 1953- author. | Wright,
Patrick M., author.
Title: Strategic human resource management : a research overview / John
Storey, Dave Ulrich and Patrick M. Wright.
Description: First Edition. | New York : Routledge, 2019. | Series: State
of the art in business research | Includes bibliographical references
and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018057137| ISBN 9781138591998 (hardback) | ISBN
9780429490217 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Personnel management. | Strategic planning.
Classification: LCC HF5549 .S8786 2019 | DDC 658.3/01—dc23
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ISBN: 978-1-138-59199-8 (hbk)

ISBN: 978-0-429-49021-7 (ebk)

Typeset in Times New Roman

by Swales & Willis Ltd, Exeter, Devon, UK

List of figures vi

1 Mapping the field of strategic human

resource management 1

2 Strategic human resource management

and performance outcomes 15

3 Key practice areas and the key levers 27

4 HR competences and the HR function 43

5 The changing contexts of strategic human

resource management 58

6 Fit, flexibility, and agility 71

7 A stock-take and a forward view 82

References 91
Index 109

3.1 The cycle of HR practices 28

3.2 Idealized model of HR planning 30
3.3 Key elements of a performance management system 34
4.1 HR competency model 50
4.2 Nine dimensions of an effective HR department 53
4.3 Waves of HR value creation 56
1 Mapping the field of strategic
human resource management

Human Resource Management (HRM) has become the predominant term to

describe the theory and practices relating to the way people are managed at
work. In previous times (and indeed even now in some places) other terms
have been used which, in varying degrees, broadly correspond. These other
terms include personnel management, personnel administration, people
management, employee relations, human capital management, industrial
relations and employment management. Each of these terms reflects the
diverse antecedents of HRM and they also reveal aspects of the differ-
ent ideologies associated with these approaches. For example, some early
forms of personnel management had a ‘welfare’ parentage, others carried
traces of a social-psychological ‘human relations movement’ history (Mayo
1949). Each of these traditions reflected a primary focus on individuals and
small groups. Conversely, the terms ‘industrial relations’ and ‘employment
relations’ reflect the collectivist (pluralist) approach to management-worker
relations which, at times and in places, were dominant throughout much
of the 20th century in Europe, North America and beyond (Clegg 1979;
Dunlop 1958; Flanders 1964; 1970; Fox 1974). This tradition was devel-
oped in North America and beyond with ideas about mutual gains and
union-management partnerships (Kochan and Osterman 1994). The disci-
plinary roots of the field include aspects of labour economics, industrial
sociology, psychology and law.
The term ‘Strategic Human Resource Management’ (SHRM) is used
to emphasise the strategic character of a particular approach to talent and
organization management – though some commentators would argue that
HRM itself is inherently strategic in nature. Hence, the terms HRM and
SHRM are often used interchangeably.
The field of HRM/SHRM has burgeoned over the past thirty years. Its
roots can be found in American literature of the 1980s, which re-framed
people issues away from conceptions that cast people-management as an
2  Mapping the field of SHRM
afterthought that could be handled in an ad hoc, reactive way, or managed
through formal institutions such as collective bargaining and regulation
(Beer et al. 1985). In place of this traditional conceptualisation, there
was a shift towards a strategic conception which posited workers as
‘assets’ rather than ‘costs’ (Storey 1992). The workforce was therefore
a ‘resource’ and recognised as a key source (arguably the key source)
of competitive advantage. As such, these assets were to be treated seri-
ously: the composition planned with care, selected with care, trained
and developed, and above all, induced to offer commitment. Indeed, the
overall shift was memorably described as a journey ‘from control to com-
mitment’ (Walton 1985). Alongside all of this, and indeed providing an
economics underpinning to it, the concept of ‘human capital’ came to the
fore (Becker 1964).
This reconceptualization coincided with the emergence of the
‘resource-based view’ in the strategy domain (Wernerfelt 1984; Grant
1991; Peteraf 1993). Emphasis was given to the importance of maintain-
ing a link between business strategy and human resource strategy. The
human resource approach displaced ‘personnel management’ and gave
emphasis to the importance of establishing both vertical and horizontal
alignment in HR policies and practices.
Influential new models and frameworks were developed including the
Harvard Model (Beer 1985), which established a flow from environment
to business strategy and to human resource choices and onwards to out-
comes. In parallel, important contingency models and frameworks emerged
(Fombrun et al. 1984; Kochan and Barocci 1985; Schuler and Jackson
1987), which made links between appropriate HR strategies and a firm’s
location in relation to such contingencies as business stages and variations
in product/service characteristics (e.g., low cost, innovation or service
quality). Empirical research traced how major mainstream companies and
public sector organizations were responding to these ideas (Storey 1992).
The role of general managers and line mangers alongside human resource
and personnel/IR specialists was assessed.
This theme of the nature of the HR function’s profile was elaborated
and developed by Ulrich in a series of influential publications (Ulrich et al.
1995; 1997; Ulrich et al. 2017). Based on global research, his classification
of the HR function into different segments: business partner, shared services
and centres of expertise became the dominant model among practitioners.
A related development in the field has been the impact of SHRM on firm
performance. Ulrich (1997) has also made a significant contribution here, as
has Patrick Wright who traced the link between HR resources, capabilities
and performance (Wright and Snell 1998).
Mapping the field of SHRM  3
A reincarnation of many of the underlying premises of HRM can be
found in the influential work of economists investigating the sources of
productivity (Bender et al 2018; Bloom and Van Reenen 2007; Bloom
et al 2012; Sadun et al 2017). This body of work takes a step back and
asks which, if any, ‘management practices’ impact on productivity.
They use the World Management Survey which has been administered
across thirty-four countries (see
They make the case for recognising the vital importance of management
competence, central to which, they accept, is competent management of
human resources. The key practices are identified as: target setting, the
use of incentives, monitoring of performance, and talent management.
Achieving managerial competence ‘requires sizable investments in peo-
ple and processes’ (Sadun et al 2017, p. 122). This new wave of research
and associated practical interventions replays many of the core themes in
classic HRM.
The above paragraphs give a synoptic view of the emergence and devel-
opment of the field. Now we proceed to dig deeper.

Defining the field

Based on a review of SHRM theorizing and research, Wright and McMahan
(1992) defined SHRM as ‘the pattern of planned human resource deploy-
ments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals,’
(p. 298). They noted that this entails vertically linking the strategic manage-
ment process to HRM practices, and horizontally creating coordination and
congruence among those HRM practices. They then noted that the major
variables of concern in SHRM are

the determinants of decisions about human resource practices, the

composition of the human capital resource pool (i.e., skills and abili-
ties), the specification of required human resource behaviors, and the
effectiveness of these decisions given various business strategies and/
or competitive situations.
(pp. 298–299)

It is important to emphasise that currently the term ‘Human Resource

Management’ is used in two different ways. In one usage, which we can
term the generic, it is used to encompass all of the forms of employment
management in its infinite variety. In this first sense it is just a new label
for personnel management or employment management in general. But
there is a second usage. In its second form the term has at times denoted
4  Mapping the field of SHRM
a particular approach to employment management. Thus, the term in this
second sense refers to one of the many ways of managing labour and is
used to demarcate it from other ways. Not surprisingly, the existence of
two different usages has caused considerable confusion in the academic
literature with commentators often talking at cross-purposes.
So, what is this second, more specific and narrow meaning? In this particular
sense it has been defined as follows:

Human resource management is a distinctive approach to employment

management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through
the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce
using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.
(Storey 2007, p. 7)

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) the UK-based

professional body for HR practitioners, appears to reflect these same ideas in
its own definition:

Strategic human resource management (strategic HRM, or SHRM) may

be regarded as an approach to the management of human resources that
provides a strategic framework to support long-term business goals and
outcomes. The approach is concerned with longer-term people issues
and macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commit-
ment and matching resources to future need.
(CIPD Factsheet 2013)

The key elements in both these definitions are: long-term focus, a strong link
with business goals and a concern with ‘macro’ issues such as culture and
values. Notably, apart from the reference to business goals, there is no specific
mention of contextual issues such as changes in product market conditions,
labour markets, regulation, innovations in technology or social changes. This
may or may not imply a one-best way or universalist approach.
As noted, it is an approach which openly seeks to secure a ‘competi-
tive advantage’. This declared objective is not to every ideological taste.
This element alone indicates that the approach shares a similar stance as
American strategy theorists such as Michael Porter (Porter 1980). Many
critics of HRM have been, and are, uncomfortable with this first element.
They posit the idea that economic activity does not to have to be quite so
single-mindedly dedicated to free market competition. They also contend
that even within a capitalist framework, collaboration as well as com-
petition can operate and that other objectives in addition to competitive
Mapping the field of SHRM  5
advantage such as wellbeing, equity and multiple stakeholder interests
could be pursued. And they are of course correct. But some of these
critics have failed to recognise that an identification and description of
a movement and an idea should not be confused with an endorsement of
that idea.
Second, the definition points to the distinctive means through which the
objective will be sought. These include, crucially, the element of a ‘strategic’
approach. This means that the management of people and of the workforce
in general is approached not in an ad hoc, tactical and merely reactive way
but in a manner which regards this aspect of management as of central impor-
tance. HRM practices helped deliver strategic objectives. Different strategies
require different employee skills. As with other aspects of the definition, the
interesting features are in noting not only what this form of HRM is, but also
what the meaning suggests HRM is not. The counterfactual is important. For
the HRM debate and the emergence of HRM only makes sense when it is
recognised as part of the history of its time.
HRM emerged at a time when labour management, in broad characteri‑
sation, might be described as a secondary, Cinderella-like, management practice
(‘Personnel Management’ was often described in these terms). Markets were
defined, finance arranged, production plans drawn up – and only then was
the request for certain units of labour issued, often at short notice. Similarly,
as industrial conflict was of concern in the post-second world war period, the
skills in subduing and ‘managing conflict’ were to the fore in the then field
of personnel/IR management. It was into this climate when western product
markets were coming up against international competition – and often
losing out – that this ‘new’ approach to managing labour emerged and presented
a challenge to existing assumptions and practices.
Third, the definition refers to the deployment of a ‘highly committed and
capable workforce’. This is an important feature of the distinctive approach.
As we know, very large sections of the economy operate on very differ-
ent principles. The high commitment approach is relatively unusual in large
swathes of the employment scene. Hire and fire, short-term contracts, even
zero-hour contracts, outsourcing, agency work and many other such methods
to treat labour as a mere transaction are relatively commonplace. Recent talk of
‘employee engagement’ or ‘employee experience’ can be seen as a latter-day
attempt to (re)capture some of that high commitment agenda. The distinctive
high commitment mode of HRM equates with what is termed the ‘High Road’
approach to employment management. The ‘Low Road’ approach relates to
the precarious forms of employment (Osterman 2018). The links between
high pay/high productivity versus low pay/low productivity models
have been explored in the disciplines of economics (Abowd et al. 1999)
6  Mapping the field of SHRM
and employment relations (Holzer et al. 2004). HRM, in the distinctive
sense, is expressive of the High Road approach. This high road/high com-
mitment perspective is likewise integral to the theory of High Performance
Workplaces (Appelbaum et al. 2000)
Fourth, the ‘array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques’ refers
to the mutually-reinforcing ways in which a truly thought-out strategic
approach can deploy a wide range of methods which would have internal
‘fit’ and would complement each other (a further instance of the strate-
gic nature of the idea). These techniques include attempts to: ‘win hearts
and minds’ rather than merely enforce a contract; to de-emphasise custom
and practice in favour of instilling values and mission; pluralism is also
downplayed in favour of an implied unitary perspective where employers,
managers and employees are seen to share at least one similar interest:
to keep the enterprise in business. Thus, a set of beliefs and assumptions
underpin this distinctive form of HRM. Other dimensions stress the role
of strategy in that the business plan becomes pertinent to the way that
employees and workers in general are managed; and an emphasis on the
role of line managers as crucial to the practice and experience of HR poli-
cies. Then there is a set of key levers such as serious attention to selection
(in place of hire and fire), performance related pay, an attempt to move
from ‘temporary truces’ in labour negotiations to management through cul-
ture and shared goals.
When viewed holistically, is this package to be regarded as a ‘soft’, ‘human
relations’, approach with employee welfare at its core? There are facets such as
an emphasis on training and development and the winning of hearts and minds
that might lean in that direction. But there are also ‘hard’ aspects to this model
of HRM (Storey 2007). Labour is seen as a strategic resource. As such it is to
be planned-for, measured carefully, and used as an asset. HRM sits alongside
the resource-based view of the firm as strategic perspective on how to manage
the employment relationship (Storey 1992; 2007).
What about practice? While the HRM label has become so ubiquitous
and has, in the main, replaced personnel management in many organizations
(contrary to expectations and indeed contrary to empirical evidence dur-
ing its early days – as revealed by the WERS surveys1), the management of
work has, over the past couple of decades, not been a steady journey to the
wider diffusion of the best practice HRM model. In the wider, generic sense,
Human Resource Management continues, but the nature of its practice is very
varied. This variation is reflected in terms such as ‘High Road and Low Road’
practices, ‘polarized work’ and in the metaphor of the ‘hourglass economy’.
These variations might seem to suggest the degree of strategic choice fac-
ing HR professionals. Yet, research across major economies indicates that,
Mapping the field of SHRM  7
for many workers, the erstwhile trend towards good practice has shifted into
reverse (Kalleberg 2013; 2018).

Theory and practice

As currently conceived, HRM is constituted by both research and practice.
These two are related but they are not the same. It is a truism that practice
often differs from theory in the sense that everyday practices do not always
live up to some theoretically-derived prescription of an ideal or a ‘best’ way.
But the practice-research distinction can be exaggerated. Much research in
human resource management is simply the identification and cataloguing
of practice. For example, they include statistical and descriptive summa-
ries of the state of play with regard to what human resource specialists do,
how they are distributed, what influence they exercise, and so on, which are
research-based mirrors of practice. The same can be said for those examples
of HR research which draw a picture of recruitment and selection practices,
appraisal methods, reward systems and the like. This type of research reflects
practice. It is descriptive.
But, there is another type of research which seeks to identify ‘good practice’
and even ‘best practice’. This type tries to identify the causal links between
context, practices and outcomes. For example, this goes beyond describing
what HR professionals do and moves on to study the impact of what they
do on key outcomes such as employee well-being or business performance.
Theory then, explains why these outcomes might occur by building conceptual
frameworks. As a result, it follows that in many instances, actual practice will
often differ from ‘theory’. Yet additionally, many practitioners pay regard to
research when seeking to develop their practice and so theory and practice can
become closer as a consequence.
Thus, the question ‘what is HRM?’ can then be answered in terms of
both theory and practice.

The nature of strategy in HRM

A strategic approach to HR could normally be expected to include ele-
ments such as: a longer-term perspective; a concern with big issues that
go beyond operational detail; an approach which scans, and factors-in,
relevant information about the environment and about changes within it;
the construction of policies which seek to align HR practices to the needs
of the business often expressed as mission, vision, strategy or goals; and
the construction of HR policies which bring each of the elements of HR
into mutual, reinforcing, alignment. Thus, decisions in relation to recruitment
8  Mapping the field of SHRM
and selection priorities should be consistent with priorities in the areas of
goal-setting, performance management, reward, training and development,
and promotion and exit.
So, whereas an operational decision might be confined to a one-off
interaction with an employee (for example, how to handle a particular
appraisal interview) and may require some tactical skill, SHRM is con-
cerned with the wider issues and usually involves making choices about
matters which will have longer-term consequences and will affect the
success or otherwise of the business.
The alignment of HR components has been termed ‘internal fit’, while the
alignment of HR with business strategy and the wider business environment
has been termed ‘external fit’. Strategic HR should aspire to both types of fit
(Miles and Snow 1994).
SHRM is concerned with both policies and practices. Ideally, these
work in tandem, but appropriate policies can be undermined by poor prac-
tices, and conversely, good practice may, to some extent, compensate for
defective policies. It is a field which comprises practice, prescription and
empirical study. Although one might desire and assume a strong connec-
tion between these, in reality, there is sometimes a considerable disconnect
between these three elements.
An important question is who generates HR strategy? It might be a
specialist HR Director and team but not all organisations have these. Even
if the senior business team have created a separate HR function (in the
form of a unit or department), it is possible that they may not necessar-
ily devolve all big decisions in this area to that department. Indeed, the
choices about whether to have such an HR department can be seen as one
of the strategic decisions we are talking about here.
Research evidence suggests that key integrated business decisions
(which include HR and finance and marketing strategies) are formulated
by executive groups (not Boards) and that the members of these groups
multitask and are most effective when they adopt a business orientation and
not a functional orientation. A business orientation ‘makes strategic deci-
sion makers comfortable to deal with issues outside their business function’
(Kelly and Gennard 2007, p. 114).
Classic definitions include the idea that ‘business strategy’ is:

The determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an

enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of
resources necessary for those goals.
(Chandler 1962, p. 13)
Mapping the field of SHRM  9
Thus, from one perspective, strategy requires systematic rational assessment
of contexts and resources.
Some approaches to doing strategy focus mainly on finding the optimal
space or location in a market. So, these approaches tend to look outwards to the
characteristic features of a market such as price, quality and the distinctiveness
of offers for goods or services.
A business strategy (and by extension an HR strategy) that focuses more
on utilising internal resources than on locating the best market position
is known as ‘the resource-based view’ (RBV). This was advanced most
fully by Prahalad and Hamel (1990) and Grant (1991). These analysts were
mainly talking about business strategy but their approach has profound
implications for HR. The re-focusing on internal resources is an approach
which is closely aligned to the idea of an HRM strategy because it gives
emphasis to the importance of leveraging resources to gain a competitive
advantage. As noted above, it regards labour as assets rather than in the
conventional accounting view as costs. And, of course, one implication of
this is that one tends to invest in and to nurture assets, whereas one nor-
mally tends to try to cut costs. This idea of the workforce as assets gets to
the heart of many approaches to SHRM. It involves seeking to build human
capability and to gain competitive advantage from workforce skills, crea-
tivity and commitment.

Strategy as plan?
Another issue that has been central to debates in business strategy and
also has much relevance to HR strategy, is whether a ‘strategic approach’
requires a formal plan. There is often a tendency to think about strategy as
requiring the compilation of information and as a formal process of decision
making that culminates in a series of plans. But there is another view; the
view that suggests strategy can be inferred from a pattern that emerges from
a long series of decisions, even in the absence of a formal written plan or
strategy document. This could be termed a ‘de facto strategy’. This idea of
an ‘emergent strategy’ is normally associated with Henry Mintzberg (1978).
So, an enterprise may have no formal strategy document and yet still
have a de facto emergent strategy. Or it may even be that an enterprise has
a formal and lengthy strategy document which is largely ignored in practice
while a different de facto strategy is pursued.
A de facto strategy which has been built up incrementally and found to
‘work’ (in the sense that the organisation has proved to be sustainable and
no major chronic problems are occurring) may add up to a coherent strategy.
10  Mapping the field of SHRM
But not all ad hoc approaches have such optimal outcomes. ‘Ad
hocery’ may result in a lack of forethought, inconsistencies, short-term
thinking, and waste and can be very costly and lead to an uncompetitive
position (e.g., paying redundancies as a reaction to economic downturn
and then facing recruitment difficulties and training costs when upturn
occurs). The word ‘rudderless’ is sometimes used to describe this kind
of drift and lack of direction. Hence, this particular approach would be
considered as non-strategic.
So, what would an approach to HR look like if it was not ad hoc, rudderless
and reactive? The implied alternative is some kind of strategic approach – that
is, one which:

•• tries to build a big picture

•• has a sense of direction of travel
•• has some coherence and consistency
•• has mutually reinforcing elements

Coherence is about fit and integration. In other words, it suggests that the
parts or elements fit together smoothly rather than contradict each other or
lean in different directions. A classic example of HR decisions which tend
towards contradiction is where ‘team focus’ is urged and policies are put
in place to promote that, but where the remuneration system is based on
individual performance-related pay.
But, in addition to alignment and coherence, HR strategy design requires
attention to contexts – that is, the inner and outer contexts as outlined in the
previous unit.
The nature of the design, and the range of factors to be taken into
account when attempting this design, is a matter of some debate. The skill
involved in making these decisions may be a matter of good judgement –
an essential quality for a competent strategist in HR. Some analysts rec-
ommend an approach which amounts to a ‘design’ or ‘decision science’
(Boudreau and Ramstad 2009) with an associated emphasis on systematic
concepts, frameworks and measurement, while others lean more towards
an approach based on aspects of leadership and social intelligence.

Why is SHRM important?

The arguments relating to the importance of SHRM tend to be constructed
around the claim that ‘people make the difference’. The point being made
here is that other resources are available and purchasable (capital, new
plant, and new equipment, etc.) on a relatively open market, but it is the
Mapping the field of SHRM  11
creative utilisation of these resources and ideas by people (singularly and
in combination) which lies at the root of creating a competitive advantage.
These arguments are in some ways similar to those that stress the
importance of the resource-based view or of the role of knowledge and the
importance of organization capability (Ulrich 1997; Ulrich and Smallwood
2004) or ‘dynamic capability’ (Teece et al. 1997). Dynamic capability was
defined by Teece et al. as a ‘firm’s ability to integrate, build and reconfigure
internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments’
(1997, p. 516). It suggests that intangible assets, including the knowledge
and skills of the workforce, can be configured so that traditional routines do
not hamper responses to rapidly changing environments. Instead, more flex-
ible, meta-routines can be created which enable organisations to be capable
of a higher state of responsiveness to inherently unpredictable forces. Failure
to attract, retain and motivate the right numbers and right kinds of people
mean that opportunities are missed and that other resources are wasted.
In general, the available studies appear to reveal impressive evidence
of robust impacts and outcomes (for example, Huselid 1995; Becker and
Gerhart 1996; Ichniowski et al. 1997; Becker and Huselid 1998; Ichniowski
and Shaw 1999). An influential idea has been that appropriate ‘bundles’
of HR practices make the real difference (MacDuffie 1995). These classic
studies were mainly conducted in the USA and in the mid-1990s. They sug-
gest that those firms which used ‘bundles’ of HR interventions were more
likely, on a statistical basis, to enjoy better financial performance. This
issue of the links between policies and performance outcomes are explored
more fully in Chapter 2.
The importance of dynamic capabilities and a strategic mind-set in an
innovation-oriented economy heightens the need to attend to the man-
agement of human resources and other intangible assets (Davenport and
Leibold 2006). And resource-based theories suggest that sustainable com-
petitive advantage stems from unique bundles of resources that competitors
cannot, or find extremely hard to, imitate (Wernerfelt 1984; Barney 1991).
Ironically, it has tended to be economists and others who have argued the
case that human assets in particular can fulfil this criterion (Polanyi 1966;
Davenport and Leibold 2006; Teece et al. 1997). Such accumulating evi-
dence has helped advance the idea of ‘human capital’ management.

Contingency models and frameworks

In contrast to the best practice models considered in the previous sec-
tion, contingency models of SHRM are based on the premise that
what is required is a skilful alignment between HR policies and various
12  Mapping the field of SHRM
organisational and contextual characteristics. Thus, best fit approaches
can be located within this category. The word ‘contingency’ here refers
to those theories which explain organisational behaviours and outcomes
as highly dependent on some inner or outer environmental variable such
as country, technology, organisational size or industry type or the fit with
a particular business strategy. In some versions of contingency theory
(the more deterministic ones) the interpretation would seem to chal-
lenge the idea of strategic choice. In less deterministic versions, strategic
choice occurs when HR policies and practices uniquely align to a particular
business strategy.

