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Unit 1 Name: ______simona

1 Match a sentence (1–7) with a response (a–j). Not all the responses are
used. One example has been given.
1 d Bye! I’m going out now.
2 Shall we go for a drink after work?(i)
3 I’m going to the bar. What would you like to drink?(f)
4 What a beautiful watch! Where did you get it?(j)
5 How long did it take you to find the house?(a)
6 Did I see you with a new boyfriend last night?(e)+c
7 I’m so fed up with all this work!(c)+h

a Not long. Your directions were very clear.

b It’s twenty-five past nine.
c Mind your own business!
d Oh, OK. Have a nice time!
e I’ve been waiting for my boyfriend for ages.
f No, put your money away. It’s my round.
g Oh, me too! I’ll be glad when the exams have finished.
h Never mind! You’ll find a job soon.
i That’s a good idea! I’ll meet you in the pub at half past eight.
j It was a birthday present from my parents.
(1 point for each correct answer)
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, be, or have.
Example Has she found a new job yet?
1 What sort of music __do________ you like?
2 _____does_____ she work in the centre of London?
3 When ___were_______ you born?
4 I ____have______ been waiting for hours.
5 English ____is______ spoken all over the world.
6 We were tired so we ____didn’t______ go out last night.
7 I ___am_______ going on holiday next month.
8 ___has_______ he ever been to China?
9 I saw your brother this morning. Where __was________ he going?
10 We want to buy a car but we ___haven’t_______ saved enough yet.
(1 point for each correct answer) 10
3 Write questions for the answers.
Example What do you do in the evenings?
I watch TV or listen to music.
1 How many brothers and sisters _do_ you_ have ?
I’ve got two brothers and a sister.
2 Where_ does_ he_ work____ ?
He works in a hospital in the centre of town.
3 What _did______ you _do______ last weekend?
We went to the coast.
4 _have______ you __seen_____ Steven Spielberg’s new film?
Yes, I have. I saw it last night.
5 What _is______ Dad __doing _____ ?
He’s working in the garden.
6 Why ____didn’t __you____________ come to my party?
Because I had to revise for my exams.
7 _has___ your sister _born______ her baby yet?
Yes, she has. She had a boy at 5 a.m. yesterday.
8 __do____ your children __have_____ a home computer?
No, they haven’t, but they’ve got a computer at school.
9 Where ___were___you_________ at nine o’clock last night?
I was at home.
10 How long __have_____ you ___been____ learning English?
I’ve been learning English for about two years.
(2 points for each correct answer)
4 Make the statements negative.
Example I enjoy living in a big city.
I don’t enjoy living in a big city.
1 It’s a very good film. _it isn’t a very good film_______________________ .
2 She’s working very hard at the moment..__she isn’t working very hard at the
moment_____________________ .
3 He needs a computer for his job. __He doesn’t need a computer for his
job._________________ .
4 The house is decorated every year. ___the house isn’t decorated every year_______ .
5 We bought presents for everyone. ___we didn’t buy presents for everyone.___________ .
6 They’ve sold their house. __they haven’t sold their house _________________ .
7 She was wearing new clothes. ____she wasn’t wearing new clothes______________ .
8 They’ve been waiting for a long time. ____they haven’t been waiting for a long
time___________ .
9 I’ve got a garden. ___i haven’t got a garden ________________________ .
10 We had an exam last term. ____we didn’t have a exam last term___________________ .
(2 points for each correct answer)
5 Write short answers for the questions.
Example Is he Polish? Yes, he is.
1 Are they coming to the party? No, thet aren’t .
2 Do you like skiing? Yes, I do .
3 Are you married? Yes, I am .
4 Has she been working abroad? No, she hasn’t .
5 Can he speak Russian? No, he can’t__ .
6 Don’t forget to send me a postcard! No, _i won’t .
7 Have you both had a drink? Yes, we have_ .
8 What a beautiful day! Yes, it is _ .
9 Are you going to drive to the airport? No, am not______ .
10 Did he pass his driving test? Yes, he did_______ .
(1 point for each correct answer)
6 Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
Medical Science
Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and happiness of mankind than the advance of medical
knowledge! How many millions of people have benefited from the humble aspirin? How many lives has
penicillin saved? Average life expectancy in Europe has risen dramatically over the last hundred years,
from about 50 years in 1906 to about 75 years today.

Yes – holidays! In fact there have always been holidays – in ancient Rome there were more than 150 a
year – but a
holiday used to mean simply a day when you didn’t work. Now holidaymakers travel to all parts of the
world. Perhaps
you don’t like so many tourists in your country, but you must agree that a phenomenon which sees the
population of Greece treble in summer, and which sends office workers and shop assistants to Spain,
Turkey, or the Caribbean is a wonder of the world.

