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19 High-Permeability Fracturing

Ronald E. Oligney Peter Valkó

Texas A&M University Texas A&M University

Michael J. Economides Sanjay Vitthal

Texas A&M University Halliburton Energy Services

19-1 INTRODUCTION voirs. The large fluid leakoff and unconsolidated sands
associated with high-permeability formations would
Since it was first used to improve production from mar-
ostensibly prevent the initiation and extension of a single,
ginal wells in Kansas in 1946, and its rapid, widespread
planar fracture with sufficient width to accept a mean-
acceptance in the early 1950s, massive hydraulic fractur-
ingful proppant volume. Moreover, such fracture mor-
ing (MHF) has become the dominant completion techni-
phology, even if successfully created and propped, would
que in the U.S. In 1993, 40% of new, completed oil wells
be incompatible with the defined needs of moderate- to
and 70% of gas wells were fracture-treated (Figure 19-1).
high-permeability reservoirs, which require large conduc-
With improved modern fracturing capabilities and the
tivity (width).
advent of high-permeability fracturing (HPF), also
The key feature in high-permeability fracturing is the
referred to as a fracpack or other variants, the industry
tip-screenout (TSO) technique, which arrests lateral frac-
is increasingly recognizing the tremendous advantages of
ture growth and allows for subsequent fracture inflation
fracturing most wells. Even near water or gas contacts, and packing. The result is short but exceptionally wide
prospects considered the bane of fracturing, HPF is fractures. While in traditional, unrestricted fracture
being applied, because it offers controlled fracture extent growth, an average fracture width of 0.25 in. would be
and limits drawdown (Mullen et al., 1996; Martins et al., considered normal, in TSO treatments, widths of 1 in. or
1992). even larger are commonly discussed.
The rapid ascent of high-permeability fracturing from Fundamental modeling and field evidence have sug-
a few isolated treatments before 1993 (Martins et al., gested that HPF treatments are primarily effective
1992; Grubert, 1990; Ayoub et al., 1992) to some 300 because they bypass near-well damage (DeBonis et al.,
treatments per year in the U.S. by 1996 (Tiner et al., 1994; Grubert, 1990; Hannah et al., 1993; Hunt et al.,
1996) suggests that HPF is becoming a dominating opti- 1994; Martins et al., 1992; Montagna et al., 1995; Monus
mization tool for integrated well completion and produc- et al., 1992; Mullen et al., 1994; Patel et al., 1994;
tion and one of the major recent developments in Reimers and Clausen, 1991; Smith et al., 1987; Stewart
petroleum production (Table 19-1). et al., 1995a and 1995b; Wong et al., 1993). This benefit is
As recently as 1993, hydraulic fracturing was consid- both the controlling and the necessary mechanism for
ered simply a means of production enhancement, and appreciable production enhancements from HPF jobs.
was used almost exclusively for low-permeability reser- Fundamentally, high-permeability fracturing would
The authors wish to thank the Gas Research Institute for their support always result in a negative skin effect, although it
of many research developments that appear in this chapter. would be of much smaller absolute value than the skins


Fracs (Oil)
Fracs (Gas)
% Oil
% Gas
Number of Wells Treated




















Figure 19-1 The importance of hydraulic fracturing

obtained in low-permeability reservoirs. However, post- While production enhancement is of primary impor-
treatment positive skins have been measured in many tance, there are actually a number of reasons to consider
wells, and these must be attributed to the connectivity fracturing a high-permeability formation:
(choke) between the well and the fracture. This connec-
tivity is related, for instance, to the number and condi- . Bypassing formation damage
tion of the perforations, and the fracture tortuosity from
. Controlling sand deconsolidation
its initiation direction to its ultimate propagation direc-
tion. These issues are addressed in Section 19-6.3 . Reducing fines migration and asphaltene production
because, although they affect all fractures, they have a
. Reducing bottom water coning
particularly serious effect on the low conductivity
expected in high-permeability treatments. Thus, although . Improving communication between reservoir and
from an ‘‘accounting’’ point of view, a pretreatment skin wellbore
effect of 10 compared to a post-treatment skin of 5 would . Stimulating wells
imply a skin reduction equal to 5, in reality, the pretreat-
ment skin of 10 is totally eliminated and supplanted by a
In contrast to virtually all conventional hydraulic frac-
new skin equal to 5. This issue is important because it
turing, positive post-treatment skin effects are possible
suggests the direction of indicated improvements in these
after HPF treatments. This effect is commonly attributed
types of stimulation treatments.
to fracture-face damage that results from excessive fluid
leakoff, but non-Darcy flow in the formation and espe-
cially in the fracture may also be a reasonable hypothesis.
It is interesting that HPF (fracpack) treatments did not
Table 19-1 Fracturing role expanded
necessarily originate as an extension of hydraulic fractur-
Permeability Gas Oil ing—although they borrowed heavily from established
Low k <0.5 md k <5 md techniques—but rather as a means of sand-production
Moderate 0.5< k <5 md 5< k <50 md control. In controlling the amount of surface sand pro-
duction, two distinctly different activities can be per-
High k >5 md k >50 md
formed downhole: sand exclusion and sand