Types of contingency frameworks

Below we summarise three main types of contingency model which link
HR strategy to different ways of thinking about context (environment). The
three types are: linking SHRM to business strategy; linking SHRM to busi-
ness life-cycle; linking SHRM to strategy and structure.

Linking SHRM to business strategy

It is sometimes argued that an HR approach is only ‘strategic’ if it ‘fits’
with the organisation’s product–market strategy and if it is proactive in this
regard. Most of the theorists in this category draw on Porter’s distinction
between innovation, quality-enhancement or cost-reduction strategies (e.g.,
Schuler and Jackson 1987, or Miles and Snow 1984).
For example, Schuler and Jackson (1987) suggest that where a firm has
opted for innovation as a means to gain competitive advantage, this sets up
certain predictable required patterns of behaviour. Prime among these req-
uisite ‘role behaviours’ are creativity, a capacity and willingness to focus
on longer-term goals, a relatively high level of collaborative action, a high
tolerance of ambiguity and a high degree of readiness to take risks.

Linking SHRM to business life-cycle

The business life-cycle approach essentially seeks to tailor human
resource policy choices to the varying requirements of a firm at different
stages of its life-cycle, i.e., from business start-up, through early growth
and maturity, and eventually on to business decline. At each stage a busi-
ness might be hypothesised to have different priorities. These different
priorities, in turn, require their own appropriate human resource strate-
gies. There are a number of examples of the life cycle or ‘stages’ approach
Mapping the field of SHRM  13
(Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall 1988; Kochan and Barocci 1985; Baird
and Meshoulam 1988).
Kochan and Barocci (1985) and others suggest that, at the start-up
stage, new enterprises require recruitment and selection strategies that
quickly attract the best talent; reward strategies that support this by paying
highly competitive rates; training and development strategies that build
the foundations for the future; and employee relations strategies that draw
the basic architecture and put in place the underlying philosophy for the
new business.
Under mature conditions, the emphasis in HRM is upon control and
maintenance of costs and resources. Hence, the recruitment and selection
stance might be geared to a gradual introduction of new blood into vacant
positions created by retirements. There might also be a policy of encour-
aging enough labour turnover so as to minimise the need for compulsory
lay-offs. Meanwhile, the pay and benefits policy is likely to be geared to
a keen control over costs. Training and development might be expected to
have the maintenance of flexibility and the adequate provision of skill levels
in an ageing workforce as their priority.

Linking SHRM to organizational strategy and structure

The most noted example of the strategy/structure linkage of contingency
theory is the work of Fombrun et al. (1984). Their model shows a range of
‘appropriate’ HR choices suited to five different strategy/structure types,
ranging from single product businesses with functional structures, through
diversified product strategies allied to multi-divisional organisational forms,
and on to multi-product companies operating globally. For each of the five
types of situation, the key HR policy choices in the spheres of selection,
appraisal, reward and development, are delineated.
For instance, the HRM strategy of a company following a single-product
strategy with an associated functional structure is likely to be traditional in
appearance. Selection and appraisal may well be conducted in a subjective
fashion, and reward and development practices may veer to the unsystem-
atic and paternalistic.
By way of contrast, a company pursuing a diversification strategy and
operating with a multi-divisional structure, is likely to be characterised by a
HR strategy driven by impersonal, systematic devices which are adaptable
to the different parts of the organisation. Reward systems are likely to be
formula-based with a tendency towards a focus on return on investment and
profitability. Selection, and even appraisal, may be found to vary between
the different constituent business divisions.
14  Mapping the field of SHRM
This chapter has summarised the key aspects of strategic human resource

•• What is it and what does it look like?

•• What were its antecedents?
•• Why is it important?
•• What kind of performance outcomes have been found?
•• What are the main theories and frameworks?

Key issues include:

•• That strategy can be emergent as well as planned. Either way, it can be

assessed and evaluated in terms of its efficacy and appropriateness to
labour and product market conditions.
•• Ad hoc decisions and responses which lack consistency may risk inef-
ficiencies and waste.
•• HR strategy normally has to validate itself in terms of its contribution
to the wider organisational mission. This does not necessarily mean
simply following in an unquestioning way the lead taken by other
directors in operations and marketing – it may be that a resource-based
approach requires a HR strategy which is distinctive.

In the next chapter we assess the body of research which has tried to clarify
the performance outcomes arising from the deployment of strategic human
resource practices. These outcomes may be behavioural in the sense, for
example, of higher employee commitment or firm outcomes in the shape of
higher productivity or even higher profitability.

1 WERS is the acronym for the highly-respected Workplace Employment Relations
Surveys in the UK. Results during the 1980s and 1990s showed very low take-up
of the term ‘Human Resource Management’.
2 Strategic human resource
management and performance

This chapter will explore the research that, over the past twenty-five years,
has sought to examine the link between HR practices and performance.
One of the earliest frameworks for exploring the impact of HR practices
on performance was the ‘Behavioral Perspective’ outlined by Schuler and
Jackson (1987) and noted briefly in Chapter 1. Having its roots in con-
tingency theory, this model was based on the assumption that the purpose
of employment practices was to shape or control employee attitudes and
behaviours. They suggested that (a) different competitive strategies require
different employee ‘role behaviours’, and (b) different HR practices can
elicit these different role behaviours. Thus, they suggested that employee
role behaviour mediated the relationship between strategy and performance,
and that HR practices were critical for producing the relevant behaviours.
Also central to this model was the need for congruence across HRM prac-
tices such that all worked towards producing the required set of behaviours.
The behavioural perspective also formed the conceptual basis for Miles
and Snow’s (1978) exploration of HR practices associated with different
organisational types. Having proposed three types, ‘defenders’, ‘prospec-
tors’, and ‘analysers’ in an earlier paper (Miles and Snow 1978), they
provided an analysis of the types of practices that would be appropriate for
each of these types.
Another behavioural approach to explaining the relationship between
HR practices and performance can be found using Social Exchange Theory
(Blau 1986; Homans 1961). This theory originated as a way to explain how
relationships develop between individuals, but was later expanded to explore
the relationship between an organisation and its employees (Eisenberger
et al. 1986). This more macro-level application suggests that when employ-
ees perceive that the organisation is taking positive beneficial actions
towards them, they will reciprocate in positive and beneficial ways toward
the organisation. Consequently, a number of authors have suggested
16  HR management and performance outcomes
that commitment-based HR practices demonstrate beneficial treatment of
employees, which causes them to reciprocate by being more committed and
productive, resulting in higher organisational performance (e.g., Chuang and
Liao 2010; Messersmith et al., 2011; Sun et al. 2007; Takeuchi et al. 2011).
While these frameworks provide more detailed process explanations
for the relationship between HR practice and performance, the Resource-
based Theory (RBT) of the firm (Barney 1991; Wernerfelt 1984) provided a
higher level explanation for why HR practices can impact firm performance.
Barney (1991) noted that resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable, and
non-substitutable can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage to
a firm. Sustainable advantages accrue when a firm implements a value-
creating strategy that competitors have ceased trying to imitate. While such
an advantage is defined in terms of economic rents that can be distributed
to, or among, a variety of stakeholders (e.g., shareholders, customers,
employees, etc.; see Coff, 1999), the assumption within empirical research
is that such advantages are observed in shareholder returns, and thus financial
and market-based performance of firms.
Early on, debates arose about the extent to which HR practices could be
viewed as sources of sustainable competitive advantage, with the debates
focused on the inimitability of the practices. Wright et al. (1994) suggested
that any HR practice could easily be imitated by competitors. However,
Lado and Wilson (1994) argued that the system (as opposed to individual
practices) could be unique, causally ambiguous, and synergistic in how it
impacted firm competencies. Later, Barney and Wright (1998) similarly
suggested that while competitors could imitate any one practice, they would
find it difficult to imitate the system of practices. Consequently, the field
has come to a consensus on the importance of HR practices and their poten-
tial to at least aid in creating competitive advantage. This consensus has
become so great, that one would be hard pressed to find any study of the
relationship between HR practices and performance that does not at least
pay lip service to the RBT as the overarching rationale for hypothesising a
positive relationship.
The earliest conceptual and empirical research on HR practices began with
explorations of the ‘determinants’ of the various practices. Miles and Snow
(1978) were among the first to offer a framework for aligning HR practices
with strategy. They argued that the different strategic types (defenders,
etc.) required different approaches to how they managed people. They then
provided an analysis showing the different HR practices associated with
these strategic types, and provided company examples to illustrate these dif-
ferences. Baird and Meshoulam (1988) examined the determinants of HR
practices rather differently. Instead of examining business strategies, these
HR management and performance outcomes  17
authors focused on different stages in organisational life-cycles, and provided
a conceptual examination of how HR practices might become more sophisti-
cated as firms moved into different stages. Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall
(1988) developed a model juxtaposing organisational readiness and corporate
growth potential to create a two-by-two matrix. They then hypothesised the
different types of HR systems that would be associated with each.
Following these conceptual examinations, the earliest research empiri-
cally explored the determinants, rather than the outcomes, of HR practices.
For instance, Snell (1992) was among the first to explore the determinants
of HR practices at the organisational level of analysis. He viewed HR prac-
tices as control mechanisms (input, e.g., selection and throughput, using
for example, behavioural appraisal; and output, using for example, results-
based appraisal) and found that the use of these aspects of HR practices
were associated with administrative information and strategic context. Snell
and Dean (1992) explored the link between integrated manufacturing and
HR practices. They measured integrated manufacturing in terms of the use
of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT), just-in-time inventory con-
trol (JIT), and total quality management (TQM). They suggested that such
manufacturing technologies required upskilling of the workforce to be able
to effectively utilise the technologies. Thus, they expected that their use
would be associated with more selective staffing practices, comprehensive
training, developmental performance appraisal, and equitable rewards.
They generally found support for these hypotheses among operations and
quality-control staff, but not among production control employees. Finally,
Arthur (1992) examined how strategy impacted HR practices in a sample
of steel mini-mills. Using cluster analysis he identified six different clusters
of mini-mills similar in their profile of HR practices. He then collapsed
them into two types: ‘cost-reducers’ and ‘commitment maximisers’. This
was consistent with Walton’s (1985) view of firms using control or com-
mitment approaches, and Arthur’s (1994) later use of this nomenclature.
He found that mini-mills emphasising manufacturing few products in large
quantities tended toward the use of a cost-reducer/control HR system, while
those stressing more flexible manufacturing were more likely to use a
commitment-maximiser HR system.

Research redirection: HR practices and performance

Following the initial inquiries into the determinants of HR practices, the
field then began to shift to exploring the consequences, particularly their
impact on firm performance. This research progressed in three stages as
described below.
18  HR management and performance outcomes
Stage 1: demonstrating the relationship between HR practices
and performance
Exploring the determinants of HR practices, while useful, did not accom-
plish the goal of showing that HR mattered. However, that soon changed.
Huselid’s (1995) seminal study provided the empirical foundation for HR
advocates to argue that HR can have a profound impact on organisational
performance. Using a sample from the Russell 3000, Huselid surveyed
Chief HR Officers regarding their use of thirteen, what he termed, ‘High
Performance Work Practices’. (These can be seen as the component ele-
ments of the much vaunted ‘High Performance Work Systems’ (HPWS)).
He then regressed the firm’s financial performance (both Tobin’s Q and
Gross Rate of Return on Assets) on these practices and found significant
results. However, the basis for the study’s immediate popularity stemmed
from the fact that he provided point estimates of the value of HR practices.
In fact, he concluded that a one standard deviation increase in the use of
HPWS were associated with a per employee increase in market value of
$18,641, an increase of $27,044 in sales, and an increased profit of $3,814.
Needless to say, HR practitioners jumped on these results to tout their
importance, and HR academics quickly set out to conduct similar studies.
Appearing somewhat simultaneously with the Huselid (1995) study,
were three other studies that captured the imagination of the field by dem-
onstrating empirical linkages between HR practices and performance. First,
Arthur (1994) used the data from his previously discussed study to exam-
ine how the HR systems might differentially impact outcomes. His results
showed that, compared to mini-mills using commitment-based HR systems,
those using control systems displayed lower productivity, higher scrap rates,
and higher employee turnover. MacDuffie (1995) examined how bundles
of organisational systems impact performance in a manufacturing environ-
ment. Using data from automobile assembly plants, he demonstrated that
those using a combination of ‘high commitment’ HR systems and low
inventory and repair buffers consistently outperformed those using mass
production systems in terms of both quality and productivity. Delery and
Doty (1996) tested the relationship between HR practices and performance
in a sample of banks. Distinguishing among universalistic, contingency, and
configurational approaches, they found the most support for a universalistic
(a consistent set of practices across all firms) model in terms of explaining
performance variance.
Needless to say, these four studies appearing within a two-year time
frame sparked a plethora of further studies examining the relationship
between HR practices and performance. For instance, Youndt et al.
(1996) followed up the original Snell and Dean (1992) study by surveying
HR management and performance outcomes  19
the companies regarding a number of performance measures. They found
that an HR system focused on enhancing human capital was related to
employee productivity, machine efficiency, and customer alignment, but
that this relationship was predominantly observed with a quality manu-
facturing strategy.
But demonstrating a clear link is by no means easy. Based on an empiri-
cal study of HR and firm performance in Finland, it was found that the link
between HR practices and firm performance was highly equivocal; the stage
in the economic cycle was found to play a much more direct part in explain-
ing firm performance (Lahteenmaki et al. 1986).

Stage 2: exploring the black box

As the research base showing a positive relationship between HR practices
and performance grew, one thing was missing: an empirical exploration of
how these practices impacted performance. Wright et al. (2005) described
this problem as the failure to explain the black box between practices and
performance. Their call, along with others, began to spark an increase in
studies that explored the mediating mechanisms between these two variables.
So, for example, Cappelli and Neumark (2001) conducted an interesting
study examining the costs and benefits of HPWS. They found that these
practices transfer power to employees and result in higher wages, but only
weakly impacted productivity. Given the higher wages, they found that
there was no effect on labour efficiency in terms of the output per dollar
spent on labour. Way (2002) found similar results in a sample of small busi-
nesses. His results showed that HR practices were associated with lower
workforce turnover, but not with labour productivity.
In a study of call centres, Batt (2002) found that HPWS were negatively
related to quit rates and positively related to sales growth and that the impact
of HPWS on sales growth was mediated by quit rates. Takeuchi et al. (2007),
relying on the resource-based view of the firm and social exchange theory,
hypothesised that HPWS raise human capital and social exchange within
a firm, and that the human capital and social exchange should be related
to establishment performance. Using a sample of Japanese business establish-
ments, they found that human capital and social exchange mediated the
relationship between HR practices and establishment performance.
In an extensive meta-analysis, Jiang et al. (2012) explored human capi-
tal and employee motivation as mediators of the relationships between HR
practices and voluntary turnover, operational performance, and financial
performance. They found that the skill-enhancing HR practices relation-
ship with financial performance was partially mediated by human capital,
20  HR management and performance outcomes
employee motivation, turnover, and operational outcomes, but that the
motivation- and opportunity-enhancing practices relationship with perfor-
mance was fully mediated by these variables.
In what Schuler et al. (2014) refer to as ‘targeting practices’, a number
of studies began to emerge which examined HR practices developed spe-
cifically to encourage certain behaviours. For example, Collins and Clark
(2003) examined HR practices for top managers. They explored how HR
practices that encouraged networking were related to how much top manag-
ers networked internally within the firm and externally with others outside
the firm. They found that HR practices encouraging networking were related
to sales growth and stock growth, and that these relationships were medi-
ated by networking behaviour. Similar efforts have explored HR practices
targeted at HR flexibility (Chang et al. 2013), customer service (Chuang and
Liao 2010) and knowledge intensive teamwork (Chuang et al. 2016).

Stage 3: process models of the relationship between HR practices

and performance
While the mediation research has demonstrated a number of potential mediat-
ing variables, a more recent development is the emergence of process models of
the relationship. One of the earliest models was proposed by Truss and Gratton
(1994). Building on the previous work of Dyer (1985) they distinguished
between ‘Planned HR Practices’ and ‘Implemented HR Practices’. They noted
that some practices could emerge, not as a result of a planning process, and con-
versely, some practices that are planned may never be implemented.
Bowen and Ostroff (2004) provided another foundational contribution to
process models of Strategic HRM through their development of a construct
they termed HR ‘system strength’. Those authors used communication the-
ory to examine how HR systems could strongly or weakly communicate the
intended messages aimed at managing employee behaviour. They argued
that climate serves as the critical multilevel mediating construct between
HRM practices and performance. They stated,

We propose that HRM content and process must be integrated effec-

tively in order for prescriptive models of strategic HRM actually to link
to firm performance. By process, we refer to how the HRM system can
be designed and administered effectively by defining metafeatures of
an overall HRM system that can create strong situations in the form of
shared meaning about the content that might ultimately lead to organi-
zational performance.
(Bowen and Ostroff, 2004, p. 206)
HR management and performance outcomes  21
They argued that the strength of HR system can be described as the extent
to which the system induces conformity. Consequently, they described the
features of an HR system that could create strong situations as having dis-
tinctiveness, consistency, and consensus.
Building and expanding on these basic ideas, Wright and Nishii (2013)
and Nishii and Wright (2008) proposed a more thorough process model.
This recognises that the basic relationship between HR practices and
performance requires a number of individual-level processes. They, like
Truss and Gratton (1994), distinguished between the ‘intended HR prac-
tices’ and ‘actual HR practices’. However, they further recognised that
the actual practices are implemented by managers, and thus, there could
be significant variance in the practices across managers, and even across
employees with the same manager. Thus, the actual HR practices are most
accurately described at the individual level of analysis. The next stage in
the process entailed clarifying the ‘Perceived HR Practices’. Even if a
supervisor treats two employees the exact same way, it can be perceived
differently by each. The concept of ‘Employee Reactions’ described the
affective, cognitive, and behavioural reactions of employees to the prac-
tices they perceived. Finally, how all employees coordinate, integrate, and
align their behaviours determines the performance at the unit level. Thus,
their process model starts at the unit level, goes down to the individual
level, and then comes back up to the unit level.
Similarly, Guest and Bos-Nehles (2014) developed a model of HR prac-
tice implementation. They described four stages to implementation. In the
first stage, HR managers and senior executives (including the CEO) make
the decision to implement HR practices. In the second stage, HR managers
consider the cultural and regulatory constraints to decide on the quality of
the HR practices that can be implemented. The third stage concerns how
line managers and/or senior managers actually implement the HR practices.
Finally, the extent to which line managers accurately use the practices deals
with the line management quality of implementation.
Thus, these process models primarily recognise the fact that the ways
through which HRM practices can influence performance requires examin-
ing processes at multiple levels of analysis. They also correctly note that
what an organisation intends to do according to its HR strategy may diverge
greatly from what actually happens and how employees experience HR
practices (Nishii et al. 2008).
Having described some of the theories, the more impactful empirical
research, and the process models linking HR practices to performance, we
now turn our attention to answering the two critical questions. What do we
now know about this relationship, and what do we still not know?
22  HR management and performance outcomes
What do we know about the relationship between HR
practices and performance?
Given the extensive literature on HR practices, one would expect that there
would be a number of consistent findings. A more accurate description of
this literature, however, is that there are indeed quite a number of findings,
but few very consistent ones.

There is a positive relationship between the use of HR practices

and unit performance
One almost unarguable finding across the hundreds of research studies
conducted examining the link between HR practices and performance is
that a positive relationship exists between these two variables. Combs et al.
(2006) identified ninety-two studies with an overall N of over 19,000 that
fit their criterion to meta-analyse the relationship between HR practices and
performance. Using a conservative estimate, they suggested a mean cor-
relation of .20 between HPWS and performance. They noted that while this
number may not seem large, ‘it is much larger than what is found among
other organisation-level phenomena where long-held organisational perfor-
mance hypotheses either do not stand up to the evidence. . .or are much
smaller than predicted by theory. . .’ (p. 517).

The positive relationship between HR practices and performance

transcends country boundaries
Hofstede (1993) has strongly influenced management thinking based on
his research on country cultures. He originally described four dimensions
of culture: individualism-collectivism, masculine-feminine, uncertainty
avoidance and power distance, and he later added the dimension of long-term-
short-term orientation. For decades, authors suggested that US-originated
HR systems, such as High Performance Work Systems, would not work or
at least not work as well in certain country cultures. However, Gerhart and
Fang (2005) were among the first to question what they termed the ‘cultural
constraint’ hypothesis which suggests that the effectiveness of HR practices
are constrained by country cultures. They noted the conditions that had to
be true in order for the cultural constraint hypothesis to hold, and presented
preliminary data suggesting that these conditions likely did not hold. Then,
in a meta-analysis using 156 effect sizes and over 35,000 firms, Rabl et al.
(2014) found (a) an overall mean correlations of .28, (b) that the relation-
ship between HPWS and performance was positive in every country, and
HR management and performance outcomes  23
(c) that the relationship was actually stronger in countries that the cultural
constraint hypothesis would suggest would result in weaker relationships.

Bundling of HR practices matters in the relationship with

MacDuffie (1995) was one of the first researchers to introduce the concept
of ‘bundling’. He actually described the importance of bundling a set of HR
practices with corresponding production system characteristics, but many
translated his bundling concept to examining bundles of HR practices. In
the Combs et al. (2011) meta-analysis described below, they demonstrate
that the effect of a system of HR practices is greater than the effect of indi-
vidual HR practices. In fact, the average correlations between individual
HR practices and performance was only .14 compared to the .28 estimate
for the systems of HR practices as noted above.

What do we still not know about the relationship between

HR practices and performance?
While the above conclusions seem almost unarguable given the significant
body of research that exists, a number of unanswered questions remain.

Which practices?
While research has clearly demonstrated the positive relationship between
HR practices and performance, one critical question remains unanswered:
which practices? As early as Becker and Gerhart’s (1996) introduction to the
Academy of Management Journal’s special issue, we see complaints about
the lack of consistency in the HR practices measured across the studies
comprising that issue. They noted no single practice was part of each paper,
and only one, training, appeared in all but one paper. This problem has not
gone away. Posthuma et al. (2013) analysed 193 peer-reviewed articles and
identified 61 specific HR practices that had been measured. However, they
bemoaned the fact that there was very little consistency in the practices that
have been measured across these studies. Similarly, Langevin-Heavey et al.
(2013) found little agreement on the specific practices that have been used
in studying the relationship between HR practices and performance.
Recently, Su and his colleagues have called for expanding the list of
practices used in this research. They noted that since the early distinc-
tion between commitment- and control-oriented practices (Arthur 1994),
24  HR management and performance outcomes
HPWS research has focused almost entirely on commitment-oriented
practices, In two studies, Su and his colleagues (Su and Wright 2012; Su
et al. 2018) have found that adding control-oriented practices increases
the amount of performance variance explained beyond that of just the
commitment-oriented practices.
In addition to the specific practices, there is little consensus on the approach
to aggregating the practices. Since the Huselid (1995) study, virtually all
research has simply added the items together to compute an overall scale (or
used factor analysis and added up the sub-scales). However, recent research
based on the Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity (AMO) perspective has
suggested that HPWS really contain three subcomponents: ability-enhancing,
motivation-enhancing, and opportunity-enhancing subscales. For instance,
Gardner et al. (2011) noted that ability-enhancing practices were actually
positively related to turnover, while motivation- and opportunity-enhancing
practices were negatively related.
More exhaustively, the Jiang et al. (2012) meta-analysis segmented HR
practices into three sub-components: ability, motivation, and opportunity-
enhancing practices. They found that skill-enhancing practices were more
strongly related to human capital and less strongly related to employee
motivation than were motivation and opportunity-enhancing practices.
They noted:

The findings of the differential relationships between the dimensions

of HR systems and organizational outcomes also offer methodologi-
cal implications for strategic HRM research. First, if all three dimen-
sions of HR systems have unique effects on organizational outcomes,
failure to include any dimension may compromise the overall impact
of HR systems on organizational outcomes or at least lead to inaccu-
rate results.. . . Relatedly, the results indicate that the three-dimensional
model fit the data slightly better than the model combining the three
HR dimensions into a unidimensional HPWS element.
(p. 1278)

Which direction does the causal arrow point?

