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‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬

‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬

Egyptian Maintenance Co.

(HSE Plan)

Tank maintenance

Petrogulf / Gebal Elzeit - Red Sea Area

Prepared Reviewed
Rev. Pages Description By By
Approved By

HSE Plan for

Ch. Ahmed
01 36 Petrogulf Osama
‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

1. Introduction
1.1. Scope of work
1.2. Definitions
1.3. Project HSE Objectives
2. Leadership and Commitment
3. EMC Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Policy
4. EMC Smoking Regulations
5. EMC, HSE Expectations – Summary
6. HSE Organization, Roles, Responsibilities and Resources
7. HSE Program and Management system
8. Health Care Management System
9. EMC HSE Management System & Procedure:
9.1. Hazards Identification & Risk Assessment
9.2. Applicable Laws, Codes and Standards
9.3. HSE Communications &Participation
9.4. Operational Control
9.5. Emergency Preparedness and Response
9.6. Performance Monitoring, Measurement &Evaluation of Compliance
9.7. Incidents Investigation, Analysis &Reporting
9.8. Permit To Work System
9.9. Personal Protective Equipment [PPE]
9.10. Tools, Equipment, Scaffolding &Ladders
9.11. Waste Management
9.12. Chemical Handling and Storage of substances Hazardous to Health(MSDS)
9.13. Protection from Electrical Power Tools Hazards
9.14. HSE Auditing and Inspections

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‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

9.15. Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Actions

9.16. HSE Meetings
9.17. HSE Training & Awareness Program
9.18. Document Control
9.19. Control of Records
9.20. Management Review
10. Land Transportation HSE Management System
10.1. Drivers Selection &Training
10.2. Vehicles Specifications & Inspections
10.3. Driving At Night
10.4. EMC, Driving Permit
10.5. Vehicles Inspection
10.6. Responsibilities

11. Key persons

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

EMC commitment to provide healthy and safe working conditions that do not negatively impact
the environment encompasses its employees, contractors, sub-contractors, and supplier's
behaviors, all of which are keys to its business performance and reputation. EMC has established a
comprehensive HSE management system, a consistent land transportation HSE management
system, a well controlled health care system and a well organized environmental protection
program which focuses on the delivery of excellent health, safety and environmental performance
during the planning, execution and operation of the projects.

EMC achieved the BS EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS18001:2007 certification. When your
project awarded to EMC, Client's HSE management system, manuals and regulations will be
collected and a comprehensive training program about them will be prepared, this will be done
on a suitable time before mobilization in order to bring the project manpower adequately
familiarized with the client HSE Management system.
This preliminary HSE Plan brings together the procedures for establishing, maintaining and
achieving the highest standard of health, safety and environmental conservation during the
different phases of the project. The objective is to ensure that adequate precautions are taken to
avoid accidents, occupational illness and harmful effects on the environment during project
activities as well as to assure that satisfactory emergency planning is done and adequate means
are taken to secure contract objectives.
Project management commitment to Health and safety is crucial to a successful implementation of
job without any incidents occurrence especially in providing the required recourses. the project
management has to ensure that all its personnel adhere to these requirements and continuously
strive to meet the highest HSE standards,
All project employees also required to be committed to the implementations of all HSE
precautions & instructions stated in this plan and other EMC & Client HSE regulations.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.


Maintenance of buffer tank project by implementing the following steps:
The ptoject include one working areas:

 Replacment of annular plate and first coaurse.

 Rconnecting of the piping system.
 Sandblasting and painting for whole tank.
 Insulation work for the tank.

 Accident: Defined as an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality.
 Environment: Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land,
natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation.
 Environmental Aspect: Element of an organization's activities, products or services that
can interact with the environment.
 Environmental Impact: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial,
wholly or partially resulting from an organization's environmental aspects.
 Environmental Objective: Overall environmental goal, arising from the Environmental
policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve.
 Environmental Target: Detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable,
applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental
objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives.
 Environmental Pollution: Any change in environmental properties, which may result
directly or indirectly in harming living organisms or facilities or may affecting the ability of
people to exercise their normal life.
 EEAA: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
 Environmental Protection: Protecting and promoting the components of the environment
and preventing or reducing their degradation or pollution. These components encompass
air, seas, internal waters, including the river Nile, lakes and subterranean water, land,
natural protectorates, and other natural resources.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 Fatality: Deaths resulting from a work Injury, regardless of the time intervening between
injury and death
 First Aid Case: Injuries that are light in nature and requiring only first-aid attention that
administered by first aider, colleague or injured person themselves.
 ill health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made
worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation
 Incident: Work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or
fatality occurred, or could have occurred.
 Interested party: Person(s) or group, inside or outside the workplace, concerned with or
affected by the HSE performance of an organization.
 Lost Time Incident (LTI): An accident that results in an injury that prevents the injured
person from returning to work on their next scheduled work shift during the actual working
hours or overtime hours while the injured is performing his designated activities.
Note: In case of a Fatality no Lost Time Incident is recorded
 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS): Material Safety Data Sheets are documents, which
describe the characteristics and properties of a substance.
 Near-miss: An incident where no injury, ill health or fatality occurs and it is also referred to
as a “near-hit”, “close call” or “dangerous occurrence”.
 Non-Conformance: Any deviation from relevant work standard, practices procedure,
regulation, legal requirement, HSE Management system requirements, etc. that could
either directly or indirectly lead to injury or illness, property damage, damage to the work
place environment, or a combination of these.
 Risk: Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s)
and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s).
 Risk assessment: Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into
account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is
 Wastes: It is defined as any substance which constitutes scrap material or an effluent or
other unwanted surplus substance arising from the application of any process and; any
substance or article which requires to be disposed of as being broken, worn out,
contaminated or otherwise spoiled. Three main types of waste can be distinguished:
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‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

domestic waste (office and buffets waste); hazardous waste; and industrial waste (waste,
generated during industrial activity, which is neither domestic nor hazardous).