deconsolidation control. Sand exclusion refers to all filter- ductivity index either to a larger rate or a lower draw-
ing devices such as screens and gravel packs. Gravel- down, or any combination of the two.
packing, the historically preferred well completion The present trend in HPF indicates a marked depar-
method to remedy sand production, is one such techni- ture from the heritage of gravel-packing, incorporating
que. These techniques do not prevent sand migration in more and more from hydraulic-fracture technology. This
the reservoir, so fines migrate and lodge in the gravel trend can be seen, for instance, in the fluids and prop-
pack and screen, causing large damage skin effects. pants applied. While the original fracpack treatments
Well performance progressively deteriorates and is involved sand sizes and ‘‘clean’’ fluids common in
often not reversible with matrix stimulation treatments. gravel-packing, now the typical proppant size for
Attempts to stem the loss in well performance by increas- hydraulic fracturing (20/40-mesh) seems to be dominant.
ing the pressure drawdown often aggravates the problem The increasing application of crosslinked fracturing
further and may potentially lead to wellbore collapse. fluids also supports the trend.
A more robust approach is the control of sand decon- For this reason, the term high-permeability fracturing
solidation, the prevention of fines migration at the (HPF) seems more appropriate than fracpack, and this
source. It is widely perceived that the use of HPF accom- term will be used throughout the chapter.
plishes this by mating with the formation in its (relative) In the following section, HPF is compared in a semi-
undisturbed state and reducing fluid velocities or ‘‘flux’’ quantitative way to competing technologies. This com-
at the formation face. parison is followed by a discussion of the key issues in
Actually, three factors contribute to sand deconsolida- high-permeability fracturing including design, execution,
tion: (1) pressure drawdown and the resulting flux of the and evaluation.
fluid, (2) the strength of the rock and integrity of the
natural cementation, and (3) the state of stress. Of
these three, the only factor that can be readily altered 19-2 HPF VS. COMPETING TECHNOLOGIES
is the distribution of flow and pressure drawdown. 19-2.1 Gravel Pack
With the introduction of formation fluids to the well
The term gravel pack refers to the placement of gravel
along a more elongated path, such as a hydraulic fracture
(actually, carefully selected and sized sand) between the
or horizontal well, it is entirely possible to reduce the
formation and the well as a means of filtering out (retain-
fluid flux and, in turn, control sand production.
ing) reservoir particles that migrate through the porous
Of course, little can be done to affect the state of stress.
medium. A ‘‘screen’’ is used to hold the gravel pack itself
The magnitude of earth stresses depends primarily on
in place. This manner of excluding reservoir fines from
reservoir depth and to some extent, pressure, and the flowing into the well causes an accumulation of fines in
situation becomes more complicated at depths of the near-well zone and an attendant reduction in gravel-
3000 ft or less. Pressure maintenance with gas or water pack permeability (i.e. damage).
flooding may be counterproductive unless maintenance The progressive deterioration of gravel-pack permeabil-
of reservoir pressure allows economic production at a ity (increased skin effect) leads, in turn, to a decline in well
smaller drawdown. While various innovations have production. Increasing the pressure drawdown to coun-
been suggested to remedy the incompetent formations teract production losses can result in accelerated pore-
or improve on natural cementation—for example, by level deconsolidation and additional sand production.
introducing complex well configurations (Section 19- Any productivity index relationship, e.g. the steady-
8.2) or various exotic chemical treatments—relatively lit- state expression for oil, can be used to demonstrate this
tle can be done to control this factor, either. Rock point:
mechanics issues were discussed more broadly in
Chapter 6. q kh
J¼ ¼   ð19-1Þ
In light of the discussion above, it should not be sur- pe  pwf r
141:2B ln e þ s
prising that HPF is rapidly replacing gravel packs in rw
many petroleum provinces that are susceptible to sand
production. As with any stimulation technique that If we assume that k ¼ 50 md, h ¼ 100 ft, B ¼ 1:1 res bbl/
results in a productivity index improvement (defined as STB,  ¼ 0:75 cp and ln re =rw ¼ 8:5, the productivity
the production rate divided by the pressure drawdown), indexes for an ideal (undamaged), a relatively damaged
the operator is responsible for allocating this new pro- (s ¼ 10), and a typical gravel-packed well (s ¼ 30) would