While the positive relationship between HR practices and performance
seems virtually unarguable at this point in the field’s evolution, what
remains unclear is whether increasing HR practices causes higher perfor-
mance or high performance encourages firms to develop and implement
more HR practices. Guest et al. (2003) examined the relationship between
HR practices and performance among a sample of UK-based firms. They
HR management and performance outcomes  25
found that while the positive relationship existed between the practice and
performance, once they controlled for past performance, the relationship
disappeared. Similarly, Wright et al. (2005) found that measures of HR
practices were equally correlated with measures of past, present, and future
performance, and that the correlations between HR practices and future
performance were greatly reduced when controlling for past performance.
These findings do not suggest that HR practices do not cause future perfor-
mance; rather they only suggest that current research cannot prove which
way the causal arrow points.

How much value can we expect from increasing HR practices?

Given the fact that the data does not prove a causal relationship of HR prac-
tices on performance, this calls into question some of the point estimates of
the value accrued from increasing them. For instance, Huselid and Becker
(2000) stated, ‘Based on four national surveys and observations on more
than 2,000 firms, our judgment is that the effect of a one standard deviation
change in the HR system is 10–20% of a firm’s market value’ (p. 851).
Likewise, based on their meta-analytic results discussed above, Combs
et al. (2006), when trying to argue for why the observed mean correlation of
.20 is meaningful, state:

It means that 20% of the utility available from predicting performance

differences among organizations is given by HPWPs. Increasing use of
HPWPs by one standard deviation increases performance by .20 of a
standard deviation. For example, Huselid (1995) reports means of 5.1
and 18.4% and standard deviations of 23 and 21.9% for gross ROA
(i.e., returns plus non-cash items) and turnover, respectively. In this
sample, a one standard deviation increase in the use of HPWPs trans-
lates, on average, to a 4.6 percentage-point increase in gross ROA from
5.1 to 9.7 and a 4.4 percentage-point decrease in turnover from 18.4
to 14.0%. Thus, HPWPs’ impact on organizational performance is not
only statistically significant, but managerially relevant.
(pp. 517–518)

Here again, we do not mean to dispute the relationship between HR prac-

tices and performance, nor do we suggest that implementing HR practices
should not lead to greater performance, all else being equal. However, we
do suspect that there may be a dually causal relationship, where HR prac-
tices may help increase performance, and that increased performance may
then provide more money to invest in HR practices. But, in such a situation,
26  HR management and performance outcomes
using the correlation or effect size reflects both of the causal forces, and
thus overestimates the true impact of HR on performance. Thus, given that
the causal arrow could point either way (or both), we caution that the point
estimates of the value of increasing HR practices may be overly inflated.

Research on the impact of HR practices on performance has grown to be one
of the more frequently studied phenomena in the field of HR. This research
has been conducted in cross-industry (e.g., Huselid 1995), within indus-
try (e.g., Delery and Doty 1996; MacDuffie 1995), and within corporation
(e.g., Wright et al. 2005) settings. In addition, it has been conducted across
a large number of geographies. In the main, these studies have revealed a
consistent finding of a positive relationship between HR practices and per-
formance. In the next chapter we make a closer examination of the precise
nature of the practices involved.
3 Key practice areas and the key

Ultimately, strategic human resource management is defined by what it

does: that is, the actual practice of SHRM. To put this point another way: ‘it
is the how of HRM in the chain of processes that make the various models
of HRM work well or poorly’ (Boxall et al. 2007, p. 7).
The critical incidents between entry and exit of workers which attract
the attention of HR practitioners include: job design and team design, on-
boarding and induction, assessment, training and development, engagement,
reward and retention, talent management, employment relations, safety,
health and wellbeing, and organizational design and redesign, organiza-
tional vision, mission, and culture management. The value of these kinds of
activities can best be appreciated when their absence or their mishandling is
observed; this can lead to expensive and sometimes even existential threats
to an organization. Examples include the passivity of the HR department
at Miramax in the face of complaints about Harvey Weinstein, similar pas-
sivity in the British House of Commons when faced with complaints from
staff about bullying and sexual harassment from some elected members, and
a failure to have active systems in place at Oxfam resulting in catastrophic
reputational damage in 2018.
Beyond the universal good practice idea is the potential gained from tai-
loring the specific practices to organisational strategy – e.g., whether geared
to enable a low cost, quality or innovation business strategy (Schuler and
Jackson 1987). So, for example, an innovation-led approach may need to
emphasise team-oriented practices (Jørgensen and Becker 2017). Further,
such a goal requires practices which allow and encourage engagement and
divergent thinking rather than mere conformity to standard HR practices and
procedures (Shipton et al. 2016). This, in turn, implies changes to leadership
development practices. Thus, practices must not only be performed well,
they need to align. This means vertical alignment with organizational goals
and horizontal alignment of practices with each other.
28  Key practice areas and the key levers
Analyses of its enactment is normally structured in line with a notional
chronology from staff recruitment through to exit. See Figure 3.1 which
displays the range of HR practices and interventions as a cycle.
If the constituent elements are approached in a strategic way, then
careful regard will be given to how such activity contributed to organi-
zational objectives. If they are approached in a non-strategic manner,
then action will be governed by ad hoc responses or by following some
traditional mode of practice.
There is a danger in treating each component as a separate process. This
happens sometimes in both theory and in practice. Thus, the HR function
is often separated out into sub-functions each staffed by specialists in their
own right. Yet, the practices may only add significant value if they are
coherent and mutually reinforcing. They contribute best when adding to
‘system strength’ (Hauff et al. 2017). This is the idea expressed in the
notion of ‘High Performance Work Systems’ (Hong et al. 2017; Meuer
2017) and the concept of ‘HR bundles’ (MacDuffie 1995) as described in
the previous chapter.
Thus, pursuing a particular strategic goal – such as innovation – will
carry implications for the kind of HR practices which should be pursued.
An example, based on the target of encouraging innovation, can be found in
research conducted at CERN (Mabey and Zhao 2016). This emphasised the
value of trust, of rewarding knowledge sharing, encouraging diversity and
fostering communities of practice.

Interpretation of
business strategy HR
Career management
Engagement &
reward Job design and
team design
Training &
HR planning

Assessment and Vision and culture

Onboarding & Recruitment &
induction selection

Figure 3.1  The cycle of HR practices

Key practice areas and the key levers  29
In the realm of practice, HR departments are likely to require cooperation
from line managers and will benefit from enhancing their implementation
skills (Trullen et al. 2016; López-Cotarelo 2018).
We start the analysis with planning and resourcing.

Human resource planning and resourcing

If the mantra ‘people are our most important asset’ is to mean anything,
then the methods used in the selection of the workforce would need to be
taken seriously rather than in the ad hoc and peremptory fashion so often
used in the past, and to a lesser extent, today. The process ideally begins
with careful assessment of the organization’s needs with regard to size
and composition of the workforce. From there it would proceed through
to recruitment and selection. The throughput continues with deployment
and succession planning, and on to various modes of exit including redun-
dancy, retirement, voluntary exit, and enforced exit: all part of the process
of labour flow, in, through, and out.
There do seem to be fashions in human resource planning. A decade or
so ago ‘talent management’ and ‘high potentials’ were key themes. But a
recent assessment has argued that the focus on ‘special talent’ has ‘passed
its prime’ and attention now shifted to more ‘inclusive models’ (Tavis
2018). This is a contentious claim as a significant body of research suggests
that a minority of high performers account for a disproportionate amount
of value-gain across many organizations (Ready et al. 2010; Aguinis and
O’Boyle 2014). As a result, star performers are subject to invitations to
defect to competitor organizations and thus employers tend to take steps to
protect these resources. A study of financial analysts showed that star per-
formers are indeed attractive to competing firms and risked being poached,
but the effect is moderated by the status and reputation of the employing
firm (Kang et al. 2018).
An example of the scepticism about the special few is reflected
in Khurana’s work on superstar CEOs (Khurana 2002) and in a meta-
analysis which examined the relationship between CEO succession and
firm outcomes. This found that CEO succession negatively influences
performance in the short term and has no significant direct influence on
long-term performance (Schepker et al. 2017).
A distinction can be drawn between an idealized rational-linear description
of the Human Resource Planning (HRP) process and the everyday realities of
staffing. The idealized approach recommends a series of logical steps from
the calculation of demand for labour arising from the business plan, the calcu-
lation of the supply of labour, and a matching process. The example offered
by Storey and Sisson (1993) is shown in Figure 3.2.
30  Key practice areas and the key levers

plan Human resource supply

Product Investment
Locational Internal labour External labour
market e.g. in
decisions supply analysis supply analysis
plans technology

The quantity Job Personnel audit: Retention

and composition analysis • age profile capability
of labour • skill profile
required at • performance
different appraisal
future dates • labour turnover

Forecast of demand Forecast of supply

Reconciliation of supply
and demand

Personnel action plans

Shortage of personnel Surplus of personnel

• external recruitment • no hiring/no replacement

• internal transfer • early retirement
• new working methods • severance packages
• training

Figure 3.2  Idealized model of HR planning

Source: Storey & Sisson 1993, p. 113.

Work study techniques and standard ‘staffing ratios’ relating labour

requirements to indicators such as the number of assembly lines and
shifts to be worked, the number of beds on a hospital ward or the number
of children in a school may all be used as part of the calculation. Career
planning and succession planning can also be used as part of this stock
and flow approach.
The planning stage may be more complex than is at first apparent. Not
all workforce requirements are necessarily met through direct employment.
Key practice areas and the key levers  31
Services may be outsourced to agencies or to self-employed workers. There
may be staff working in-house in a manner dedicated to one organization
even though these staff are actually employed by an agency (Rubery et al.
2002). An interesting variant occurs when a dedicated unit in, for example,
in-house recruitment is floated off so that it can offer its services on the open
market, thus exploiting the capabilities and intellectual capital of this aspect
of HR. Lepak and Snell discuss the complex composition of the ‘HR architec-
ture’ (Lepak and Snell 1999). The converse to the careful managed approach
to planning and resourcing is the casual hire and fire approach where filling
the workforce quota is an afterthought. Such an approach reflects the labour
as ‘cost’ rather than as ‘asset’ perspective.
In an earlier manifestation, HRP was termed ‘manpower planning’ and it
became increasingly sophisticated and mathematical in form. Aspects of flow
through the system and related aspects of succession planning helped raise
the status of the departments responsible for such plans. The oil company
Royal Dutch Shell did a great deal to elevate this set of techniques. HRP is
especially important in a number of critical public services such as education
and health where teachers and clinical staff require lengthy training periods.
But the track record of authorities responsible for delivering such plans has
been poor, resulting in periods of surplus and shortages of staff.
The formal approach suggests a process based on assessments of fore-
casts of need and supply both of external and internal sources of labour.
These calculations in turn build on measures of existing ‘stock’ and the
‘flows’ shaped by attrition and maturation. Thus, succession planning forms
an integral aspect. Predicted numbers are also affected by changes in demand
for labour as a result of new strategic plans for the business (for example,
entry into new markets and/or new functions) and as a result of new tech-
niques and new equipment which can influence both numbers and skill types
required as labour substitution occurs or as new skill requirements emerge.
For a while, manpower planning enjoyed growing respect and popular-
ity. But this was followed by a decline as the mechanistic nature of the
models and their associated plans became seen as detached from reality
(Cowling and Walters 1990). While the full potential of manpower plan-
ning was rarely realized in actual practice, the basic components such as
measuring employee turnover and retention became well established as
core personnel management tools. In subsequent years, these tools and
techniques, in adapted form, became more fully developed in desktop com-
puter personnel information packages and the idea of Human Resource
Information Systems (HRIS) – software combining multiple forms
of information – became popular and there remains considerable interest
in their potential (Bersin 2016). Such modern versions can differentiate
more between jobs and occupations and be geared to both organizational
32  Key practice areas and the key levers
and employee outcomes (Schmidt et al. 2017). In any case, other research
shows that only supportive career management approaches have an impact
on performance outcomes (De Vos and Bart Cambré 2017).
An area that has attracted considerable research within the realm of HRP
has been that of ‘career management’. During the classic years of formal
HRP this often meant planned progression through a corporate hierarchy
and the associated aspects of ‘succession planning’ (Mayo 1991). Many
consultancies still offer this service. For example, they may offer to assess
‘bench-strength’ – that is an organization’s preparedness to replace key
staff. But, in general, as corporations downsized and fragmented, the own-
ership of career management seemed to shift from the organization to the
individual. Concepts such as the ‘boundaryless career’ came under scru-
tiny (Arthur and Rousseau 1996) along with ‘portfolio careers’ (Arnold
1997). There are two broad views on the state of play. One suggests that
the abandonment of organizational careers has not been as dramatic as often
suggested (Guest and MacKenzie-Davey 1996). An alternative view is that
the growth of precarious work has severely dented career management
along with training and development.

Recruitment and selection

Following the process of HR planning and the identification of the staff-
ing requirements implied by the business strategy, it may be necessary to
recruit new staff to posts – either externally sourced or recruited internally.
Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of candidates. It is followed
by a process of selection between these candidates.
It has been claimed that the staffing function, including recruitment
and selection, is ‘the most critical human resource function for organi-
zational survival and success’ (Collins and Kehoe 2009, p. 209). For
knowledge-based firms such as digital enterprises, financial services,
and pharmaceuticals this is especially critical. But, it can also be cru-
cial in other settings including, for example, retail, hospitality, and other
industries which rely heavily on the behaviour of customer-facing staff.
It has been argued that as organizations are made up of different groups
of employees, employment systems, including recruitment, need to match
their approaches to these characteristics. In other words, recruitment
and selection systems need to be tailored to these groups; hence, there is
no single best recruitment system. Requirements for knowledge, skills,
and abilities (KSAs) will vary across occupations to reflect differences
in task complexity and task interdependencies (March and Simon 1958;
Thompson 1967). This perspective offers a view of organizations as com-
prising different groups or subunits each with their own organizational
Key practice areas and the key levers  33
design needs and staffing requirements. Some units can be shielded from
uncertainty and this allows routine and standardisation of tasks. Staff
resourcing can reflect this. Conversely, other roles are exposed to high
levels of uncertainty and these require special resourcing approaches. This
leads to the identification of appropriate recruitment strategies (Collins
and Kehoe 2009).
External recruitment may be by open advertising followed by selection
processes including online tests, assessment centres, and interviews. But
part of HR strategy in some organizations has been to tailor resourcing to
particular groups and sources. Thus, in the UK, the much expanded fast
food and coffee shop industry tends to recruit using employment agen-
cies and to gear recruitment to young enthusiastic labour from European
countries such as Spain, Portugal, and Poland. Similarly, UK cruise ships
tend to recruit their cabin and catering staff almost exclusively from India
and the Philippines. These staff are recruited by agencies in Mumbai and
elsewhere and are allocated a fixed term renewal contract for tours of duty.
This kind of arms-length contracted approach does not suit all situations.
The move towards in-house direct labour was undertaken for a reason.
Control of a total labour force and the desire to instil commitment may
impel managers to categorise at least certain segments of the labour force
as permanent staff with a sense of identity and commitment to the employer
brand. Internships have become a significant method of recruitment espe-
cially for graduates (Hao and Liden 2011).
Following recruitment and selection, a further HR intervention is likely
to include some form of performance management.

Performance and reward management

The term ‘performance management’ suggests an interconnecting set of
policies and practices which have as their focus the enhanced achievement
of organizational objectives through attention directed towards individual
and group behaviour. Its elements normally include setting clear goals
and objectives, formal monitoring of performance, and the use of outcome
reviews to attempt to shape future behaviour (London and Mone 2009). The
management of individual and group performance is elevated to a matter of
strategic importance. As such, a formal ‘performance management system’
may be constructed. An example is shown in Figure 3.3
This suggests a continuous cycle formed by establishing a clear linkage
between the corporate and business strategies to the identification of depart-
mental objectives and from there on to individual objective-setting. Ideally,
organizational objectives and individual employee behaviours should be
aligned. This sets up the possibility of performance evaluation in terms of
34  Key practice areas and the key levers

Corporate strategy

Clear communication
of mission and

purpose analysis

PRP and


Figure 3.3  Key elements of a performance management system

Source: Storey and Sisson 1993, p. 133.

prime organizational objectives and, from there, implications can be drawn

for what kinds of feedback, rewards, and development processes should
be put in place. Thus, finding a way to allow differential rewards may be
part of a performance management system but that is only one element of a
larger objective. In some instances, development may be a bigger aim than
assessment. Clarity and specificity in goal setting are important (Locke and
Latham 1990). Feedback can be a problematic process; it needs to avoid
comments on personal characteristics and to focus on specific behaviours
and goal progress (Kluger and DeNisi 1998). Critical elements are per-
ceived fairness and equity (Giles and Findley 1997).
Other key issues for practitioners in operating a performance manage-
ment system include the need to elicit the active buy-in of executives and
Key practice areas and the key levers  35
managers to the design and use of the program, linking the components
of the program to overall organizational strategy and to each department’s
priorities, keeping the program current, capturing the learning, and evaluat-
ing the programme (London and Mone 2009). Perceived relevance is key
because off-the-shelf instruments for appraisal tend not to engage. Annual
performance reviews have been found to put both appraisers and appraisees
on edge and to make them defensive. Instead, ongoing performance-
enhancement communication throughout the year as part of the ongoing
work process is found to be more effective (London and Mone 2009). Either
way, skill is required in conducting appraisals; a coaching style has been
found to be more effective (Russo et al. 2017).
Assessment is normally framed as for both performance review and for
development. There is an ongoing debate about the control versus the devel-
opment dimensions. The process is complicated further when there is a link
to salary or bonus payments. Research suggests that the involvement of
employees in agreeing the fairness of the performances measures is vital
(Groen et al. 2017).

Compensation is the monetary side of the total reward system. The key
issues addressed by researchers concern the types of monetary reward and
their impact. Two main types are structured pay based, for example, on
skill or location in the hierarchy, and second, various forms of performance
related pay.
‘Reward’ includes various monetary-related elements such as pay and
benefits plus various non-monetary aspects including intrinsic rewards.
The whole package is often referred to as ‘total reward’. Reward choices
are: base pay, performance pay or indirect pay/benefits. Individual, team
and/or organization-wide rewards are, for example, profit sharing. Taken
together, ‘total reward’ includes monetary compensation (including cash
and benefits) and non-monetary rewards (Gerhart 2009). Settling on a
monetary reward often depends on the ‘going rate’ for similar jobs in simi-
lar labour markets. Firms may have more discretion over how they pay
(that is, what form compensation takes, especially with regard to pay for
performance) rather than how much to pay (Gerhart 2009).
Payment by results (PBR) is one form of performance related pay (PRP).
It was common in industries such as engineering and textiles where paying
by the piece was normal. From the 1980s onwards, there was an expansion
of PRP into non-traditional areas such as banking and the civil service.
Overall, there has been a shift from job evaluation-based pay structures to
more performance-related pay methods.
36  Key practice areas and the key levers
There are two sub-types of PRP: linking pay to performance as meas-
ured by the achievement of specific outcomes such as units produced; and
assessing performance in terms of behaviours as in merit rating derived
from assessment of traits such as problem solving, cooperation, and the
use of initiative. A meta-analysis of incentive effects of individual PRP
revealed a productivity effect of around 30% (Locke and Feren 1980). But
other research shows how PRP systems deteriorate over time and how the
effect only works in the context of straightforward physical tasks. Also
interesting is the ‘sorting effect’ – that is, the way in which the existence of
a PRP attracts some workers and repels others (Lazear 2000).
Part of the drive in the direction of PRP in the 1980s onwards was the
intent to individualise the employment relationship and break away from
standard collective contracts. But PRP schemes seem counter-productive
as the link between performance and pay becomes subject to anomalies.
Individual PRP can conflict with attempts to forge teamwork and there is
a danger that the focus on individual reward compromises other incentives
and sources of work motivation (Gerhart 2009).
Individual PRP systems can also undermine team-based management
approaches. Thus, PRP as with any reward system, has to align with other
features of the organizations. The idea of ‘fit’ is also relevant in relation to
other aspects of HR policies such as high organizational commitment and
organizational citizenship and with intervening variables of ability, motiva-
tion, and opportunity (Appelbaum et al. 2000). For example, with regard to
opportunity, group-based incentives are more likely to be relevant in small
group settings rather than in larger group settings (Kruse 1993).
Alternatives to individual PRP include group performance schemes and
organization-wide profit sharing schemes. An alternative is ‘gainsharing’
which is based on the sharing of cost savings and may also be used in cases
of productivity gain sharing (Kruse et al. 2010).
Finally, with any form of PRP there are likely to be measurement issues.
Results-based measures may seem more directly linked to effort and ability
but there are also grounds for using behaviour-based methods. These can take
into account judgements about surrounding factors and wider forms of contri-
bution such as customer service and colleague support. But, on the downside,
there may be deficiencies in rater reliability (Viswesvaran and Ones 1996).

