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9/4/2014 OBIA 7.9.6.

4 Configuration - DAC, Informatica & OBIEE

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OBIA Configuration - DAC, Informatica & OBIEE

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OBI Applications Configuration

OBI Applications
BI Apps Setups
Configuration - DAC,
To do setup for BI Apps we need to do multiple points of configuration. Informatica & OBIEE
These are done at 3 layers of technologies. OBIA Full &
Incremental Loading
Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep is restored using repository service interface Patterns

LkpFiles and SrcFiles are copied from OBIA installation folder to Infa folde

Datawarehouse Application Console OBIEE

DAC Containers are restored from DAC Client BI Publisher

Oracle Application
OBIEE Framework

OBIEE Repository and Web catalog is restored from Fusion Enterprise Manager page.

JD Edwards - BI Publisher

Informatica 9.0.1 Setup Qlik View Business



Create a Repository Service.

Restore BI Apps Repository ( to database schema where Repository service points).
Create Integration Service.
Point Integration Service to the Repository Service created above.

Step -1 : Create Informatica Repository Service

Ensure Informatica 9.0.1. Service is turned ON : Start > Program Files > Informatica 9.0.1 > Server > Start Informatica Services
Log in to Informatica using Administrator username and password. 1/30
9/4/2014 OBIA Configuration - DAC, Informatica & OBIEE

This is the screen that appears when you login for the first time. We will screate repository service first

Click on Domain_NNNNN and Click on Actions> New>PowerCenter Repository Service 2/30
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Provide Name, Description and Select License and Node for the Repository Service and click Next.

Provide the Database type and username/password where the Repository will be created. Select the Codepage. Tablespace must also
be entered, but for demo cases, we will leave this optional field as blank.

Since we will restore the BI Apps provided repository, Select the Radio Button that says : Content exists under specified connection
string. Do not create new content. Click Finish 3/30
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Enable the repository Service as shown above.

Step-2 : Restore Contents to Informatica Repository Service

Restore Contents on to the repository Service. The contents are nothing but the OBI Apps Informatica mappings in form of a file.

To do this first copy the Informatica repository files (Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep and Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata.rep) from
D:\obiee11g\Oracle_BI1\biapps\dwrep\Informatica\Repository to

In the repository service, click Actions > Repository Contents > Restore 4/30
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Select the Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep file. And say OK.

Repository starts restoring to the database schema.

Make sure to restart the Repository Service after this step

Step-3 : Create Informatica Integration Service

Create integration Service as shown above. Provide a Name and select Licence and Node. Click Next 5/30
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Select Repository Service created in Step 1. Provide Infa Admin Username/Password. Click Finish.(The one used for logging on to
Informatica Administrator page)

Make sure to Start the Integration Service after this step. If the Integration Service fails to start, Change the Repository Service to Normal
Mode (if it is in ExclusiveMode),log off from Informatica Admin Console page and restart Informatica services from Start>

Check that both services are up from Domains Page.

Step-4 : Verify that Repository Mappings are accessible

Go to Start>Programs>Informatica>Client>informative PowerCenter Client>PowerCenter Designer

Got to Respository>Add

Provide the Repository Service Name (created earlier) and Admin username 6/30
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Repository is created

Right Click on Repository>Configure domains.

This Screen shows that Domain is accessible from client and the Repository service is recognized. 7/30
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Double click on REP_7963 and provide the password, click Connect. The mapping folders and mappings will be visible.

DAC Setup


Restore BI Apps Containers

Configure Connections
Setup DAC Server
Configure Datawarehouse

Step-1 : Configure DAC Client connection 8/30
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Launch DAC client from Start>Program Files>Datawarehouse Administration Console> Client or navigate to
D:\DAC\10gR3_1\bifoundation\dac\startclient.bat (in a typical installation this is the path)
Click on Configure

Select Create Connection and click Next 9/30
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Provide Connection Name, Connection Type and other database details. Leave DB Driver and DB URL blank. To provide username and
password, we need to create an Authentication File. Click on the Tick icon next to Authentication File

Then select Create Authentication File. This file will store the DAC schema username and password. 10/30
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Select the path, which is a standard path. Don’t change the path than what the system prompts

Provide the username and password of the schema where you want the DAC repository to be created. Say OK. 11/30
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Test the connection. If the connection fails, its most likely due to :

Drivers not available in D:\DAC\10gR3_1\bifoundation\dac\lib. To fix this copy all .jar files from from $ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib to the
above mentioned DAC Library path. This is an important step.
TNS not accessible or password not right, check again.

Connection Configuration is now complete.

Step-2 : Restore DAC containers provided by Oracle BI apps product

Log in to the DAC using the Administrator username and password configured earlier. 12/30
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This screen asks for creation DAC repository tables and the the tablespace for DAC metadata tables (starts with W_ETL%). Tablespace
name needs to be filled in. This can be same as the tablespace used for Informatica Domain and Repository Service. Reason being
these schemas don’t grow much.

