Safety Management Plan: For Limestone Mine of Ultratech Cement Limited

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Risk & Disaster Management Plan


For Limestone Mine of UltraTech Cement Limited

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Risk & Disaster Management Plan


1.1 Definition

1) A major emergency in a work is one, which has the intensity to cause serious injury or loss of
life. It may cause extensive damage to property and serious disruption both inside and
outside the work. It would normally require the assistance of emergency services to handle it

2) Emergency may be caused by a number of different factors; it will normally manifest itself in
two basic forms, viz. fire, explosion or toxic release.

1.2 Scope

3) An important element of mitigation is emergency planning i.e. recognizing that accidents are
possible, assessing the consequences of such accidents and deciding on the emergency
procedures, both on site and off site that would need to be implemented in the event of an

4) Emergency planning is just one aspect of safety and cannot be considered in isolation.

Roles & Responsibilities

Function of Mines Safety Board

1) Focus on correcting unsafe acts & Conditions.

2) Implementation of the Safety Standards & Procedures laid down by Unit Safety Board &

3) Focus on improvement in health & hygiene for workers.

4) Focus on improvement of basic upkeep & cleanliness of atmosphere.
5) Learning / sharing safety culture across Mines.

Risk Management
1. Identifying the hazards – involves recognising things which may cause injury or harm to the
health of a person, e.g. flammable material, ignition sources or unguarded machinery;

2. Assessing the risk – involves looking at the possibility of injury or harm occurring to a person if
exposed to a hazard;

3. Controlling the risk – by introducing measures, which will remove or reduce the risk of a
person being exposed to a hazard; and

4. Monitor the effectiveness of the control measures – involves the regular review of the
control measures to ensure that they are suitable.

Method of Identifying Hazards

a) Looking around the workplace (walk-through surveys).

b) Looking over information from designers or manufacturers.

2 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

c) Looking at unsafe incidents, accident and injury data.

d) Looking at work processes.

e) Talking with workers.

f) Closely looking at and thinking about material safety data sheets (MSDS’S) and product

g) Asking for help from people who have special knowledge (specialist practitioners, consultants
and representatives).

h) DGMS Safety Statistics

i) Incidents reported within group units

Assessment of the risk

Assess the risk using the Kinney & Fine method. This assessment will show what the real level of
risk is that we want to manage via all our procedures, rules, tools/equipment, PPE etc.

Identify task and sub-tasks

Identify Hazard

Calculate initial Risk-Score

Include standard and

additional measures.
Define Corrective and Control Measure(s) Always take
preventive hierarchy
into account

Calculate Actual Risk

Implement Corrective and Control Measure(s)




File Risk Analysis

3 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Risk = Exposure X Severity X Probability = E X S X P

Controlling the Risk

To eliminate or minimize the risk, measures are proposed that should be implemented in an
action-plan or job-plan. Both routine and non-routine measures need to be listed. When defining
these measures, the prevention hierarchy needs to be taken into account. First try to eliminate the
risk. Highest priority is given to elimination.

Hierarchy of Risk Controls:

When we select a control for an identified hazard, we willalways choose the highest measure of
control possible.

There is a hierarchy of controls or preferred order of control measures, which range from the
most effective to the least effective. The hierarchy of control measures is:

Removing the hazard or hazardous work practice from the mine. This is the most effective control

Replacing a hazard or hazardous work practice with a less hazardous one

Stopping persons from interacting with the hazard e.g. machine guarding, remote handling;

Engineering Control
If the hazard cannot be removed, replaced or isolated, an engineering control is the next
preferred measure. This may include changes to tools or equipment, providing guarding to
machinery or equipment.

Administrative Control
Includes introducing work practices that reduce the risk. This could include limiting the amount of
time a person is exposed to a particular hazard.

Personal Protective Equipment

Should be considered only when other control measures are not suitable or to increase

There may be circumstances where more than one control measure should be used to reduce
exposure to hazards.

Monitoring control Measures

Constantly reviewing control measures is important to ensure they continue to be relevant and
stop or control exposure to hazards or hazardous work practices.

Engineering controls should be regularly tested to ensure they work. Performance testing and
evaluation standards should be set up.