Human resource development and talent management

Strategic training and development is concerned with the design and imple-
mentation of training and development systems to successfully impact
organizational performance (Noe and Tews 2009). It is argued that there
needs to be clear links between business strategy and the design and delivery
Key practice areas and the key levers  37
of strategic training and development initiatives. Likewise, the evaluation of
these efforts should lead to feedback into the business strategy (Tannenbaum
and Woods 1992).
Managerial commitment to training is often indicative of a wider com-
mitment to a workforce; it sends a message about the value invested in
employees. Conversely, the absence of training may indicate a wider
message about the undervaluing of staff. Thus, investment in HRD may
be associated with a desire for a high skill, high value, high pay strategy
as opposed to a low skill, low value, and low pay equilibrium. As part of
this dynamic training not only adds skills it can also help to attract and
retain staff.
Some analyses suggest that HRD needs to be tailored to the different
occupational groups that normally make up an organization (Lepak and
Snell 2003). Thus, routine training in standards and conformity may be
geared to contract employees fulfilling routine tasks whereas commitment
and values-based development may be offered to core knowledge workers.
There are complications because professional staff may be oriented to com-
mitment beyond the organization and this has implications for HR practices
(Olsen et al. 2016).
It is argued that talent management, and Human Resource Development
(HRD) more generally, is even more important in an age of globalisation
and an increased reliance on knowledge workers (Guthridge et al. 2008;
Beechler and Woodward 2009). Organisational success becomes even more
dependent on finding, keeping, and deploying the right people (Boudreau
and Ramstad 2005; Boudreau and Ramstad 2009). Hence, developing and
utilizing the appropriate talent management system becomes ever more
important (Sparrow and Makram 2015). Further, while the issues of man-
aging talent are universal, they are especially acute in emerging market
economies (Glaister et al. 2018) where talent shortages highlight a pressing
need for organisations to adopt strategic approaches. Moreover, survival in
a rapidly changing and global context requires the nurturing of ‘dynamic
capabilities’ (Easterby-Smith et al. 2009). Such a perspective aligns with
human capital and the resource-based view of the firm (Barney 1991).
There is a question concerning who owns the responsibility for skill
development. Is it the state, the organization or the individual? Or a com-
bination of these? In so far as the organization plays a part there are further
questions about the role of the HR/training department and the role of line
managers. A survey in the US found 57% of training and development pro-
fessionals outsourced all or part of their training (Johnson 2004). Yet, the
growth of the corporate universities phenomenon suggests a desire to own
and control this important function and a belief that T&D merits a strategic
intervention (Taylor and Storey 2016).
38  Key practice areas and the key levers
For many managers, training and development simply do not represent
strategic issues, rather they are regarded as secondary and even a luxury. In
contrast, a learning organization puts learning and knowledge at its centre and
uses them as a fundamental regenerating resource (March 1991; Nonaka and
Takeuchi 1995; Davenport and Prusak 1998). Using a similar logic, social
networks and social capital are recognised and used as important resources
for knowledge creation and sharing (Nahapiet and Ghoshal 1998). A recent
meta-analysis revealed a significant performance improvement effect both for
individuals and groups tied into networks. They further show the benefit of
making use of bridging roles which span different social networks (Brennecke
and Stoemmer 2018). Likewise, it has been argued that talent management
focused on social networks has a positive outcome (Glaister et al. 2018).
At a level beyond individual training and development, HR may contrib-
ute to the goal of embedding ‘organizational learning’. This is an abstract
concept based on the idea of organizational culture and practices which
encourage the creation, sharing, and retention of relevant knowledge. To
a degree the simple experience of working jointly on a common purpose
can be expected to enhance organizational learning. Thus, the generation of
routines can be a form of organizational learning (Argyris and Schon 1981;
Easterby-Smith et al. 2009; Argote and Miron-Spektor 2011).

Employment relations, employee engagement, health and

wellness management
When considered from a strategic HRM perspective, employment relations
(also sometimes termed industrial relations or employee relations) can be
regarded as representing a series of choices about how to engage with work-
ers either directly or by working with their representatives. These latter may
be trade unions or representatives of employee associations. So, one set of
choices might be whether to recognise trade unions at all and, if so, to what
extent and for what purposes. For example, whether to recognise one or more
unions for collective bargaining purposes with a view to reaching collective
agreements. From this, many other options ensue – for example, what will
be the bargaining units, will negotiations extend across different locations,
who will be involved? If unions are not involved then will some form of staff
association be used for consultative purposes?
These choices are usually heavily context dependent. Changing contexts
often associated with shifts in power dynamics – a central concept in the IR
perspective. Employment relations differs from other aspects of SHRM in
that it tends to be more explicit in its recognition of the plurality of interests
in work organisations. Industry sector, time, and place all make a differ-
ence in this dynamic of interests and power relations. A few decades ago,
Key practice areas and the key levers  39
the predominant mode of representation would have been through trade
unions. Pay and other conditions of employment was mainly settled through
collective bargaining. Over the intervening years the picture has changed
dramatically. In the UK, the Trade Union Congress (TUC) Directory 2018
reports that union density in the private sector was 13.4%, while in the pub-
lic sector it stood at 52.7%, and the overall figure was 23.5%. The salience
of industrial relations issues facing most managers today is far less than it
was some decades ago. Context differs also in relation to the laws governing
employment matters in different economies.
Nonetheless, the strategic question of what kind or relationship with the
workforce is to be sought remains to be addressed. Where unions or staff
associations exist most managers will simply have inherited this situation
and will need to decide how to handle it. Will the strategy be to marginalise
the representatives and to try to communicate with the workforce as indi-
viduals, or will some form of partnership arrangement be attempted? Formal
relations may be pursued as a means to institutionalise conflict and man-
age discontent or more ambitiously they may be used to seek mutual gains
through productivity agreements (Flanders 1964).
As Kochan and colleagues showed, US firms such as Ford and General
Motors found it easier to engage the workforce in programmes of HRM
change when they involved the unions and removed a source of mistrust.
From here it was a short step to various modes of partnership agreements
with the unions (Kochan et al. 1986).
A feature of part of the current industrial relations scene is the concern
about precarious employment in the form of skewed employment contracts
(such as zero-hour contracts) and even the absence of employment contracts
when self-employment and agency work systems are deployed. In the UK,
the government responded to pressure by commissioning an inquiry into
‘modern employment practices’ including the so-called ‘gig economy’. The
Taylor commission reported in 2017 in a report entitled ‘Good Work’. The
review’s stated goal was that ‘all work in the UK economy should be fair
and decent’. However, it also stated a belief that the ‘British way’ of flexible
labour markets works and that the aim should be to build on the distinctive
strengths of the existing framework of regulation. It recommended, however,
that reforms be made to tax status, the minimum wage, zero-hour contracts
and agency work, along with changes to rights and benefits; information and
consultation; enforcement and tribunals (Taylor 2018).
Beyond formal industrial relations, a key agenda item in recent years has
been to foster ‘employee engagement’. This term has become central to the
lexicon of many managers and consultants and a quasi-industry has been
built around it. Much of the popular literature on the subject is superficial
but the idea has remained active for a number of years now. A distinction is
40  Key practice areas and the key levers
often made between its use as a psychological state and employee engage-
ment as a set of practices designed to encourage employee commitment
(Truss et al. 2014). It has been argued that engagement is dependent on
trust and supervisory support (Holland et al. 2017). Attempts to meas-
ure engagement have often been problematic (Shuck et al. 2017). From a
more traditional IR/HRM perspective Purcell offers an assessment of the
employee engagement fad. He is critical of the lack of rigour underpin-
ning many of the claims within this approach but holds up the prospect
of finding some potential value within the approach by ‘build[ing] on the
key advantage of the focus on employees, their beliefs, values, behaviours
and experiences at work in a way not seen before in mainstream HRM or
employee relations’ (Purcell 2014, p. 253).
An extension from the usual engagement agenda geared towards pro-
ductivity has been a focus on health and wellbeing in many workplaces.
This includes work on stress management, safety, and even happiness.
Ironically, there may be tension here. Engaged workers exhibiting high
organizational citizenship behaviour may be prone to burn-out and stress
(Conway et al. 2016; Deery et al. 2017; Kilroy et al. 2017). And yet,
research in the NHS reveals that engagement may offer a win-win for
employers and employees: a ‘virtuous circle’. ‘There is clear evidence that
trusts with higher engagement levels have lower levels of sickness absence
among staff, and also have lower spend on agency and bank staff.’ The size
effect was substantial – a one standard deviation increase in overall staff
engagement is associated with a £1.7 million saving on agency staff costs
for the average trust (Dawson and West 2018).

Organization design: structuring and ‘organizational

culture management’
The ways in which tasks and functions are divided and arranged, activities
grouped and coordinated, and lines of accountability drawn form the basis
of job design and organizational design. This design activity is by no means
solely the responsibility of HR specialists but they may have an input into
these choices. Likewise, HR strategists may be involved in the vision, mission,
values, and culture dimensions.
Examples of changes to organizational forms which also normally carry
a culture aspect include downsizing, decentralising, devolving, and divi-
sionalising and the general drift towards semi-autonomous business units.
Structures are often neglected in analyses of HR, yet the way work is organ-
ised into units of accountability is very important. The consequences of
the broad move away from the large corporate firm with its multiple lay-
ers, job evaluation techniques, and career progress have been extensive.
Key practice areas and the key levers  41
There would seem to have been a shift from bureaucratic forms to ‘new’
forms such as networks (Miles and Snow 1986), cluster organizations
(Quinn 1992) virtual organizations, and hypertext organizations (Nonaka
and Takeuchi 1995). The overall theme is one of fragmentation, enterprise,
agility, and a greater emphasis on a shift to market-facing units.
An early move from the large corporation was the process of divisional-
ising. This was prominent in the 1990s (Marginson 1995). Early examples
of divisionalisation were found in Du Pont and General Motors early in
the 20th century (Chandler 1962). The later phase allowed greater focus,
clarity, and accountability. It also allowed financial and cost accounting
tailored to specific business areas. This laid the basis for an ‘enterprise’
cultural perspective.
A related shift was towards marketisation. One aspect of this was to
externalise (outsource) activities that were formerly performed in-house.
This occurred within both public and private sector organizations. This car-
ried implications for HR in that the numbers of workers directly employed
decreased and much of the responsibility for labour management was
itself outsourced. The idea was to retain core competency functions. Even
where nominal functions remain within a unified organisation, a quasi-
market was created by means of a purchaser-provider split in public service
organizations. Services were ‘commissioned’ and purchased in an ‘internal
market’. This could lead to a shift from an employment relationship to a
contract for services type of relationship.
The broad shift from proceduralism and collectivism to a more indi-
vidualist approach with an aim to engender commitment is itself a sign
of a significant culture change. The wider political, social, and economic
contexts impelled this shift. The move from mass employment in heavy
industries to a service-based economy, where customer-responsiveness
became crucial, moved vision, mission, and culture change to centre
stage. The baseline is the idea of an organization’s ultimate and enduring
purpose (beyond surviving and making a surplus). ‘Strong cultures’ were
extolled in the In Search of Excellence movement (Peters and Waterman
1982) – though dysfunctional companies have also been noted to have
been misled by strong cultures albeit of a negative kind.
Beckhard points out that managing culture change is not just a matter
of managerial will and communication. It is inextricably linked with struc-
tural conditions including external conditions that might make the status quo
unsustainable. His change management guidelines highlight the importance
of building a critical mass of support and a willingness to commit resources
into the change programme. He outlines a series of steps: the design of a future
state, a diagnosis of the current state, identifying what needs to be done to move
including the sorts of relationship required, formulating how an organisation
42  Key practice areas and the key levers
will function under the desired state, and the switch of behaviours including
those of senior managers (Beckhard and Harris 1987). These ambitious forms
of intervention are likely to include, but go beyond, the inputs from HR spe-
cialists. They need to be aligned with the array of supportive mechanisms – the
key ‘levers’ – reviewed throughout this chapter.

This chapter has offered a synopsis of some of the large body of research on
the wide array of SHRM practices. Inevitably, the coverage of those litera-
tures is only indicative. Lots of research evidence is omitted, but in broad
measure many of the ongoing debates about the choices facing SHRM prac-
titioners are reflected in the chapter. There are aspects such as social capital
and the encouragement of building and benefiting from networks that are
crucial yet not conventionally covered in most considerations of HRM
practice areas. It is also noteworthy that HR practices and philosophies are
subject to significant shifts over time. Economic cycles appear to have a sig-
nificant impact on these as do more structural shifts such as globalisation.
Hence, for example, soft HRM processes may not be resilient in recessions
(Cook et al. 2016).
In the next chapter we take a different perspective by examining in more
detail the nature of the competencies which underpin effective strategic human
resource management and we look more closely at the HR function itself.
4 HR competences and the HR

In this chapter we turn to an examination of research on the strategic

contribution of the HR function itself. By ‘function’ here we refer to the
institutionalised forms which HR practice takes – usually in the form of
some kind of departmental structure. Thus, we discuss the capabilities and
competencies of those who provide HR services (including both policy and
practice) and we look at how the HR function is organized (e.g., central-
ized or decentralized; fragmented into separate sub-units or integrated;
outsourced or in-house). There is a two-way relationship between HR ideas
and the HR function. Emergent and dominant ideas shape the function’s
form and function; conversely, HR practitioners help shape ideas even if
they do not always fully determine them.
A complicating factor is that while larger employing organizations tend to
have specialized and dedicated HR departments, many smaller and medium
sized enterprises operate without them. In these latter circumstances, general
managers and other management specialists undertake the tasks involved
in managing human resources. Indeed, even in large corporations which
have their own HR departments, some of the major strategic choices about
the management of the human resource may be taken by influential senior
managers from other disciplines such as chief executives, works managers,
production directors or finance directors (Storey 1992). Furthermore, even
when HR specialists do exercise influence by shaping policy, the actual real-
isation of these policies in everyday practice usually depends heavily on the
role of line managers (Trullen et al. 2016; López-Cotarelo 2018).
There have been attempts to professionalize this domain of management
but there has been limited success in achieving occupational ‘closure’ of the
kind associated with the traditional professions (Abbot 1988). Accordingly,
HR work is undertaken by general managers, as well as professional spe-
cialists and by hybrid managers who have multiple responsibilities. Most
of the research on HR competencies is restricted to those who self-define
as the specialists.
44  HR competences and the HR function
The chapter is organized as follows. In the next section, the backstory
of how today’s HR function emerged is summarized along with an outline
of the main areas of research and debate. Then, in section two, the focus
shifts to a closer consideration of HR competencies. Section three examines
developments in the organization of the HR function and this includes a
review of Ulrich’s recent work in this area.

The backstory
From the earliest days of HRM in the 1980s, there has been discussion
about the capability of personnel departments to translate the conceptual
models into actual practice. As we have seen in earlier chapters, the concep-
tual models emphasize strategic and integrated approaches. With respect to
the personnel (or HR) function, the questions arising therefore included the
extent to which such prescriptions were being followed and how the func-
tion was responding.
In some formulations, this was turned into a question about the
‘impact’ of HRM ideas on personnel as a function (Sisson 2001). However
expressed, the underlying questions concerned the extent to which the
prescriptive models were being adopted by personnel specialists and their
ability to deliver these.
Many of the early reports and analyses were sceptical. Tyson and Fell
(1986) identified different categories and types of personnel managers.
‘Clerks of works’ were largely involved in routine matters such as record
keeping and handling documentation. ‘Contracts managers’ tended to han-
dle industrial relations matters in workplaces with trade unions. ‘Architects’
were involved in policy making and were senior managers who tended to
identify as business managers first and personnel managers second. They
concluded that, in practice, the ‘clerks’ and ‘contract manager’ types well
outnumbered the ‘architects’. Likewise, Sisson (1995) recorded ‘little
impact’ of HRM on personnel in the 1980s and early 1990s. Using data
from the well-regarded Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS),
he updated the analysis and amended the judgement to one of ‘partial
impact’ (Sisson 2001). The WERS data revealed a mixed picture: there was
little increase in board level representation for the personnel/HR function,
and rather than an integrated, holistic approach being widely adopted, the
evidence pointed to the function remaining fragmented and ‘balkanized’.
On the other hand, the much anticipated externalization of the function (to
outsourced suppliers) had not occurred to any significant extent during this
period. Based on additional survey work, Caldwell (2003) reached similar
conclusions while also noting the ongoing ‘ambiguities and uncertainties’
in the role of personnel management/HR.
HR competences and the HR function  45
As observed, one of the claimed distinctive features of the new approach
was a greater focus on strategy rather than merely efficient administration
of the workforce. This strategic element relates to both a tighter horizontal
integration so that the various sub-elements of the function align (e.g., recruit-
ment with training and with compensation and promotion), and a tighter
vertical integration so that as a whole these elements align with the business
strategy. This ambitious mission for HRM requires appropriate competencies
and appropriate organizational arrangements – i.e., the two themes that form
the main focus of this chapter.
The latest official WERS survey (the sixth in the series) took place in 2011.
In their report of the First Findings from this extensive work across 2,680
workplaces using very detailed face-to-face administered questionnaires with
multiple respondents, the authors report ‘little evidence of an increasingly
strategic role for HR’ between the 2004 survey and the one conducted in 2011
(Wanrooy et al. 2013). The percentage of workplaces belonging to organiza-
tions with a formal strategic plan for employee development was 56%, and
with a plan for job satisfaction 39%. These figures had not materially altered
since the survey in 2004. In the 2011 survey, just 56% of workplaces were
part of an organization which had an HR person represented on the board.
Details of the study can be fund via this link:
In the USA too, there have been some sober assessments of the nature
and contribution of the HR function. Most infamous was the extended
essay Why We Hate HR (Hammonds 2005). Among a number of critiques
this argued that HR had essentially focused on administrative work which
was being outsourced; unfortunately, the HR function, he argued, was ill-
suited to the remaining crucial element, the strategic role. Lawler (2005),
as well as Becker and Huselid (2006) reached a similar conclusion. Later
in this chapter we present some alternative data and interpretations.
Analysis in the USA of small and medium sized enterprises draw-
ing on the National Organizations Survey, revealed a positive unit-level
performance effect from having a formal HR function (Chadwick and
Li 2018). One explanation is that their presence may prompt and pro-
mote the creation and maintenance of a high performance work system
(HPWS). Useful though such evidence might be, such studies shed little
light on the actual processes involved. The relative lack of data about the
processes involved in doing HR – that is, the ‘black box’ between policies
and outcomes – as has been noted by a number of observers including,
for example, Haggerty and Wright (2010). Their work emphasized the
importance of implementation rather than formulation and linked this to
crucial attributes such as legitimacy and visibility of the HR function.
These attributes may be problematic even with regard to receptivity by
46  HR competences and the HR function
fellow managers, never mind the wider body of employees (Haggerty and
Wright 2010, p. 112).
There have been limited studies of the ways in which outsourcing HR
activities affects the HR role internally, its remaining competencies or its
influence with senior management. One study, that compared HR depart-
ments which had engaged in HR outsourcing with those departments which
had maintained full in-house HR provision, found that the latter enjoyed
more positive outcomes such as enhanced trust, more competency develop-
ment, and a clearer strategic focus (Glaister 2014). The enhanced benefits of
an in-house HR function is also underlined by the findings from a study of a
German subsidiary of a US company. This revealed that the effects of out-
sourcing on the in-house HR function included a decrease in its flexibility, a
slowdown in its processing time of transactional work, and a decrease in job
satisfaction among HR managers (Patel et al. 2017).
Research using data from a study of firms in Spain attends directly to this
question of acceptance and credibility. The research found that the credibil-
ity of the HR function is only one of the factors that influence employees’
acceptance of HR’s role. Other essential elements were top management and
supervisor support, and that supervisor support carries more weight than
that of top managers (Stirpe et al. 2013). Similar results are reported from
a study of subsidiaries of Nordic multinationals though in this instance the
attitudes of the unit managers were fund to be especially important (John and
Bjorkman 2015).
We now turn to recent work which attends directly to the question of con-
temporary HR competencies. Unlike the mainly UK-based studies above,
the ones which follow are mainly American-based though with some global
survey evidence included. The perspectives described below also tend to be
more prescriptive in nature than the descriptive accounts discussed so far.

HR competencies which make a difference

There have been a number of attempts to delineate HR competencies: the
knowledge, skills, and abilities required of HR professionals. Many HR
associations, independent organizations, researchers, and consultants have
worked to define the competencies required for HR professionals. For
example, HR has been encouraged to increase its analytical competence
(Angrave et al. 2016) and to make HR ‘relevant to business’ (Kryscynski
and Ulrich 2015).
The discussion of competencies for HR professionals is an exten-
sion of the general competency-based approach to building leaders. One
of the first large-scale applications of competencies to the work envi-
ronment occurred during World War II as the United States Army Air
HR competences and the HR function  47
Corps applied competency logic in selecting and training fighter pilots.
Following the war, a central figure in the Air Force’s task force, John
Flanagan, applied this approach on a large scale at the Delco-Remy
division of General Motors. This approach was advanced by David
McClelland in 1973 in Testing for Competencies, and further developed
by Richard Boyatzis, then of the McBer and Company consulting firm, in
his influential book, The Competent Manager (Boyatzis 1982).
The task of defining personal competencies for HR professionals began
across organizations in the 1970s with work by the American Society for
Training and Development. This examined the competencies of those
involved in human resource development (McLagan and Bedrick 1983).
Since then, a number of attempts have been made to define the competencies
required by HR professionals more widely. These include, most notably, a
series of seven rounds of surveys of HR practitioners and line managers
starting in 1987 with a sample of 10,291 through to 2017 with a sample of
31,868 managers (Ulrich and Brockbank 2005; ; Ulrich and Grochowski
2012; Ulrich et al. 2013; Ulrich and Dulebohn 2015; Ulrich et al. 2017).
Similar work was conducted by the Center for Effective Organizations over
a twenty year period from 1996 to 2015 (Lawler and Boudreau 2009; 2012).
Likewise, consultancy firms such as Boston Consulting Group and Deloitte
have undertaken surveys of trends in HR which highlight emerging com-
petencies in HR. Professional societies such as the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Society for Human Resource
Management (SHRM) have also conducted their own periodic surveys
which have tracked trends and changing emphases such as the growing
focus on talent management and leadership (CIPD 2010; 2014).
From these studies, there are four principles that shape choices for defining
HR competencies (Ulrich et al. 2015).
First, defining HR competencies that create positive outcomes is the goal.
Most competency models ask the question, ‘What are the competencies of HR
professionals?’, whereas the question should be ‘What are the competencies
of HR professionals that create the greatest value?’ Different HR competen-
cies have differential impact on three outcomes: personal effectiveness of the
HR professional, impact on key stakeholders, and business results.
Second, HR competencies are determined less by self-report and more by
how those competencies are perceived by others. HR competencies should
be assessed not only by the HR professional but by those who observe the
HR professional. People generally judge themselves by their intent; others
judge them by their behaviour, so it is important to evaluate both intent and
behaviour (see Bracken et al. 2018).
Third, global HR competencies exist, but they also may vary by geography,
industry, size of organization, level in the organization, role in the organization,
48  HR competences and the HR function
gender, time in role, and so forth (Ulrich et al. 2012). In general, according to
Ulrich, about 50 to 60% of HR competences are essential to all circumstances,
40 to 50% vary by setting.
Fourth, key HR competencies change over time. As the environment
changes, so do businesses, and so do personal competencies required to be
effective. Over time, every four to five years, about 30 to 40% of HR com-
petencies evolve to stay current.
These principles shape the definition, assessment, and application of HR
competence models as illustrated below.

Illustration of the Ulrich HR competency model

To illustrate the process and approach to HR competencies, we report
on the seventh round of the HR competency study (Ulrich et al. 2017).
For almost thirty years the study has empirically defined the competen-
cies of HR professionals and how those competencies impact personal
effectiveness and business performance. In the 2017 round, data were
collected from over 31,000 worldwide surveys rating the competencies
and performance of about 4,000 HR professionals from more than 1,200
organizational units.
In collaboration with twenty-one regional HR partners, this study exam-
ined 123 specific items of what HR professionals should be, know, or do.
These items were derived from focus groups by each of the twenty-one
regional partners and from previous iterations of the research. Through fac-
tor analyses, nine competence domains were identified (see Figure 4.1).
Three of these competencies were identified as core drivers because they
delivered on key outcomes:

•• Strategic positioner: Able to position a business to win in its market. In

the past, this competence domain was called business knowledge or acu-
men or strategic positioner. It has four elements: knowing the language
of business (business literacy), knowing the business’ strategy and how
the business makes money, defining the expectations of key stakehold-
ers (customers, suppliers, investors, competitors) in the business niche,
and anticipating shifts in the business environment and context.
•• Credible activist: Able to build relationships of trust by having a pro-
active point of view. In the past this competence was often called the
trusted advisor or cultural guardian. When HR professionals are trusted,
they are more likely to be ‘invited to the table’ of business dialogue. The
activist dimension of this role implies that HR be proactive and initiate
conversations to deliver trust.
HR competences and the HR function  49
•• Paradox navigator: Able to manage tensions inherent in businesses
(e.g., be both long and short term focused, be both top down and bottom
up capable). By navigating paradox, HR professionals are able to help
both organizations and people create the agility to respond to change.