EMC is dedicated to the concept that all accidents are preventable. Accordingly EMC is committed
to achieving and sustaining the "Zero Accident" goal through continuous improvement practices.

The following main project objectives have been defined:

 Set up a project HSE Plan compatible with client HSE regulations and applicable
 Strictly adhere to the client HSE management procedures, regulations and instructions.
 Communicate plan requirements to all personnel and disseminate information by training
and empowering employees.
 Ensure full compliance with HSE management system and instructions by a thorough
monitoring, inspections & audits.
 Establish and utilize a structured HSE communication/ reporting system.
 Regularly review and update HSE plans in line with new findings/measurements &
 Ensure that proper medical resources are available to all employees.
 Maintain appropriate health surveillance and reporting systems.
 Ensure that HSE training are conducted and documented.
 Actively encourage incidents reporting and ensure adequate follow up to document
"Lessons Learned" and enhance the plan.
 Address land transportation safety as a top priority including drivers training and testing
besides vehicle inspections & journey management.
 Increase HSE awareness among all employees.
 Inspection/spot checking of facilities to verify compliance with all HSE requirements.


Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

EMC Policy is aim to protecting the safety and health of its personnel, minimizing the risks to
public from its operation and protecting the natural environment through mitigating and
controlling the hazards and risks associated to workplaces and protecting the environment from
EMC will do its best to ensure that all EMC personnel are understanding and strictly adhering to all
client policies and regulations of Health, Safety and the Environment. Also the importance of HSE
will be illustrated within all EMC personnel's.


HSE performance is essential to the success of our business, and everyone who works for the
Client is responsible for getting HSE right.
EMC will:
 Manage business with management leadership and employees commitment to health,
safety, and environmental protection.
 Comply with all applicable HSE legislations, regulations and the client requirements &
 Ensure that the owner HSE policy is available to all employees and contractor employees at
the work site in their working language.
 Maintain a commitment to continually improve the environmental performance in the
operations by preventing incidents and pollution and by using energy efficiently.
 Display openness in decisions which impact safe and environmentally responsible
operations and maintain safety as a high priority, equal to production.
 Consult, listen and respond openly to customers, employees, neighbors, and other
 Work with our partners, suppliers, competitors and regulators to improve the standards of
the industry.
 Utilize an effective HSE management system, and annually review HSE objectives and
targets to continually improve our performance.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 Ensure that the HSE Plan is disseminated and understood by all staff & Subcontractor's
employees. This shall be achieved by training and education and other communications
means, such as meetings, toolbox meetings, circulars, posters, campaigns, etc.
 Monitor of performance will be done via inspections and audits. The measurements and
reports from the monitoring activities will be used to measure variations, identify trends &
modify systems to enhance achieving EMC‟s target of zero accident rate on the project.
 Provide the appropriate resources to fulfill this policy.


It has been established that passive smoking presents a serious health risk. Some areas will be
designated as non-smoking due to safety and occupational hygiene requirements. Signs will be
installed in all indoor areas where smoking is not allowed. Smoking in operating plants is not
EMC, has developed its own smoking regulations policy, which implemented at EMC, own sites.
For sites at which EMC is a subcontractor the CLIENT smoking regulations are applied and this is
instructed at the conducted training sessions for all EMC staff.


 EMC shall manage all HSE aspects and risks of the project they are providing.
 EMC shall review the CLIENT HSE Rules, abide by them, and shall ensure the adherence of
all their personnel and subcontractors.
 EMC shall ensure that all subcontractors understand and operate in accordance with the
principles and requirements of its HSE plan.
 EMC will provide assurance of the health and well being of all personnel including
 EMC is responsible for the identification, evaluation and, mitigation of all potential hazards
associated with services being provided.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 EMC shall ensure that good quality Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) are supplied to
and used by all personnel including sub-contractors and maintain adequate stock for
replacement purposes.
 EMC shall ensure that all equipment operators have been trained and certified to operate
the equipment, such as cranes, forklifts, and other earth work machinery.
 Chemicals and any Hazardous materials used by EMC will be supplied with Materials Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS).
 EMC shall ensure that all lifting equipment, mobile and fixed, as well as loose lifting gears is
Third Party certified, and adequately tested prior to delivery to site, and a color coding
system is in place for identification, tracking & maintenance of them.
 All routine and non-routine activities / jobs performed by EMC on the client premises will
be secured by permit to work issued by the CLIENT prior to the commencement of the job.
 Certified scaffolding and proper protection equipment will be used by EMC or
subcontractor when working at 2 m or more above grade level.
 EMC shall prepare an appropriate waste management plan to ensure pollution prevention,
monitoring and reporting.
 EMC shall develop an emergency response plan to be interfaced with the client emergency
response plan.
 If a minor or major incident occurs, it is EMC‟s responsibility to stop the job and
immediately notify the CLIENT Representative & HSE dept. on site.
 EMC shall be responsible for daily, weekly and monthly reporting of HSE related
information and data, as agreed upon by the CLIENT.
 EMC shall undergo periodical internal and external auditing and inspection to demonstrate
adherence to all CLIENT HSE expectations.
 Sub-Contractors HSE performance will be monitored and measured, against agreed targets.
Companies displaying poor HSE performance may be subject to termination, and
subcontractors exhibiting HSE leadership and superior HSE performance will be rewarded
through an HSE incentive bonus program.


Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 EMC top management has the ultimate responsibility for HSE; they are responsible to
ensure that the Company HSE Management system is effectively implemented, monitored
and managed.
 Authorities and job responsibilities are defined in the approved job descriptions, which are
maintained and controlled by the HR divisions of EMC departments, and within each
department for its specified jobs in accordance with EMC procedure No. 2101
 EMC‟s HSE Organization, incorporating detailed organization charts, will be clearly defined
within the project detailed HSE Plan and shall be sufficient to meet the requirements of the
contract. This proposed organization shall be subject to CLIENT review prior to the
commencement of activity.
 All the company's procedures identify the communication between various levels and
function of the company “internally”, the HSE representative is responsible for receiving,
documenting and responding to relevant communication of HSE from external interested
 The details of EMC organization & those personnel designated by EMC‟s management as
responsible for the maintenance of the HSE Management System are present in EMC HSE
Management Manual.
 EMC have a competence system in place which is applicable to all EMC personnel.
 In this system the employees must pass through a committee consisted of Human
Resources dept. and the concerned Operational department representatives for technical
and general evaluation process.
 Employees‟ selection & HSE performance evaluation is performed frequently according to
the company procedure for recruitment and end of service procedure for direct hired staff.
 All personnel whether working directly or indirectly in the execution of the project work
scope within the contract, shall be responsible for HSE in their relevant spheres of activities
and expertise. Depending on the contract every operation and part of an operation will
have an accountable supervisor.
 All Managers and supervisors are responsible to ensure that all subordinates are aware of
their HSE responsibilities and all practicable steps are taken to prevent accidents and for
maintaining healthy and safe places of work.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 The Project Manager has to properly manage and monitor the project HSE program. He
have to ensure that the discipline managers are supported by the HSE staff who play a vital
role as specialist advisors, but who are not directly responsible, nor accountable, for
implantations of the activities running by the other disciplines.
 The Project Manager is responsible to ensure that the CLIENT HSE instructions and
procedures are known by all work site employees and are completely adhered to. He is
responsible to ensure that the client emergency plan is well known to the project
manpower and they are aware on proper responding during emergency conditions.

6.1. HSE Department Functions:

The basic function of the HSE Dept. is to provide the EMC with high quality safety, occupational
health and environmental protection services, within a continuously developed HSE plan based on
quiet adherence to the National HSE related legislations, EN ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS
18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 and the international recognized HSE standards.

The EMC, HSE Department is responsible to design, practice and monitor the implementation of a
comprehensive HSE plan, which encompass the following HSE targets and duties.
i. To meet defined measurable HSE goals;
ii. To get all levels of line management accountable for the HSE polices, plan and for
development of the teamwork attitudes;
iii. To monitor subcontractors in a way to apply same or similar to the EMC, HSE practices;
iv. To undertake appropriate evaluations to measure and improve the HSE performance all
over the company work locations;
v. To prepare and conduct appropriate HSE training plans to cover all the EMC manpower
and subcontractors. This plan is based on the outputs of the deficiencies identified by the
HSE statistical reports, the safety inspections and audit reports;
vi. To maintain good liaison and communications with the internal and external bodies
concerned with HSE for benefiting from their experience;

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

vii. To upgrade and retain emergency procedures at all the company work locations and
projects and to carry out emergency exercises for enhancing the proper emergency
control practices of the EMC and subcontractor employees;
viii. To audit and review application of the EMC HSE programs at all the company activities and
monitor implementation of the audit corrective action plans;
ix. To minimize all risks to a level, which is "As Low As Reasonably Practicable" (ALARP), at all
the company work locations and activities;
x. To report all work incidents and proactively set up accident preventive measures.
xi. To control all chemical, physical, biological and mechanical factors which contribute to
health risks at all EMC projects and work sites;
xii. To devote all efforts to protect the health of all the company and its subcontractor
xiii. To establish procedures and provide training in a way to minimize risks and hazards to
workers, property and the community at large;
xiv. The above-mentioned functions and plans of the HSE department will be coordinated and
liaised with all the concerned EMC departments and areas; and
xv. The EMC departments are responsible for securing their work sites and their jobs in
consultation with the concerned HSE specialists.