1 The writer thinks that men have benefited more from medicine than women. __F__
2 People can expect to live about twenty-five years longer today compared with 1906.
3 The writer agrees with people who don’t like tourists in their country. T____
4 There are three times as many people in Greece in summer than in the rest of the
year. _T___
(2 points for each correct answer)
7 Circle the silent letters in the following words.
Example write
1 lamb 5 knee 8 foreign
2 answer 6 bomber 9 know
3 half 7 sign 10 receipt
4 island
(1 point for each correct answer)
8 Circle the word which does not rhyme.
Example boot foot shoot suit
1 steal meal( _male feel_)
2 red read (present)(_ bread bed_)
3(_ now no_) know known
4 would good should food
5( _here haiR( hear ear
6 son some done home
(1 point for each correct answer)
9 Translate these sentences.
1 Where were your parents born? ____Kade se rodeni tvoite
2 She’s got a computer and a fax machine.
_____Taa ima kompjuter I faks masina_________________________________________________
3 She’s an editor. __Taa e izdavac/urednik_________________________________________
4 A Are you going home now?
B No, I’m not.
A ___Si odis li doma sega?_____________________________________
B ___ne_____________________________________
5 A Have you been waiting long?
B No, we haven’t.
A _Dali cekavte dolgo ?_______________________________________
B _ne _______________________________________
(2 points for each correct answer)
Unit 2 Name: _______________________________________
1 Put the sports and activities from the box into the correct column. One
example has been given.
football skiing golf athletics jogging exercises
aerobics volleyball fishing
play go do
football skiing___ exercises__________
volleyball jogging_____ atletichs__________
_golf_________ ______ fishing __________aerobics
(1 point for each correct answer)
2 How do you say these numbers aloud? Circle the correct form (a or b).
Example 13 a thirteen b thirty
1 597 (a) five hundred and ninety-seven
b five hundred ninety-seven
2 £29.99 a twenty-nine pounds and ninety-nine
(b) twenty-nine pounds ninety-nine
3 80p a eighty pence
(b) eighty ps
4 $600 (a) six hundred dollars
b six hundred dollar
5 3/4 (a) three fours
b three quarters
6 1996 a nineteen hundred and ninety-six
(year) (b) nineteen ninety-six
7 15% (a) fifteen per cent
b fifteen percentage
8 0181 ( a) zero one eight one
(phone code) b oh one eight one
(1 point for each correct answer)
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple or the
Present Continuous.
Example We don’t watch TV very often. (not watch)
1 How do you make this soup? It is tasting_____ wonderful. (taste)
2 Anna can’t come to the phone because she is washing___
____ her hair. (wash)
3 We usually ___go___________ abroad in summer. (go)
4 _Are___ you _studing______ for your exams at the moment? (study)
5 Can you be quiet, please? I _am listening____ to the radio. (listen)
6 He is getting married_____ next month. (get married)
7 I’m very tired. I _am not sleeping______ very well at the moment. (not sleep)
8 They ___meet___________ for lunch once a month. (meet)
9 John! Answer the door, please! I _am prepearing_____________ dinner. (prepare)
10 It ___rains__________ a lot in this area in winter. (rain)
(2 points for each correct answer)
4 Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence.
Example I’m not liking/ I (don’t like)tennis very much.
1 (We have)/We’re having a house near the beach.
2 (Do you know)/Are you knowing what’s happening?
3 I used to love basketball but I think (I’m preferring)/ I prefer volleyball now.
4 I (don’t enjoy)/I’m not enjoying cooking very much.
5 They paid for the car so it (is belonging/) belongs to them now.
6 He’s thinking/(He thinks) that school is boring.
7( Do you see)/Are you seeing my problem?
8 She thinks/(She’s thinking) of going to university.
9 I’m feeling tired so I think I’m deserving/(I deserve) a holiday.
10 Those clothes are looking/(look )great on you!
(1 point for each correct answer)
5 Make the sentences passive.
Example They’re cleaning the cathedral.
The cathedral is being cleaned.
1 They export wine from France and Germany.
__The wine from France and Gremany is exported by them______________ .
2 They collect the rubbish once a week.
__The rubbish is collected once a week by
them___________________________________________ .
3 They’re counting the money at the moment.
__The money are being counted at the moment by
them__________________________________________ .
4 They’re designing some new houses.
__New house is being designed by
them______________________________________________________ .
5 They pay the bills by cheaq
The bills are payed by cheaq_________________________________________________ .
6 They’re checking the details now.
The details are being checked now by
them_______________________________________________ .
7 They grow oranges in the south of Spain.
The oranges are growed in the south of spain by them__________________________________
8 They employ a lot of people in marketing.
A lot of people are employed in marketing by them ____________________________ .
9 They’re developing new computer software.
__New computer software is being developed by
them_______________________________________ .
10 They’re building a new swimming pool in my town.
__A new swimming pool in my town is being builded by them
_____________________________ .
(2 points for each correct answer)
6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box, Present
Simple or Present Simple passive. Not all the verbs are used. One example
has been given.
be stay import wake up not invite take spend deliver make
come read not get up