be 5, 2.3 and 1.1 STB/d/psi, respectively. For a draw- 4

down of 1,000 psi, these productivity indexes would sf + In(xf /rw)
result in production rates of 5000, 2300 and 1100 STB/ y
d, respectively. Clearly, the difference in production rates

sf + In(xf /rw), y
between the ideal and gravel-packed wells can be consid-
erable and very undesirable. 2
High-permeability fracturing under the same scenario
would combine the advantages of propped fracturing to
bypass the near-wellbore damage and gravel-packing to 1
provide effective sand control. Figure 19-2 is the classic
presentation of fracture-equivalent skin effect (Cinco- 0
Ley et al., 1978) in terms of dimensionless fracture con- 0.1 1 10 100 1000
CfD, opt
ductivity, CfD ð¼ kf w=kxf Þ, and the fracture half-length,
xf . Figure 19-2 Pseudoskin factor of a vertical well intersected by
As shown in Figure 19-2, even with a lackluster a finite-conductivity vertical fracture (after Cinco-Ley et al.,
hydraulic fracture ðCfD ¼ 0:5Þ and short fracture length 1978)
(xf ¼ 50 ft), the skin effect, sf (using again rw ¼ 0:328 ft),
would be equal to 3: rate water packs seem to have an advantage over gravel
A negative skin effect equal to 3 applied to Equation packs, but they do not provide the productivity improve-
19-1 yields a productivity index of 7.7 STB/d/psi, more ment of HPF. This improvement over gravel packs is
than a 50% increase over the ideal PI, and seven times reasonable because of the additional proppant placed
the magnitude of a damaged gravel-packed well. Even in the perforation tunnels.
with a damaged fracture (leakoff-induced damage as While not shown in the table, the performance of these
described by Mathur et al., 1995) and a skin equal to completions over time is also of interest. It is commonly
1, the productivity index would be 5.6 STB/d/psi, a reported that production from high-rate water packs (as
five-fold increase over a damaged gravel-packed well. in the case of gravel packs) deteriorates with time. By
This calculation brings forward a simple, yet fre- contrast, Stewart et al. (1995), Mathur et al. (1995),
quently overlooked issue. Small negative skin values and Ning et al. (1995) all report that production may
have a much greater impact on well performance than progressively improve (skin values may decrease) during
comparable magnitudes (absolute value) of positive skin. the first several months after an HPF treatment.
Furthermore, in the example calculation, a five-fold
increase in the productivity index suggests that the pro-
duction rate would increase by the same amount if the
19-2.3 Performance of Fractured Horizontal Wells
drawdown is held constant. Under an equally possible
in High-Permeability Formations
scenario, the production rate could be held constant
and the drawdown reduced to 15 its original value. Any Two of the most important recent developments in pet-
other combination between these two limits can be envi- roleum production are horizontal wells and high-perme-
sioned. The utility of high-permeability fracturing is, ability fracturing. Considerable potential is possible
thus, compelling. when the two technologies are combined. Horizontal
wells can be drilled either transversely or longitudinal
to the fracture azimuth. The transverse configuration is
appropriate for low-permeability formations and has
19-2.2 High-Rate Water Packs
been widely used and documented in the literature. The
As shown in Table 19-2, distilled from recent empirical longitudinally fractured horizontal well warrants further
data collected and reported by Tiner et al. (1996), high- attention, specifically in the case of high-permeability

Table 19-2 Skin values reported by Tiner et al. (1996)

Gravel-pack High-Rate Water Pack HPF
+5 to +10, excellent +2 to +5, reported 0 to +2, normally
+40 and higher are reported