EMC has developed HSE Management Manual define and communicate the company's HSE policy
and objectives for the purpose of effective implementation of the HSE Management System that
primarily designed to help in achieving total safety of personnel and company assets.
EMC has developed HSE operational Manual which provides the required HSE precaution to
execute the company activities and services safely in accordance with the applicable legislation.
EMC has established HSE program to:
i. Provide a safe work environment for all the company activities and projects.
ii. Satisfying and complying with the Egyptian national HSE related legislations, the
HSE international standards and the client HSE regulations and procedures.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

iii. Provide our projects with high quality HSE programs and high quality
construction and maintenance services


8.1. Medical and Drug Check:

EMC provides medical examination by an EGPC approved hospital for all new workers prior to
employment to assure their fitness. Based on the examination results, the employee will be
assigned for the job which meets their capabilities.
All of EMC workers and drivers are subjected to random alcohols & drug tests to ensure that they
are drug and alcohols free.
EMC provide the health care for its personnel at specialized hospitals in different locations of

At each work location adequate number of well trained & qualified employees will provide first aid
if there is an emergency case.
First aid kites will be provided at each work site. The contents of the first aid kites will be checked
& recorded on monthly basis.
The HSE Officer will be trained during the mobilization period to handle first aid cases especially
the ones related to the health hazard tasks identified in EMC HSE Manual.


Egyptian Maintenance Company [EMC] has a comprehensive QHSE Management System, a

consistent Land Transportation HSE Management System, a well controlled Health Care System
and a well organized Environmental Protection program which conforms to the applicable
Egyptian legislations and BS EN ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007, BS ISO 9001:2008 and
aligned with OGP/industry guidelines. Furthermore, EMC is abided with OSHA, API, NFPA &
NEBOSH standards, codes and regulations during executing its projects.

Tank maintenance -Petrogulf

‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

The EMC QHSE Management system is cover all work activities and services implemented by EMC
which include Maintenance, Overhauling ,Fabrication and Construction activities for Oil, Gas,
Petrochemical and other Industrial Enterprise.

EMC has achieved BS EN ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and BS ISO 9001:2008
certification which is valid (Copy is attached)

The EMC HSE Management system is consists of the following main items

 Leadership and commitment

 Policy and strategic objectives
 Organization, Resources and documentation
 Evaluation and Risk Management
 Planning
 Implementation and Monitoring
 Audit and Review
The EMC higher management is committed to run a comprehensive HSE & Loss Control program
which aim to protect the safety and health of its personnel, obtain customer satisfaction, execute
the work with high quality in accordance with industry standards, minimize the risks to public from
its operation and protect the natural environment through mitigating and controlling the hazards
and risks associated to workplaces and protecting the environment from pollution.

9.1. Hazards Identification & Risk Assessment:

 EMC have procedure for ongoing identification, risk assessment and determination of
controls of occupational health, safety &environmental hazards /aspects within EMC
 This procedure is applicable for all activities and services that are under the control or
influence of EMC, it shall applicable at each relevant level &function.
 Hazard Identification and Control are key components in maintaining a safe and healthy
workplace. Health hazards, occupational factors or illnesses, arising in and from the
Tank maintenance -Petrogulf
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‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

workplace, which may cause impaired health and well being, sickness, or significant
discomfort and inefficiency must be identified, monitored, and controlled.

9.2. Applicable Laws, Codes and standards:

EMC is abided with all legislations and other requirements which applicable to the company
activities and services, directly attribute to the environmental aspects, hazard effect & risk
assessment of its activities and services. These include but not limited to the following:
1. Egyptian legislation which include:
 Egyptian Labor Law No.12:2003, its related ministerial decrees and updates.
 Egyptian Environmental Law No. 4: 1994, its related ministerial decrees and amendments.
 Egyptian Traffic law no. 66/1973 which updated by law no.155/1999 & law no. 121:2008,
its related ministerial decrees and amendments.
2. International Standard BS OHSAS 18001: 2007
3. International Standard BS EN ISO 14001:2004
4. International Standard ISO 9001:2008
5. Client policies, procedures and expectations
6. EMC policies, procedures and expectations
7. Good industry practice
EMC shall undertake to identify, comply and implement in a timely manner, all changes in
legislation and regulations that pertain to HSE that may adversely or positively improve the
continuing working conditions of its employees.

9.3. HSE Communications & Participation

In addition to HSE awareness sessions which used for transmitting the HSE rules and regulations to
the employees, there are additional methods of internal communication which routinely used to
disseminate HSE information. These methods include - but not limited to- the following:
 HSE Meetings;
 Posters and notice board announcements site notices which placed at strategic locations of
the site;
Tank maintenance -Petrogulf
‫شـــــــركـة مصــــــر للصيانــــــــــــة‬
‫إحدى شركات قطاع البترول‬
Egyptian Maintenance Co.

 Issued work instructions and regulations;

 HSE Campaigns;
 Internal and external networks
 HSE support visits and surveys; and
 HSE internal audits.
Each work locations have Employees‟ Representative who receives and collect the HSE inquiries
and complaints from site employees and transfer it to the management and forward the HSE
information from the management to site employees.
The suitable way for interfaces and communication with the clients is determined by EMC
procedure titled “Communication, Participation and Consultation”

9.4. Operational Controls:

 EMC has a procedure for identifying operations and activities which have significant impact
on the environment and worker safety and health where control measures need to be
 Work instructions and aspect / risk management are prepared by relevant discipline
manager to ensure safe implementation and control the associated hazards of these
operations and activities. The precautions to avoid the impact on the environment and
avoid hazards to work safety and health should be addressed.
 All operations and activities are done under the suitable HSE precautions stated in aspect/
risk assessment and control, HSE operational manual section 3 & section 4and relevant
work instruction and in case of deviation occurred a corrective action will be taken.