My idea of perfect happiness is being alone on a Sunday morning. I usually (1)_wake

up_____ at about seven o’clock – that’s when my copy of The Sunday Times (2)_is
delivered__ . I (3)__dont get up___ immediately, because I love staying in bed when I
don’t have to go to work. After an hour, I have my favourite breakfast – coffee,
croissants, and jam. The jam (4)_is imported__from France and the croissants (5)__are
made________ at the local bakery. I (6)__spend_____ a couple of hours reading the
newspaper and then I finally get dressed at about ten o’clock. My friends phone or
(7)___come_______ to the house after midday. I love talking to them or seeing them on
Sunday afternoons but they know that people (8)_aren’t invited_ to share my Sunday
(2 points for each correct answer)
7 Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
Sister Wendy Beckett has been a nun for nearly 50 years, since she was 16. Most of the time she lives
in solitary confinement in a caravan in the grounds of a Carmelite monastery in Norfolk, often not
speaking to anyone for 2220
hours a day. But every few months she leaves her caravan and travels round Europe, staying in
international hotels
and eating in famous restaurants. Why is she leading this double life? How does a nun who has
devoted her life to solitude and prayer become a visitor at the Ritz?
Sister Wendy has a remarkable other life. She writes and presents an arts programme for BBC
television called ‘Sister Wendy’s Grand Tour’. In it, she visits European art capitals and gives her
personal opinions on some of the world’s most famous works of art. She begins each programme with
these words: ‘For over 20 years I lived in solitude. Now I’m seeing Europe for the first time. I’m visiting
the world’s most famous art treasures.’
1 Sister Wendy became a nun when she was 16. _T___
2 She is alone for two hours a day. _F___
3 Her life changes completely every few months. _F___
4 She is going on a grand tour of all European capitals. _T___
(2 points for each correct answer)
8 Translate these sentences.
1 We usually do aerobics on Wednesdays.
-nie voobicaeno odime na aerobic vo sredite.
2 A What are you doing?
B I’m tidying my bedroom.
A __sto pravis?______________________________________
B __si ja sreduvam sobata.______________________________________
3 A What do you think of modern art?
B I don’t really understand it.
A _sto mislis za modernata umetnost?______________________________________
B _ne ja razbiram_______________________________________
4 Lunch is provided every day. _____rucekot e obezbeden za sekoj den__________
5 My house is being decorated at the moment.
______mojata kukja se dekorira vo momentov_____________________________________
(2 points for each correct answer)
Unit 3 Name: _______________________________________
1 Match a definition (1–7) with a noun (a–j). Not all the nouns are used. One
example has been given.
1 c a section of a novel
2 a person who writes music-i
3 a small instrument with strings-j
4 a book about a person’s life-h
5 a work of literature for the theatre-a
6 a picture of a person-g
7 a thin board where an artist mixes paints-d

a play f painter
b poem g portrait
c chapter h biography
d palette i composer
e banjo j bugle
(1 point for each correct answer)
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Not
all the verbs are used. One
example has been given.
play read sing conduct compose write
hum dance draw paint
Example My sister is a very good guitarist. She plays in a band.
1 My Dad always waves his arms in the air when he listens to classical music. He thinks
he _conducts_________ the orchestra.
2 I don’t really like working with paints. I much prefer _drawing_________ .
3 My mother __wrote________ hundreds of poems this year but none of them have been
4 I wish you would learn the words to songs instead of _humming_________ the tune all
the time!
5 The colours in this portrait are wonderful. __did_____ you _paint______ it yourself ?
6 I never _read___ fiction. I’m much more interested in real people.
(1 point for each correct answer) 6
3 Match a question (1–7) with a response (a–j). Not all the responses are used.
One example has been given.
1 b Did you like her last novel?
2 What did you think of the concert?- f
3 What do you think of Oasis’s new CD?-d
4 What was your trip to London like?-h
5 Do you like David Hockney’s paintings?-a
6 What was the film like?-i
7 Did you enjoy your lunch?-e