4 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

HIRA shall be reviewed in following conditions:

a) Minimum once in year

b) Addition/Deviation of new equipment / activities

c) Changes/ modification in Man, Machine, Material and Method

d) Change in legal requirements

e) Incident and injury

Risk Assessment
Risk assessments during excavation process are given below:

Excavator Operation

Sr Activity Hazards Impact

Climbing/getting down from the

1 machine for inspection of oil & slipping Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain/Fracture
water and during operation

Opening and closing the cabin door

2 slipping Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain/Fracture
during operation of machine

Movement of person into the

3 Hitting by machine parts Fracture
vicinity of Loading operation

Hitting to dumper body by bucket

4 Jerk/vibration Sprain/Muscular pain
while loading

Exposer to Noise, Dust Temporary discomfort, Temporary

5 While in operation
& Vibration fatigue

Exposer to sharp
6 Opening and closing the cabin door edge/damaged door Scratch/cut to finger or palm
lock handle

Adjusting the cabin fan or any

7 Exposer to sharp edge Cut to finger or palm
moving part while in operation

Hitting to dumper body

8 Unloading into the Dumper damage of cabin/body of dumper
by bucket while loading

Failure of equipment
9 While in operation Failure of Engine/parts
safety devices

Hitting with
10 Unsafe practices / wrong operation Boulder/other nearby Damage to equipment/parts

5 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Risk assessments during dumpers process are given below:

Dumper Operation

Sr Activity Hazards Impact

Climbing/getting down from

1 the m/c for inspection of oil & slipping Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain/Fracture
water and during operation

Unbalance of equipment,
Failure of Brakes While in External Injury ,Laceration / abrasion /
2 hitting with structure /other
operation muscular pain

hitting with cabin

3 Tyre bursting Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain
wall/exposer to sharp edges

Exposer to Noise, Dust & Temporary discomfort, Temporary

4 While in operation
Vibration fatigue.

5 Reversing the Dumper Run over/Hitting to person Fracture/Head injury/Fatality

Exposer to sharp
Opening and closing the cabin
6 edge/damaged door lock scratch/cut to finger or palm

Roll down of loose stone on

7 Running on haul road body injury
haul road

8 Running on haul road Head on collision Fracture/Head injury/Fatality

9 While unloading Chances of toppling Fracture/Head injury/Fatality

10 While in operation Failure of brakes Hitting to other equipment/structure

Hitting to other
11 Reversing the Dumper Damage to equipment/parts/structure

Failure of equipment safety

12 While in operation Failure of Engine/parts

Hitting with excavator/ other

Unsafe practices / wrong
13 equipment's/blasted muck Damage to equipment/parts

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Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Risk assessments during Dozer operation process are given below:

Dozer Operation

Sr Activity Hazards Impact

Climbing/getting down from the m/c

1 for inspection of oil & water and during slipping Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain/Fracture
2 While in operation falling from height Fracture/Head injury/Fatality
Run over/Hitting to
3 Reversing Fracture/Head injury/Fatality
Exposer to Noise, Dust Temporary discomfort, Temporary
4 While in operation
& Vibration fatigue.
Exposer to sharp
5 Opening and closing the cabin door edge/damaged door scratch/cut to finger or palm
lock handle
6 While in operation falling from height Damage to equipment/part
Failure of equipment
7 While in operation Failure of Engine/parts
safety devices
Hitting to other
8 Reversing Damage to equipment/parts/structure
Hitting with blasted
9 Unsafe practices / wrong operation muck /Boulder/other Damage to equipment/parts
nearby equipment

Risk assessments during Surface Miner process are given below:

Surface Miner Operation

Sr Activity Hazards Impact

Climbing/getting down from

1 the m/c for inspection of oil & slipping Laceration/Abrasion/Sprain/Fracture
water and during operation

2 Reversing Run over/Hitting to person Fracture/Head injury/Fatality

Exposer to Noise, Dust & Temporary discomfort, Temporary

3 While in operation
Vibration fatigue

Exposer to sharp
Opening and closing the cabin
4 edge/damaged door lock scratch/cut to finger or palm

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Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Surface Miner Operation

Sr Activity Hazards Impact

5 While in operation falling from height Damage to equipment/part

Failure of equipment safety

6 While in operation Failure of Engine/parts

Hitting to other
7 Reversing Damage to equipment/parts/structure

Unsafe practices / wrong Hitting with loader/other

8 Damage to equipment's/parts
operation nearby equipment

Site Specific Safety Standards

The followings Safety Standards are derived by the group of Experts to cater the safety
requirement while at work for various activities being involved .The standard entails precaution to
be taken, safety requirement, supervision and safe completion of various works.

