We Level 09 Review Cevaz: Used To Would Didn't Use To Used To Write

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A) For each of the following sentences, choose either "USED TO", “DIDN’T USE TO” or
1. Do you remember how your Uncle David would sit in that chair and smoke those
disgusting cigars.
2. Your mother used to have a Yorkshire Terrier when she was a young girl, didn't she?
3. For years, they would go on holiday to the Rockies, but then it became very
fashionable and, hence, expensive.
4. We didn’t use to have a computer, but we do now.
5. Years ago, I used to write a diary every day but then I got bored with doing it and I
stopped. Maybe it was my life that was boring!
6. At the start of their marriage, they __________ be very happy - but then it all went
7. _________________ (they) work together?
8. You _____________ spell so well. Whatever happened?
9. When I was five, I __________be able to do incredible gymnastics. Now I can't even
touch my toes.
10. Before getting my driving license, I _________ride a bicycle everywhere.

B) Complete the following sentences with the correct particle to form a Phrasal Verb.
1. The terrorists blew _______ the bridge.
a) away b) up c) off
2. Why do you always have to bring _______this topic?
a) off b) away c) up
3. He was brought ________ by his uncle.
a) up b) off c) away
4. The meeting has been called ________
a) off b) away c) on
5. Give me my money ________
a) again b) back c) out
6. She handed ________ her assignment and left the room.
a) in b) up c) on
7. Before you sign important papers, you must look them ________
a) over b) away c) in
8. She spoke in such a low voice that we couldn’t make ________ what she was saying.
a) up b) out c) off
9. We asked the manager to put _________ the meeting.
a) off b) away c) up
10. The firemen put _________ the fire before it could cause any damage.
a) out b) up c) away

C) Write the correct Object Pronoun in the middle of each Separable Phrasal Verb.
It started to rain 10 minutes before the soccer game, so they called it off.
1. My daughter was sad about missing the concert, but I bought her a CD to help cheer
____ up.
2. The recipe says to take three onions and chop ______ up.
3. You didn’t do this assignment correctly. You’ll need to do ____ over.
4. The tour company will pick _____ up at the airport and take you to your hotel.
5. After you’re done reading those magazines, please put ______ away.

D) Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. Include the agent after “by”.
1. Somebody hit me. ___________________________
2. We stopped the bus. _________________________
3. They didn't let him go. ________________________
4. She didn't win the prize. ______________________
5. They didn't make their beds. ___________________
6. I did not tell them. ___________________________
7. Did you tell them? ___________________________
8. Did he send the letter? _______________________

E) Choose the correct Modal of Necessity of Obligation to complete the sentences.

1. There's no hurry. You ____________________ that report until Friday of next week.
a. have to not finish c. don't have to finish
b. shouldn't have to finish d. don't have to be finishing

2, You __________________ a 15% tip after eating in a restaurant in British Columbia.

It is expected.
a. must have left c. must leave
b. have got to leave d. should leave

3. A good sense of humor is important, even in business. You ________________

serious all the time.
a. don't got to be c. don't not have to be
b. mustn't be d. don't have to be

4. When you meet someone for the first time in Canada, you ___________________
a. must to introduce yourself. c. should introduce yourself.
b. have got to introduce yourself d. have to introduce yourself

5. Watch out for that car, Timmy! You _____________________ both ways before you
step into the street.
a. have got to look c. must have looked
b. should be looking d. had to look

6. I'm really out of shape. I _________________ going to the gym regularly.

a. have to start c. has to start
b. must to start d. must be starting
7. You _____________________ cigarettes in British Columbia unless you are 19 years
of age. That is the law.
a. shouldn't buy c. can’t buy
b. mustn’t buy d. don't have to buy

8. Life would be so much better if none of us _______________________

a. have to work. c. had to have start working.
b. had to work. d. must have started working.

F) Choose the correct Modal of Advice to complete the sentences.

1. A: I'm so hot.
B: You _________________ your coat!
a. should put on b. should to take off c. should take off

2. The airline only allows two pieces of luggage. You _______________ pack too much
or you will have to take it out at the airport!
a. had better not b. had not better c. better not

3. Dave loves chocolate, but he _________________ too much or he will get fat.
a. should eat not b. shouldn't eat c. should eat

4. It's raining and I don't want to get my dress wet. I _______________ an umbrella.
a. had better not bring b. had better to bring c. had better bring

5. My mother isn't feeling well, so I told her that she _______________ to the doctor.
a. ought to go b. ought c. ought go

6. I need help, doctor. My baby doesn't sleep well. What ________________?

a. should I do b. had I better do c. I should do

7. A: I think that the grade my teacher gave me on my test is wrong.

B: Really? You ______________to her after class today.
a. ought talk b. should to talk c. ought to talk

8. I'm going to visit your country. Where _______________ if I want to go shopping?

a. I should go b. should I go c. ought to I go

G) Circle the correct Partiple Adjective to complete the sentences.

1. I am so (relaxed / relaxing) that I don't want to move.
2. I find horror films really (frightened / frightening) and not at all fun to watch.
3. Sometimes I get really (frustrated / frustrating) when I can't express myself well in
4. We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was (terrified /
5. She was (overwhelmed / overwhelming) when everyone cheered and we gave her
H) Complete the sentences using the correct indefinite pronouns.
1. The glass is empty. ____________ drank my orange juice.
a. Somewhere b. Nobody c. Somebody d. Anybody

2. Do you know _____________ who has got red hair?

a. Anybody b. Somebody c. Nobody d. Something

3. _____________ is wrong with my cell phone because I can’t hear you.

a. Something b. Anything c. Nothing d. Somebody

4. All my friends are ill. ___________ is healthy.

a. Anybody b. Somebody c. Nothing d. Nobody

5. The music is too loud. I can’t hear ______________.

a. Somewhere b. Something c. Anything d. Nothing

6. _____________ is looking at us. It’s Sarah.

a. Nobody b. No one c. Anybody d. Somebody

7. This room is empty. _____________ is left.

a. Anything b. Nothing c. Something d. Nowhere

8, I didn’t do ___________ wrong.

a. Anything b. Anyone c. Something d. Nothing

I) Complete the sentences with the equative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1. Janet is ________________ (beautiful) Jennifer.
2. You are ________________ (crazy) my sister.
3. We can run ________________ (fast) they can.
4. My mom is _________________ (not / strict) your mom.
5. Your mobile phone is __________________ (not / trendy) mine.

J) Rewrite the following sentences using WOULD RATHER/WOULD RATHER NOT.

1. I would like you to go home now.
2. I would like to go to The States in December rather than in May.
3. I prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.
4. I prefer to walk rather than drive.
5. I don’t want to stay in a hostel, I rather stay in a hotel.

K) Match each word on the left with its definition on the right.
1. Weapon ____ a. Famous
2. Spice ____ b. Type of luggage that passengers are allowed to carry
along in the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
3. Vaccination ____ c. Something used to injure, defeat, kill or destroy.
4. Sightseeing ____ d. A scientist who studies birds.
5. Carry-on bag ____ e. To inject a substance into a person to prevent a disease
6. Shallow ____ f. A substance used in cooking to add flavor to food.
7. Ornithologist ____ g. To visit a city and see its major places of interests.
8. Well-known ____ h. not caring about important things. Having a small
distance from the surface to the bottom.

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