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How to Cook Ginataang Labong:

 2 cups of bamboo shoots strips
 1 big mature coconut, grated
 100 grams small fresh shrimps, peeled
 100 grams pork belly, cut into small cubes
 2 pcs siling haba (finger chili)
 1 large onion, chopped
 3 cloves garlic, minced
 1 Tbsp. ginger, minced
 1 tsp. MSG or granulated seasoning
 salt to taste
How to cook ginataang labong:
1. Soak labong in water for one hour. Drain. Squeeze out the water and set aside.
2. Add a cup of lukewarm water to the grated coconut, squeeze with your hands and
fingers until the coconut milk comes out from the grated coconut.
3. Extract the milk by squeezing the grated coconut on a sieve or cheese cloth and
pour it into a bowl. Set aside.
4. Make a second extraction by pouring 2 cups of water on the grated coconut and
squeeze again and strain the grated coconut using a cheese cloth and squeeze
directly on the pan or pot.
5. Then add ginger, garlic, onion, pork, shrimps, pepper and seasoning.
6. Bring to a boil while stirring gently. After 3 minutes of boiling, add the bamboo
shoots. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
7. Then add the thick coconut cream, simmer until bamboo shoots is done and the
sauce is thick.
8. Add the green finger chili 2 minutes before the cooking is done. You can also
mince the chilies if you want the dish hot and spicy.

Adobong Labong Recipe

 2 to 2 1/2 cups bamboo shoot; cut in 1 to 2 inch length
 1/8 lb pork thinly sliced
 6 pieces shrimps shelled and deveined
 2 teaspoons salt
 1 cup pork or beef broth
 1/4 cup vinegar
 3 tablespoons cooking oil
 1 tablespoon minced garlic
 1 medium onion minced
 Salt and ground black pepper to taste
- Pour cooking oil in a wok then apply heat.
- Sauté garlic and onions
 Add pork then cook for 5 minutes.
 Pour-in pork or beef broth and let boil. Cover and simmer for 10 to15 minutes.
 Add shrimps, bamboo shoots, salt, and ground black pepper. Simmer for 5
 Pour-in vinegar and let boil. Simmer uncovered for 3 to 5 minutes.
 Transfer to a serving plate then serve.
 Share and enjoy!
10 crepe-like spring roll wrappers
200 grams of fresh shredded bamboo shoots
1-1/2 c. of cooked shredded chicken
1 carrot, peeled and cut into matchsticks
1/2 head of garlic, peeled and finely minced
1 onion, peeled and thinly sliced
a bunch of cilantro (coriander leaves), cut into 1-inch
about 3 cups of chicken broth (or water) Commented [A1]:
3 tbsps. of cooking oil
lettuce leaves

For the sauce:

2 c. of water
1 tbsp. of tapioca (or corn) starch
1/8 c. of soy sauce
1/4 c. of brown sugar
2 tbsps. of peanut butter
half a head of garlic, peeled and finely minced

Cooking procedure :

Place the bamboo shoots in a colander and wash under the tap. Drain thoroughly.

Heat the cooking oil in a large shallow pan. Saute the garlic and onion until fragrant. Add the
bamboo shoots and cook, stirring, for about a minute. Pour in the water or broth, bring to a boil
and simmer until the bamboo shoots are tender. How long this take depends on the quality of
the bamboo shoots. The best ones will cook in about 15 minutes; mine took over an hour. Just
keep adding liquid, a cup or so every time, and check the bamboo shoots every 15 minutes or
so. You don’t want them mushy. You want them tender with still a hint of crispness.

When the bamboo shoots are almost done, add the shredded chicken and the carrot. Season
with salt and pepper. Stir well. Cook for another five minutes then add the cilantro. Cook,
stirring, for about 30 seconds then turn off the heat. Leave uncovered to cool. You want the
filling at room temperature before making the lumpia.

While the filling cools, make the sauce. This was the point when I also made my crepe-like
spring roll wrappers.

Disperse the starch in the water. Pour into a small saucepan. Add the garlic, soy sauce and
sugar. Adjust the amount of soy sauce and sugar according to your preference before you turn
on the stove. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until thick and clear. Stir in the peanut butter.
Better yet, mix the peanut butter with a little water first before pouring into the sauce. Cover and
set aside.
Strain the cooled filling before assembling the lumpia. Liquid will get the wrapper soaked and
turn the lumpia soggy.

Lay a piece of lumpia wrapper on a plate. Place a leaf or two of lettuce on one side. Place about
two tablespoonfuls of filling at the center of the wrapper. Hold the edge of the wrapper that is
directly opposite the lettuce and fold inward. Then, fold the left and right edges inward as well,
one overlapping the other.

Pour some sauce over the lumpia before serving or serve the sauce on the side.

Finally, indulge. :)

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