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1. Title and commencement:- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka
Sakala Services Rules, 2012.

(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the official

2. Definitions:- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) „Act‟ means the Karnataka Sakala Services Act, 2011 (Karnataka Act 1 of 2012);

(b) „Form‟ means form appended to these rules;

(c) 'Section' means section of the Act.

(2) The words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the
same meaning assigned to them in the Act.

3. Display of information on Notice Board.- (1) Designated Officer and his

subordinate public servant of the Public Authority shall, for the convenience of common
public, cause to display all relevant information regarding the services available in his office
as specified in the Schedule to the Act and Form of application on the notice board. All the
necessary documents that are required to be enclosed with the application for receiving the
notified services, Check list for documents to be enclosed, prescribed fees,
acknowledgement letter to be given compulsorily, reasons for rejection of services, the
manner of receiving compensatory cost from the Competent Officer, details as how to
contact the Appellate Authority, the procedure for monitoring the status of applications
shall be displayed on the Notice Board as per sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Act (Form-
A). Such Notice boards shall be exhibited in front of the Office. Sufficient number of copies
of the prescribed applications forms be made available in the counters for receiving the

(2) In the event of non-display of such information in the public domain, the
competent officer shall take remedial measures though the Designated Officer.

4. The manner of receiving application and issuing acknowledgement to

Applicants:- (1) The citizen shall apply to the designated Officer for one or more services
appended in the Schedule as per prescribed application format along with the documents
prescribed in the check-list in the counters for receiving the applications/registered post
acknowledgement due/ post/e-mail

(2) The designated officer or authorized person shall upon receipt of the written
application or in such Form wherever prescribed, give due acknowledgement to applicant in
Form-B. Computerised acknowledgement number shall be given for each application.

(3) In case necessary documents have not been enclosed with the application, then
the same shall be clearly mentioned in the acknowledgement and date of delivery shall not
be mentioned in such acknowledgements.

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(4) Where all the necessary documents have been enclosed with the application and
the application is complete in all respects, then the date of delivery shall be mentioned.

5. Public holidays shall not be included:- The public holidays shall not be included
while calculating the stipulated time limit for delivery of service.

6. Manner of seeking payment of Compensatory Cost:- (1)Citizen having applied

for citizen related services shall be entitled to seek compensatory cost by submitting a copy
of Form-B to the Competent Officer or filing a complaint with the acknowledgement Number
through Call Centre.

(2) The Competent Officer shall acknowledge or cause to acknowledge the application
for compensatory cost with date and seal.

(3) After receipt of application for compensatory cost, the Competent Officer shall
assess the Compensatory Cost entitled to the applicant on the basis of online information
and take necessary action to make immediate payment out of the imprest amount of the
Office and get the acknowledgement with signature. Thereafter, he shall initiate action to
recover the same from the defaulting Public Servant within 30 days as prescribed under
Section 11 of the Act and within the time limit prescribed in the Schedule.

7. Manner of giving notice.- The Competent Officer shall issue notice to the
designated officer or the sub-ordinate official responsible for delay or default in furnishing
him the copy of the application on which compensation was paid and call for reasons as to
why cost of compensatory cost paid shall not be recovered from him as per Form C. He
shall also indicate the time limit within which defaulting or delaying officer or official shall
furnish reasons.

8. Relaxation of Fee:- No fee shall be levied for appeal to Competent Officer or

Appellate Authority.

9. Procedure of application to Competent Officer:- Apply to the Competent

Officer along with a copy of Form-B /or through Call centre.

10. Documents to be enclosed with Appeal to the Appellate Authority:- Shall

apply along with form-B.

The Designated Officer or any public servant aggrieved by the orders of the Competent
Officer shall provide proof of deposit of compensatory cost in case of their application for
appeal under Section 12. No application shall be accepted without such proof.
11. Procedure for decision on First or Second Appeal:- The decision on orders of
Designated Officer or Competent Officer shall involve the following steps, namely:-
(1) Review of concerned documents, public records or their copies;
(2) In exceptional circumstances, any other officer may be authorized for required
(3) The Designated Officer or Competent Officer may be summoned at the time of

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12. Process of communicating the information on hearing:- Information on
hearing of the application by Competent Officer or Appellate Authority shall be
communicated by the Competent officer or Appellate Authority in one of the following
manners, namely:-

(1) By hand delivery;

(2) By registered post with acknowledgement receipt; or

(3) By Telephone/Fax/e-mail/SMS (whatever speedy communication

opted by the applicant)

(4) Information shall be displayed through KGSC software

13. Individual presence of applicant or Designated officer or Competent

officer:- (1) In all situations, the hearing date shall be communicated to applicant or
Designated Officer or Competent Officer as the case may be, at least 7 days in advance.