Next, provide the Administrator user account password and reconfirm that. 13/30
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Always say yes to Analyze tables for DAC repository. This makes sure indices are rebuilt and table statistics are gathered.

This is how the DAC client will look when login is done for the first time.

Step-3 : Importing DAC metadata to DAC repositiry

We need to import DAC metadata for Source specific containers provided by BI Apps installer The metadata ius present in
<OBIEE_HOME>/OraclelBI\dwrep\DAC_metadata\DAC_Client\export . Copy paste that to dac\export as a precursor to this step.
Go to Tools>DAC Repository management>Import 14/30
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Select the source specific containers or Applications that are required for ETL. Select Truncate Repository Tables(cleans up old
repository tables if any) and Enable Batch Mode(Does Bulk insert which speeds up the process). Say OK

Reconfirm the step by copy/pasting the code.Say Yes and Importing will start. 15/30
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When the import completes, say OK to the timing dialogue box.

Post import we can see that metadata is imported in the above screen. This is the out of the box DAC metadata

Step-4 : Configure DAC Connections

Navigate to setup TAB and provide the DAC server hostname. 16/30
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In Setup Tab > Informatica Servers provide connection details of Informatica Integration Service created earlier. Save.

Test integration Server Connection created above. 17/30
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Provide connection details of Informatica Repository Service created earlier. Save.

Note port not : 6005 ( do not use any other default value)

Test Repository Server Connection created above. 18/30
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Provide connection details for datawarehouse and Save

Test the connection to Datawarehouse 19/30
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Configure the Ora_11_5_10 connection(which will be the source for this course), Save and test.

Step-5 : Setup DAC Server

DAC Server setup needs to be done before any ETL since this server orchestrates the Informatica Mappings.Select Tools>DAC Server
Management>DAC Server Steup 20/30
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A connection for DAC server needs to be configured, but its not mandatory to create a new one. Click Populate from preconfigured client
configuration.This will use same connection details as the DAC client.

Test the connection and make sure it connects fine. If this connection is not fine, DAC server wont startup and ETL can’t be done

DAC server can be started by executing the startserver.bat script or Start>Programs > Datawarehouse Application Console > Start
Server 21/30
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The DAC server takes some time to start after the start server command is executed. Make sure you log off and relogin to DAC client. The
indication that DAC server has started is that Red plug icon changes to Amber/Yellow.

Step-6 : Create Datawarehouse Tables

Click on Tools > ETL Management > Configure 22/30
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Select the source and target database types and click OK

If creating datawarehouse for the first time, select the first option. If existing datawarehouse schema is being reused by cleanup select
the fist 2 options. Click Next 23/30
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Provide the datawarehouse username, password, datasource name and MANDATORILY the Tablespacename. Click Start
To create a datasource name, click Start>Run and type odbcad32 > System DSN and Add

This will start creating tables on the warehouse.

OBIEE 11g Setup

Aim :

Deploy RPD and Web catalog

Configure RPD Connection Variables

Step-1 : Deploy RPD and Web Catalog 24/30
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Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager :

Use OBIEE admin username and password

Navigate to Business Intelligence>coreapplication>Deployment>Repository

Click on Lock and Edit Configuration. This will prevent others from deploying at the same time. 25/30
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Provide the OBI apps shipped EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics.rpd file location (<OBIEE 11g Home>\Oracle_BI1\biapps\repository)and
Password, which is Admin123.

Provide full path for Web catalog path as shown above.(the web catalog file needs to be copied from
<OBIEE_11g HOME>/Oracle_BI1/biapps/catalog

To D:\obiee11g\instances\instance2\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog
Click Apply

Notice that RPD name changes EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics_002.rpd after changes are applied. 26/30
9/4/2014 OBIA Configuration - DAC, Informatica & OBIEE
Click Activate Changes.

The activate changes window will pop up and continue till all changes are applied.

Restart all servers by clicking Business Intelligence>coreapplication>Avaliability>Processes and click “Restart All”

Once the restart is complete check that all services are up and running.

Step-2 : Configure Connection Variables in OBIEE RPD File 27/30
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Navigate to Manage>Variables>Repository

Provide Values for OLAP_USER and OLAP_DSN. This is datawarehouse schema username and DSN
Also OLTP_USER and OLTP_DSN have to be provided. This is the source OLTP username and DSN

Step-3 : Check Webcat is deployed 28/30
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Login to OBIEE Analytics and check that Dashboards are Visible after deployment

Check that Subject Areas are Visible after deployment.

Above 2 steps confirm that Web catalog is deployed correctly

This completes the setups. We can now execute ETLs and data will be available in dashboards

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