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When either a loved one or we requires medical care it is often a very worrying time and, more often than
not, we’re required to put our entire trust in a doctor and/or the staff of our local hospital.Once health has
been restored, many of us forget that medical staff work long hours and under a great deal of pressure and
so a letter of thanks will be received very favourably and it shows your appreciation and gratitude for the
excellent way in which the medical teamcared for you or your loved one.
Read the following example of a letter of thanks from a person who was the patient themselves.

To All the Staff on Ward 24G

I just wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for the wonderful treatment and care you all showed
to me following my recent hip replacement surgery.

Before I came into hospital for the operation, I was very nervous and daunted by the fear of the unknown
but you were all so kind and reassuring when I arrived which took away a lot of my apprehension.

You demonstrated your total commitment into caring for me when I was helpless in the days immediately
following the operation and also gave me the support and encouragement I needed to take my first steps
on the road to my rehabilitation which meant so much to me.

I’d like to particularly thank Julie Holmes and Katy Simons who provided me with round the clock nursing
care and to Dr Alan Roberts and his surgical team for their expertise in the operating theatre and for their
post-operative support. These were members of the team whom I saw on a daily basis and whom I
became particularly close to during my stay in the hospital. However, I’d also like to thank all the other
people, too numerous to mention, who all played such an important part in my treatment and recovery.

Thanks to you all, I’m now able to look forward to a long-held dream to be able to go and visit my son
and his family in the USA this coming June. Without your help, this would not have been possible so you
can imagine how grateful I am.

Thank you all once again for all your care and support.

Best regards,

Linda Davies

Write a letter to the staff of a hospital or medical centre thanking them for the care they provided for
you or your loved one.
You must include the following information:

 Type of care provided

 How the medical team cared for you or your loved one
 What you did after your (or your loved one’s) health was restored

Write between 200-230 words

Click the link below to find more examples of thank you letters

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