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Energy Equip. Sys./ Vol.

5/No1/March 2017/ 71-83

Energy Equipment and Systems

Optimization of turbine blade cooling with the

aim of overall turbine performance enhancement
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi In the current work, different methods for optimization of turbine
Amir Nejat blade internal cooling are investigated, to achieve higher cyclic
Farshad Kowsary efficiency and output power for a typical gas turbine. A simple two-
dimensional model of C3X blade is simulated and validated with
School of Mechanical Engineering, available experimental data. The optimization process is performed on
College of Engineering, University this model with two different methods. The first method is a popular
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
method used in previous works with two objectives i.e. the
minimization of the maximum temperature and the maximum
temperature gradient on the blade. A new method is hereby proposed
for optimization of turbine blade cooling, in which the coolant mass
flow rate is minimized subject to maximum temperature, and
maximum temperature gradient remains lower than certain values.
The overall turbine performance is estimated by a simple comparative
thermodynamic analysis of the reference design and the representative
results obtained from the first and second method of optimization. It is
concluded that while the first method of optimization allows higher
TIT for a typical turbine, the turbine output power and efficiency could
be lower than the reference design, due to high coolant mass flow rate
in these candidate points. However, the optimum design point of the
second method has higher power output and efficiency compared to all
Article history: other designs (including reference design) at all values of compressor
pressure ratio. It is shown that implementation of the second
Received : 8 November 2016 optimization method can increase the efficiency and the output power
Accepted : 17 January 2017 of a typical turbine 4.68% and 17% respectively.
Keywords: Gas Turbine, CFD, Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Thermodynamic Analysis.
1. Introduction
The gas turbine performance is highly described the film cooling as the introduction
dependent on turbine inlet temperature (TIT) of a secondary fluid along a surface exposed
that is limited by the maximum allowable to a high-temperature environment to protect
temperature of material. Several cooling the surface. Ito et al. [2] studied the effects of
methods are used to protect the turbine blades film cooling on a gas turbine blade and
from the hot gas stream. These cooling calculated the film cooling effectiveness
methods can be categorized into film cooling downstream of the film holes on surfaces
and internal cooling methods. Goldstein [1] with different curvatures. Han et al. [3]
described several internal cooling methods
such as jet-impingement cooling, pin-fin
cooling, and rib-turbulated cooling, with or
*Corresponding author: Seyyed Morteza Mousavi without the effects of rotation.
Address: School of Mechanical Engineering, College of
Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran While turbine blade cooling lowers the
E-mail address: [email protected] maximum temperature, it increases the
72 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