Table 19-3 Discounted revenue in $ millions US

Configuration k = 1 md k = 10 md k=
100 md
Vertical well 0.73 6.4 57.7
Horizontal well 3.48 14.2 78.8
Fractured vertical well, CfD =1.2 2.59 13.4 89.6
Fractured horizontal well, CfD =1.2 3.88 16.3 95.8
Infinite-conductivity fracture (upper bound for both 3.91 16.3 103.3
horizontal and vertical well cases)

formations. HPF often results in low dimensionless-con- (and assuming the pump rate is larger than the rate of
ductivity hydraulic fractures, yet such fractures installed leakoff to the formation), continued pumping will inflate
longitudinally in horizontal wells in high-permeability the fracture (increase fracture width). This TSO and frac-
formations can have the net effect of installing a (rela- ture inflation should be accompanied by an increase in
tive) high-conductivity streak in an otherwise limited- net fracture pressure. Thus, the treatment can be concep-
conductivity flow conduit. Using a generic set of input tualized in two distinct stages: fracture creation (equiva-
data, Valkó and Economides (1996) showed discounted lent to conventional designs) and fracture inflation/
revenues for 15 cases that demonstrate this point. packing (after tip-screenout).
Table 19-3 shows that for a given permeability, the Figure 19-4 (after Roodhart et al., 1993) compares the
potential for the longitudinally fractured horizontal two-stage HPF process with the conventional single-
well is always higher than that of a vertical well, and stage fracturing process. Creation of the fracture and
that the horizontal well may approach the theoretical the arrest of its growth (tip-screenout) is accomplished
potential of an infinite-conductivity fracture when realis- by injecting a relatively small pad and a 1 to 4-lb/gal sand
tic fracture widths are considered. slurry. Once fracture growth has been arrested, further
Furthermore, Valkó and Economides showed that the injection builds fracture width and allows injection of
horizontal well fractured with 10-fold less proppant high-concentration (10 to 16-lb/gal) slurry. Final areal
ðCfD ¼ 0:12Þ still outperforms the fractured vertical well proppant concentrations of 20 lb/ft2 are not uncommon.
for k ¼ 1 and 10 md, and that the horizontal well is The figure also illustrates the common practice of retard-
competitive at 100 md. In fact, for the range of 1 to 10 ing injection rate near the end of the treatment (coinci-
md, even a 100-fold reduction in fracture width dental with opening the annulus to flow) to dehydrate/
ðCfD ¼ 0:012Þ is more than enough. Thus, with the long- pack the near wellbore and screen. Rate reductions may
itudinal configuration, orders-of-magnitude less fracture also be used to force tip-screenout in cases where no TSO
width (than that suggested for a fractured vertical well) event is observed on the downhole pressure record.
might be sufficient to achieve a certain production goal.


19-3.1 Tip-Screenouts
The critical elements of high-permeability fracturing
treatment design, execution, and interpretation are sub-
stantially different than for conventional fracturing treat-
ments. In particular, HPF relies on a carefully timed tip-
screenout (TSO) to limit fracture growth and allow for
fracture inflation and packing (Figure 19-3). The TSO
occurs when sufficient proppant has concentrated at
the leading edge of the fracture to prevent further frac-
ture extension. Once fracture growth has been arrested Figure 19-3 Width inflation with the tip-screenout technique



Injection Rate

Injected Slurry

Fracture Creation Fracture Inflation
(Conventional) and Packing

Fracturing Fluid and Proppant Concentrations in Fracture:

Pad Injection

Slurry Injection

- End of Job for Conventional Design -
After FIP

Figure 19-4 Comparison of conventional and HPF design concepts (after Roodhart et al., 1993)