9.5. Emergency Preparedness and Response:

 EMC established a system for identifying potential of, and respond to accidents, incidents
and emergency cases for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts and the
likely illness and injuries which may associate with them.

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 EMC shall ensure that the project emergency plan is compatible with the owner's
emergency procedure. Periodical emergency drills to be carried out in coordination with
Owner HSE department. The secret of successful emergency planning is simplicity and
clarity. Emergencies obey no laws.
 There are only three basic rules for effective emergency response:
1. Personnel will report to designated assembly points when they hear the alarm or when
instructed to go to assembly points.
2. Key personnel will perform specified kick-off tasks before going into action. Key
personnel include Emergency main controller, Emergency Commander, Emergency
control services & teams, control centre.
3. Adequately trained emergency control teams as designated by the emergency plan of
each site.
 Adequate first aid and fire fighting training to be arranged for 10 % of EMC employees
 EMC will have on Site suitable equipment to respond to a fire on the EMC work locations
or at the EMC residential area.

9.6. Performance Monitoring, Measurement &Evaluation of Compliance

 EMC has developed a procedure for Performance Measurement, Monitoring and

Evaluation of Compliance which is aim to:
1. Monitor and Measure of the project(s) HSE Performance on a regular basis;
2. Periodical evaluate the compliance of the HSE performance with relevant HSE
legislations and regulations.
3. Monitor the extent to which the company HSE objectives are met.
4. Monitor the effectiveness of controls for health and environment as well as safety.
5. setting a system for company departments to report for occupational health and
safety performance using statistical method
 This procedure is applicable for all EMC operation, activities and services which have
significant impact of HSE performance.
 As a minimum the following data will be provided to the client on monthly basis on the end
of or as arranged with the client:
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1. Number of worked hours;

2. HSE management activities (HSE meetings ,HSE inspections/audits, Waste volumes
disposed offsite)
3. Summary of all incidents
4. Tabulated summary of incidents by following categories
5. Lost Time Incidents [LTI];
- Restricted Work Cases;
- First Aid Cases;
- High Potential Near Misses
- All other Near Misses

9.7. Incidents Investigation, Analysis &Reporting:

 All Incidents will be reported immediately, investigated and analyzed by EMC to prevent
recurrence and improve HSE performance. Investigations must be instituted as quickly as
practical under the given circumstances. Investigations will focus on root causes and/or
system failures. Corrective actions and preventive measures will be utilized to reduce
future injuries and losses. EMC shall note that CLIENT reserves the right to conduct its own
independent investigation into any HSE incident.
 All work related incidents involving injuries, LTI, oil spill or chemical spill high potential near
misses (potential for LTI) will be reported to the CLIENT Representative & Site HSE
Department immediately within 12 hours in writing (e.g. by E-Mail or Fax) that the incident
occurred using the client incident report form;
 For incidents involving a fatality or Lost time injury, the EMC will collaborate with the
CLIENT HSE Department to jointly investigate the incident and prepare full incident
investigation report;
 The following information will be reported to the CLIENT Representative on Monthly basis:
1. Summary of all incidents;
2. Tabulated summary of incidents (LTI, Restricted work case ,First aid case ,High potential
Near miss &All other near miss);

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 EMC has established a procedure for reporting, analyzing and investigating of any incident
occurs at EMC work locations and roads including subcontractors. This procedure set the
requirements for investigating, logging, reporting, follow up and correcting the causes of
incidents or accidents. Incident investigation is conducted by an investigation team which
is designated relevant to the nature and degree of the incident associated hazards.
 All near misses are reported and recorded in timely manner, followed by analysis to
determine their root causes and the suggested corrective and /or preventive actions to
prevent their reoccurrence.
 Training sessions are conducted after any occurred incident to reveal the incident direct &
root causes, learned lessons and the taken corrective action to prevent reoccurrence of
similar incidents.
 Safety alerts concerned significant incidents are issued and distributed on EMC work
locations for awareness and to implement the lessons learned from incidents.
 There are different types of reports which used for ensuring that effective reporting
methodology is adhered to and match the company requirements of accuracy and
clearance of data. The types of incidents reporting include:
1. Preliminary Injury /Accident Report.
2. Incident Investigation Report:
3. Near Miss Report.
4. Near Miss Analysis Report.

9.8. Permit To Work System:

 When carrying out any activity for the client who has his own permit to work system, the
client permit to work system will be applied and strictly adhered to prior to commence any
 EMC has developed Permit to Work System for controlling and securing certain types of
works, which are identified as potentially hazards which is applicable for construction &
maintenance activities for an Owner who has no permit to work system and for securing
the activities which implemented at EMC owned /rented buildings and workshops.
Types of EMC work permits are:
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1 Hot Work Permit 5 Cold Work Permit

2 Confined Space Work Permit 6 Excavation Permit
3 Radiography Permit 7 Easement Work Permit
4 Workshop Permit 8 Non-Industrial Area Work Permit.