(2) The applicant or Designated Officer or Competent Officer as the case may be shall
make himself or person authorized by him to be present during the hearing.

(3) If any party remains absent on the date of hearing even after the information of
hearing being duly informed to him, then, the application may be decided exparte.

14. Order in Appeal:- (1) The Competent Officer or Appellate Authority, as the case
may be, shall pronounce order in open hearing and it shall be in writing (Form-D).

(2) Copy of appeal order by the Competent Officer shall be given to applicant and
Designated Officer within Seven days from date of order.

(3) Copy of appeal order by the Appellate Authority shall be given to applicant,
designated officer and competent officer.

(4) In case of imposition of compensatory cost, Competent Officer or Appellate

Authority as the case may be, shall mark copy of such order to the concerned Public
Authority with instructions to deduct the amount from the salary or honorarium or
remuneration, of the Designated Officer or his subordinate public servant or Competent
Authority, as the case may be.

(5) In the event of recommendation for departmental enquiry against Designated

Officer or his subordinate public servant or the Competent Officer, as the case may be, the
Appellate Authority shall send orders issued against him to the concerned Public Authority
or Appointing Authority.

15. Recovery of Compensatory Cost:- The Competent Officer shall cause to recover
the compensatory cost from the salary or honorarium or remuneration as the case may be,
of the Designated Officer or Officers and staff as decided by the Competent Officer or
Appellate Authority, upon receipt of copy of order of imposing compensatory cost and shall
deposit it under the respective departmental Head of Account and send a copy of challan to
the concerned Designated Officer.

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16. Maintenance of records of all disposed cases under the Act:- The Designated
Officer, Competent Officer and Appellate Authority shall maintain records of all the cases in
Form E-1, Form E-2 and Form E-3 respectively and specially Form E-I with regard to the
action taken in respect of delay/default cases and shall send a periodical report to the Head
of the Public Authority. Show cause notice through e-mail in Form E-4 shall be issued to
the public servants who have defaulted/delayed in more than 7 cases. Disciplinary action
shall be initiated in cases where reasons are not justifiable.
Show Cause notice through e-mail in Form E-5 shall be issued to the Competent
Officer/Appellate Authority who have exceeded the time limit. Report of such cases shall be
intimated to DPAR in Form E-6 at the end of the month. The Head of the Public Authority
shall include the same in its Annual Report. At the end of the year list of officers who have
not defaulted shall published and issued with letter of appreciation. (Form E-7)
17. Dissemination and Training:- The State Government and the Public
(1) Shall develop and organize campaigns and programmes to advance the
understanding of the public, in particular of the disadvantaged communities, as
to how to exercise the rights contemplated under this Act;
(2) Shall provide staff and infrastructure for the effective implementation of the Act;
(3) To give timely and effective dissemination of accurate information by public
authorities about the notified services and timeliness to the citizens and the
processes for applications, and
(4) To train Designated officer, Competent Officer and Appellate Authority, as the
case may be, of their duties under the Act;
(5) Concerned Departments of the State Government shall frame guidelines
containing such information, in an easily comprehensible form and manner, as
may reasonably be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right
specified under this Act;
(6) Concerned Departments of the State Government shall, if necessary, update and
publish guidelines referred to in sub-rule (5) above at regular intervals which
shall, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of sub-rule (5) above,
(i) The objects of this Act;
(ii) The manner and the form in which request for services shall be made to the
designated officer or competent officer;
(iii) All remedies in law available regarding a delay or denial of service,
including the manner of filing appeals;
(iv) Any additional regulations or circulars made or issued in relation to
obtaining services in accordance with this Act;
18. Monitoring of Implementation:- The State Government shall introduce a
system for centralized monitoring of the timely delivery of notified services, through use of
Information and Communication Technologies/E-Governance, and for monitoring various
provisions of the Act.

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(State Emblem)

Karnataka Sakala Services Act , 2011

Name of the Office:

Nme of the Village/ Taluk / District

Scheduled Services

Sl. List of Com[pensatio List of Name of Stipulate Compete Stipulated Appellate Stipulated
No. service n fee document the d time nt Officer time for Authority time for
s Designate for Competent Appellate
Check d Officer designate Officer Authority
list) d officer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of the authorised person to give and receive the application.

Instructions to Citizens
 To get the acknowledgement compulsorily
If services are delayed / not delivered contact Competent Officer/Appellate Authority
 along with the acknowledgement receipt.