This study also found three domains of HR competence that are organiza-
tion enablers, helping position HR to deliver strategic value:

•• Culture and change champion: Able to make change happen and man-
age organizational culture.
•• Human capital curator: Able to manage the flow of talent by develop-
ing people and leaders, driving individual performance, and building
technical talent.
•• Total reward steward: Able to manage employee well-being through
financial and non-financial rewards.

Three other delivery enablers that focused on managing the tactical or foun-
dational elements of HR were also found in the study:

•• Technology and media integrator: Able to use technology and social

media to drive high performing organizations.
•• Analytics designer and interpreter: Able to use analytics to improve
decision making (Huselid 2018; Kryscynski et al. 2018).
•• Compliance manager: Able to manage the processes related to compli-
ance by following regulatory guidelines.

Each of these HR competencies are important for the performance of HR

professionals (Ulrich et al. 2017). Of course there are many practitioners
who do not achieve or display these competencies. Although there are many
details around this research (e.g., variation in competencies by level, by
geography, by length of service, by functional expertise, etc.), the focus
here is on three findings related to the outcomes of HR competencies. First,
to be invited to the table to exercise influence, HR professionals need to
demonstrate personal credibility. Second, HR professionals need to dem-
onstrate the ability to serve multiple stakeholders. For internal stakeholders
(employees, line managers), HR professionals require personal credibility,
but to serve external stakeholders (customers and investors), HR profes-
sionals should be strategic positioners. Third, to create business value, HR
professionals need to become paradox navigators. These three outcomes
demonstrate the impact of the ‘core driver’ competencies in Figure 4.1.
Collectively, they help HR professionals deliver value by knowing what
50  HR competences and the HR function
they should be, know, and do to affect their personal effectiveness, stake-
holder outcomes, and business results.
It is interesting to see the evolution of HR competencies over thirty
years. Each of the seven rounds is independent, in that they represent a
cross section of HR professionals who rate themselves on competencies
and Associate Raters who rate them. Over the rounds, factor analyses
showed an increase in the complexity of HR competencies. In 1987, three
domains were delineated: business knowledge, HR delivery, and manage-
ment of change. In 1992, this was expanded to four domains, then five
in 1997, then ultimately nine domains in 2017. Being a competent HR
professional has become increasingly complex, with some of the recent
competencies (analytics designer and interpreter; technology and social

Culture Curator Total
and Change Rewards
Champion Steward

Strategic Paradox Credible

Positioner Navigator Activist

and Media
Analytics Integrator
Designer and

Figure 4.1  HR competency model

HR competences and the HR function  51
media integrator) reflecting how HR competencies reflect general
business trends. Competencies for HR professionals have evolved with
changing business conditions.
Across all competence domains, the seven rounds of survey from 1987
through to 2017 show that HR professionals have improved over these
thirty years. The business knowledge score increased from 3.17 to 4.13,
HR delivery from 3.33 to 4.02, and personal proficiency from 3.78 to 4.33.
These are significant improvements in the overall competencies for HR
professionals. They offer a serious challenge to many of the doubts about
the HR profession that have been expressed as exemplified in earlier parts
of this chapter.
What do we now know about HR competencies that will enable HR to
deliver more business value? HR competencies evolve over time as the
demands on HR become more complex. They can be defined and assessed
through others’ observations and ratings of HR professionals. Different
HR competencies have impact on different results: to be seen as personally
effective, HR professionals need to be credible activists; to deliver value to
customers and investors, HR professionals need to become strategic posi-
tioners; and to deliver business results they need to navigate paradoxes.
Finally, and crucially, according to this longitudinal research programme,
the competencies of HR professionals have increased steadily over the past
thirty years.

Competent HR departments
In workshops with business leaders, when asked the question: ‘How would
you divide ten points between individual talent (individual competencies,
workforce, people, employees, human capital) and ‘organization’ (work-
place, organization capabilities, systems, teamwork, culture) and their
relative impact on business results?’ Answers range across the board, with
some highlighting talent, others organization, and some neutral.
Ulrich and colleagues have undertaken research on this question with over
1,200 businesses and 32,000 people (Ulrich et al. 2017). They have deter-
mined for these businesses both the quality of both their organization and the
competencies of their people. They then correlated these two domains on the
financial and stakeholder results of the business. While other factors (e.g.,
strategy, industry, operational excellence, and culture) impact results, they
were able to divide the relative impact of talent and organization on busi-
ness and stakeholder results. They report that organization has four times
the impact of talent on business results. These are significant findings and
imply an 8 to 2 distribution in the ten point allocation exercise with executives
(Ulrich et al. 2017). So, talent matters, but organization matters even more.
52  HR competences and the HR function
Organizations deliver better business and stakeholder results for a host
of reasons. Organizations make the whole more than the sum of the parts by
leveraging and multiplying individual skills. When individuals have com-
plementary skills and work well together, their collective skills are more
than the individual talent. Further, organizations enhance personal well-
being by helping people learn to work better together. Organizations are
social systems that enable people to learn to cooperate, develop talents,
find a shared sense of purpose, and survive. By so doing, organizational
performance is greater than individual productivity. Additionally, organi-
zations take on identities of their own that outlast individual personalities.
Enduring organizations sustain change that any single individual may initiate.
When customers buy products or services from an organization (rather
than an individual), they have long term confidence in the sustainability
of the organization. Investors who have more favourable impressions of
an organization (versus individuals) give the organization a premium for
its sustained financial performance as well as intangibles (strategy, brand,
operational systems).
This ‘power of organization effect’ extends also to the way the HR func-
tion itself is organized. Far less research has been done on what factors
underpin effective HR departments than on the research reported above on
defining HR’s contribution and competencies. Some of the original work on
how to organize HR were captured in the work on being a business partner
in the book Human Resource Champions (Ulrich 1997). That book out-
lined four roles within HR departments: administrative experts, employee
champions, strategic partners, and change agents. These roles provided
the basis for the model used by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development and its work on the role of the ‘business partner’ (CIPD
2014). In popular form, three main organizational roles were widely dis-
cussed: shared services (doing administrative work), centres of expertise
(doing technical specialist work), and business partners (doing generalist
business-focused work). This three-legged model of how to organize a HR
department became highly influential among practitioners (Holley 2016).
After a couple of decades there have also been attempts to offer alterna-
tive assessments and alternative modes of organizational arrangements for
HR (Roebuck 2015; Scott-Jackson and Mayo 2017). The model has also
attracted critique (Adams 2016).
Many of the critiques apply the 1997 business partner model to business
issues twenty years later. In the ensuing twenty years, much has changed
in the world of technology and much has changed in the world of HR. The
business partner concept has dramatically evolved from roles and outcomes
to a logic of how HR delivers value to employees, organizations, custom-
ers, investors, and communities. The transformation of HR is not just about
HR competences and the HR function  53
changing roles in an HR department, but a fundamental shift in how HR
conceives, organizes, and delivers work. More recent work by Ulrich and
colleagues identifies nine dimensions of an effective HR department. These
dimensions draw on the latest work in organization design and also come
from experience working with many HR departments. The updated model
is shown in Figure 4.2.
Starting from the top of the figure is the dimension of HR Reputation.
Every organization creates a reputation in its marketplace, which may
be called its identity or brand. This reputation shapes how stakeholders
perceive and act towards the organization. An HR Department creates a
reputation or identity based on what value it has created, why HR practices
are created and how they are used, and what roles HR professionals play.
These reputations often outlive individual leaders and shape how others
respond to the HR department.
The second dimension is HR Context/Deliverables. An organization suc-
ceeds by mastering its context and defining a unique definition of success.
This definition of success sets the criteria for how the organization allocates

Nine dimensions of an effective HR department

HR Reputation
What is the reputation
HR Professionals of the HR department? HR
What do HR Context/Deliverables
professionals need to be, What are the criteria
know, and do to be (settings) that shape
effective? HR work?

HR Strategy
Effectiveness stages on
HR Workstyle What is the mission or
each dimension
How does HR go about 1. Efficiency strategy of the
doing its work? 2. Functional capabilities-focused
excellence HR department?
3. Strategy
4. Outside in
(customer) HR Design
(process, roles, and
HR Practices
How do we create HR
How is the HR
HR and organisation
HR Analytics
How do we make better
How does HR facilitate
HR investments and
the definition and
creation of organisation

Figure 4.2  Nine dimensions of an effective HR department

54  HR competences and the HR function
resources and makes choices. Four sub-criteria that shape HR work have
been identified: service (reduce transaction costs), create (increase techni-
cal excellence in HR practices), integrate (link HR practices to business
strategy), and influence (use HR to win with customers and investors). HR
departments can be focused on any or all of these four deliverables as criteria
for effective work.
Thirdly, HR Strategy. Effective organizations have a sense of direction
with purpose that represents an aspiration for what can be and can include a
vision of an idealized state of what the organization wants to become, a mis-
sion statement for why it exists, and strategies and goals of where and when
it will invest to get there. The purpose envisions a future, sets an agenda, and
offers direction. An HR department has a purpose with a mission that answers
who they are (roles), what they aspire to deliver (capabilities), and why (value
created). This mission focuses on results or outcomes, not activities, which
are centred on capabilities that deliver value to customers and investors.
Fourth, HR Design (process, roles, and structure): How is the HR depart-
ment organized? Every organization has a structure that translates strategy to
action and deals with how work is done. These organization structures may
range on a matrix of centralized (single business focused on efficiency) to
decentralized (multiple businesses focused on effectiveness). Likewise, the
organization of HR departments need to match or align with the organization
design logic of the business. If the business is centralized and single busi-
ness, HR should be centralized and functionally organized; if the business is
a holding company; HR should embed HR practices in each business; if the
business is a diversified allied firm, HR would be run like a professional ser-
vices firm (Ulrich and Grochowski 2012). HR work might be done through
centres of expertise, embedded HR business partners, corporate staff, or ser-
vice centres that may be outsourced (Lawler et al. 2004; Ulrich et al. 2008).
The HR structure should match the business structure.
Fifth, HR and Organization Capability. Organization thinking has
evolved from morphology (efficiency and hierarchy) to system (alignment)
to capabilities (identity). Organization capability is what the organiza-
tion is known for and good at doing – its identity (Ulrich and Lake 1990).
Organization capabilities represent what the organization is good at doing
and how it patterns its activities to deliver value. Capability is the collective
set of skills, expertise, and alignment of the people in the company that
create the identity of the organization both internally and externally –
ultimately, what it is known for. This organization capability logic advances
work by Jay Galbraith, the father of organization design, who added to his
STAR model the concept of organization design criteria. This concept
lays out the capabilities required for the organization to win. HR’s job is
to define capabilities required to win for the business and within the HR
HR competences and the HR function  55
department. By so doing, organization capabilities (like information,
culture, customer obsession, innovation, agility) become the outcomes of
HR that deliver sustainable business results.
Sixth, HR Analytics. Information has become a central issue for ana-
lysing organizations. Every Nobel Prize winner in economics who focuses
on organization (institutions) as the unit of analysis frames organization as
information (e.g., George Akerlof , Kenneth Arrow, Ronald Coase, Friedrich
Hayek, Herbert Simon, Michael Spence, James Tobin, Oliver Williamson).
Likewise, over the last decade, ‘analytics’ has become a buzzword in HR and
an increasingly important concept for HR’s future. There are two major chal-
lenges to HR departments using analytics to drive stakeholder and business
results. When talking about analytics, a lot of concepts are used: scorecards,
dashboards, predictive analytics, data science, evidence based decisions,
metrics, human resource accounting, cloud (or big) data, forecasting, or
workforce modelling. The underlying agenda of all these efforts is to access
and use information to make better decisions. HR analytics should enable
improved information management. A second analytics challenge is to focus
less on information about HR and more on information about how HR will
deliver stakeholder and business results. To deliver these results, the role of
analytics has evolved in four stages: scorecards to insights to interventions to
impact (Rasmussen and Ulrich 2015).
Seventh, HR Practices. An HR department is often known by the HR
practices it creates and establishes throughout the organization. Four criteria
for designing and delivering HR practices have been described: innovative
(based on latest research), integrated (offering systems solutions not isolated
HR practices), aligned (connected not just to strategy, but to customers and
investors outside the firm), and simple (increasingly a focus on simplicity
has shaped HR practices). An effective HR department has functional experts
who can create HR practices around these criteria.
Eighth, HR Professionals. This is concerned with what HR professionals
need to be, know, and do to deliver key outcomes. This topic was reviewed
above in the first section of this chapter.
Ninth, HR Work Style: How does HR go about doing its work? HR prac-
titioners, when working effectively, will make it easy for stakeholders (line
managers, employees, customers) to access HR solutions and HR techniques.
The characteristics of a high-relating HR department have been defined as:
share a common purpose, respect differences, govern and connect, care for one
another, share experiences, and grow together (Ulrich and Dulebohn 2015).
These nine criteria for an effective HR department build upon and extend
previous work on HR transformation and broaden the focus of the HR
department to an overall logic. These nine criteria for an HR department
may be seen as delivering value at four stages (see Figure 4.3)
56  HR competences and the HR function

HR outside in: Anticipate to

shape what can be
HR Evolution

Strategic HR: Partner to make strategy


Functional expertise: Serve by providing technical


Foundational/Administrative: Respond to deliver what is promised


Figure 4.3  Waves of HR value creation

Each of these waves has a focus on different HR outcomes: Foundational/

Administrative: HR focuses on efficiency; Functional: HR focuses on
best practices; Strategic: HR focuses on delivering strategy; Outside in:
HR focuses on increasing value to stakeholders outside the organiza-
tion. The nine dimensions can be arrayed against these four outcomes
which results in a matrix that can be used to describe, audit, or improve
the overall effectiveness of an HR department. For example, to take the
first dimension, ‘HR Reputation’, under the foundational/administrative
stage would be characterized as about efficiency and the department
would be known for delivering tasks efficiently and effectively. Under
the functional stage it would be known for its performance in the dif-
ferent functional areas. Under the strategic stage it would be known and
evaluated with respect to how its work aligned with, and supported, the
business strategy. Under the outside in stage it will be evaluated with
regard to how well the function understands and responds to external
stakeholders such as customers, investors, and the community. To take
another example, using the dimension of ‘HR Analytics’, the founda-
tional stage would use this to refer to a HR scorecard to measure the past
performance of the department, at the functional stage analytics would
offer insight into people and organization; at the strategic stage analytics
would focus on measuring HR interventions that can be shown to contrib-
ute to the business strategy; and at the outside in stage analytics would be
used to measure business impact, the HR scorecard becomes the same as
the business scorecard (Ulrich et al. 2012).
HR competences and the HR function  57
As the chapter has shown, research on the subject of the HR function over
the past few decades has produced portraits of contrasting forms. One set of
accounts suggests an optimistic view with increasing evidence of enhanced
capabilities and positive contributions. But other, more sceptical accounts
suggest that the function has yet to attain in practice the kind of elevated sta-
tus or the influence which has been so often outlined in conceptual models.
The origins of the function are found in personnel administration and much
of the early work portrayed an occupational group which lacked influence
despite attempts to establish a ‘professional’ status. The emergence of HRM
appeared to offer the opportunity, the logic, and the tools to enable a more
strategic role for the function. The evidence from the studies described in
the early part of the chapter tended to point towards the uncertain and even
fragile standing of the function; but the latter part of the chapter offered
material pointing towards a far more optimistic picture. Both depictions
reflect different realities of time and place. Context matters hugely in HRM.
This is the subject of the next chapter.
5 The changing contexts of
strategic human resource

As seen in the previous chapter, HR competencies evolve over time.

Moreover, as emphasised in the first chapter, the SHRM phenomenon (in
its distinctive sense broadly denoting a high-commitment approach) can
be seen as a product of its time. It emerged and spread when international
pressures were making many firms in western economies uncompetitive
and new ways of working were being sought. The post-war consensus was
in the process of breaking down and a shift was underway which offered
an alternative to conventional wisdom and practices based on managing
labour through temporary truces secured through collective bargaining. At
first, only a few corporations (examples included General Electric, Hewlett
Packard, and Eli Lilley) led the way in installing an approach to employment
which sought ‘commitment’ in place of mere acquiesce (Walton 1985). As
noted, the new approach started from the perspective of the workforce as an
‘asset’ and not simply a cost; these assets merited investment in this form of
capital – the human capital. For example, Jeffrey Pfeffer made the case for
Competitive Advantage through People (Pfeffer 1994). From the late 1980s
onwards the pioneering firms were imitated by a host of more mainstream
organisations in both the private and public sectors as revealed by empirical
case research (Storey 1992). Initial doubts about whether HRM would be
able to establish itself gave way to wider adoption.
Of course this interpretation relates only to the distinctive version of
HRM, as noted in the first chapter there is also a looser usage of the term ref-
erencing any form of approach to managing a workforce. In the wider, looser
usage, employment decisions might be ad hoc, short term, and reactive or
might also encompass a values-driven, so-called ‘best practice approach’ or
again might be calculative and contingent on multiple variables. Hence, just
as in the field of strategic management itself, there are multiple meanings
of ‘strategy’. It can be variously a plan, a pattern, a position, a perspective
or a ploy (Mintzberg et al. 1998; Mintzberg and Lampel 1999). Low-road
approaches as well as high-road approaches can be ‘strategic’ if decisions
The changing contexts of SHRM  59
about employment matters (recruitment, reward, and appraisal) are not
merely isolated processes but reflect, and are informed by, some explicit
intent which aligns employment choices to business organization choices
(Storey 1992).
But recent decades have brought new changes in context and these have
been reflected in changing employment practices – often of a very radical
kind. Some of these changes seem to signal a reverse of the emphasis on
high-commitment working and a shift to outsourcing, sub-contracting, short
term, even zero-hour contracts, and a growing disparity in rewards. Growing
income inequality in the United States has been systematically traced by
two Harvard and California University economists (Lindert and Williamson
2017), while MIT economist Peter Temin (2017) likewise tracks the negative
impacts of the ‘dual economy’. The metaphor of the ‘hourglass economy’
refers to the hollowed-out middle of the labour market with a growing disparity
between high and low earners (London Assembly 2016). It is reflected in a
‘squeezed middle’ and growing income inequality, not just wealth inequality.
For most of the 20th century, the central employment relationship was
between a large employer and a set of directly employed workers with relative
job security and a host of employment benefits. In the past couple of dec-
ades, a wider range of employee/employer relationships have been formed.
The workforce supply chain has become increasingly complex. While most
employees still work full time and on ‘permanent’ contracts, an increasing
number of others are working part time and in a multitude of contractual rela-
tionships. Employment has often been devolved to a complex web of smaller
contracting agencies who form an equally complex supply chain. Terms and
conditions which had improved in the 20th century among the large employ-
ing bureaucracies (clear detailed examples are given by Richard Edwards
(Edwards 1979)) went into reverse in this latter period. Many workers are
reported as valuing flexibility and yet at the same time the picture is com-
plex and contested because work in many organizations became less well
rewarded and more precarious (Standing 2011; Kalleberg 2013; 2018). As
Kalleberg (2018) notes, there appears to be a growth, rather than a diminu-
tion, of ‘bad jobs’ even if these latter are not always necessarily precarious.
In this chapter we track research which explores the most notable drivers
and developments which account for these divergent modes of employment
management. The analyses reveal the repercussions for employment stem-
ming from far-reaching economic, social, and technological changes.

The ebb and flow of HRM

The post-war settlement in a number of the advanced economies was based
on a tri-partite employment governance system brokered by employers, trade
60  The changing contexts of SHRM
unions, and the state. Employment relations were governed by a ‘system of
rules’ (Dunlop 1958). Conflict was managed through negotiation of the rules
governing pay rates, holiday entitlements, and rights of representation. The
rules were thus procedural and substantive. In the background, as a kind of
safety net, were employment laws covering, for example, health and safety
at work, child labour, and redundancy. But, in the main, the parties preferred
the ‘voluntarist system’ based on collective bargaining rather than an ‘inter-
fering’ state (Flanders 1970). In consequence, employment was governed
by elaborate and detailed collective agreements negotiated at industry sector
level as well as at company level. The resulting written agreements were often
lengthy and very detailed. Variations had to be subject to renegotiation.
That was the order of things for a number of decades. It was a product
of the economic and social conditions prevailing at the time. It was built
over a number of decades stretching back to the later part of the 19th cen-
tury as industry was increasingly concentrated and as trade unions grew in
response. Under these conditions, the prized skills of the labour manager
were based on negotiation. Industrial relations specialists and trade union
leaders were in high demand as were arbitrators. But that ‘system’ (Dunlop
1958) began to unravel as alternatives were developed which seemed to
meet better the challenges of more competitive global trade. One of the
main alternatives can be characterized as forming the shift to HRM.
These alternative approaches to detailed rules included models such as
HRM which instead offered commitment-based methods built on invest-
ment in skills and flexibility with a commitment to long-term employment
and mutual gains. The ‘productivity agreements’ of the 1970s in a sense
presaged the way as flexibility was traded for pay (Flanders 1964). The
HRM movement seemed to take this a significant step further. HRM spe-
cialists (in staffing, training, compensation, organization design) began to
displace industrial relations specialists as the link between employment
approaches and business strategy was made more explicit. The method of
managing labour was posited as a source of competitive advantage rather
than a mere afterthought or as a fixed given.
But, as noted, from around 2000 onwards, further changes in context have
prompted further changes in employment practices and these have often
represented both threat and opportunity. Organizations faced heighted com-
petition in an increasingly global marketplace for services, goods, capital, and
labour. There was an erosion of life-time employment and measures were
introduced to increase accountability. Agency theory (Jensen and Meckling
1976) proposed that employees were more productive when they acted as
‘owners’ rather than as ‘agents’ of others. Employees became increasingly
responsible for their personal career choices. The threat of this accountability
The changing contexts of SHRM  61
was that employees who did not meet changing work conditions were often
left out; while employees with high value added skills were give opportunities
to learn and to grow. High-commitment working built around high-skill and
high wages has, in many instances, gone into reverse. In the decade 1996 to
2006, there was a 50% reduction of publicly traded firms in North America
(Ulrich et al 2017). In large part, these firms were merged with other firms or
they turned to private equity for leveraged buy-outs where employees were
made more accountable for their own work. In early private equity deals,
firms would focus on a ‘buy and sell’ strategy to strip out costs to resell the
firm as quickly as possible. People were often seen as a cost to be reduced.
The epitome of this contrary trend is captured by the concept of ‘finan-
cialization’ (Batt and Appelbaum 2013). This denotes a tendency towards an
economic system where firms are treated in a new way, with less emphasis
on investment and growth and more emphasis on opportunistic speculation
and financial manipulation. It is part of a wider change alongside related
developments, most notably the increased influence of private equity and
the buying and selling of firms as commodities in themselves. This results
in firms becoming more unstable and in consequence labour once again is
regarded as an afterthought. The term ‘financialisation’ has been defined as:

A shift from managerial capitalism, in which the returns on invest-

ments derive from the value created by productive enterprises, to a
new form of financial capitalism, where companies are viewed as
assets to be bought and sold and as vehicles for maximizing profits
through financial strategies.
(Batt and Appelbaum 2013, p. 1)

These authors ask: ‘How do new financial intermediaries, such as private

equity, and the financial strategies of non-financial corporations affect the
management of companies and employment outcomes?’ Their analysis,
along with others, suggests that what we are witnessing is a fundamental
shift in the nature of capitalism. This entails a radical change in the context
for HRM. Common assumptions about human capital and investment in
that capital thus come under significant challenge. The Batt and Appelbaum
analysis suggests a trend rather different from the depictions found in
such influential works as Prahalad and Hamel’s ‘core competences thesis’
(Prahalad and Hamel 1990).
In more recent private equity work, it has been suggested that employees
and leadership are seen as a valued asset to be nurtured and developed. In
leading private equity firms, leadership capital partners are figuring out how
to define and invest in leadership, talent, and culture to increase the value
62  The changing contexts of SHRM
of the firm (Ulrich and Allen 2017). These ‘buy and build’ approaches link
HR issues to sustainable shareholder value. The threat of more transparent
financial accountability is that employees who lack skills may be downsized,
delayered, or outsourced, but the opportunities for employees who are agents
for their development are higher. HR plays a paradoxical role in these set-
tings. On the one hand, HR policies demand that all employees are treated
equally and with respect, but on the other, HR responds to market pressures
by requiring differentiation of employees based on performance.
The ebb tide exposed characteristic features of employment which appear
antithetical to the orthodoxy of HRM as extolled in the 1980s. From around
the millennium, negative features of employment appeared more prominent.
Downsizing, delayering, and outsourcing were evident. In place of commit-
ment and full-time career-based employment other characteristic features
came to the fore: outsourcing, sub-contracting, agency work, short-term
contracts, and even zero-hour contracts. In recent years, the ‘gig economy’
(Graham et al. 2017), as epitomised by Uber, has come to characterise trends
in the nature of modern work even though it is as yet a statistically small part
of the employed population. The overall pathway seemed to be from control to
commitment and back again. Graphic descriptions of the experience of work in
the low-wage zero-hours economy can be found in James Bloodworth’s book,
Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low Wage Britain (Bloodworth 2018).
A measured and research-based analysis of the nature and size of the
more precarious forms of work can be found in The Rise of Alternative Work
Arrangements in the United States 1995–2015 (Katz and Krueger 2016).
They report that alternative forms of work (contracting, sub-contracting,
on-call workers, freelancers, agency staff, etc.) are growing faster than
conventional employment opportunities. They reveal that these peripheral
forms of work increased overall from 10.1% of the US workforce in 2005
to 15.8% in 2015. More starkly, the growth in this form of work accounted
for over 90% of net new employment amounting in total to 23.6 million
American workers by November 2015. The ‘gig economy’ is still small in
relative terms but growing rapidly. Katz and Krueger say that conventional
labour force data is not well designed to capture alternative work and that
labour laws have found it extremely difficult to offer protection to workers
in these categories.
One consequence of the growth of these kinds of work has been the
decline in the share of GDP going to labour across a number of different
countries (Karabarbounis and Neiman, 2013; Piketty 2014). In The Fall of
the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms, Autor et al. (2017) note
the decline in the labour share of rewards compared with capital over the
decade up to 2014 in the large countries that account for two-thirds of world
The changing contexts of SHRM  63
GDP. Secular factors associated with downsizing and shedding labour by
large firms, rising inequality, and technological changes have been found to
make it easier to contract out work (Katz and Krueger 2017).
While some of these work contracting arrangements give employees the
flexibility and autonomy they desire, the downside is that many of these
alternative work arrangements offer lower financial and health care ben-
efits. So, the optimism of the early HRM movement has given way, to a
large extent, to a more pessimistic assessment of deteriorating conditions of
work and employment for many people. This is epitomised in David Weil’s
book about the ‘fissured workplace’ (Weil 2014). Weil, a former adviser
to President Obama, argues that fissuring represents a fragmentation of the
traditional corporation. It comes in the forms of franchising and outsourc-
ing. One example he offers is Hyatt Regency Hotels in Boston which fired
longstanding full-time staff and replaced them with outsourced agency staff
at a much lower rate and without benefits (p. 143). Weil sees a profound
shift that has not been fully recognised. He sees it as spreading way beyond
its traditional confines such as construction and cleaning services spreading
both vertically in terms of occupations, and horizontally across sectors. Such
trends raise the question as to the part played by human resource managers.
Is their advice side-lined or are they central architects of the new forms?
The arrangement illustrates the complicated balancing act which many
modern corporations now perform with a cohort of staff exercising the firm’s
core competences and with a set of branded services, yet staffed by work-
ers who may wear the uniform of the main brand but who are employed
by various sub-contractors. The conditions of the fissured workplace are
undergoing very rapid change. There are ongoing re-combinations of con-
tracting organisations. Far from identifying with and being committed to
their employing organizations, some workers are not even sure who actually
employs them or if they are employed or not. Thus, ‘under the hood’ of the
main brand there can be as many as 18 subcontracted service organisations
each providing hands-on customer-support services. This, ironically, reflects
to an extent the multiple grades of the mid-20th century corporations with
their complex hierarchies. This is all a far cry from the 1980s ideas of high
performing workplaces.
Public policy and labour law have been behind the curve in relation to
these developments. In Canada, the Ministry of Labour for Ontario com-
missioned a Changing Workplaces Review to respond to the secular shift to
precarious work. This stemmed from a concern that existing labour laws were
not adequate for dealing with the new fragmented and precarious employ-
ment landscape (Mitchell and Murray 2017). The UK government set up a
similar review led by Matthew Taylor, a former adviser to Prime Minister
64  The changing contexts of SHRM
Tony Blair. This commission produced a report entitled Good Work: The
Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (Taylor 2018). Both reports
offered tentative suggestions pointing to the need to approach new forms of
regulation with some caution. The response so far from the UK government
has been to suggest consultation on a possible series of regulatory measures
including: all new staff to be given, on their first day at work, a list of their
rights including holiday and sick pay entitlement, a right to a payslip for all
workers including casual and zero-hour workers, a requirement for agency
workers to be informed who pays them and for clarity on all deductions from
wages. (These are all reminiscent of employment laws for regular employ-
ment built-up over a century.)
Referring to trends in the United States, Weil noted: ‘Many of the indus-
tries where researchers in recent years have found high rates of violations
of basic labour standards and worsening employment conditions coincide
with industries where fissuring is most advanced. These include restaurant
and hospitality sectors, janitorial services, many segments of manufactur-
ing, residential construction, and home health care’ (Weil 2014). He also
notes however that fissuring has now become prevalent across many sectors
of the economy.
Labour laws designed to protect workers often have company-size
threshold and these are easily by-passed when sub-contracting occurs. In
the introduction to a symposium on work in the ‘gig economy’ published
in The Economic and Labour Relations Review, it is noted that theoreti-
cal and empirical research into this phenomenon is ‘in its infancy’. Uber
and Dilveroo exemplify the platform-based businesses of the gig economy.
Once again the uncertainties about how to respond to the phenomenon is
emphasised. It is noted that ‘While digital platform work shares power-
ful continuities with much older work formations, it also presents modern
policy-makers and trade unions with a variety of new political, regulatory,
and legal challenges’ (Flanagan 2017, p. 378). One interpretation suggests
that these forms of casualised work are not new and that they represent rein-
carnations of age-old attempts to allow access to work on an unrestricted
basis (Stanford 2017). There is the possibility that digitisation will permit
and impel the wider diffusion of this business model and hollow out more
extensively the standard employment model. There is often an implied
inevitability about this technology-driven trend, but others are intent on
countering this determinism by pointing to the wider range of economic
and regulatory forces to set alongside the technological (Stanford 2017).
Arguably the trends described are more characteristic of Anglo-American
contexts but less so of many other economies whether advanced or emergent.
A distinction has been drawn between stock-exchange-focused financing,
which is especially characteristic of many firms in Anglo-Saxon countries,
The changing contexts of SHRM  65
and other means of raising capital, which is typical of firms in countries
such as Japan, Germany, and Italy. The former approach has been linked to
short-termism in behaviour as companies need to report quarterly to share-
holder representatives who normally seek evidence of profitable returns.
Failure to perform may mean sale of the stocks and a fall in the stock price
and thus the value of the enterprise. In contrast, firms which raise capital in
other ways – perhaps through close relations with regional banks – are more
able to focus on the longer term and can thus invest in resources such as
machinery and training which cost money in the short term but can deliver
profits over the longer term. A similar point can be made in relation to
employee-owned companies (Salaman and Storey 2016).
In their examination of these variations, Hall and Soskice use the term
‘varieties of capitalism’ (Hall and Soskice 2001). According to these
analysts, institutions (such as joint stock companies, investment banks, edu-
cational bodies, stock markets) are shaped not only by laws but by informal
rules or common knowledge acquired by actors through history and culture.
‘Institutional complementarities’ theory suggests that nations with particular
types of institutions in, say, the economics sphere, develop complementary
institutions in other spheres. This could include a supporting system of laws
and conventions and ways of behaving.
Hall and Soskice argue that there are two main types of market econo-
mies. The first type is made up of the ‘liberal market economies’ (LMEs)
such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia; the sec-
ond type includes the ‘coordinated market economies’ (CMEs) such as
Germany, Japan, and Sweden. Hall and Soskice argue that the institutional
arrangements of a nation’s political economy tend to push its firms toward
particular kinds of business strategy. These strategies are associated with
different approaches to the hiring and firing of workers, to degrees of
investment in training, and to employment security. This means, in turn,
that HRM can be significantly different within and across these contrasting
types of institutional contexts.
The labour market context within which human resource management
now operates is radically different from what it once was and is much more
varied. It has been noted that:

Alternatives to the archetypal model of full-time regular employment

are now both prevalent and wide-ranging. [Globally, more than a fifth
of workers] now perform economic work under arrangements that
differ from full-time regular employment. Yet most of our manage-
ment and social science notions about economic work are based on
the full-time employment model.
(Cappelli and Keller 2013, p. 575)
66  The changing contexts of SHRM
Taken together, these non-standard forms have become so prevalent that
they change the nature of the landscape and the nature of the challenge
for human resource management. Many of the standard assumptions about
succession planning and talent management become open to challenge.
‘Resourcing’ no longer broadly equates to human resource planning and
recruitment, it becomes a more complex array of building blocks and is more
akin to an ‘architecture’ of work (Lepak and Snell 1999). The increased
availability of international flows of workers across borders complicates the
overall pattern.

Drivers of change: globalisation and technology

The ‘free market’ is now arguably the ‘global free market’ characterised by
international trade and companies that operate across national and regional
borders. Globalisation has changed the face of HRM. It has adapted to meet
the needs of organisations that are quickly becoming global in their reach
and size.
A central part of economic globalisation is increasing international con-
nections within and between businesses. Specifically, ‘globalisation’ is
broadly defined as the integration of regional economies, societies, and
cultures through a globe-spanning network of communication and trade.
Features include an expanding international economy through the integration
of trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of
technology. Such trends tend to be characterised by the spread of values of
internationalism, liberalisation, universalism and, for many, Westernisation.
Globalisation has not only made the world ‘shrink’ but has changed
how and where people work. This has meant that many firms are now
global organisations. Importantly, firms often expand beyond their original
national borders to increase profit. This can be based on wanting to exploit
an emerging market or to take advantage of new resources. Such expansion
often allows them to better compete in an increasingly international market
wherein few firms are ‘safe’.
The ways in which globalisation is playing out in the sphere of human
resource management has been and is being intensively studied. The interplay
between competition, cost, technologies, and local contexts is central to such
analyses. The following quotation sums up a central thesis.

Because countries have different institutional legacies or ‘starting

points’, and different industrial relations systems, they vary in their
ability to absorb new work practices from abroad; and even where they
do absorb these practices, they transform them in the process. Lean
The changing contexts of SHRM  67
production, for example, has quite different characteristics in Denmark,
the United Kingdom, and Japan.
(Batt et al. 2009, p. 457)

Multinational corporations present some of the greatest challenges to those

working within HRM. Working across different international contexts with
diverse and potentially conflicting cultural understandings and practices can
be difficult. It requires considerable skill. One way to manage the challenge
is through the effective transfer of knowledge within and between organisa-
tions. This requires the creation of appropriate HRM strategies.
One question is the extent to which different national settings produce
and sustain distinctive practices and the challenge which these may present
to HR managers who have to decide whether to seek to standardise or to
work with continued variety and to adapt to local circumstances. This is
important for any organisation which is seeking to do business outside its
‘home’ country environment – especially if it wishes to directly employ
people in these different countries.
Another (wider) question is the extent to which the differences which are
found across borders are tending towards a reduced importance because of a
‘convergence’ of practices or whether varied practices will remain divergent.
With regard to technology, the automation of routine tasks has devalued
traditional unskilled labour of repetitive tasks. As technology develops in the
form of artificial intelligence (AI), middle class occupations and professions
face a similar deskilling. Examples include radiography and some aspects
of legal work. At the same time, digitalisation has enabled and reduced the
costs of coordination of tasks and this has allowed the growth of outsourcing
and the management of complex supply chains and networks (Tsay et al.
2018). Examples here include the falling costs of tracking goods as they are
delivered from online order to home or workplace delivery. This surveillance
capability intertwines with the fragmentation of the delivery workforce using
such arrangements as sub-contracting and self-employment.
Digitalisation and the rise of the internet are transforming the nature
of work. New skills are required, new methods of recruiting and select-
ing employees are happening, new policies are required to govern how
and for what purposes digital communication may be used in work time
(and the very notion of what ‘work time’ means today is opened up for
debate as exemplified by work undertaken during commuting time).
Advances in workforce analytics are transforming approaches to people
management (Huselid 2018). Innovations such as 3D printing allow the
distributed production of items with consequences for the architecture of
work organizations.
68  The changing contexts of SHRM
With fast-changing technologies and with the spread of knowledge
work there has been much interest in the appropriate form of HRM for
such work settings (McIver et al. 2013). Knowledge-intensive firms, it has
been argued, emphasise the need for a more sophisticated use of selection
methods, a greater care to offer challenging work and congenial work envi-
ronments along with continued development opportunities.
Some commentators have suggested that there has been a seismic shift
from the kind of work organisations which characterised the ‘modern’ era
based around mass production and mass consumption, and the ‘post-mod-
ern’ world of the 21st century. Postmodernism is a term used to indicate
a broad movement affecting the arts, architecture, literature, philosophy,
and society. It is a highly contested and complex phenomenon but for our
purposes it can be considered as a school of thought and an approach. It
has been associated with post-structuralism and the idea that there are no
essential truths, only interpretations and conversations.

Knowledge work and precarious work

It is evident from the above that contemporary advanced economies have
segmented labour markets. At its most stark, there are the dual labour mar-
kets of highly skilled and highly paid knowledge work on the one hand, and
low skilled, low paid work on the other.
This configuration of the workforce can be seen as part of a wider
set of changes to work that has occurred between the characteristic fea-
tures of work in the archetypal modern corporation of the 20th century
(such as General Motors, Du Pont, and Sears in the USA, and ICI, GEC,
and GKN in the UK) and the more fragmented forms that seem to oper-
ate in the 21st century. The shifts can be summarised as: from national
markets or defined territories to global markets for goods, services, and
labour; from industrial work to service work; from long-term salaried
employment with job ladders and multiple career gradations to short-term
contract work; from hierarchical organizations to complex supply chains
and networks; from social class to consumption as a form of identity.
The multi-divisional firm with centralized and multi-layered management
structures epitomised and shaped work in the 20th century. In the 21st
century fragmentation of form was matched by fragmentation of own-
ership and of work. Venture capital funds split off and split up former
corporate structures. Former large-scale workforces were broken up and
fragmented. ‘Internal labour markets’ (Doeringer and Piore 1975), which
were constructed under the corporate era, began to unravel and so too
The changing contexts of SHRM  69
their associated career ladders also started to disappear. The legal systems
designed to regulate employment practices in large firms were bypassed.
There is much debate about the relative merits and demerits of flex-
ible working. The negative aspects relate to insecurity and the lack of a
stable income or benefits. However, for an elite few, there are some dis-
tinct advantages. These can include choice about when to work plus the
potential to secure high rewards . These latter segments of the workforce
(normally professionals in high demand) present considerable challenges
to HR managers just as they also offer them some flexibility in deploying
expensive labour as and when needed – at a price (Wheatley 2017; Bessa
and Tomlinson 2017).
Reflecting many of the issues discussed above, New York Times jour-
nalist, Stephen Greenhouse, tracks the economic, political, and social
trends transforming America’s workplaces in his book entitled The Big
Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker (Greenhouse 2009). This
describes in a compelling way the decline of the social contract that cre-
ated the world’s largest middle class and guaranteed job security and
good pensions

In light of the above trends and mega-trends, the question arises as to how
much scope for manoeuvre do would-be strategists in HRM really have?
The concept of strategy implies that there are choices to be made. These
choices may be made after conscientious and careful study, or they may
occur after only cursory and superficial review of options. As we saw in the
first chapter of this book, choices about HR management might be carefully
constructed in a proactive manner and with longer term goals in mind, or in
an ad hoc manner as a reaction to events
One way of approaching this question of room for manoeuvre is to look
at data on the role of HR professionals over time. As reported in the previous
chapter, longitudinal research by Ulrich and colleagues traced the changing
competences of HR professionals. The data sets came not only from self-
reports but also external raters. From 1997 to 2017 they found that being a
competent HR professional has become increasingly complex, with some
of the recent competencies (analytics designer and interpreter; technol-
ogy and social media integrator) reflecting how HR competencies reflect
general business trends. Competencies for HR professionals have evolved
with changing business conditions (Ulrich et al. 2017). This research data
suggests that HR has not merely been a spectator to changing economic
70  The changing contexts of SHRM
conditions but an active player. On the other hand, arguably, in many cases,
strategic choices are made within constraining and limiting ‘boundary condi-
tions’ (Paauwe and Farndale 2017). Thus, context matters greatly. A key part
of the contemporary context is volatility, complexity, and uncertainty. These
conditions seem to require agility from strategic HRM practitioners. This is
the focal subject of the next chapter.
6 Fit, flexibility, and agility

As the landscape of competition for organizations becomes more global,

companies must build their workforces to be able to compete in a constantly
changing environment. Wright et al. (2018) identified four trends that
present challenges to firms in their attempts to manage human resources.
First, the increasing pace of change in the external environment. Second,
the increasing globalization of firms and markets due to both increased
telecommunications capability and the globalization of supply chains has
resulted in firms having to manage employees across borders, each of which
may have unique cultural, competitive, and regulatory constraints. Third,
the increasing importance of talent as a competitive necessity (Chambers
et al. 1998). Fourth, these trends have created a challenge in the increasing
skills gaps in labour markets. Technology has increased skill requirements
in some jobs while eliminating many lower skilled jobs.
Taken together, these four trends have created a situation where firms
must be as efficient as or even more efficient than the competitors in their
current operations, while also being able to transform their products, opera-
tions, and workforce to meet new competitive challenges as they arrive. That
is, they require both fit and flexibility/agility. As seen in earlier chapters,
these concepts are fundamental to the very idea of strategic human resource
management. Hence, in this chapter we examine in more detail the conceptual/
theoretical models and research regarding how firms seek to achieve both fit
and flexibility in their HR systems.
To start the analysis of fit and flexibility we go back to one of the defi-
nitions of SHRM discussed in the first chapter of this book. There it was
defined as ‘the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activi-
ties intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals’ (Wright and
McMahan 1992, p. 298, emphasis added). It was further noted that the
major subjects within the field included ‘the determinants of decisions about
human resource practices, the composition of the human capital resource
72  Fit, flexibility, and agility
pools (skills and abilities), the specification of required human resource
behaviours, and the effectiveness of these decisions given various business
strategies and/or competitive situations’ (p. 298–299). This definition sets
forth the major variables to be managed. Fit derives from the statement that
one focus of SHRM is to understand the effectiveness of the HR decisions
given various business strategies, i.e., how to achieve fit between aspects
of the HR system and business strategy. As we will later see, flexibility is
encompassed in the idea that the effectiveness of different decisions will
depend on the competitive environment, in particular, the extent to which
that environment is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA).
The chapter is divided into two parts: the first part examines fit and the sec-
ond turns to an examination of flexibility and agility.