9.9. Personal Protective Equipment [PPE]:

 EMC supply its personnel with adequate protective clothing and equipments as
recommended for safe performance during carrying out the jobs. The personal protective
clothing and other protective equipments are maintained in good condition, and are worn
on all relevant occasions as indicated by notices, instructions, work permits, safety
regulations and safe good practices.
EMC supplies all personnel with the following mandatory PPE:
 Safety helmets
 Safety Shoes
 Safety coverall
 Safety glasses
 Furthermore, special equipment (e.g. leather gloves, protective full face welding mask, Ear
plug, leather safety shoes for welders and chemical suits …..etc) is provided according to
job requirements in compliance with the company PPE procedure
 EMC ensure that all sub-contractors supply protective clothing and equipments to their
employees and enforce the full adherence to use it.

9.10. Tools, Equipment, Scaffolding & Ladders:

 The EMC concerned Maintenance Supervisor ensure that all used portable power tools are
of a certified or approved design and are safe to use. A record is to be kept of all power
tools and the tools should be checked and tested in accordance with the manufactures
procedures. Tools are to be issued against a signature and returned tools are to be checked
for damage.

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 EMC is committed that no Cranes, forklift or other lifting equipment is allowed to use in
work sites without provided with valid calibration certificated from 3rd party to ensure its
fitness for work. An up to date register of lifting equipments shall be maintained and to be
available on site
 Color coding system is one of the applied inspection methodology to ensure that the used
equipments are those operable.
 The stores controller is to ensure that any tools, or accessories, that appear damaged are
not issued, and that maintenance is informed so that repairs may be carried out.
 Periodical maintenance records for all EMC equipments for the performed preventive and
predictive maintenances verify equipments good condition on long use term and operable
 EMC has developed a procedure for safe use of scaffolds and ladders which comply with
the international standards in this regard.
 EMC has developed a procedure was developed for control of monitoring and
measurement devices
 EMC provide its personnel with the required training concerning the safe and the right
manner of operation and maintenance of different equipments and tools.
 HSE critical equipment specifically identified and included in the preventative maintenance

9.11. Waste Management:

EMC has developed a procedure for managing and controlling all types of wastes generated by the
company activities, products & services which include the following:
 Identification and classification of all types of wastes
 Reuse /Recycle wastes whenever possible.
 Minimize the generation of wastes requiring treatment
 Select the appropriate final disposition method that complies with the Egyptian
 Environmental law and legislations
 Ensure that the disposal of the company wastes will be carried out without causing
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 Effects on the environment and with minimum environmental impact.

 Preventing Adverse effects on personnel caused by the company's wastes
The waste management system should be based on a Hierarchy of waste management principles,
which defines the preferred order for actions related to managing of wastes. The preferred
hierarchy is as follows:
 Avoidance or Reduction (most preferred)
 Re-Use
 Recovery (recycling, composting, energy from waste)
 Treatment
 Disposal (least preferred)
The project/area/department manager shall ensure that waste is reaching the final disposal site
and that the materials are dealt with in agreed manner as per the environmental law
requirements & EEAA regulations.
All personnel shall have the responsibility to help and ensure that waste management procedures
are followed correctly and the waste is placed in the appropriate location
The Client's waste management procedure can be used instead of EMC procedure if they are
complying with ISO 14001:2004, the Egyptian environmental protection law requirements or joint
package can be used.

9.12. Chemical Handling and storage of substances hazardous to health (MSDS):

 All employees will be made aware of Hazard Communication program as part of the
induction training prior to start of work. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) will be
available for all chemicals on site. Chemicals that arrive without MSDS will be quarantined
until such sheets become available.
 EMC will notify the CLIENT by any chemicals that will be used for the work, and of how it
proposes to store, handle and uses each chemicals, and how chemical containers shall be
handled and disposed of.EMC will supply the CLIENT with MSDS for all products delivered
to, or kept at the work sites.

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 The site supervisors shall ensure that the hazards and first aid actions appropriate for each
chemical are explained to any person who may exposed to chemicals prior to using or
being exposed to it.

9.13. Protection from Electrical Power Tools hazards:

 The only electrical equipment, which can safely be used in hazardous areas, is equipment,
which has been approved by international authority.
 Portable power tools must not be used if any defect is suspected or any damage apparent.
 Care must be taken to avoid damage to flexible cables and connectors.
 Kinking and the tying of knots in cables can cause serious damage, which may not be
apparent on the outside.
 Crushing and damage to the outer sheath should be treated as damage necessitating
 Electrical power tools are to be secured against the associated potential electrical hazards
as follow:
 Electrical power tools to be double insulated or properly earthed.
 All plugs, joints, extension leads etc.
 Shall be checked and be in good condition before using the equipment.
 Electric cables are not to be used for hoisting or lowering the equipment.
 The cable is to be routed to avoid any hazard that may cause damage to the cable.
 Any fault occurs in the equipment it is to be replaced immediately and not used
again until properly repaired.
 Portable equipment is to be connected to an electrical supply only through the
correct connectors.
 Temporary or locally made connectors must not be used. Portable equipment must
be suitable for the hazards in the area where it is to be used.
 In use or storage, the connectors to any part of portable equipment must not be
subjected to undue strain.
 Before starting power equipment, be sure that no one will be endangered by gears, belts
or other moving parts of the machinery and all guards are secured in place.
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 Shut down machinery and use extreme caution when cleaning or making adjustments.
 All fuel powered motors must be shutdown before fueling only approved safety cans or
refueling equipment shall be used to refuel- and must be bonded to unit being serviced.
 Electrical tools shall not be used when standing on a wet surface. Doing so can cause a
serious electric shock.
 Never yank out an electric cord; pull the plug.
 Treat low voltage circuits with the same respect as those of higher voltage.
 Assume that all circuits are live until they have been thoroughly checked and proven to be
 Observe lock out/tag out procedures before starting to work on electrical equipment, even
when changing fuses.
 Do not depend on rubber gloves or insulated handles of tools to work on “hot lines”
 Never leave a “hot line” unguarded or un-insulated in an area where other workers could
contact such a line.
 Follow the operational control procedure no. 824, making risk evaluation and assessment
according to risk assessment procedure No. 820 and any other instruction applied by the

