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Name: _______________________________ Remedial 1.

1 Submission Date: October 14, 2019 Score: _____________

Punctuation Marks and Capitalization

Write two ORIGINAL sentences using each of the indicated punctuation marks. Sentences should be relevant to the poem
“The Seven Ages of Man“, page 9 of your English textbook.

A. Period (.)
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________

B. Question Mark (?)

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________

C. Exclamation Point (!)

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________________

D. Comma (,)
7. _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________________________________

E. Colon (:) & Semicolon (;)

9. _______________________________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________________________

F. Apostrophe (‘)
11. _______________________________________________________________________________________
12. _______________________________________________________________________________________

G. Quotation Marks (“ “)
13. _______________________________________________________________________________________
14. _______________________________________________________________________________________

H. Ellipsis (…)
15. _______________________________________________________________________________________
16. _______________________________________________________________________________________

I. Hyphen (-)
17. _______________________________________________________________________________________
18. _______________________________________________________________________________________

J. Dash ( – )
19. _______________________________________________________________________________________
20. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________ Remedial 1.2 Submission Date: October 14, 2019 Score: _____________

3 Types of Text
 INFORMATIVE TEXT -- It is a type of text that gives facts or information about a certain thing and it is usually
non-fiction. Its purpose is to educate readers on a certain topic.
 JOURNALISTIC TEXT -- It is a type of text or writing that is clear, concise and colorful. It is a distribution of
works and reports on the interaction of events, facts, and people and that informs society to at least some degree.
 LITERARY TEXT -- It is a type of text that creates an emotional appeal among readers. It creates experiences
that are shared to the readers. It also captures the readers’ attention.

Read the following texts. Identify its type and prove your answer correct by explaining it. (5 pts./no.). You may
use additional long bond paper for your answers.
1. Jill Abramson, the former executive editor of The New York Times, responded on Thursday to accusations that
her latest book, “Merchants of Truth,” contains passages that were plagiarized or not properly attributed to the
original source material.

2. Bullying is still a very big problem these days, with the ever increasing growth of the internet and internet-
connected electronics, it seems to be only getting worse. With new technological advances, comes new forms
of bullying. One can now be bullied, virtually everywhere! Such as social networking sites, email, school,
cellphones, and even at his/her own home. Their are 5 main forms of bullying today, and those are: Physical
bullying, Emotional Bullying, Sexual bullying, Cyber bullying, and Racial bullying.

3. Don Quixote is a middle-aged gentleman from the region of La Mancha in central Spain. Obsessed with the
chivalrous ideals touted in books he has read, he decides to take up his lance and sword to defend the helpless
and destroy the wicked. After a first failed adventure, he sets out on a second one with a somewhat befuddled
laborer named Sancho Panza, whom he has persuaded to accompany him as his faithful squire.

4. “No woman in the world should have to live their life without experiencing the love and the bond from a mother
and a child,” Jessica Allen told ABC News in 2017. Allen, who was already a mother of two sons, decided to
help a couple in need of a baby by becoming a surrogate.

5. How do you stay on top of the situation and accomplish all of your tasks in good time? Here are a few tips. a.
Do not rely on mental notes, b. Now is the right time, c. Break down your project, d. Work in terms of urgency,
not importance, e. Shut the doors on distractions.

6. My love is as a fever, longing still

For that which longer nurseth the disease,
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
The uncertain sickly appetite to please.
My reason, the physician to my love,
Name: _______________________________ Remedial 1.2 Submission Date: August 22, 2019 Score: _____________

Graphic Organizer of ______________________

Choose one topic/lesson from the first quarter. Make a graphic organizer about it. Make sure to present the ideas clearly.
You are free to decide on the material to use. Rubrics are as follows:

Content --------------------------------- 20
Balance of texts and graphics ---------- 10
Originality -------------------------------- 10
Cleanliness and Creativity -------------- 10
50 pts.

For your 1st. quarter performance, choose 3 topics/lessons from the first quarter. Make a graphic organizer
or infographic about them. You are free to decide on your material to use. Rubrics are as follows:
Content --------------------------------- 30
Balance of texts and graphics ---------- 10
Originality -------------------------------- 10
Cleanliness and Creativity -------------- 10
60 pts.
Submission Date: March. 27, 2019

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