1. Mining Standard

2. Scaffoldings

3. Confined Space Entry

4. Lock Out & Tag Out

5. Handling of load by Mobile Crane & Lifting Tackles & Hydras

6. Excavation

7. Heavy Earth Moving Machinery

8. Electrical Safety

9. Machine Guarding


11. Contractor Safety Management

Mining Standards
The followings are the list of standard framed for Mines Safety

1) Standards on Ripping & Dozing

2) Standards on safety in Mines Transportation

3) Standard on Safety in Windrowing Operation by Surface mines

4) Dump Management

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Risk & Disaster Management Plan

1) Loading & Rock Breaking at Mines

This standard describes the requirements for protecting people from the hazards of Loading
and Rock Breaking Operations in mining areas. It describes operating practices which must be
applied when operating Excavator, Loader and Rock Breaker at a Mines facility and/or which
are used in connection with the Mines activities/work.

2) Standards on Ripping & Dozing

This standard describes the requirements for protecting people from the hazards of Ripping
and Dozing Operations in mining areas. It describes operating practices which must be
applied when operating Ripper Dozer at a Mines facility and/or which are used in connection
with the Mines activities/work.

3) Standards on safety in Mines Transportation

This standard describes the requirements for protecting people from the hazards of
Transportation operations in mining areas. It describes operating practices which must be
applied when operating HEMM, at a Mines facility and/or which are used in connection with
the Mines activities/work. It provides helpful information to the Mines sites / facilities as they
implement procedures to control hazards associated with Transportation operation in mining
areas in line with Management Safety Commitment.

4) Standard on Safety in Windrowing Operation by Surface mines

This standard describes the principles used to protect all from the hazards of windrowing
Operations in mining areas. It describes operating practices which must be applied when
operating surface miner for windrowing operations and/or which are used in connection with
the Mines activities/work.

5) Dump Management
This standard describes the requirements for protecting people from the hazards associated
with Dump Management in mining areas.


This standard describes the principles used for preparation of temporary elevated platform and its
supporting structure (including points of anchorage) used for supporting men, material & both.

Confined Space Entry

This standard describes the principles used to perform work at the place where limited or
restricted means of entry or exit and is not designed for continuous human Occupancy. The place
may have contaminated atmosphere or presence of flammable atmosphere or presence of toxic
material or absence of adequate oxygen.

9 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Lock out Tag out Try out (LOTOTO)

This Standard Lockout & Tag Out describes the principles used to perform work at all applicable
single/Multiple energy sources de – energized & isolated & preceding, following equipment
stopped. The Equipment may be energized and work to be performed by the concerned person.

Handling Of Loads by Mobile Cranes & Lifting Tackles and Hydras

This Standard describes the principles used for safe lifting of loads. The safe load limit depends on
loading capacity of the Crane, lifting radius. The safe work load at lift radius is based on Crane
Load Chart for the different capacity.

This Standard describes the principles used for Excavation which includes Excavation Plan, type of
material to be excavated, depth & barrier to be provided for safe excavation of material. It
contains the check list to be followed before undergoing the operation.

Heavy Earth Moving Machinery

This Standard designates the principles for safe Operation of Heavy Earth Moving Machinery. This
includes all safety features to be provided in the equipment like Roll over Protection system,
Alarm devices and Ergonomics. It includes person authorized to operate, pre- start check,
Standard Operating Procedure to be followed while in Operation.

Electrical Safety
This Standard designates the principles used for safe working in Electrical Equipment. It involves
Tolls & tackles, PPE, Earthing& isolation of circuits.

Machine Guarding
This Standard describes the principles used for safe guarding of machine/equipment against al
hazardous moving parts of the machine including auxiliary parts.

This standard describes the principles used for identification of hazards for various activities
involved and Jobs safety analysis. It involves listing out the Control measures to be taken for
various sub- activities and assign personal responsibility to ensure safe accomplishment of the
specific job.