Industry experience suggests that the tip-screenout can 19-3.2 Net Pressure and Fluid Leakoff
be difficult to model, affect, or even detect. The many Considerations
reasons for this difficulty include a tendency toward The entire HPF process is dominated by net pressure and
overly conservative design models (resulting in no fluid leakoff considerations, first because high-permeabil-
TSO), partial or multiple tip-screenout events, and inade- ity formations are typically soft and exhibit low elastic
quate pressure monitoring practices. modulus values, and second, because the fluid volumes
It is now well accepted that accurate bottomhole mea- are relatively small and leakoff rates are high (high per-
surements are imperative for meaningful treatment eva- meability, compressible reservoir fluids, and non-wall-
luation. Calculated bottomhole pressures are unreliable building fracturing fluids). As described previously, the
because of the dramatic friction pressure effects asso-
tip-screenout design itself also affects net pressure. While
ciated with pumping high sand concentrations through
traditional practices applicable to design, execution, and
reduced-ID tubulars and service-tool crossovers. Surface
evaluation in MHF continue to be used in HPF, these are
data may indicate that a TSO event has occurred when
frequently not sufficient.
the bottomhole data shows no evidence, or the opposite
may be true. Even in the case of downhole pressure data,
there has been some discussion regarding where measure-
ments should be taken. Friction and turbulence concerns
19-3.2.1 Net Pressure, Closure Pressure, and Width
have caused at least one operator to conclude that bot-
in Soft Formations
tomhole pressure data should be collected from below
the crossover tool (washpipe gauges) in addition to the Net pressure is the difference between the pressure at any
data collected from the service tool bundle (Mullen et al., point in the fracture and the fracture closure pressure.
1994). This definition involves the existence of a unique closure
The detection of tip-screenout is discussed further in pressure. Whether the closure pressure is a constant
Section 19-7 along with the introduction of a simple property of the formation, or it depends heavily on the
screening tool to evaluate bottomhole data. pore pressure (or rather on the disturbance of the pore

pressure relative to the long-term steady value) is an open might have an equal or even larger impact. Transient
question. flow cannot be understood by simply fitting an empirical
In high-permeability, soft formations, it is difficult (if equation to laboratory data; the use of models based on
not impossible) to suggest a simple recipe to determine solutions to the fluid flow in porous media is an unavoid-
the closure pressure as classically derived from shut-in able step.
pressure decline curves (Section 19-4.3.2). Furthermore,
because of the low elastic modulus values, even small,
induced uncertainties in the net pressure are amplified 19-3.3 Fundamentals of Leakoff in HPF
into large uncertainties in the calculated fracture width. In the following, three models are considered that
describe leakoff in the high-permeability environment.
Use of the traditional Carter leakoff model requires
19-3.2.2 Fracture Propagation some modification for use in HPF as shown. (Note:
Fracture propagation, the availability of sophisticated While this model continues to be used almost exclusively
3D models notwithstanding, is not yet a well-described across the industry, it is not entirely sufficient for the
phenomenon. Recent studies (Chudnovsky et al., 1996) HPF application.) An alternate, filter cake-based leakoff
emphasize the stochastic character of this propagation in model has been developed based on the work by
competent hard-rock formations. No serious attempt has Mayerhofer et al. (1993). The most appropriate but not
been made to describe the physics of fracture propaga- yet widespread leakoff model for high-permeability for-
tion in soft rock, but it is reasonably expected to involve mations may be that of Fan and Economides (1995),
incremental energy dissipation and more severe tip which considers the series resistance caused by (1) the
effects (with the effect of increasing net pressures). filter cake, (2) the polymer-invaded zone, and (3) the
Again, because of the low modulus values, an inability reservoir. While the Carter model is the most common
to predict net-pressure behavior may lead to significant in current use, the models of Mayerhofer et al. and Fan
differences between predicted and actual treatment per- and Economides represent important building blocks
formance. Ultimately, the classic models may not reflect and provide a conceptual framework for understanding
even the main features of the propagation process. the critical issue of leakoff in HPF.
Currently, fracture propagation and net-pressure fea-
tures are ‘‘predicted’’ through the use of a computer 19-3.3.1 Fluid Leakoff and Spurt Loss as Material
fracture-simulator. This trend of substituting clear mod- Properties: The Carter Leakoff Model
els and physical assumptions with ‘‘knobs’’ such as (1) with Nolte’s Power Law Assumption
arbitrary stress barriers, (2) friction changes (attributed
to erosion, if decreasing, and sand resistance, if increas- To make use of material balance, the term VL , the lost
ing) and (3) poorly understood properties of the forma- volume, must be described. For rigorous theoretical
tion expressed as dimensionless ‘‘factors,’’ does not help development, VL is the volume of liquid entering the
clarify the issue. formation through the two created fracture surfaces of
one wing. There are two main philosophies concerning
leakoff. The first considers the phenomenon as a material
property of the fluid/rock system. The basic relation
19-3.2.3 Leakoff in the High-Permeability
Environment (called the integrated Carter equation, also provided in
Chapter 17) is given in consistent units as
Considerable effort has been expended on laboratory
investigation of the fluid leakoff process for high-perme- VL pffiffi
¼ 2CL t þ Sp ð17-18Þ
ability cores. A comprehensive report can be found in AL
both Vitthal and McGowen (1996) and McGowen and
Vitthal (1996). The results raise some questions about where AL is the area and VL is the total volume lost
how effectively fluid leakoff can be limited by filter- during the period from time zero to time t. The integra-
cake formation. tion constant, Sp , is called the spurt-loss coefficient,
In all cases, but especially in high-permeability forma- which is measured in meters. It can be considered as
tions, the quality of the fracturing fluid is only one of the the width of the fluid body passing through the surface
factors that influence leakoff, and it is often not the instantaneouslypat
ffiffi the very beginning of the leakoff pro-
determining one. Transient fluid flow in the formation cess, while 2CL t is the width of the fluid body following