9.14. HSE Auditing and Inspections

 All EMC Sites are subjected to the conducted periodical HSE audits and inspections.
 EMC has developed procedure for integrated Management System Audits to maintain and
follow up the proper implementation of the QHSE integrated management system
 All audit reports will be forwarded to the Site Manager. Recommendations will be
discussed at site safety meetings and sub-contractors meetings. The supervisor for the area
is the responsible parties for ensuring necessary corrective actions are taken.
 HSE Inspection is the responsibility of all EMC working staff, each one relevant to his work
scope and the designated responsibilities.
 Systematic inspection and auditing of work in progress to check for unsafe conditions is the
principal means by which site supervisors will manage HSE on an ongoing basis. Unsafe
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practices will be discouraged by regular inspection at the work site. The operational
condition of safety equipment and the reliability, serviceability and maintenance of work
tools and equipment shall be established by unannounced spot checks.
 Inspection Schedule:
a) Daily Routine Inspection: Routine inspections will be carried out daily by the Safety Officer
for the following activities:
 Implementation of the HSE Procedures
 Use of tools and equipment
 Use of protective equipment
 Mechanical handling and lifting
b) Weekly Inspections: A schedule of audits will be prepared weekly by the supervisors for the
areas under their supervision and agreed with the Project Manager. The schedule should
cover the following activities:
 Vehicle use
 Construction operations
 Fire precautions and emergency response facilities
 Project equipments
 welare

9.15. Nonconformity & Corrective And Preventive Actions

EMC has established a procedure for Control of Non Conformity Cases which aim to identify,
record and disposition of potential Non-conforming / Non-conforming case in the company
activities after identifying the root cause and issuing document and implement the proper
Corrective and /or preventive action.

The corrective / preventive actions taken during the internal audits relevant to the raised NCR‟s
during the Internal Audits at all EMC Departments / Areas / Sites are followed-up to measure the
audit effectiveness.

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9.16. HSE Meetings

EMC is keen to conduct regular HSE meetings at all work sites with both the client and sub-
contractors to discuss the different issues which affect the project HSE performance and to find
the suitable and practicable means which can improve the HSE performance.
 The main objectives of the HSE meetings are:
 To set up controls to eliminate substandard practices.
 To enhance the HSE awareness of employees.
 To encourage positive attendance of employees.
 To achieve commitment to, the HSE program implementation.
 To encourage communication.
 To resolves problems that emerges.
 EMC subcontractors are invited for attending if there are any HSE issues relevant to their
performed activities under EMC umbrella.
 Throughout the course of the Project, HSE Meetings shall be held on a monthly basis and
as required and at least and within 48 hours after serious accident. The meeting will
comprise of the following project members:
 CLIENT'S representative
 CLIENT'S HSE personnel
 Contractor's Management Representative(s)
 Contractor's HSE personnel
The main objectives of the meetings shall be to:
a) Review the HSE Plan and monitor progress and adherence to it.
 Review significant outstanding HSE issues and concerns that have been raised and
priorities issues requiring resolution.
 Review accident & incident information and analysis and the measures being taken
to prevent re-occurrence.
 Cover reports/ recommendations from audits and HSE matters related to ongoing
and planned activities
 Safety at site shall be the first subject during all meeting of the Project Management Team.

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9.17. HSE Training & Awareness Program:

 EMC believes that HSE training is of vital importance to all employees and the HSE training
of EMC staff is conducted in accordance with the company Career Development Program
and Training and Awareness procedure.
 HSE awareness program is conducted for all EMC personnel in all work sites to ensure they
are aware of hazards / risks associated to the work activities and controls measures which
should be taken to avoid these risks and hazards. EMC personnel are trained on how to
manage their responsibilities in different projects according to the company career
development training matrix, personal training logbook and company training & awareness

9.17.1. HSE Induction Course:

 All new members of the project employees shall be briefed by the Project Manager on (or
before) arrival on site about site HSE regulations. The purpose of this induction briefing
 To underline the importance of HSE management in this project‟s execution.
 To explain the objectives and the responsibilities outlined in the project HSE Plan.
 To discuss the techniques to be used for HSE management.
 To give an overview of the range of ongoing activities and their locations.
 To highlight any particular hazards present on the site at the time and/or any
specific risks associated with the individual's job responsibilities which should
include, but not limited to the following:
 Smoking limitations
 Work permit procedures
 Traffic and parking regulations
 Restrictions on the use of drugs and alcohol
 Limitations on places for eating and drinking
 Housekeeping standards

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 Prohibition of the use of solvents, chemicals and oil products for any purpose,
unless specifically authorized
 Dangers and handling procedures for any noxious or hazardous substances
 Hazards of excavation operations, e.g. damaging underground cabling or piping
 Use of safety equipment such as personal protective equipment, fire
extinguishers and life-saving devices
 Action in the event of discovering fire or loss of containment
 Action in the event of an accident &during Emergency cases
 At these briefings will be explained and the Personal HSE Handbook will be handed over.
All sub-contractors will be requested to carry out similar induction exercises with their new

9.17.2. Tool Box Talk

It is a basic step before starting any work to make a pre-job safety meeting is conducted by job
supervisor to ensure that all personnel who will do the job understanding all steps of work and
hazards present in the work site and the safe procedure to avoid these hazards.