Contractor Safety Management

It is the company wide practice to contract with companies that embrace the ABG CB SHE
Commitment. All ABG CB facilities using Contractor services on-site should observe the provision
of the six step process, which are as follows.

1. Contractor Pre-Qualification

2. Contract Preparation

3. Contract award

10 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

4. Contractor Orientation and training

5. Contractor work Co-ordination and auditing

6. Contract evaluation

Site Specific Procedures for Hazard Management

High Risk Permits

1) High-risk permits are needed for work done in places that are always dangerous and need
extra precautions to make them safe.

2) Permits are good only for a short time and are only given out when the person in charge has
checked that the workplace is safe to carry out the work. The person in charge of handing out
permits must sign all permits.

3) Workers should know about the type of work or the places where permits are needed, and
must have special training for that type of work.

4) The permits and the type of work they cover should be checked from time to time. Changes
should be made to the permits where workers have experienced extra risks or the supervisor
has seen other risks when working on a high-risk job.

5) There are a number of jobs on mine sites that need high-risk permits.

Permit-to-work System
It is a formal written system used to control certain types of work which are potentially
hazardous. It is also a mean of communication among site personnel to ensure all necessary safety
precautions are taken before commencing such work. The types of work permits are:

(1) General Work Permit which includes:

i) Cold Work Permit

ii) Hot Work Permit

(2) Special work permit

i) Working at Height & Fragile Roof,

ii) Electrical Work Permit (HT/LT)

iii) Material Lowering & Lifting

Cold work permit:

It is first level permit issued for jobs of general nature not involving any special activities like jobs
which can generate spark /heat or confined space entry, working height, excavation and electrical
maintenance on HT / LT, material lowering and lifting or any hot job.

Hot Work Permit:

It is work permit issued for jobs involving activities which generates spark and flame. Welding, Gas
cutting, grinding, chipping are few activities which necessarily should have Hot work Permit.

11 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Confined Space Entry Permit:

This special permit is applicable when the job requires entry in to a Confined space as specified in
Confined space entry standard. This permit is add on special work permit and should necessarily
have General work permit attached to it.

Working at Height Permit:

This special permit is required when the work involves working at height, more than 1.8 metres, as
specified in Working at height standard. This permit is add on special work permit and should
necessarily have General work permit attached to it.

Excavation Permit:
This special permit is required when the work involves excavation as specified in Excavation
standard. This permit is add on special work permit and should necessarily have General work
permit attached to it.

Electrical Work Permit (HT/LT):

This special permit is required when the work involves working on electrical installations as
specified in Electrical safety standard. This permit is add on special work permit and should
necessarily have General work permit attached to it.

Material Lowering and Lifting Permit:

This special permit is required when job involves any material handling, lower & lifting either
manual or with machine. This permit is add on special work permit and should necessarily have
General work permit attached to it.

Means any on-site company’s senior employee, who is a designated by Unit Apex SHE committee,
as owner of clearly marked area on plot plan having all facility, building, structure, or any
equipment on-site within the functional area. Custodian is generally a person responsible for
operation of the area. He will be accountable to ensure isolation of all hazardous energy sources
to provide safe work environment to job executors.

Means company employee designated by custodian with relevant job experience & authorized by
Unit Apex SHE committee who will issue work permit for respective area. Issuer should be
knowledgeable of the hazards and safety requirements for the equipment and process, and who
is trained in Work Permit processes and shall be responsible to get physical isolation of all
hazardous energy sources to provide safe work environment to initiator. It is recommended that
issuer should have 5 years work experience.

Means any person, from the job executing agency, having relevant job experience & authorized by
Unit Apex SHE committee. It is recommended that initiator should have 5 years work experience.

12 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Authorized isolator:
Means the person identified and authorized by Unit Apex Committee. Authorized isolator shall be
different for different discipline like Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical and Process. It is
recommended that Authorized isolator should have 3 years work experience in his functional area.

Means contractor supervisor or the gang leader of work group who is carrying out the job at site.