the first slug. The two coefficients, CL , and Sp can be pðtÞ ¼ pface ðtÞ þ pres ðtÞ ð19-2Þ
determined from laboratory tests.
As discussed in more detail in Chapter 17, Equation
17-18 can be visualized assuming that the given surface The filter-cake pressure term is proportional to R0, the
element ‘‘remembers’’ when it has been opened to fluid characteristic resistance of the filter cake. The transient
loss and has its own ‘‘zero’’ time, which might be differ- pressure drop in the reservoir can be re-expressed as a
ent from location to location on a fracture surface. series expansion of pD, the dimensionless pressure func-
Points of the fracture face near to the well are opened tion describing the behavior of the reservoir (unit
at the beginning of pumping while the points at the frac- response); tD is the dimensionless time calculated with
ture tip are ‘‘younger.’’ Application of Equation 17-18 or the maximum fracture length reached at time tn, and rp
of its differential form necessitates the tracking of the is the ratio of permeable height to the total height
opening time of the different fracture-face elements, as ðhp =hf Þ. With rigorous introduction of these variables
discussed in Chapter 17. and considerable rearrangement (not shown), an expres-
The second philosophy considers leakoff as a conse- sion for leakoff can be written that is useful for both
quence of flow mechanisms into the porous medium and hydraulic fracture propagation and fracture-closure
uses a corresponding mathematical description. modeling:

19-3.3.2 Filter Cake Based Leakoff Model qn ¼

According to Mayerhofer et al. r
pðtn Þ 
The method of Mayerhofer et al. (1993) describes the kr rp hf
" #
leakoff rate using two parameters that are physically X
more realistic than the leakoff coefficient: (1) filter-cake qn1 pD ðtDn  tDn1 Þ þ ðqj  qj1 ÞpD tDn  tDj1
resistance at a reference time and (2) reservoir permeabil- rffiffiffiffi
ity. It is assumed that these parameters (R0 , the reference R0 tn r pD ðtDn  tDn1 Þ
resistance at a reference time t0 , and kr , the reservoir 2rp An te kr rp hf
permeability) have been identified from a minifrac diag- ð19-3Þ
nostic test. In addition, reservoir pressure, reservoir fluid
viscosity, porosity, and total compressibility are assumed
to be known.
Total pressure gradient from inside a created fracture
out into the reservoir, p, at any time during the injec- pf
tion, can be written as

pðtÞ ¼ pface ðtÞ þ ppiz ðtÞ þ pres ðtÞ ð17-26Þ

where pface is the pressure drop across the fracture

face dominated by the filter cake, ppiz , is the pressure
drop across a polymer-invaded zone, and pres is the
pressure drop in the reservoir. This concept is shown in
Figure 19-5. pr
In a series of experimental works using typical hydrau-
lic fracturing fluids (e.g. borate and zirconate-crosslinked Distance from
Fracture Center
Filter Cake

fluids) and cores of permeability less than 5 md, no


appreciable polymer-invaded zone was detected. This

simplifying assumption is not valid for linear gels such
as HEC (which do not form a filter cake), and the
assumption may break down for crosslinked fluids at
higher permeabilities, (50 þ md). Thus, at least for cross-
linked fluids, the second term in the right side of Figure 19-5 Filter cake plus reservoir pressure drop in the
Equation 17-26 can reasonably be ignored, yielding Mayerhofer et al. (1993) model