temperature gradient of a blade, which has a Nomenclature

negative effect on durability and lifetime of
the material. In addition, the extraction of air non-dimensional wall distance
from the compressor for cooling purpose
̇ mass flow rate (kg/s)
reduces the overall efficiency of a gas turbine.
Brooks [4] investigated the effects of cooling Reynolds number
flow rate on characteristics of a modern gas Nusselt number
turbine and demonstrated that each percent of Prandtl number
air extraction results in two percent loss in
,D cooling hole diameter
To further increase the power output and axial chord of the blade
efficiency of gas turbines, some researchers the thermal conductivity of steel
optimized shape and location the cooling the thermal conductivity of air
passages with different objectives. The NASA
C3X blade and experimental results of Hylton convective heat transfer coefficient
et al. [5] were most popular for validation of air enthalpy (only in the
the numerical results. Nowak et al. [6] thermodynamic analysis)
presented a two-dimensional model of C3X temperature
blade and optimized the location and diameter pressure
of cooling holes, in order to minimize a linear entropy
combination of maximum temperature and
temperature variance of the blade. Later, the length of the temperature
Nowak and Wroblewski [7], [8] presented gradient vector
another optimization method for C3X blade, the pressure ratio of the
in which the objective function was a linear compressor
combination of maximum temperature and
maximum thermal stress of the blade. Other the ratio of the coolant to
similar studies are by Nowak et al. on internal compressor mass flow rates
cooling optimization in [9], [10]. Mazaheri et ̇ specific work
al. [11] and Nowak et al. [12] conducted a ̇ specific heat transfer rate
multi-objective optimization to reduce the gas turbine overall efficiency
maximum temperature and maximum
temperature gradient simultaneously. Wang et Abbreviations
al. [13] compared three different hole
configurations to minimize the average CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
temperature of a blade, subject to the CHT Conjugate Heat Transfer
condition of thermal stress being lower than TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
the maximum allowable stress of the material.
Most researchers optimized the cooling RANS Reynolds-averaged Navier-
configuration of a blade with an objective of Stokes
minimization of temperature or temperature GA Genetic Algorithm
gradient at constant pressure, however, the
variation of coolant mass flow rate, which has NASA National Aeronautics and Space
a direct impact on gas turbine performance, is Administration
missed in the mentioned studies. In this
research, a new method is presented for 2.Numerical model
optimization, wherein the objective is to
reduce the coolant mass flow rate, subject to 2.1.The Geometry
maximum temperature and maximum
temperature gradient values being less or The two-dimensional conjugate heat transfer
equal to that of the base design. The location (CHT) around NASA C3X blade is modelled
and diameter of cooling holes are optimized only once to validate and calculate the heat
with both the presented method and the multi- transfer coefficient distribution around the
objective method described in [11], [12]. blade. The solution domain for CHT
Finally, a simple thermodynamic model is simulation is depicted in Fig.1. The heat
used to compare the estimated turbine cyclic transfer and flow characteristics of cooling
efficiency and output power for the results of holes are estimated by empirical correlations
both optimization methods. for internal flow. Thus, the holes are not
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 73

included in this domain. After simulation of momentum equations are replaced by

the flow around the blade and extraction of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
heat transfer coefficient along the blade equations. The continuity and the RANS
external surface, only the heat transfer equations for fluid domain can be expressed
problem in the solid domain should be solved in tensor form as radiation is neglected. The
for different hole configurations in the energy equation along with continuity and
optimization process. The solid domain and momentum equations should be solved for the
the geometrical parameters of the blade and fluid
cooling holes are shown in Fig.2. (1)
The C3X blade material is ASTM 310 Continuity equation: ( )
stainless steel with variable thermal
conductivity which can be described in terms Momentum equation : ( )
of temperature as
( ) . Sutherland formulation [ ( ]
is used to estimate the viscosity and thermal
conductivity of air in different temperatures. ( )
2.2.Governing equations
where the term in Eq.(2) should be
The flow around the blade is assumed to be estimated by a proper turbulence model. The
compressible and steady state where as energy equation should be solved for both the
turbulence and the effects of gravity and fluid and solid domains and it can be
domain. In the case of turbulent flow, expressed as

Fig.1. Solution domain used for CHT simulation

Fig.2. Geometrical parameters of the C3X blade

74 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

Energy equation: ( ) (4)

[( ) ] (3)
where Re and Pr stand for Reynolds and
where the left-hand side of this equation is Prandtl numbers of fluid, respectively. The
equal to zero for the solid domain. mass flow rate and the average temperature of
each hole from run 157 are presented in
2.3.Boundary conditions Table 2.
The reference values for mass flow rate and
The inlet and outlet boundary conditions are heat transfer coefficient for each hole of the
specified according to ‘run 157’ experiments base configuration of C3X blade are known.
of Hylton et al. [5]. The coupled boundary However, by changing the diameter of holes
condition is used for fluid-solid interface and in optimization process, the ̇ and values
the convective heat transfer of each hole is should be recalculated according to the hole
estimated by its corresponding temperature diameter. By assuming a constant pressure
and heat transfer coefficient. The details of drop for each hole and Darcy-Weisbach
boundary conditions for simulation are equation for pressure loss [15], the mass flow
presented in Table 1. rate and heat transfer coefficient of each hole
The heat transfer coefficient of each hole can be estimated by
can be calculated from the experimental
correlation of forced convection and Nusselt (5)
number of a tube [14]. ̇ ̇ ( )

