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Portfolio Entries (Educ 1B, 2A, 2B)

Title Page / Cover Page
Personal Teaching Philosophy
Career Plan
Statement of Purpose/s of the Portfolio
MU Vision, Mission & Objectives
Institutional Learning Outcomes
College Vision, Mission & Objectives
Program Educational Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes

Educ 1 B
Reflection of the 3 movies
Sketch Ideal Physical Classroom Environment
Simulation pictures with reflection
True-false test type
Multiple choice test type
Graphic organizer (LCCPP)
Theories application test
Other entries in Educ 1B
Reflection in Educ 1B

Educ 2A & 2B

Lesson Plans
Rating Scale for Lesson Plan

Rating Scale for Lesson Plan

Presentation Model
Rating Scale for Lesson Plan

Sample Daily Lesson Log


Instructional Materials for Teaching

-Rating Scale for IM’s

Demonstration Teaching
- Student Teacher Teaching Competencies Rating Scale
-Classroom Observation Form and Rating Sheet
- Rating Scale for Instructional Materials
- Pictures
-Corrected test paper
-Reflection /insight

Critiquing Forms with signature

Assigned Topics (by area or field)

Printed handouts
Test Papers with ratings*
Sample students’ corrected papers
Printed class record with scores

Other entries in Educ 2A

Other entries in Educ 2B

Reflection in Educ 2A & 2B

Hiring Guidelines*
Code of Ethics for Teachers*
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers*
Different School Forms (10)*
Sample Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae
Career Plan
Behavioral Event Interview(ppt)

Personal Reflection on the Portfolio

Portfolio Assessment Rubric (3 copies)

Misamis University
Ozamiz City
College of Education



Portfolio in Educ 1B, 2A, & 2B

(Facilitating Learning,
Principles of Teaching 1 &2)

Genelyn R. Baluyos
Student Teacher

1st Semester
S.Y. 2018-2019
Prayer Prayer Prayer
Portfolio Assessment Rubric


Evaluator: ________ Self ________ Peer ________ Mentor

Directions: Tick (/) the box below the score that best describes the indicator. The legend below
gives the description of each score.

4 - Outstanding
3 - Very Satisfactory
2 - Fair
1 - Needs Improvement

Criteria 4 3 2 1

A. Visual Appeal

1. Cover

2. Neatness
B. Organization

1. Order of Entries

2. Coding technique

3. Readability of Entries

4. Correctness of form (e.g. grammar)

C. Content

1. Statement of purpose

2. Completeness of entries

D. Reflections

1. Depth of understanding

2. Application of ideas

Signature above Printed Name
Guide Rubric for Application Letter

Exemplary Score
Criteria 3 2 1
Letter appears
The letter is The letter is eye- Letter is
busy or boring.
creatively catching and unattractive or
Text may be
designed with attractive. Text is inappropriate. Text
difficult to read.
easily read text. easy to read. is difficult to read.
Layout/ Design May have some
Grammar, style, Grammar, style, It does not have
grammar and or
and purpose all and punctuation is proper grammar
punctuation that
excellent for a indicative of a or punctuation for
indicates it is a
business letter. business letter. a business letter.
business letter.
Contains an Contains an Contains an
introduction, introduction, introduction, Contains an
information information information introduction, but
regarding how regarding how regarding how no information
Ideas and Content the writer the writer the writer regarding how the
became aware of became aware of became aware of writer became
the position, the position, the position, but aware of the
contact contact no contact position, contact
information and information but information and information and
supporting no supporting supporting supporting details.
details. details. details.
Information is
accurate and Information is Some information Information is
Information, style, complete, is well written and is provided, but is poorly written,
audience, tone creatively written, interesting to limited or inaccurate, or
and is cleverly read. inaccurate. incomplete.
Most business
Letter is complete Some business
letter elements Improper form is
Accurate Parts with all required letter elements
out of place or used.
elements. may be missing.
Style, purpose,
audience, Information
Excellent job on grammar, and mislabled or
Grammar, punctuation, and
presentation, punctuation all missing.
Punctuation, and choice of words
style, grammar, fair and indicative Inaccurate
choice of words poor for a business
and punctuation. of a business punctuation or
letter. grammar.

Total Score

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