 To know the status and monitoring of the application

contact 080 44554455, e-mail: [email protected]

The Government Servant who fails

to give the services are liable to pay Rs.20/-
per day per service from his Salary.

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(See rule 4(1)
Acknowledgement by the Designated Officer/ Authorised Officer
1. Name of the Applicant with address
2. Date of application
3. Acknowledgement Number
4 Name of the Designated Officer
with designation and address
5 Details of services sought
6 Details of relevant documents
enclosed with application
7 Accept (Yes/No)
8 Proposed date of Delivery
9 Reject (with reasons)

Place: Signature of the Designated Officer/

Date: Authorised Officer.

Form - C

Notice for recovery of compensatory cost

(Competent Officer)

You have failed to deliver / delayed the services within the stipulated time under the Karnataka Sakala
Services Act, 2011 to the applicant Sri ............ having acknowledgement Receipt No........ Therefore, Rs.20/- per
day is paid to the applicant for ........ number of days delayed /........... No. of services defaulted as compensatory
cost as specified under Section 11(1) of the Act. The compensatory cost of Rs....... , will be recovered from your
Salary. You are instructed to give your explanation with justification with in 7 days.

It is further instructed to provide the services within the stipulated time.



Competent Officer

Form - D

Format for Order of the Appellate Authority

(Competent Officer/Appellate Authority)

As per application dated:................the services sought under acknowledgement No............., the

delay/default in delivering ...........No. of services has been proved. Accordingly an amount of Rs..........has been
paid as compensatory cost to the applicant with acknowledgement Receipt No....... In this connection within seven
days an explanation was called from the Designated Officer. The appeals of the Applicant/Designated
Officer/Competent Officer have been enquired into. Based on the appeals, the documents and other information
furnished during the course of enquiry, it has been proved that Sri. ................ has delayed/defaulted in providing
..........No. of services under Section 9 of the Karnataka Saakala Services Act, 2011. Therefore, the Drawing Officer
is instructed to deduct an amount of Rs......... from his salary and credit the same to the concerned Head of
Account of the Department.


Place: Sd/-

(Competent Officer/ Appellate Authority)

173 | P a g e
Register to be maintained by the Designated Officer
(Name, designation and address)

No. of Services

Name of the
Details of relevant
applicant with Rejected
Sl. Details of documents
address and (with Delayed
No services sought enclosed to the
acknowledgem Delivered reasons (No. of days
ent No. for delayed)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Form E-2
Register to be maintained by Competent Officer
(Name, Designation and Address)

Name and No. of Services

Details of
Name & Details designatio
Date of relevant Basis Date of
Address of n of the
Sl. applicatio document for Relief dispos
of the service designated Date of Date of
No n with s enclosed appea asked al of
appellan s Officer payment recovery
Ack. No with l appeal
t sought appealed of C.C. of C.C.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Form E-3

3. Register to be maintained by Appellate Authority

Details of
Date of Details documents Name and Name and
Name & Grounds
first of accompanyin designatio designation of Date of
Sl. Address of on which
applicatio service g the n of the the Competent disposa
No the appeal is
n with s application Designate Officer to whom l
Appellant filed
Ack. No sought for second d Officer first appeal lies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Form E - 4

It has been observed that, out of applications received under the Karnataka Sakala Services Act, 2011,
you have failed to deliver the services in ..................cases in the scheduled time as detailed in form E-1. You are
hereby directed to give your explanation about the reasons for this delay/default and the precautionary measure
taken to solve the same within seven days, failing which disciplinary action will be initiated against you.

Competent Officer/Appellate Authority

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Form E - 5

It has been observed that, out of applications for appeals received under the Karnataka Sakala Services
Act, 2011, you have failed to dispose of ............ No. of appeals within the scheduled time. You are hereby directed
to give your explanation within seven days, failing which disciplinary action will be initiated against you.

Disciplinary Authority

Form E - 6

No. of
No. of cases
Officers who Common
Total No. of where Measures
Name of the have reasons
applications disciplinary taken for
Department defaulted in assessed for
received action reforms
more than 7 default
1 2 3 4 5 6

Form E - 7
(Draft Appreciation letter)

It is matter of pride that you have delivered the services under the Karnataka Sakala Services Act, 2011 in
time to the citizens throughout the year. Because of the best services rendered by you, the Department and the
Government have earned good name and has resulted in promoting good faith in the citizens towards the Act and
the administrative reforms measures taken by the Government. It is assumed that the employees will get
encouragement and enthusiasm from your model service. I would like to place on record the Government
appreciation for the outstanding (default free) service rendered by you in the year..........

Wishing you many more success in future.

Secretary of the Department

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