Table 1. Boundary conditions for conjugate heat transfer analysis

Location B.C. type Parameter value

Main inlet Pressure inlet

Outlet Pressure outlet

Blade external walls Coupled wall

( )

Wall with
Internal walls ( )
Convective heat transfer ̂

Periodic surfaces Translational periodic -

Table 2. Dimension, mass flow rate and temperature of each coolant hole
(mm) ̇ (g/s) (K)
1 6.3 0.0222 352.14
2 6.3 0.0221 354.54
3 6.3 0.0218 345.62
4 6.3 0.0228 346.72
5 6.3 0.0225 340.7
6 6.3 0.0225 366.21
7 6.3 0.0216 351.48
8 3.1 0.00744 376.24
9 3.1 0.00477 406.97
10 1.98 0.00256 446.69
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 75

( ) (6) ̇ (8)
( )
( )
equations, where ̇ and are the reference
values of mass flow rate and heat transfer where the values of A and B are selected by
coefficient, respectively. their respective values in the reference design.

2.4.Optimization 2.5.Design variables

The main objective of this research is to In the current work, location and diameter of
compare different optimization methods for the cooling holes are chosen as the design
gas turbine blade cooling. The first method is variables. To reduce the number of the design
a multi-objective optimization suggested by variables and to keep the holes inside the
[11] and [12], in which the objective was to blade area, the location of the first two holes
minimize the maximum temperature and the are kept constant and the other holes are
maximum temperature gradient in the blade. restricted to move only along a certain curve.
The objective functions of the first method This curve is a second order polynomial
can be expressed as which best fits the initial location of holes as
( ) (7) displayed in Fig.3. By using this curve, the
{ location of each of eight holes can be
( )
specified by one variable, and in addition to
where no constraints existed and the coolant 10 variables for each hole diameter, there will
mass flow rate might increase during the be 18 design variables in total.
process. In this study, we offer another
optimization method which appears to be 2.6.Thermodynamic modelling
more compatible with gas turbines cycle. In
this method, the objective is to minimize the A simple turbine with ideal Brayton cycle is
coolant mass flow rate, subject to maximum assumed for estimation of the effects of the
temperature and maximum temperature coolant mass flow rate and the turbine inlet
gradient remaining lower than specific values. temperature on turbine performance. Fig.4
The objective function and the constraints of presents the T-S diagram for this cycle
the proposed (second) method can be between arbitrary and pressures. The
expressed as: coolant air is extracted from the compressor

Fig.3. The curve of possible locations for cooling holes

76 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

Fig.4. The ideal Brayton cycle with coolant air extracted from compressor outlet

outlet, so the mass flow rate at the combustor 3.Meshing and validation
and the turbine can be calculated by
3.1.Mesh procedure
̇ ̇ ̇( ) (9)
where ̇ is the mass flow rate of the Unstructured mesh with boundary layer mesh
compressor and x is the mass flow rate ratio near walls is generated in all cases in this
of the coolant to the compressor. research. Five different meshes with 5.8 up to
In this cycle, the compressor intake conditions 24.6 thousand elements are generated for grid
are assumed to be and independence analysis and the blade
. The compressor outlet pressure , is temperatures are compared in Fig.5. The
results are almost the same for 11.5k and
related to compressor pressure ratio, . By more elements, so this mesh configuration is
considering a specific value for TIT ( ), air used for all cases in this research. The
properties at all points of the cycle can be selected mesh, which has the smaller than
determined. The turbine specific output power one near blade walls, is shown in Fig.6.
and net output power can be calculated from
̇ ( )( ) (10) 3.2.Validation
̇ ̇ ̇ Four different turbulence models are used to
( )( ) perform CHT analysis and the temperature
( ) (11) distribution on the blade surface is calculated
and the turbine efficiency can be expressed by by each model. The results are compared with
experimental data from Hylton et al. [5] in
̇ Fig.7. The data on the negative side of the
̇ (12) horizontal axis represent the data on the
( )( ) ( ) suction side of the blade, and the others
( )( ) represent the pressure side data. It is observed
that the SST model has the highest
where the real air properties for all points are accuracy with maximum error of 6% near
calculated by the EES software for different leading edge of the blade. The heat transfer
cases. coefficient on the external blade walls are
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 77

