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Directions: The following exercises will help you to gain

SUMMATIVE TEST IN ENGLISH better understanding about how adverbs of place work.
QUARTER 2: LESSON 1 Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Encircle the letter of your choice.
GRADE AND SECTION: _______________ 29.Close the door when you go ___________.
Date:__________________ a.Out b.Westward
A. DIRECTIONS: Fill in each line with the missing term from c.Lightly d.Here
the list Auld lang Syne (English version)

30.The cat is hiding _______________ the couch.

1.Should _______ acquaintance be forgot, a.On b.Underneath
2. never _________ to mind? c.Somewhere d.There
3.Should old ____________ be forgot,
and old langsyne? 31.Will you be starting your plants ________________ or
4. For auld langsyne, my ________, in a greenhouse?
for auld langsyne, a.Round b.Home
5.we'll take a cup of _________ yet, c. Outside d.Around
for auld langsyne.
6. And surely you'll buy your ________ cup! 32.The ship sailed ________________, encountering
7. and surely I'll _______ mine! heavy weather along the way.
8.And we'll ____________ o' kindness yet, a.Up b.Down
for auld lang syne. c.Northwards d.Backwards
9. We two have run about the_________,
and picked the daisies fine; 33.When she saw me waiting, she ran_____________
10.But we've wandered many a ___________, me.
since auld langsyne a.Around b.Towards
pint Take a cup c.Through d.Forward

buy slopes

dear Brought D. Directions: Read the statements carefully and

encircle the letter of your answer.
old weary foot
34. He is the author of the poem” I Think Continually
acquaintance kindness
of Those Who Were Truly Great”.
A. Robert Frost B. Stephen Spender C. Robert
B. Directions: Use the adverbs in the box to Burns
strengthen the verbs in the following sentences.
35. Feature of poetry that elicits an intense emotion in
11. Sally ran down the road. the reader.
12. The children played in the street. A. Rhyme B. Evocative C. Sound Devices
13. Larry sang the song for his mother’s birthday. 36. A good translation of the words Auld Lang Syne.
14. Cassy picked up the kitten. A. good old days B. times gone by
15. He drove around the corner. C. moments to remember
16. The two men climbed the hill. 37. These adverbs tell us about the time of action.
17. Robert threw the ball into the net. A. Adverbs of Place B. Adverbs of Time
18. Sue took the child by the hand. C. Adverbs of Manner
19. We looked at the clock. 38. An activity in which a presenter reads a script in
20. I picked up the vase. front of an audience with expressions , emotions,
21. She told me to leave. and voice –modulation.
22. The old lady stroked the cat A. Speech Choir B. Reader’s Theater C. Drama
23. Lucy spoke to her sister 39. A poem that discusses the traits of heroes who have
24. He tucked into a huge hamburger. passed away before us. Traits of those historical
25. Froilan opened the door. figures that have passed before us, leaving a lasting
26. He looked over her shoulder to see her leave. mark in this world.
27. Linda opened the letter. A. Auld Lang Sygn B. I Think Continually of Those
28. Sarah put the baby on the sofa. Who Were Truly Great”. C. Psalm of Life
40. These adverbs tell us about the place of action.
A. adverbs of time B. adverbs of place
Slowly gently angrily loudly greedily sadly C. adverbs of manner
sweetly anxiously accurately quietly noisily
firmly badly happily carefully tiredly tightly
Answer key:
The following exercises will help you to gain better
understanding about how adverbs of place work.
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Close the door when you go ___________.

1. Out
2. Westward
3. Lightly
4. Here
Answer: A. Close the door when you go out.

2. The cat is hiding _______________ the couch.

1. On
2. Underneath
3. Somewhere
4. There
Answer: B. The cat is hiding underneath the couch.

3. Will you be starting your plants ________________

or in a greenhouse?
1. Round
2. Home
3. Outside
4. Around
Answer: C. Will you be starting your
plants outside or in a greenhouse?
4. The ship sailed ________________, encountering
heavy weather along the way.
1. Up
2. Down
3. Northwards
4. Backwards
Answer: C. The ship
sailed northwards, encountering heavy weather
along the way.

5. When she saw me waiting, she ran -

__________________ me.
1. Around
2. Towards
3. Through
4. Forward
Answer: B. When she saw me waiting, she
ran towards me.

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