The concept of fit in SHRM

Many authors discuss ‘fit’, ‘alignment’, and ‘congruence’ as desirable
characteristics, but very seldom are clear definitions of these terms
offered. SHRM theory normally suggests that the aim should be to ensure
a ‘vertical’ fit (with business strategy) and a ‘horizontal’ fit (among the
various HR practices themselves). In their exploration of fit, Wright and
McMahan (1992) drew upon Venkatraman’s (1989) delineation of the
six models of fit.
Venkatraman was concerned that the much-used notion of fit was not
matched by precision in its various uses and their associated empirical tests.
To help correct for this he delineated six types. These were fit as moderation,
mediation, matching, gestalts, profile deviation, and covariation. He then set
forth the appropriate empirical analyses for the testing of each. The first three
models anchor the concept of fit to a particular criterion such as performance
or effectiveness. Fit as moderation is characterized when it is argued that the
relationship between one variable, (for example, a High Performance Work
System) and another variable (for example, financial performance) depends
on a third variable (for example, type of strategy). Fit as mediation exists
when the impact of one variable (e.g., HR practices) on another variable
(e.g., performance) is through the first variable’s impact on an intermedi-
ate variable (e.g., employee behaviour). Fit as profile deviation (degree of
adherence to an externally specified profile, such as a specific configuration
of HR practices that will best position a firm within its competitive environ-
ment, thus resulting in optimal performance).
The next three conceptualizations of fit are not tied to a specific criterion.
Fit as matching suggests a match between two related variables (e.g., differ-
entiation strategy and HPWS), but does so without regard to a criterion. Fit
as gestalts describes the specification of specific clusters of entities that are
Fit, flexibility, and agility  73
similar in their use of multiple variables, such as identifying sets of companies,
where each set of companies uses a similar profile of HR practices. Finally, fit
as covariation entails observing a set of variables that tend to work in a pattern.
This is observed in SHRM research when researchers conduct factor analyses
to determine which practices tend to be used together.
In order to explore further the research on fit within the domain of
SHRM, we will examine how each of Venkatraman’s (1989) conceptual-
izations of fit have been utilized.
Fit as moderation is the most utilized. Early SHRM researchers focused
on aligning HR practices with strategy and so they often examined how
the relationship between HR practices and performance might differ across
strategies. For instance, Huselid (1995) examined the interaction between
strategies and his two HPWS scales, but found no significant relationships.
He also utilized this conceptualization to explore the fit between these scales
and the strategic HRM index, and again found no significant relationship.
Finally, he examined the interaction between the two scales, and found that
while the regression weight was significant, the interaction term did not add
significant incremental variance explained.
Delery and Doty (1996) also conducted a multi-fit approach in their study.
They sought to test universalistic, contingency, and configurational models
to determine which represented their data best. Because contingency models
represent the fit as moderation conceptualization (Venkatraman 1989), they
examined the interaction between strategy and HR practices for each of their
seven HR practices, and found no significant incremental variance explained
in either of their performance measures. This suggested the failure to find
any support for the fit as moderation model.
MacDuffie (1995) expanded on the view of fit as moderation, to consider
the fit to be more than just two variables. He explored the interactions among
the use of buffers in the production system, the work system, and the HR
practices in predicting productivity of automobile assembly plants. He found
that this three-way interaction explained significant incremental variance
supporting this broader view of fit as moderation.
Similar to Huselid’s (1995) testing for fit between his two HPWS sub-
scales, Su et al. (2018) explored the use of commitment- and control-based
HR practices. Hypothesizing that both types of practices were necessary
for optimal performance, they computed the interaction between these two
subscales, and found that the interaction did, in fact, explain significant
incremental variance in performance.
Fit as mediation is probably the most frequently and thoroughly
researched model of fit. An early conceptual depiction of this model was
the ‘Behavioural Perspective’ (Schuler and Jackson 1987), which posited
that HRM systems impact performance through promoting appropriate
74  Fit, flexibility, and agility
behaviours. Schuler et al. (2001) expanded this to the Four-Task Model
stating that HRM systems function primarily to (a) identify needed
employee behaviours, (b) ensure employees have necessary competencies,
(c) motivate employees to exhibit the needed behaviours, and (d) provide
opportunities for employees to perform successfully.
As discussed in Chapter 2 on HR and performance, numerous studies
have examined potential mediators between HR practices and performance.
Rather than repeat our account of that literature here, we simply want to note
that this conceptualization of fit has also been broadened in order to include
human capital. For instance, Lepak and Snell (1999) developed a human cap-
ital architecture that described the segmentation of employee groups based
on the strategic value and uniqueness of the skills. They suggested that HR
must develop different HR systems that attract, motivate, and retain people
from the different employee groups, and that doing so leads to higher perfor-
mance. Similarly, Delery and Shaw (2001), Becker and Huselid (2006), and
Lepak et al. (2006) argued that the role of HR systems is to focus on building
the skills and abilities and motivating strategically relevant employees.
Fit as profile deviation in this area of research was best exemplified by
Delery and Doty’s use of a ‘configurational’ approach to SHRM. They
identified market-oriented, internal, and middle-of-the-road configurations
of employment systems, and then examined how the extent to which firms
deviated from their designated profile related to performance. However,
they failed to find any support for this model of fit.
However, one must recognize that what most commentators refer to as a
‘best practice’ approach to HR practices (i.e., the HPWS) is, in fact, a con-
figurational approach. It encompasses multiple variables (i.e., practices),
hence it fits Venkatraman’s (1989) conceptualization of profile deviation.
When researchers use an index of the HPWS, they are, in fact, implicitly
assuming that use of all the HPWS is an ideal profile, and the extent to
which firms deviate from that profile negatively impacts their performance.
Thus, much of the previous chapter on HR practices and performance fits
within this ‘fit as profile’ deviation conceptualization.
Fit as gestalts is best exemplified by studies that seek to group similar
organizations together based on the HR practices they use. Arthur’s (1992)
study provided a perfect example. He surveyed the use of a number of HR
practices in steel mini-mills. He then submitted the data to cluster analysis
to identify clusters of mini-mills similar in their employment systems. His
analysis originally identified six clusters, but he then collapsed the six into
two: commitment and control approaches. Another example is Hauff et al.’s
(2014) study of HRM systems in Germany. Building on Arthur’s (1994)
commitment and control approaches, they discovered two additional hybrid
clusters: long-term oriented control and regulated commitment systems.
Fit, flexibility, and agility  75
Fit as gestalts has also been a popular approach to examining HRM
differences across nations. For instance, Ignjatovic and Svetlik (2003)
used the Cran-Net data to identify countries similar in their approach to
HRM. They identified four clusters that they termed ‘Central Southern’
(Germany, Austria, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, and Portugal),
‘Peripheral’ (Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Northern Ireland,
and Turkey), ‘Nordic’ (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), and
‘Western’ (UK, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France).
Fit as matching in SHRM was first popularized with some early conceptual
models of the determinants of HR practices. For instance, Lengnick-Hall and
Lengnick-Hall (1988) identified the types of HR systems that would be asso-
ciated with productivity, expansion, development, and redirection strategies.
Similarly, Baird and Meshoulam (1988) linked the types of HR systems that
would be associated with firms at different stages of their life cycles. These
were all conceptual approaches to fit as matching.
However, the previously discussed work by Arthur (1992) also used
a ‘fit as matching’ approach. After creating the commitment and control
groups of companies, he then showed that mills using more of a differentia-
tion strategy were more likely to use commitment systems and firms using
more of a cost strategy were more likely to use control systems.
Fit as covariation is an often used approach in the social sciences as a
means of data reduction. When multiple item scales are developed, research-
ers often submit the data to factor analysis. Factor analysis explores the
covariation among items within the larger scale, finding ‘factors’ comprised
of items that tend to covary more with one another than they do with the rest
of the items. For instance, Huselid (1995) submitted his data to a factor anal-
ysis, revealing two factors, ‘employee skills and organizational structures’
and ‘employee motivation,’ and using a covariation view of fit. Similarly,
Beltrán-Martin et al. (2008) specifically stated ‘we operationalize HPWS
internal fit as covariation . . . the common variation of HPWS dimensions is
explained by a latent factor (HPWS) that captures their covariance’ (p. 1020).

Summary of research on fit

The results of research on fit in SHRM have been equivocal. In particular,
regarding the ‘fit as moderation’ model, there has been very little sup-
port and when support has been shown, it has not been replicated. There
is substantial research support for the ‘fit as mediation’ approach, albeit
that there are multiple mediators that have been demonstrated, and no con-
sensus as to which are the most critical. The ‘fit as profile deviation’ has
seen substantial research attention, but has seldom been shown to be related
to performance. ‘Fit as gestalts’ has been consistently demonstrated in the
76  Fit, flexibility, and agility
SHRM and IHRM literatures, but these gestalts have not necessarily been
consistent (in SHRM) or tied to outcomes. ‘Fit as matching’ was used early
in this literature, but has been relatively ignored over the past fifteen years.
Finally, ‘fit as covariation’ has consistently been used as factor analyses are
conducted and/or coefficient alphas computed on the HR practice measures
in almost every study.
However, we turn our attention to the ‘fit as moderation’ model, because
this is what most people think of when they think of fit. The failure to find
this type of fit is probably attributable to the failure to adequately measure
HR practices with sufficient specificity. Becker and Gerhart (1996) pro-
posed that the architecture of HR practices consisted of multiple levels:
Philosophy (overall approach to managing people), Principles (basic guide-
lines for how they should be managed), Policies, and Practices. Wright and
Sherman (1999) noted that there might be one more level better suited to
assessing fit: Products. Products refer to the outcomes that the HR practice is
aimed at eliciting. Most of the research in this area has used a rather generic
best practice HR measure such as the number of hours training, the use of
pay for performance, etc. However, these authors suggested that if these are
best practices, they would likely be used equally across different strategies,
but the products that they seek to elicit would differ. For example, a firm
focused on customer service might devote twenty hours of training to cus-
tomer service behaviour, while one focused on cost/efficiency might devote
that twenty hours to process redesign skills. Similarly, the customer service
organization might tie pay to customer service performance, while the cost/
efficiency firm might tie pay to cost control or reduction. Thus, where firms
actually try to support their strategies through HR comes not from the use
of different practices, but rather from the use of the same practices to elicit
different behaviours or outcomes.

Flexibility and agility

Virtually all of the research exploring fit has been conducted in a cross-
sectional format, exploring the fit between HR practices and strategy at one
point in time. However, the increasingly volatile nature of the competitive
environment requires that organizations not only achieve fit with the con-
ditions at the current point in time, but also develop capabilities that can
adapt to be able to achieve fit under a new set of competitive challenges:
i.e., adaptive capacity. This leads to a discussion on flexibility and agility in
SHRM and their role in supporting dynamic capabilities (Teece et al. 1997).
Flexibility can be defined as ‘a firm’s abilities to respond to various
demands from dynamic competitive environments’, (Sanchez, 1995, p. 138).
Weick (1979) noted that to be flexible, firms must be able to detect changes
Fit, flexibility, and agility  77
in the environment while retaining a pool of novel actions to accommodate
those changes. Teece et al. (1997) argued that firms in dynamic environments
must be able to ‘reconfigure the firm’s asset structure, and to accomplish the
necessary internal and external transformation’ (p. 520). Thus, in their frame-
work, high flexibility firms possess the capability to ‘scan the environment,
evaluate markets and competitors, and to quickly accomplish reconfigura-
tion and transformation ahead of competition (p. 520).
Related to the concept of flexibility is the more recent construct of ‘organi-
zational ambidexterity’ (OA). OA has been described as the ability of a firm to
simultaneously pursue efficient capitalization on current opportunities while
innovating to meet the needs of future markets (Andriopoulos and Lewis
2009; Benner and Tushman 2003; Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004). Within this
literature, people have referred to the ability to exploit existing competencies
while exploring, through innovation, the next generation of products and ser-
vices necessary to enhance future competitiveness (Abernathy 1978; Brown
and Eisenhardt 1998; Levinthal and March 1993). Finally, Birkinshaw and
Gibson (2004) defined ‘alignment’ as ‘a clear sense of how value is being
created in the short term and how activities should be coordinated and stream-
lined to deliver value (p. 47), and defined ‘adaptation’ as a firm’s ‘ability to
move quickly toward new opportunities, to adjust to volatile markets, and to
avoid complacency’, (p. 1). We note that all these discussions of ambidexterity
coincide clearly with our approach to flexibility.
Milliman et al. (1991) noted two views of the relationship between fit
and flexibility in the strategic HRM literature. The ‘orthogonal’ perspective
suggests that fit and flexibility serve as opposite ends of the same spectrum.
The ‘complementary’ perspective argues that fit and flexibility are inde-
pendent of one another, and both are essential to effective functioning of
organizations. Wright and Snell (1998) took the complementary perspective
and proposed that fit ‘as a state that exists at some point in time. . .it can only
be assessed as a snapshot: fit at time 1 in no way guarantees fit at time 2’
(p. 757). Flexibility, on the other hand, represents a characteristic or a trait
signifying an ability to meet changing competitive needs. Thus, they argued
that while it might be assessed as a trait at one point in time, ‘confirmatory
evidence that flexibility existed at time 1 is best examined by observing a
successful adaptation to an environmental change at time 2’ (p. 757–758).
In order to explore flexibility in SHRM, it is important to note that the
major model is built upon Sanchez’s (1995) view of flexibility. He proposed
two types of flexibility. Resource flexibility describes the range of alternative
uses to which a resource can be applied, the cost and difficulty of switching
to an alternative use, and the time required to do so. Coordination flexibility
refers to how well a firm can resynthesize strategy, reconfigure resources, and
redeploy those resources. Using this as a foundation, Wright and Snell (1998)
78  Fit, flexibility, and agility
noted how both resource and coordination flexibility might be exemplified
with regard to HRM practices, human capital skills, and employee behaviours.
This model has driven much of the HR flexibility research.
For example, in one early study, Bhattacharya et al. (2005) relied on
the ideas of Wright and Snell to develop a measure of HR flexibility. They
generated an initial list of items based on an extensive literature review and
discussions with managers, and then modified the items based on input from
HR managers and scholars. Their 50-item measure was then administered to
117 HR executives, and factor analysis revealed a 22-item measure consisting
of three factors: HR practice flexibility, skill flexibility, and behaviour flex-
ibility. Each of these factors was shown to be related to objective measures of
firm financial performance in a cross-sectional study.
Ketkar and Sett (2009) added the construct of ‘flexibility inducing’ HR
practices to the literature on HR flexibility. They began with Bhattacharya’s
measures of the skill, behaviour, and HR practice flexibility, but also developed
a 22-item measure of practices that induce flexibility (e.g., ‘We use
selection methods that help us to detect employee flexibility and adaptability’).
In a cross sectional study of Indian organizations, they found that the flexibility
inducing HR practices were related to skill, behaviour, and HR practice
flexibility. They also found that their flexibility measures were related to
employee, operational, and financial performance. However, because all
measures came from the same respondent, it is difficult to conclude any
causal relationships. Using the same data set, Ketkar and Sett (2010) also
showed that managers’ perceptions of the environmental dynamism was
related to HR flexibility.
Ngo and Loi (2008) examined the relationship between HR flexibility
and adaptability culture. Collecting data from HR directors/managers in
multinational companies in Hong Kong, they used shortened versions of
Bhattacharya et al.’s (2005) HR practice, skill, and behaviour flexibility.
They found that employee behaviour flexibility and HR practice flexibility
were both related to adaptability culture, but that skill flexibility was not, and
that adaptability culture was related to both HR-related and market-related
performance measures.
Given the pace of change in competitive environments, Beltrán-Martin
et al. (2008) suggested that HR flexibility might mediate the relationship
between HPWS and performance. Unlike previous studies that included HR
practices flexibility, they operationalized HR flexibility with a scale contain-
ing items regarding functional flexibility, skill malleability, and behavioural
flexibility. Their data suggested that HPWS was related to performance,
but that when the mediating effect of HR flexibility was accounted for, the
HPWS effect became non-significant, suggesting that HR flexibility was
the mechanism through which HPWS impacted performance.
Fit, flexibility, and agility  79
Chang et al. (2013) explored what they termed ‘flexibility-oriented HRM
systems’ (FHRM) and its relationship with absorptive capacity and firm
innovativeness. They distinguished FHRM from HR flexibility, defining it
as ‘a set of internally consistent HRM practices that enable a firm to acquire
and develop human resources for a wide range of alternative uses and to
redeploy those resources quickly and effectively’ (p. 1926). In a sample of
Chinese high tech firms, they found that both components of FHRM (coor-
dination FHRM and resource FHRM) were related to potential absorptive
capacity, but that only coordination FHRM was related to realized absorp-
tive capacity. They also found that absorptive capacity was related to firm
innovativeness and market responsiveness.
Patel et al. (2013) argued that as opposed to purely structural approaches
to building flexibility/ambidexterity, the skills and decisions of the human
capital pool provided play a critical role. They suggested that ‘one set of
HR activities helps to build a resource base capable of exploiting existing
market realities, while another set of activities works to simultaneously build
the resource adaptability necessary to exploit new opportunities’. (p. 1423).
They then hypothesized and found support for the fact that HPWS were
related to organizational ambidexterity and that OA partially mediated the
relationship between HPWS and firm growth.
Note that these studies, while based somewhat on the Wright and Snell
(1998) conceptualization of HR flexibility, used scales that diverged from
that conceptualization. Bhattacharya et al. (2005) assessed the HR practice,
skill, and behaviour flexibility, but did not distinguish between resource
and coordination flexibility, and a number of later studies used that scale or
a variation of it. In what is the most thorough scale validation to date, Way
et al. (2015) developed an HR flexibility scale tied directly to, and expand-
ing on the resource and coordination flexibility of HR practices, skills, and
behaviours. Using seven separate samples, these authors demonstrated the
content validity, internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, dis-
criminant validity, and criterion-related validity of their measure. In the
end, their measure consisted of twenty-one items and five factors: Resource
Flexibility in HR Practices (five items), Resource Flexibility in Employee
Skills and Behaviours (four items), Coordination Flexibility in HR Practices
(four items), Coordination Flexibility in Contingent Worker Skills and
Behaviours (four items), and Coordination Flexibility in Employee Skills
and Behaviours (four items). It is important to note that, contrary to the
original Wright and Snell (1998) model, the employee skills and behaviours
were not separate, but converged with one another, and also that this meas-
ure went beyond their model to include contingent workers.
More recently, Way et al. (2018) pointed out an inconsistency in much
of the work on HR flexibility. They noted that the basic theory underlying
80  Fit, flexibility, and agility
the importance of flexibility suggests that it is most critical in highly volatile
environments. This (returning to our previous discussion of fit as moderation)
suggests that the dynamicity of the environment moderates the relationship
between HR flexibility and performance such that the relationship is posi-
tive in dynamic environments, but perhaps even negative in stable ones. In
essence, they argue that flexibility may be a firm asset in some cases, but a
liability in others. However, all of the previous research examining the direct
relationship between HR flexibility and performance always treated it as an
asset. The results from Way et al. (2018) show first that a flexibility business
strategy and HPWS serve as precursors to HR flexibility, and second that
industry dynamism and growth moderate the relationship between HR flex-
ibility and financial performance.

Summary of research on flexibility

The literature on HR flexibility continues to grow and develop. From the
earliest theoretical conceptualizations of HR flexibility, through a number
of empirical examinations of its direct relationship with firm performance,
to the newer, more theoretically accurate research suggesting dynamism as
a moderator of the relationship between HR flexibility and performance,
research has become much more rigorous and theoretically accurate.
Most studies have found a positive relationship between HR flexibility
(however conceptualized) and performance. But some recent research has
cautioned that flexibility is not always a clear asset. Recent findings pro-
vides additional avenues for future research. Given the fact that most believe
that the VUCA characteristics in markets will continue to grow, rather than
shrink, HR flexibility will become even more important to organizations,
and research in this area will continue to be important.

In Chapter 2 of this book we discussed the extensive literature on the rela-
tionship between HR practices and performance outcomes. This relationship
has been well documented and it has been extended by exploring mediating
mechanisms such as organizational commitment. In this present chapter,
we have explored the relationship in even greater depth. First, we note that
SHRM encompasses a firm’s strategy, its HR practices, and the skills and
behaviours of employees. However, for SHRM to live up to its name, it
must tie strategy to HR practices and workforce characteristics, which led
us to the concept of ‘fit’. We showed that according to the most popular
view of fit, i.e., fit as moderation, there is little support for the fact that fit
matters to performance. However, we also noted that this is likely due more
Fit, flexibility, and agility  81
to the generic level at which most HR practices are measured. Thus, future
research that more specifically captures the products or outcomes necessary
for a strategy is much needed in order for our empirical work to support
what most firms do in practice.
Then we turned our attention to HR flexibility, which is viewed as a
firm-level construct encompassing the resource and coordination flexibil-
ity of a firm’s HR practices, employee skills, and employee behaviours.
Flexibility is conceptualized as the ability of a firm to achieve fit with a
diverse and changing set of circumstances. The research on fit has generally
used the HR practices, employee skills, and employee behaviours model,
but the operationalization has not been consistent. However, regardless of
operationalization, measures of flexibility have consistently demonstrated
positive relationships with performance, even though the theory would
suggest that the positive relationship should only be observed in environ-
ments characterized as volatile, uncertain, complex, and/or ambiguous.
The study by Way et al. (2018) noted how flexibility can be an asset in
some contexts but a liability in other contexts. This and other recent stud-
ies of fit and flexibility in SHRM suggest that there is scope for further
productive research in this area.
7 A stock-take and a forward view

The previous six chapters have tracked research in the field of Strategic
Human Resource Management over a period of half a century. Two main
questions arise: first, what overall conclusions can be drawn from this
body of research, and second, what are the emergent issues meriting
future research?
Regarding the first of these questions, the review reveals the periodic
emergence of what appear to be ‘new’ issues and themes. Some of these
may be categorized as part of the fads and fashions which are characteristic
of management and business studies more generally; but the salience
of themes such as globalization, digitalization and the trend towards
increasing precarious employment in contexts where more secure forms
previously existed, appear genuinely novel and of importance – at least
in the particular forms they have manifested in recent years. One of the
surprising developments has been the unravelling, in many corpora-
tions but not all, of the sophisticated packages of SHRM which had been
celebrated and portrayed in the 1980s. In the face of more severe global
competition and the squeeze on costs, some firms, including such notable
and celebrated cases as Hewlett Packard, proceeded to erode many of the
attributes of the high-commitment model of HRM (Hodgson et al. 2012).
As the prevalence of ‘low road’ practices developed, the headlines were
increasingly characterized by reports of zero-hour contracts and poor
working conditions. We noted in earlier chapters the increased polarized
distribution of workers in high-paid and low-paid jobs as indicative of this
trend. While low wages characterize many parts of modern economies,
there are pockets of very high compensation such as at Facebook where
the median compensation in 2018 was $240,000 (The Economist 2018).
Fragmentation and turbulence – reflected in the volatility, uncertainty,
complexity, and ambiguity phenomenon – seem to characterize the state
of play in modern employment conditions. But there is a possibility this
generalisation rests on an unrepresentative set of highly-publicised cases.
A stock-take and a forward view  83
From another point of view, it could be said that the basic underlying
issues in SHRM remain broadly familiar, even though not presenting
in quite the same way. As noted in the introductory chapter, some core
themes of HRM are perennial and have been revisited and reworked sev-
eral times under different guises. Examples include the Resource Based
View, High Performance Working, Talent Management, and the new focus
on ‘Management Practices’ (Bloom and Van Reenen 2007; Bender et al.
2018). At the core is the employment relationship. Employers seek reliable
service; employees seek fair rewards. From an employer’s perspective,
a workforce has to be found, recruited, selected, trained, objectives set,
and performance monitored, compensation has to be provided and, in due
course, contracts terminated. From these basics, many variants emerge.
The employer may sub-contract and so the identity of the ‘actual’ employer
may be uncertain and a matter for legal determination. Likewise, whether
an employment contract even exists or whether there is some form of
payment for service from a supposedly ‘self-employed’ contractor, also
becomes a matter of contention. Relatedly, the fluctuations from a commit-
ment to a control-based relationship and back again is a further instance of
continuity. However, when taking a long-view, the recent increased preva-
lence of precarious forms of low-paid work sitting alongside a privileged
few attracting high rewards can be seen as far from new. Moreover, the
fundamental conceptualization of what constitutes the domain of SHRM
has remained broadly the same. The early models and their building
blocks of vertical and horizontal integration, the positioning of workers as
‘assets’ rather than mere ‘costs’, and the strategic value of the intelligent
use of human resources as the basis of value-added are all concepts which
have endured. There remains scope for debate about whether the field has
narrowed unhealthily (Kaufman 2015) or whether it has matured and deep-
ened (Wright, Guest and Paauwe 2015), but the enduring significance of
the core concepts seems evident.
As noted in the first chapter, the very idea of ‘strategy’ in HRM implies
considerable scope for, and the exercise of, choice. HR specialists, or indeed
other managers making decisions which impact on employment, have the
potential to make choices about the kinds of employment – and employ-
ment relations – they want to encourage and realize (though this does not
mean their choices are unfettered). As noted in previous chapters, there are
the classic strategic choices about a high value-added/high pay model or a
low-cost/low-pay business model. ‘Alignment’ in strategic HR used to imply
matching high-quality customer service with high-end employment prac-
tices built on skilled staff, good training, and high-commitment. To some
extent that equation may still hold. But, as noted in Chapter 5, in recent
times there is evidence that even high-end employers have fragmented their
84  A stock-take and a forward view
labour forces so that some staff are retained on low-end conditions such as
zero-hour contracts, low pay, and poor terms and conditions, while others are
highly rewarded (Weil 2014). The extent to which HR strategists (or those
managers acting in that capacity) have the scope and freedom of manoeuvre
to resist the pressures created by low-cost options (such as outsourcing to
low cost economies, or contracting out certain service functions) is often
unclear. This topic would make for an excellent future research project.
The boundary conditions to open choice are increasingly fuzzy. This means
that the work HR specialists are expected to do fluctuates over time even
while, at a more fundamental level, it broadly remains the same. The data on
changing HR competencies as tracked by Ulrich and reported in Chapter 4,
suggests that persons occupying these roles are expected to play an increas-
ingly strategic role in place of an administrative one. But the extent to which
the choices they make are context-dependent remains uncertain and more
empirical research is required.
While the fundamentals of SHRM remain in place as a reference point for
practice and theory, it is evident, as noted throughout the book, that there are
many counter-forces which are in contention with the rather more optimistic
outlook of the early days of the field. Instead of an overall drift towards the
adoption of many of the attributes of SHRM which was recorded empirically
(Storey 1992) through extensive fieldwork in mainstream companies and
documented in the detailed account of fifteen major employing organizations
such as Ford, Peugeot, Jaguar, Eaton, and Rolls-Royce, in many instances the
tidal flow since then has often been in the reverse direction. Financialization,
fragmented labour markets, deteriorations in terms and conditions of work,
outsourcing, and short-termism have been compelling forces which fly in the
face of the high-commitment model of SHRM. Signs of employers taking the
‘low road’ option have been all too evident (Osterman 2018). And yet exam-
ples of employers taking the ‘high road’ still do exist and there is evidence
that they can ‘do well by doing good’ (Osterman 2018).