Hazardous Energy Sources:

Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, nuclear radiation or
any other energy that, if not controlled, could cause injury to personnel or damage to property
and/or environment

Near-Miss and Accident reporting & Investigation System

In case of accidents, external investigation will be carried out by concerned government officials
as per the procedure on receiving the information from the Mines manager. The company on its
part nominates an officer / a team, depending upon the severity of the unusual occurrence, to
enquire into the details of the occurrence to identify the causes of the occurrence, the details of
the damages to persons, plant and the machinery and submit a report, suggesting the remedial
actions to prevent reoccurrence, (wherever possible) the management on receiving the enquiry
report, initiate appropriate actions such as deliberating on the report, deciding on corrective
actions, directing the concerned to implement the proposed corrective actions, fixing a time
frame and finally ensuring the compliance.

13 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Accident Reporting System

Limestone Mine

Accident Site Immediate

Telephonic Report

Mines Manager Office

Security Agent with Medical

Telephonic Reporting to DGMS, Government

Owner (MD) Departments within one hour, followed by
written report within 24 hours

Chart 1 - Accident reporting structure

Behavioural Change by Safety Observation system

Safety observation is a structured and planned pro-active two way safety conversation process
with people at their work place to achieve positive change in people’s behaviour towards safety

a) Recognizing and reinforcing positive safety behaviour

b) Identifying and correcting behaviour at risk

c) Engaging in conversation regarding safety concerns or issues

To inculcate world class safety culture through positive change in people’s behaviour towards
voluntary adherence to safe practices. In the picture of the Iceberg below, the invisible portion of
the iceberg (Unsafe Acts and man-made Unsafe Conditions) is the main focus of the Safety
Observation process. In other words, safety observation process helps to prevent Incidents and
Injuries by minimizing the Unsafe Acts and Conditions.

14 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

1) Demonstrate leadership commitment to safety

2) Reinforce positive safety behaviour

3) Raise safety awareness

4) Motivate people to be committed to and responsible for safety

5) Correct unsafe behaviours in a positive, proactive way

6) Prevent injuries and property loss

7) Establish standards/procedure

8) Test understanding of standards/procedures

9) Test compliance with standards/procedures\

10) Identify trends and weaknesses in the safety system

Major Injury
Minor Injury
Near Miss

Unsafe Acts
Unsafe Conditions

1. Emergency response planning and preparedness

To meet the general emergencies in the mines, the following facilities have been provided.

i) In case of any emergency inside the mine, all the employees in the mine will quickly assemble
at the assembly point (Mines office). The Safety Officer / Mine Manager shall address the
gathering detailing the situation and directing various urgent follow up actions required to be
taken to bring the situation under control. All concerned nominated persons shall proceed
according to the deployment / assignment to attend their respective duties. Safety Officer
shall monitor and co-ordinate all the corrective actions till the situation are brought under
control. Thereafter, he shall attend to all the statutory / mandatory actions such as informing /
reporting the situation to the government officials, etc.

ii) First Aid boxes / kits have been provided in all the buildings & sections, which are periodically
checked and replenished wherever required – First aid trained personal are available in the

15 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

mines and they are located in various sections and their services could be drawn upon
whenever & where ever required at any point of time.

iii) Fire fighting equipment are provided at all the buildings. These are checked and kept in
working condition from time to time.

iv) In the event of any fire etc. at electrical installations / distribution lines, power can be isolated
at all the places and appropriate / suitable fire fighting equipment have been provided for to
meet the contingency.

v) Ambulance is available in mines to meet any emergency.

vi) Mock drill is being carried out once in a quarter to check the system and ensure preparedness.

The emergency organization chart is included

Emergency response planning and preparedness such as first aid, testing of emergency plan once
in a year


Contacts ouside
agencies for Inform statutory
necessary services authorities about the
incident as applicable

Site Main Controller

Shift Site Incident

Security Controller Safety
Asst. Incharge Mines Manager
Manager Incharge

Chart 2 Emergency Organisation Chart

16 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan


Non-Emergency Section
Situations In charge

In Emergency Site Incident Incident Controller

Controller stays at Site Site Respective Shift Incharge

Constant Communications

Group A Officers
1. QC / utility Incharge Group B Officers
2. Safety Manager Emergency Control Room 1. Security / Medical/
3. Asst. Manager Mine Manager Fire Incharge
4. Mine Incharge under Asst. Manager / HR 2. Transport Incharge
Incident controller