a I love his use of colour in the early ones but I think the recent ones are quite
b Yes, I loved it. I read it from cover to cover.
c Yes, I like the art galleries in London.
d It’s OK, but some of the songs are a bit boring.
e Yes, it was wonderful! How did you make the sauce?
f I enjoyed it, but I thought the orchestra played better in the second half.
g No, not really. I don’t think he’s a very good musician.
h Oh, awful! It was so hot and everywhere was so busy.
i It was a bit slow at the beginning but the acting was very good.
j No, I only listen to classical music.
(1 point for each correct answer)
4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple or the
Past Continuous.
Example While I was listening (listen) to the radio, the telephone rang (ring).
1 He broke___ (break) his leg when he __was skiing ________ (ski) in the Alps.
2 We __saw________ (see) an accident while we __were waiting______ (wait) for the bus.
3 While she _was preparing ___ (prepare) lunch, she _cut_____ (cut) herself.
4 Which countries ____did__ they ___visit ____ (visit) when they _were travelinng_________
(travel) round the world?
5 ___were____ you __working_____ (work) in the garden when I __came________ (come) to
the house?
6 They _were living _________ (live) in Canada when they __met________ (meet) each
(4 points for each correct answer) 24
6 Make the sentences passive.
Example They built the bridge in 1926.
The bridge was built in 1926.
1 They stole my car when I was away on holiday.
_My car was stolen by them when I was away on
holiday_____________________________________ .
2 They were repairing the road when the accident happen_______________ __The accident
happened while they were repairing the road______________________________________ . 12
3 I didn’t receive the invitation because they had sent it to the wrong address.
_________________________________ .
4 They had sold all the tickets by the time we got to the stadium.
___The tickets had been sold by the time we got to the stadium____.
5 They interviewed the musician immediately after the concert.
__The musician was interviewed immediately after the concert.
6 We couldn’t go to our favourite restaurant because they were decorating it.
____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7 They sold the painting to an art gallery in New York.
____The painting was sold to an art gallery in New York_
8 I couldn’t recognize my home town because they had knocked down so many of the
old buildings.
____________________________________________________________________________________ .
(2 points for each correct answer)
7 Put the verbs from the box into the correct column according to the
pronunciation of -ed.
opened wanted cooked washed invited
worked started listened decided
/d/ /t/ / Id/
Opened –––––––––– ––––––––––
–––––––––– –––––––––– ––––––––––
–––––––––– –––––––––– ––––––––––
–––––––––– ––––––––––
(1 point for each correct answer) 10
8 Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
Agatha Mary Clarissa
Christie is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several
plays. Her sales outnumber those of William Shakespeare. However, behind her 4,680,000 words was a
painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy. She was born in 1890 in Devon, the
third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with waist-length
golden hair. She didn’t go to school but was educated at home by her mother. Her father died when
she was 11 and both she and her mother were grief-stricken. During World War 1, while she was
working in a hospital dispensary, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved to be very
useful to her in her later career. She wrote her first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in
1920. In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in many subsequent
novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple.
1 Agatha Christie wrote a total of 4,680,000 words in 79 novels and several plays. _T___
2 Agatha Christie’s writing sells better than William Shakespeare’s. _T___
3 Agatha Christie was unhappy because she was often in pain. _F___
4 Agatha Christie didn’t have any brothers or sisters. _F___
5 Agatha Christie had long, blonde hair. _T___
6 Agatha Christie was taught by her mother at home. _T___
7 Agatha Christie’s father died in 1911. _F___
8 Agatha Christie learnt about poisons and chemicals when she was ill in hospital. _F___
9 Agatha Christie wrote her first detective novel when she 30. T____
10 Agatha Christie used the character of Hercule Poirot as the main detective more
often than Miss Marple. _F___
(1 point for each correct answer)
9 Translate these sentences.
1 When I was a teenager, I wrote poems.
Koga bev tinejdzer, pisuvav poemi____________________
2 She was playing the piano while he was painting a picture.
_Taa svirese na piano dodeka toj crtase slika____________________________________
3 They were listening to the orchestra when the pianist became ill.
_Tie go slusaa orkestarot koga pianisot se razbole.___________________________________
4 My sister bought me a novel but I had already read it.
_Mojta sestra mi kupi roman no seuste go nemam procitano__________________________
5 The last chapter of the book was written by a different author.
__Poslednata glava od knigata bese pisuvana od drug avtor.___________________________
(2 points for each correct answer)

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