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MALECDAN, petitioners,
CUDIAMAT and LIGAYA CUDIAMAT, all Heirs of the late Pedrito Cudiamat represented by
Inocencia Cudiamat, respondents.

On May 13, 1985, private respondents filed a complaint 1 for damages against petitioners for the
death of Pedrito Cudiamat as a result of a vehicular accident which occurred on March 25, 1985
at Marivic, Sapid, Mankayan, Benguet. Among others, it was alleged that on said date, while
petitioner Theodore M. Lardizabal was driving a passenger bus belonging to petitioner
corporation in a reckless and imprudent manner and without due regard to traffic rules and
regulations and safety to persons and property, it ran over its passenger, Pedrito Cudiamat.
However, instead of bringing Pedrito immediately to the nearest hospital, the said driver, in utter
bad faith and without regard to the welfare of the victim, first brought his other passengers and
cargo to their respective destinations before banging said victim to the Lepanto Hospital where
he expired.

On the other hand, petitioners alleged that they had observed and continued to observe the
extraordinary diligence required in the operation of the transportation company and the
supervision of the employees, even as they add that they are not absolute insurers of the safety
of the public at large. Further, it was alleged that it was the victim's own carelessness and
negligence which gave rise to the subject incident, hence they prayed for the dismissal of the
complaint plus an award of damages in their favor by way of a counterclaim.


Common carriers, from the nature of their business and reasons of public policy, are bound to observe extraordina
diligence for the safety of the passengers transported by the according to all the circumstances of each case. 16
common carrier is bound to carry the passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
provide, using the utmost diligence very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the
circumstances. 17

It has also been repeatedly held that in an action based on a contract of carriage, the court need not make an express finding of
fault or negligence on the part of the carrier in order to hold it responsible to pay the damages sought by the passenger. By contract
of carriage, the carrier assumes the express obligation to transport the passenger to his destination safely and observe
extraordinary diligence with a due regard for all the circumstances, and any injury that might be suffered by the passenger is right
away attributable to the fault or negligence of the carrier. This is an exception to the general rule that negligence must be proved,
and it is therefore incumbent upon the carrier to prove that it has exercised extraordinary diligence as prescribed in Articles 1733
and 1755 of the Civil Code. 18
Moreover, the circumstances under which the driver and the conductor failed to bring the gravely injured victim immediately to
the hospital for medical treatment is a patent and incontrovertible proof of their negligence. It defies understanding and can even be
stigmatized as callous indifference. The evidence shows that after the accident the bus could have forthwith turned at Bunk 56 and
thence to the hospital, but its driver instead opted to first proceed to Bunk 70 to allow a passenger to alight and to deliver a
refrigerator, despite the serious condition of the victim. The vacuous reason given by petitioners that it was the wife of the deceased
who caused the delay was tersely and correctly confuted by respondent court:

... The pretension of the appellees that the delay was due to the fact that they had to wait for about twenty minutes for Inocencia
Cudiamat to get dressed deserves scant consideration. It is rather scandalous and deplorable for a wife whose husband is at the
verge of dying to have the luxury of dressing herself up for about twenty minutes before attending to help her distressed and
helpless husband. 19

Further, it cannot be said that the main intention of petitioner Lardizabal in going to Bunk 70 was to inform the victim's family of the
mishap, since it was not said bus driver nor the conductor but the companion of the victim who informed his family thereof. 20
fact, it was only after the refrigerator was unloaded that one of the passengers thought
of sending somebody to the house of the victim, as shown by the testimony of Virginia
Abalos again, to wit:

Q Why, what happened to your refrigerator at that particular time?

A I asked them to bring it down because that is the nearest place to our house and when
I went down and asked somebody to bring down the refrigerator, I also asked somebody
to call the family of Mr. Cudiamat.


Q Why did you ask somebody to call the family of Mr. Cudiamat?

A Because Mr. Cudiamat met an accident, so I ask somebody to call for the family of Mr.

Q But nobody ask(ed) you to call for the family of Mr. Cudiamat?

A No sir. 21

With respect to the award of damages, an oversight was, however, committed by respondent Court of Appeals in computing the actual
damages based on the gross income of the victim. The rule is that the amount recoverable by the heirs of a victim of a tort is not the loss of
the entire earnings, but rather the loss of that portion of the earnings which the beneficiary would have received. In other words, only net
earnings, not gross earnings, are to be considered, that is, the total of the earnings less expenses necessary in the creation of such
earnings or income and minus living and other incidental expenses. 22

We are of the opinion that the deductible living and other expense of the deceased may fairly and reasonably be fixed at P500.00 a month or
P6,000.00 a year. In adjudicating the actual or compensatory damages, respondent court found that the deceased was 48 years old, in good
health with a remaining productive life expectancy of 12 years, and then earning P24,000.00 a year. Using the gross annual income as the
basis, and multiplying the same by 12 years, it accordingly awarded P288,000. Applying the aforestated rule on computation based on the
net earnings, said award must be, as it hereby is, rectified and reduced to P216,000.00. However, in accordance with prevailing
jurisprudence, the death indemnity is hereby increased to P50,000.00. 23
WHEREFORE, subject to the above modifications, the challenged judgment and resolution of respondent Court of Appeals are hereby
AFFIRMED in all other respects.

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