Need base Information

1. Police 1. M.D.
2. Fire Brigade 2. Inspector of Mines
3. Ambulance Services 3. District Magistrate
4. Nearby Hospitals 4. DGMS

Chart 3 Action Chart during Onsite Emergency

2. Disaster Management Plan

Identification of Hazards

a) The following types of Hazards are identified at Limestone Mines:

b) Fire in HEMM, Electric Panels, Oil room, Diesel storage and near magazine.

c) Inundation in rainy season due to seasonal Nallah and barrier gets breached or when
impermeable barriers are removed.

d) Accident due to Heavy machinery

17 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

Onsite Emergency Planning


Code of Practice In Case Of Fire at Mines


To deal with Fire efficiently and quickly at different location of Mine including HEMM.

Source of Fire:

1) HEMM 2) Oil & Lubricant Room 3) Diesel Pump/storage area

Line of Action:

i) Any person notices any sign of fire shall start shouting FIRE, FIRE (Aag, Aag) to seek
assistance and also immediately take steps to give warning by blowing the siren continuously
and take steps to extinguish the fire by using appliances available near the site.

ii) Duties of Mine Official:

The Mine officials receiving the warning shall forthwith inform following on Phone;

a) Fire fighting station:

For sending fire-fighting team.

b) Security main gate:

To inform senior person and to prevent unauthorized entry.

c) Shift Engineer:

To manage with available resources till then.

d) Mines Manager:

For overall supervision and control.

After giving information, reach the spot, remove Man & Machinery and take steps to
tackle the fire in accordance with the fire fighting instructions. Inform at security office to
get Ambulance if required.

iii) Duties of Fire Fighting Team: -

On receiving warning the team shall reach the site of fire and depending on its nature, class
and extent shall take steps to extinguish it and rescue persons if involved in fire.

iv) Duties of Mines Manager:

a) On receipt of information about fire the Manager shall forthwith rush to the spot and
assess the extent of fire. He shall supervise the fire fighting operation and make
necessary arrangement for medical aid to affected person, if any.

b) Inform to senior officials and statutory bodies.

Appropriate drainage measures have been evolved & undertaken so that water entering
into the slope is kept at a minimum during rainy season. A garland drain is cut all around

18 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

the mine to collect the surface run-off of the rain water before it goes into the mine

The presence of soil & Limestone berms on the top to prevent ingress of rain water into
mine workings is working well. However, the slopes are regularly inspected for the
development of any tension cracks & other signs of instability during the mining
operation so that appropriate corrective measures can be implemented.

1) Before commencing the drilling in the area where shots have been fired, Assistant manager
will make a thorough examination of all the places including remaining butts of old holes for
unexploded charges that the drill rod or tool may strike.

2) Connections are done under the supervision of Assistant manager

3) In case of any misfire, it is dealt as per the regulation 167 of MMR

1. Accidents in handling & transportation of explosives or due to pilferage of explosives:

Remedial Measure: All precaution laid down in the regulation regarding storage,
transport & handling of explosives is meticulously followed.


1. Accident due to dumpers

Remedial measure:

1) In-pit crushers have been installed in the mines, so that dumpers ply only between face &
the crusher & would not need to go out of the mine.

2) Dumper operators are selected very carefully & given a thorough initial training.
Periodical refresher training & examinations is been organised to test their skills &

3) Every case of incident due to dumpers occurred in other mines are discussed with the
operators & the unsafe act and condition is explained to them.

4) Adequate transport arrangements are made for equipment maintenance staff, operators,
etc. So that they are not tempted to steal a ride on dumpers.

5) Unauthorised driving of machinery is strictly prohibited.

6) All curves in haul roads are designed with a large radius so that the driver has a clear view
for a distance of not less than 30 m along the road.

7) All dumpers must be equipped with audio visual alarms for facilitating safe reversal.

8) A scheme of maintenance, examination & testing is drawn up & strictly followed. The
scheme is specified with the nature & frequency of examinations & the way in which the
information is to be reported & stored.

9) Vehicle brakes & steering test is done regularly as per DGMS circular.

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10) Haul roads are planned, designed, constructed & maintained on sound scientific
principles. Particular attention is paid to the drainage of rain water.

11) A special road maintenance group is formed under a properly trained foreman.

12) Traffic rules specifying speed limits, right of way, overtaking & parking and other general
precautions are framed & strictly enforced.