What next?
So, to address our second question: what next? What issues and themes will
future researchers in SHRM be studying? We cannot of course predict the
future, but we can report on current and emergent themes in the very latest
literature and other influential sources such as conference agendas, consul-
tancy reports, workshops, and grey literature such as think tank reports and
government-sponsored reports. These sources offer different ‘windows’
through which to view the nature of contemporary trends and concerns.
The views from these windows varies: some disclose a bright optimistic
landscape others a darker more pessimistic view.
A stock-take and a forward view  85
In what follows, we first draw out the key issues found in current academic
literature; second, we summarize findings from the grey literature of think
tank and government reports; third, we review themes found in practitioner-
oriented publications such as Harvard Business Review and HR Magazine;
and finally, we seek to encapsulate the key contemporary and future-oriented
issues as found represented in contemporary practitioner settings and forums.
These diverse sources of insight do not always produce agreement on
what is happening in SHRM and what are the central research issues. But,
from this plurality a number of interesting and important research agendas
can be constructed.
For the first of these, the review of the very latest academic literature,
we consulted the following journals and paid attention to their Call Papers
for Special Issues: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management,
Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Management,
Human Relations, International Journal of Human Relations, Academy
of Management Journal, and the Journal of Chinese Human Resource
Management. We included ‘online-first’ articles i.e., those issued prior to
full publication.
Of interest to note are the topics that had dropped off the radar or which
had received lesser attention than previously. Compared with past times,
there was much less discussion about the nature and role of human resource
management as a function and the erstwhile major theme, if not indeed for
a time the focal theme, of assessing performance outcomes is receiving less
attention, at least for the time being. A significant exception, as we have
noted, is the recent work of Bloom and colleagues (e.g,. Bloom et al. 2012;
Bender et al. 2018) tracking the link between management practices and pro-
ductivity. Notable themes of continuity included High Performance Work
Systems (HPWS), leadership, citizenship behaviour, women and careers,
diversity and inclusion, organizational change, organizational climate, com-
mitment, work and identity, labour-management partnerships, employee
engagement and the psychological contract, HR practices in knowledge
intensive firms, freelance, and temporary and agency work. Emerging with
special emphasis are workforce analytics and attention to human resource
management in times of crises and disruption. Hence, corruption, risk,
terrorism, and management in contexts of high uncertainty, violence, eco-
nomic crises, and natural disasters all now find a presence. Indicative also
of shifts in focus is that whereas in the 1990s Harvard University Press was
publishing books such as Jeffrey Pfeffer’s Competitive Advantage Through
People (Pfeffer 1994), its 2018 catalogue for Economics and Business has
numerous books on globalization and inequality (e.g., Alvaredo et al. 2018;
Atkins 2018; Helpman 2018; Milanovic 2018; Piore and Schrank 2018).
Each of these follows on from Thomas Pikkety’s 2014 best seller Capital
86  A stock-take and a forward view
in the Twenty First Century, a book that captured the zeitgeist and was the
Financial Times’ and McKinsey Consultancy’s Book of the Year. Each of
these suggests a revised interest in more macro and structural analyses of
work and employment issues.
So, an overall observation that characterises change over time would be
that the efforts to clarify the meaning and purpose of HR has faded; the
theme of trying to measure performance outcomes is not so central as it once
was but, in various forms, continues to attract attention. There is extensive
speculation about the potential impact of automation and artificial intel-
ligence as these technologies spread across more and more occupational
categories, but these concerns have seemingly not yet been evidenced in the
mainstream HR journals. From these journals it is difficult to see any new
themes which are assuming a position of dominance. That said, it is impor-
tant to note that the list of journals we consulted was inevitably partial. A
much wider range of current issues is covered in journals such as Industrial
& Labor Relations Review and Organization Studies, each of which tackles
wider economic and social trends rather more than human resource manage-
ment practice directly. Likewise, big-picture issues, as reported in earlier
chapters, are found reflected in a number of research monographs. For
example, the review of precarious work in six advanced economies by Arne
Kalleberg highlighted the significant fact that while precarious work was
characteristic of virtually all societies historically, the recent growth of this
form of employment after decades of social progress represents a momen-
tous reversal of trends in the management of work (Kalleberg 2018). Few
studies nowadays report the kind of diffusion of SHRM policies and prac-
tices of the kind found some decades ago. As Kalleberg notes, it is all too
easy to paint a dystopian future for work; the key lesson is to seek ways to
shape positive work design of the kind described by Osterman with regard
to care workers (Osterman 2017). This is a key agenda item for human
resource managers of the future.
Our second source, the think-tank and government sponsored reports,
present yet another, and rather different, perspective on contemporary
HR-related topics. An important example from the UK is the report Good
Work: The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (Taylor 2018).
This is the report of the independent review of employment practices in the
modern economy commissioned by the Prime Minister. We referred to this
publication in Chapter 5. As we saw, the report notes the historically high
levels of participation in the labour market and observes that the UK has one
of the most flexible labour markets in the world. It records a notable shift
towards more flexible forms of working, yet full-time, permanent work still
constitutes the majority of employment in the UK (63.0%). The review finds
that flexible work benefits some people and that it helps maintain high levels
A stock-take and a forward view  87
of employment. But it does not work for everyone and the report records
many problems stemming from poor employment practices associated with
precarious work and the gig economy (Taylor 2018, p. 27).
Further valuable insights can be gleaned from a series of systematic stud-
ies of trends in skills and skill requirements in the UK undertaken since
1980s in seven rounds of surveys and reports (Henseke et al. 2018). The
most recent one indicates that the assumption of an overall growing demand
for higher skills in jobs throughout the economy may be exaggerated.
Government policy has focused on the supply side of skills, but the most
recent survey shows that there is a lack of evidence of a growing overall
skills gap and indeed it shows a dip in demand (Henseke et al. 2018). A
similar pattern is reported in Canada (Beaudry et al. 2016).
Public policy and labour law have been behind the curve in relation to
these developments in most countries. In Canada, the Ministry of Labour
for Ontario commissioned a Changing Workplaces Review to respond to the
secular shift towards precarious work. This initiative stemmed from a con-
cern that existing labour laws were not adequate for dealing with the new
fragmented and precarious employment landscape (Mitchell and Murray
2017). The report offered tentative suggestions and indicated the need to
approach new forms of regulation with some caution.
The sources found by looking through the third window into contem-
porary and future-oriented themes, i.e., the practitioner-oriented magazines
(such as Harvard Business Review and HR Magazine), tend to portray a
more positive and optimistic picture. For example, HR Magazine in its 2018
issues covered topics such as creating loyalty among employees, HR’s role
in helping risk management to evolve so that it is more agile, and it published
short case studies on making organizations inspiring places to work, using
HR to underpin effective leadership. The magazine did express some con-
cern about a number of developments, however. These included excessive
executive pay (though with doubts about the need for government regula-
tion), concern about automation and its effects on jobs, diversity and equal
opportunity, and, as a response to the many evident failures and scandals,
a plea for improved corporate governance. The Harvard Business Review
has, in the past, published some significant articles that have shaped the
HR debate – notably, for example, the landmark article ‘From Control to
Commitment’ (Walton 1985). But recent issues of this journal have devoted
less space to mainstream HR topics of a policy nature and shifted instead to
more practical people-management tactical concerns.
Fourth and finally, a different perspective on the present and the future
can be gleaned by drawing on a different well-spring: that is, interpretations
from the practitioner interface. From our various engagements with senior
managers in a wide range of industry sectors and country settings we are
88  A stock-take and a forward view
able to construct a picture of the kind of issues which occupy the concerns
of contemporary practitioners.
As noted in earlier chapters of this book, context matters a great deal.
Accordingly, emergent themes and issues are likely to be situationally-
related. Patrick Wright, as part of his direct engagement with senior
practitioners, has observed that in a number of leading corporations in the
United States, a notable development is the changing expectations placed
on the leaders of the HR function. In the US, these leaders are increasingly
termed the Chief HR Officer (CHRO). Whereas previously CHROs only
sometimes directly reported to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and only
rarely dealt with the wider board of directors, today they tend almost always
to report directly to the CEO and they also frequently interact with other
directors on the board. This trend has been driven by three factors. First,
the ‘War for Talent’ placed human capital on the radar screen of CEOs, and
they have consequently demanded that the CHRO oversee the delivery of
talent to the firm. Second, numerous corporate scandals focused the atten-
tion of directors on the remuneration packages of their CEO and how these
might drive dysfunctional decision-making. Thus, boards increasingly rely
on the CHRO as the interface between them and the CEO in the process of
setting pay. Third, some high profile failures of CEOs have caused board
members to recognize CEO succession as one of their most important gov-
ernance responsibilities. Increasingly, Chief HR Officers act as the liaison
among the board members, the incumbent CEO, and the potential CEO can-
didates. All of these factors have increased both the visibility and importance
of the CHRO. Research agendas for the future in this regard thus relate to
the variety of ways in which CHROs are playing this more critical role, what
competencies are required, and what difference they are making.
Paradoxically, a significant current theme in many contexts is how occu-
pants of senior HR positions are perceiving and responding to the many
cost-saving pressures catalogued in this book. Despite the many reversals
from high road practices and towards low road practices that have been
noted, there has been a surprising paucity of investigations tracking the part
played by the HR function in these processes. High profile spokespersons
for the profession tend not to talk openly about the pressures they and their
colleagues face; and academic researchers have, in the main, not yet got
around to shedding light on these matters.
Another window into current and future issues is offered by the work
of Ulrich and his colleagues. From their many workshops with senior HR
practitioners from leading firms, it is possible to identify a number of sali-
ent topics which are currently attracting their attention. One of these is how
an ‘outside-in’ perspective (i.e., a responsiveness to external stakeholder
expectations) reshapes priorities. In so far as this emerges, the strategic
A stock-take and a forward view  89
nature of HRM would be further enhanced. Relatedly, Ulrich suggests that
the ‘right’ leadership competencies are not defined by looking backwards at
previously successful leaders, but looking forward to customer and investor
expectations. Leadership capital, he suggests, ties leadership competencies
to customer and investor value. Additional future-oriented themes identi-
fied through this source include a broader HR agenda extending beyond
the nurturing of individual talent to include much more attention to aspects
of organizational capability; encouraging forms of leadership which can
navigate paradox; and using HR analytics and information to improve
HR value contribution. Aspects of these concerns from the practitioner
interface can be found in Brockbank et al. (2018). The Ulrich workshops
suggest that a digital business strategy requires a strong business case for
digital, a team to shape and deliver strategy, the identification of clear out-
comes, an assessment of a current state, and plans to implement the future
state. HR can contribute, he suggests, to each of these business strategy
steps. He maintains too that technology will create increased efficiency
and innovation in HR work. Apps, platforms, and systems will increasingly
be used for HR work. Ulrich and colleagues maintain that a current risk,
and a possible liability of technology, is social isolation and hence sug-
gest that HR should explore ways to use technology to connect employees
to each other and to the firm. Finally, an overall theme from these recent
workshops is how to anticipate and prepare for ever increasing forms and
degrees of uncertainty.

Future-oriented research agendas

So, taking all of the above sources into account, the future research agenda(s)
for the domain of strategic human resource management remains open and
wide ranging. Many of the big, long-standing issues remain unresolved
and ripe for imaginative forms of investigation. Which forms of workforce
management can yield sustained profitability? Can the forms which are eco-
nomically viable also (to adapt Osterman’s phrase) ‘do good while doing
well’? How much scope for choice about HR strategy really exists under
contemporaneous conditions when competition is heightened because of
global reach through technology and a highly mobile international labour
supply? Can the high-end practices extend into industry sectors which have
become conventionally subject to low wage casualised labour such as cater-
ing, retail, hotels, and elderly care? Do the opportunities for mutual gains
extend far enough to allow the inherent costs of the high-commitment model
to be offset by the positive outcomes such as loyalty, commitment, lower
absence, and the like? What role will be played in the future by collective
forms of worker representation alongside the more individualised forms?
90  A stock-take and a forward view
Likewise, what is the future role for state regulation? Running in parallel
with each of these questions is a second-order set of questions concerning
how HR specialists act in relation to these issues. Do they seek to set the
agenda or more passively react to imperatives established by more powerful
members of executive teams? Framing this question in another way: how
are employment policies constructed and how will they be in the future?
What kinds of values and logics are actually built into the process? Implicit
in these kinds of questions, but in some ways extending to a level beyond,
are research agendas which tackle higher-level political and economic
issues concerning, for example, the influence wielded by investors in their
various forms – venture capitalists, stock markets, pension funds, hedge
funds, private investors, banks, and peer-to-peer lenders. Nested within
these ‘big questions’ remain a host of traditional research areas and these
are likely to remain relevant: recruitment and selection practices, training
and development provision, diverse forms of compensation, forms of work-
force engagement, and similar enduring issues. Whatever the future may
hold, there is clearly no shortage of rich research themes for scholars of
SHRM to pursue.

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Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures.

Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity bundling 23

(AMO) perspective 24 business partners 52
Academy of Management Journal 23 business strategy, definition of 8–9
accountability 60–61 business life-cycle, linking SHRM to
advanced manufacturing technology 12–13
(AMT) 17 business strategy, linking SHRM to 12
agency theory 60 buy and build approaches 62
agility 71–72, 76–81
alternative work structures 62–63 Caldwell, R. 44
analytics 55 Capital in the Twenty First Century
analytics designer and interpreter 49 (Pikkety) 85–86
Appelbaum, E. 61 capitalism, varieties of 65
architects 44 Cappelli, P. 19
Arthur, M. B. 17, 18, 74, 75 career management 32
Autor, D. 62 centres of expertise 52
CEO succession 29
Baird, L. 16–17, 75 change, pace of 71
Barney, J. 16 change management 41–42
Barocci, T. 13 changing contexts 58–70
Batt, R. 19, 61 Changing Workplaces Review 63, 87
Becker, B. 23, 25, 45, 74, 76 Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Beckhard, R. 41 Development (CIPD) 4
Behavioral Perspective 15, 73–74 Chief HR Officers (CHROs) 88
Beltrán-Martin, I. 75, 78 Clark, K. D. 20
Bhattacharya, M. 78, 79 clerks of work 44
Big Squeeze, The (Greenhouse) 69 coherence 10
Birkinshaw, J. 77 collective bargaining 2, 38–39, 58, 60
black box 19–20, 45 Collins, C. J. 20
Bloodworth, J. 62 Combs, J. 22, 23, 25
Bloom, N. 85 commitment-oriented practices 23–24,
Bos-Nehles, A. C. 21 73, 83
Bowen, D. E. 20–21 compensation 35–36
Boyatzis, R. 47 Competent Manager, The (Boyatzis) 47
Brockbank, T. 88 competitive advantage 2, 4–5, 11
110 Index
Competitive Advantage through People Flanagan, J. 47
(Pfeffer) 58, 85 flexibility 71–72, 76–81
complementary perspective 77 flexibility-oriented HRM systems
compliance manager 49 (FHRM) 79
configurational approach 74 Fombrun, C. J. 13
context/deliverables 53–54 Four-Task Model 74
contingency models and frameworks
11–13 gainsharing 36
contingency theory 15 Galbraith, J. 54
contracts managers 44 Gardner, T. 24
control-oriented practices 23–24, Gerhart, B. 22, 23, 76
73, 83 Gibson, C. 77
coordinated market economies gig economy 39, 62, 64, 87
(CMEs) 65 globalisation 66–68, 71, 82
coordination flexibility 77–78, 79 Good Work: The Taylor Review of
core competences thesis 61 Modern Working Practices 39, 64, 86
credible activist 48 Grant, R. 9
cultural constraint hypothesis 22 Gratton, L. 20
culture 22–23 Greenhouse, S. 69
culture and change champion 49 Guest, D. E. 21, 24–25
cycle of HR practices 28
Haggerty, J. J. 45
de facto strategy 9 Hall, P. A. 65
Dean, J. W. 17, 18–19 Hamel, G. 9, 61
decision science 10 Harvard Model 2
Delery, J. E. 18, 73, 74 Hauff, S. 74
design, effectiveness and 54 health and wellness management 40
determinants 16–17, 18 High Performance Work Practices 18
development 36–38 High Performance Work Systems
digitalisation 67, 82 (HPWS) 18, 19, 24, 28, 45, 73,
divisionalising 41 74, 78
Doty, D. H. 18, 73, 74 high performance working 83
dual economy 59 High Performance Workplaces 6
Dyer, L. 20 ‘High Road’ approach 5–6, 84
dynamic capability 11 Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low
Wage Britain (Bloodworth) 62
effectiveness, dimensions of 53–56, 53 Hofstede, G. 22
emergent strategy 9 hourglass economy 59
employee engagement 39–40 HR competences 43–57
Employee Reactions 21 HR competency model 48–51, 50
employment relations 38–40 human capital, concept of 2
external fit 8 human capital architecture 74
human capital curator 49
Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Human Resource Champions (Ulrich) 52
Superstar Firms, The (Autor) 62 Human Resource Information Systems
Fang, M. 22 (HRIS) 31
Fell, A. 44 human resource management (HRM):
financialization 61, 84 emergence of 5; as term 1, 3–4
fissured workplace 63, 64 Huselid, M. A. 18, 24, 25, 45, 73,
fit 71–76, 80–81 74, 75
Index  111
Ignjatovic, M. 75 organization capability 54–55
implementation of HR practices, model organization design 40–42, 54–55
of 21 organizational ambidexterity (OA)
Implemented HR Practices 20 77, 79
In Search of Excellence movement 41 organizational culture management
income inequality 59 40–42
institutional complementarities theory organizational learning 38
65 organizational strategy and structure,
integrated manufacturing 17 linking SHRM to 12–13
internal fit 8 orthogonal perspective 77
Osterman, P. 86
Jackson, S. E. 12, 15 Ostroff, C. 20–21
Jiang, K. 19–20, 24 outside-in perspective 88
just-in-time inventory control outsourcing 41, 46
(JIT) 17
paradox navigator 49
Kalleberg, A. 59, 86 Patel, P. C. 79
Katz, L. F. 62 payment by results (PBR) 35
Ketkar, S. 78 Perceived HR Practices 21
Khurana, R. 29 performance: HR practices and 17;
knowledge work 68–69 reward management and 33–36
Kochan, T. 13, 39 performance management 33–36, 34
Krueger, A. B. 62 performance outcomes 15–26
performance related pay (PRP) 35–36
Lado, A. A. 16 Pfeffer, J. 58, 85
Langevin-Heavey, A. 23 Pikkety, T. 85–86
Lawler, E. 45 Planned HR Practices 20
Lengnick-Hall, C. A. 17, 75 planning 29–33, 30
Lengnick-Hall, M. L. 17, 75 plurality of interests 38–39
Lepak, D. P. 31, 74 Porter, M. E. 4, 12
liberal market economies (LMEs) 65 Posthuma, R. A. 23
Loi, R. 78 postmodernism 68
‘Low Road’ approach 5, 82, 84 power of organizational effect 52
practice, theory and 7
MacDuffie, J. P. 18, 23, 73 practice areas 27–42
management practices: focus on 83; practices, effectiveness and 55
productivity and 85 Prahalad, C. K. 9, 61
manpower planning 31 precarious work 68–69, 82, 83, 86–87
marketisation 41 process models 20–21
McClelland, D. 47 productivity, management practices
McMahan, G. C. 3, 72 and 85
Meshoulam, I. 16–17, 75 productivity agreements 60
Miles, R. 15, 16 professionals, effectiveness and 55
Milliman, J. 77
Mintzberg, H. 9 Rabl, T. 22
recruitment 32–33
National Organizations Survey 45 reputation 53
Neumark, D. 19 Resource-based Theory (RBT) 16
Ngo, H. Y. 78 resource-based view (RBV) 2, 6, 9, 83
Nishii, L. 21 resource flexibility 77–78, 79
112 Index
resourcing 29–33 targeting practices 20
reward management 33–36 Taylor, M. 63–64
Rise of Alternative Work Arrangements Taylor commission 39, 63–64, 86
in the United States, The (Katz and technology: as driver of change 66–68;
Krueger) 62 efficiency and 88; skill requirements
role behaviours 12, 15 and 71
technology and media integrator 49
Sanchez, R. 77–78 Teece, D. J. 11, 77
Schuler, R. S. 12, 15, 20, 74 Temin, P. 59
selection 32–33 Testing for Competencies (McClelland)
Sett, P. K. 78 47
shared services 52 theory and practice 7
Shaw, J. D. 74 total quality management (TQM) 17
Sisson, K. 29, 30, 44 total reward steward 49
skill development 37–38 training 37–38
skills gaps 71 Truss, C. 20
Snell, S. A. 17, 18–19, 31, 74, 77–78, 79 Tyson, S. 44
Snow, C. C. 15, 16
Social Exchange Theory 15–16, 19 Ulrich, D. 2, 44, 48–51, 53, 69, 84,
sorting effect 36 88–89
Soskice, D. 65 unions 38–39, 60
STAR model 54
star performers 29 value, HR practices and 25–26
stock-exchange-focused financing value creation, waves of 56, 56
64–65 Venkatraman, N. 72–73, 74
Storey, J. 29, 30 voluntarist system 60
strategic human resource management:
changing contexts of 58–70; Walton, R. E. 17
definition of 3; fit, flexibility, and Way, S. A. 19, 79–80, 81
agility and 71–81; future of 82–90; Weick, K. 76–77
HR competences and 43–57, 69–70; Weil, D. 63, 64
mapping field of 1–14; performance Why We Hate HR (Hammonds) 45
outcomes and 15–26; practice areas Wilson, M. C. 16
and 27–42; as term 1 work style 55
strategic positioner 48 workers, as assets 2, 9
strategy, effectiveness and 54 Workplace Employment Relations
Su, Z. X. 23–24, 73 Survey (WERS) 44–45
sub-contracting 62–63, 64, 83 World Management Survey 3
Svetlik, I. 75 Wright, P. M. 2, 3, 16, 19, 21, 25, 45,
system strength 20–21, 28 71, 72, 77–78, 79, 88

Takeuchi, R. 19 Youndt, M. A. 18–19

talent, importance of 71
talent management 29, 83 zero-hour contracts 39, 62, 82

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