9.18. Document control

EMC has a mechanism for controlling some documents according to a specified organization for
insuring the quality and validity of each document and in the way that facilitate the work and for
preventing document loss. This is done in accordance with the company procedure for document

9.19. Control of Records

EMC developed procedure for controlling the company records .All departments are responsible
for maintaining and preserving records and in such a way preventing damage or loss.

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EMC has established an accurate and efficient system for land transportation inside the company
to ensure that land transportation activities are planned, organized, directed and controlled so
that risks to employees, community and means of transportation are minimized and that the
transportation process is managed in compliance with Company rules, applicable Egyptian
legislations and CLIENT expectations.

10.1. Drivers Selection &Training:

 It is EMC plan to achieve safe driving with no accidents on any project. This will be achieved
by good training, awareness and driving testing for the drivers.
 The driver shall be experienced professional with a valid certificate, in accordance with the
contract requirements and in compliance with the traffic law requirements.
 They should pass the company driving practical and theoretical tests before being hired.
 All newly hired drivers should pass the preliminary medical examination in order to ensure
that they are medically, physically, mentally and psychologically fit for the job
 They should be fully aware with the safe driving skills and the road signs. The drivers will
undergo a supplementary training in defensive driving techniques, after which they will be
provided with a permit to drive from EMC.

10.2. Vehicles Specifications:

 The following are the minimum requirements that should be included into the company
owned and rented vehicles
a) The model of the vehicles does not exceed two years maximum for the limousines and
three years for the remaining types of the transportation vehicles.
b) Valid Seat belt for all seats.
c) Front Airbags for the driver and the front passenger (applied for newly rented or newly
purchased vehicles).
d) Anti-lock braking system (ABS) (applied for newly rented or newly purchased vehicles).
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e) Proper fire extinguisher.

f) Head rest for all seats.
g) Reflective triangle.
h) Tool box, wheel jack and tyres key.
i) Warning cone for all buses.
j) Cabins' pipe safety guard and propeller shaft chain for all pick up and long bed vehicles.
k) A black box should be applied to the newly purchased vehicles but for the rented vehicles,
it shall be in accordance with the requirements of the traffic law.
 Vehicles will be maintained in good operating conditions. Biweekly HSE inspection for all
vehicles will be performed by vehicle inspection committees and records will be kept.

10.3. Driving At Night:

All EMC & EMC contractors' drivers are not allowed to drive at night except in the following cases:

a) Responding to an emergency case.

b) For urgent operational/ business purpose with a written approval & a risk assessment from
the Concerned General Manager.
c) Routine work schedule with clients.

10.4. EMC, Driving Permit:

EMC, driving permit is issued for EMC employees who are driving EMC vehicles at EMC different
working locations and sites. Prior to the permit issuing it is mandatory for the employee who will
carry the permit to:
a) Pass medical check to ensure his medical and physical fitness.
b) Pass a practical and theoretical HSE exam to ensure his commitment to the HSE

10.5. Vehicles Inspection:

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 The driver is responsible for visually checking (on daily basis) the tires condition, brakes
hydraulic fluid, signals, lights and cooling liquid.
 The Vehicle Inspection Committee is responsible for conducting biweekly inspection for all
vehicles using the EMC form "vehicle inspection checklist"

10.6. Responsibilities:

 All EMC employees are responsible for obeying EMC & CLIENT driving rules and abide to all
related Egyptian legislations;
 All drivers have to ensure that the preventive maintenance is conducted according to its
manufacture schedule plan and to be recorded on each car maintenance logbook.
 All drivers shall undergo the annual medical check or random drugs and alcohol test (in an
approved medical centre) as per the published schedule

11. Key persons

Individual whose knowledge, creativity, inspiration, and/or skills are critical to the viability or
growth of an organization.

No. Name position Phone number E-mail address

1 Eng. Mohamed Salaheldin Red Sea area G.M 01223211085 [email protected]
2 Eng. Ahmed Salama Red Sea area Executive G.M 01001698091 [email protected]
3 Eng. Khaled Elsayed R/SH Area projects Manager 01006245015 [email protected]
4 Eng. Salah Elbadrawy Project manager 01066621413 [email protected]
5 Eng.Mousa elsayed Site manager 01157900210 [email protected]

6 Eng. Ahmed Magdy Coordinator 01061626866 [email protected]

7 Ch. Sayed Mamdouh Red sea HSE area head 01008211765 [email protected]
8 Ahmed Osama Red sea HSE area head 01016762200 [email protected]

9 Ahmed Samy HSE officer 01033867704 [email protected]

10 Mahmoud Kamal HSE engineer 01008081615

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