13) Code of practise for safe tipping & dumping is established & strictly adhered.

Roles & Responsibilities in case of Emergency

Effective emergency plans require that, in the event of an accident, nominated individuals be
given specific Responsibilities, often separate from their day-to-day activities. The two principal
people are the site incident controller and the site main controller. The site incident controller will
take control of handling the incident. He or she will often be the person in charge of mine at the
time of the incident and should provide 24-hour cover when shift operation applies. The site
incident controller will have to take decisions involving neighbouring area perhaps, to be involved
in an escalating emergency if it is not shut down.

The responsibilities of the site incident controller include the following:

a) To assess the scale of the incident (both for internal and external emergency services);

b) To initiate the emergency procedures to secure the safety of employees, minimize damage to
plant and property and minimize loss of material;

c) To direct rescue and fire-fighting operations until (if necessary) the fire brigade arrives;

d) To search for casualties;

e) To arrange evacuation of non-essential workers to assembly areas;

f) To set up a communications point with the emergency control centre;

g) To assume the responsibilities of the site main controller pending his or her arrival;

h) To provide advice and information as requested to the emergency services.

The site main controller will be chosen from the senior management of the works with
general responsibility of directing operations from the emergency control centre after
relieving the site incident controller of the responsibility for overall control.

The specific responsibilities of the site main controller include;

a) To decide (if not decided already) whether a major emergency exists or is likely, requiring the
emergency services and the off-site emergency plan;

b) To exercise direct operational control of the mines outside the affected area;

c) Continually to review and assess possible developments to determine the most probable
course of events;

d) To assess the shutting down of all operation and then evacuation, in consultation with the
site incident controller and key personnel;

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e) To ensure that casualties are receiving adequate attention;

f) To liaise with Chief Officers of the fire and Police services and with the Mines Safety
Directorate and district authorities.

g) To control traffic movement within the mines.

h) To arrange for a log of the emergency to be maintained;

i) To issue authorized statements to the news media;

j) To control rehabilitation of affected areas after the emergency.

Apart from the two site controllers, other works personnel will have key roles to play in the
implementation of the emergency plan. These will include senior management of project not
directly involved in the emergency, first aid, atmospheric monitoring staff, casualty reception staff
and public relations staff to liaise with the media. All need to be aware at the emergency pre-
planning stage of the precise nature of their roles.

Action on Site
The primary purpose of the on-site emergency plan is to control and contain the incident and to
prevent it from spreading to nearby area. It is not possible to cover every eventuality in the plan
and the successful handling of the emergency will depend on appropriate action and decisions
being taken on the spot. Other important aspects needing to be considered include the following:

(a) Evacuation:
Non-essential personnel will be evacuated from the incident area and also from adjacent area.
Evacuation should be to a predetermined assembly point in a safe part of the works.

(b) Accounting for personnel:

It is important to be able to account for personnel during an emergency. The number of
workers present should always be made available. The area should be properly cordoned and
exact record of movement of persons should be made, so as to know the affected persons.
No un-authorized persons or visitors are allowed to enter the area.

(c) Access to records:

The time office has to function properly with handy records of persons on duty. This will be
necessary in order that relatives of any causality can be quickly informed.

(d) Public relations:

Any incident will attract the interest of the media and a major accident is likely to involve
widespread radio and television coverage. Unless appropriate arrangements are made, this
can divert personnel from the task of handling the emergency. It is essential to make
arrangements for the authoritative release of information during any emergency of significant
length and a senior manager or member of the staff should be appointed as the sole source
of this information. Inquiries made to other employees should be directed to this appointed

21 UltraTech Cement Limited

Risk & Disaster Management Plan

(e) Rehabilitation:
The rehabilitation work shall be carried out once after the emergency is over. Care is required
when re-entering the incident area. The Site controller may initiate an inquiry and should be
consulted regarding the collection of evidence before it is disturbed.

Post Disaster Analysis and Evaluation

When the emergency is over, the team will carry out a detailed analysis of the causes of the
accident, evaluate the influence of various factors and minimize them for future. At the same
time, the adequacy of the Disaster Preparedness Plan will be evaluated and shortcomings will be
rectified for subsequent improvement of the plan.

22 UltraTech Cement Limited

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