Fig.5. Grid independence analysis

Fig.6. The computing mesh of fluid and solid domains with boundary layer elements

extracted with this model and used as a variables of interest in this section. The values
boundary condition for solid domain in for these variables in reference design are
optimization process. presented in Table 3. According to this table,
the A and B values in Eq. (8) are set to be
4.Results and discussion 25000K/m and 685K respectively.
The contours of the blade temperature and
4.1.Reference design temperature gradient in reference design are
depicted in Fig.8 (a) and (b), respectively.
The coolant flow rate, blade maximum While the blade leading edge is the most
temperature and blade maximum gradient are critical point for cooling in most blades, in
78 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

Fig.7. Validation of the results of different turbulence models with experimental data

Table 3. Parameter values in reference design

Parameter Value Unit
̇ 0.17027 kg/s
( ) 682.924 K
( ) 24090 K/m

(a) (b)
Fig.8. Contours of field variables in reference design. (a) temperature and (b) temperature gradient
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 79

this case, the maximum temperature is Four different points on the Pareto front are
observed at the trailing edge area. This is due selected as candidates for best design point
to high temperature of the coolant flowing and represented by A to D on the chart.
through the hole number 10. The temperature The values for output functions of the
gradient is higher near cooling holes, and the candidate points are presented in Table 4. All
highest point is reached near the eighth hole. candidates have a dimensionless coolant mass
flow rate of greater than one, and they have
4.2. First method of optimization different thermal characteristics at the TIT
equal to 818K. To find out the maximum
A multi-objective genetic algorithm is allowable TIT in each candidate design point,
implemented in this method, with the the TIT for each candidate is increased, until
objectives of minimizing the maximum
temperature and the maximum temperature one of the ( ) or ( ) becomes
gradient of the blade. There is no constraint higher than 685K or 25,000K/m, respectively.
on coolant mass flow rate, so the value As shown in Table 4, in design point A the
changes freely during the optimization maximum temperature gradient is already
process. An initial population of 400 and 80 higher than its value in reference design, thus
populations for the next generations are used the TIT cannot be increased in this case. This
for optimization and the solution is converged point is removed from the candidate points for
after 1655 observations. The objective later sections of this research, and the turbine
functions of all observations are plotted in performances for the other three candidates
Fig.9 and the Pareto front is also displayed. are compared for the rest of the candidates.

Fig.9. Objective function space for first method optimization

Table 4. The results of first method optimization for each candidate point
TIT = 818 K
Candidate ( ) ( ) Max allowable TIT
point Dimensionless ̇ (K)
(K) (K/m)
A 1.789 583.102 25453.800 <818K
B 2.104 592.065 23511.700 843.238
C 1.869 605.067 21573.500 874.952
D 1.237 644.563 20291.800 859.581
80 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

The temperature distribution for the design maximum temperature gradient. The genetic
points B, C and D with the TIT equal to 818K algorithm with 400 initial population and 80
are depicted in Fig.10. The design point B has population per next generation, is used to find
the lowest coolant mass flow rate, so its the optimum design point and the solution
higher temperature is anticipated. converged after almost 1200 observations.
The first 400 points are generated randomly
4.3.Second method of optimization
and many of them do not satisfy the problem
In this method, the optimization is performed constraints. The objective function values are
with the objective to minimize the coolant sorted in ascending order for each generation
mass flow rate in the same blade, with and the convergence history of the objective
constraints on maximum temperature and function is displayed in Fig.11.

Fig.10. Temperature contours for the three final candidate points

Fig.11. Convergence history of dimensionless mass flow rate

Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 81

The best design point with minimum 4.4.Thermodynamic analysis

objective function and acceptable constraint
values has a dimensionless mass flow rate of The comparison of the turbine performance at
0.71, which means 29% reduction in coolant different pressure ratios for the three
mass flow rate. The values of the design candidate points in the first method, the result
variables and output functions are presented of the second method and the reference design
in Table 5. have been shown in Fig.13. In the reference
The contours of the blade temperature and design, around 10% of the total mass flow rate
temperature gradient are illustrated in Fig.12 is extracted for cooling purpose. Hence, the
(a) and (b), respectively. The maximum TIT and x values for the reference design are
temperature gradient occurs around the holes assumed to be 818K and 0.1, respectively.
similar to other cases but the temperature The results of the first optimization method
distribution is more uniform compared to the have higher values of TIT and x, but in
reference design. The very small diameter of second method the x is minimized with the
the eighth hole means that the number of the constant TIT. The B and C design points in
holes is more than required for this blade. the first method have lower efficiency and

Table 5. The optimization results of the second method

Value Value Value
Variable Variable Variable Output Value
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Dimension less
6.570 5.823 46.456 0.710
5.312 0.685 51.860 ( ) 682.739 K
3.545 3.521 61.003 ( ) 22435.100 K/m
6.011 2.444 63.421
4.230 25.467 69.567
5.922 35.697 73.816

(a) (b)
Fig.12. Results of second method optimization. (a) Temperature and (b) temperature gradient contours
82 Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017

power output compared to reference design. blade cooling are discussed and a new
In the design point D, the turbine power optimization method is offered for turbine
output is increased but the efficiency has blade cooling with the aim of improving the
slightly decreased compared to the reference overall turbine efficiency and output power.
design. But, the optimized geometry in the The location and diameter of cooling passages
second method has the higher turbine in a 2D model of C3X blade are optimized
efficiency and power output with respect to with two different methods. The first method,
the reference design. So, the second which was a popular one in previous research,
optimization method is more convenient in is a multi-objective method to minimize
the case of gas turbine blade cooling maximum temperature and maximum
optimization. temperature gradient in the blade. The second
method is proposed in this paper and its
A typical gas turbine can perform at a
objective is to minimize the coolant flow rate
pressure ratio of 12 or more. The turbine required to keep the temperature and
performance of different designs at this temperature gradient lower than a specific
pressure ratio is compared in Table 6. The value. The performance of the optimum
optimum design of the second optimization designs of these two methods has been
method increased the power output of the compared by a simple thermodynamic
turbine by 17% compared to reference design analysis.
and also shows 4.68% higher efficiency. This The proposed method in this research
value will be even higher for a real gas turbine (second method) is superior to the first
with 15% coolant mass flow rate, where method in terms of time consumption and
reduction of 1% from coolant mass flow rate certainty. It is mainly because a multi-
can increase the power output by 2% [4]. objective optimization method requires more
time to converge and the user must choose
5.Conclusion between a series of design points at the Pareto
front himself.
Different methods for optimization of turbine The second method’s optimum design has

(a) (b)
Fig.13. Turbine performance of different designs. (a) net power output and (b) turbine efficiency

Table 6. Gas turbine performance of different designs at

Case TIT (K) x ̇ ( )

reference design 818 0.1 72.3 34.83

1st method-B 843.238 0.2104 36.1 17.69
1st method-C 874.952 0.1869 60.5 25.34
1st method-D 859.581 0.1237 82.1 33.84
2nd method 818 0.071 84.6 39.51
Seyyed Morteza Mousavi et al./ Energy Equip. Sys. / Vol. 5/No1/March 2017 83

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