This expression allows for determination of the leakoff where ct is the system compressibility, k is the formation
rate at time instant tn, if the total pressure difference permeability, u is the superficial flow rate, n is the power
between the fracture and the reservoir is known, as law fluid-flow behavior
  is the formation poros-
well as the history of the leakoff process. K0 3 n
 The dimension-
 ity, and eff ¼ 9þ ð150kÞ 2 is the fluid effective
less pressure solution, pD tDn  tDj1 , has to be deter- 12 n
mined with respect to a dimensionless time that viscosity where K 0 is the power-law fluid consistency
considers the actual fracture length at tn . index.
The model can be used to analyze the pressure fall-off Combining the description of the polymer-invaded
subsequent to a fracture injection (minifrac) test, as zone and the reservoir, the total pressure drop is given
described by Mayerhofer et al. (1995). The method by Fan and Economides (1995) as
needs more input data than the similar analysis based
on the Carter leakoff approach, but it offers the distinct 8
advantage of differentiating between the two major fac-   < pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi 
pfrac  pr ¼ app 1 e 41 erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tors of the leakoff process, filter-cake resistance and 2 k : 41
reservoir permeability.
2 9
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi 
þ r 2 e 42 erfc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð19-6Þ
42 ;

19-3.3.3 Polymer-Invaded Zone-Based Leakoff

Model of Fan and Economides where
The leakoff model of Fan and Economides (1995) con-
centrates on the additional resistance created by the poly- k k
mer-invaded zone. The total driving force behind fluid a1 ¼  1n and a2 ¼
1 ct
leakoff is the pressure difference between the fracture neff ct
face and the reservoir, pfrac  pi , which is equivalent to
the sum of the following three separate pressure drops
taken across the filter cake, in the polymer-invaded zone,
and in the reservoir:
At given conditions, Equation 19-6 can be solved itera-
pfrac  pi ¼ pcake þ pinv þ pres ð19-4Þ tively for the variable . Once the value of  is found for
a specified total pressure drop, the leakoff rate is calcu-
lated from
The fracture treating pressure is equivalent to the net
pressure plus fracture closure pressure (minimum hori-  
zontal stress). When a non-filter-cake fluid is used, the  1
qL ¼ A pffiffi ð19-7Þ
pressure drop across the filter cake is negligible, which is 2 t
the case for many HPF treatments. The physical model
of this situation, (i.e., fluid leakoff controlled by polymer
invasion and transient reservoir flow), is depicted in
Figure 19-6. The polymer invasion is labeled in the figure
as Region 1, while the region of reservoir fluid compres- 1 2
sion (transient flow) is denoted as 2.
By employing conservation of mass, a fluid-flow equa-
tion, and an appropriate equation of state, a mathema-
tical description of this fluid leakoff scenario can be
written. As a starting point, Equation 19-5 describes
power-law fluid behavior in the porous medium:
pfrac s(t) pi
@2 p neff ct 1 1n @p
¼ ð19-5Þ Figure 19-6 Fluid leakoff model with polymer invasion and
@x2 k u @t transient reservoir flow

In other words, the factor  /(2) can be considered a Arguments are made for and against underbalanced vs.
pressure-dependent apparent leakoff coefficient. overbalanced perforating: underbalanced perforating
may cause formation failure and cause the guns to
‘‘stick,’’ while overbalanced perforating eliminates a
19-4 TREATMENT DESIGN AND cleanup trip but may negatively impact the completion
EXECUTION efficiency.
In contrast to the preceding section, which was quite Solvent or other scouring pills are commonly circu-
theoretical (appropriately so) and dealt fundamentally lated to the bottom of the workstring and then reversed
with key issues involved in high-permeability fracturing, out to remove scale, pipe dope, or other contaminants
especially leakoff, this section will provide practical before they are pumped into the formation. Several hun-
detail as to the current best practice being applied in dred gallons (10 to 25 gal/ft ) of 10 to 15% HCl acid will
HPF design and execution. then typically be circulated or bullheaded down to the
Most HPF treatments are done with mechanical sand perforations and be allowed to soak, (to improve com-
control equipment in place. While this is not always the munication with the reservoir by cleaning up the perfora-
case, and while there are many potential variations, a tions and dissolving debris in the perforation tunnel).
generalized job sequence follows: Some operators are beginning to forego the solvent and
acid cleanup (obviously to reduce rig time and associated
1. Perforate the formation. costs) from the perspective that, in HPF, the damaging
2. Run the gravel-pack screen assembly. material is pumped deep into the formation and will not
3. Spot/soak acid to clean up perforations. seriously impact well performance.
4. Perform and interpret pretreatment diagnostic tests.
5. Design the TSO pumping schedule based on design
variables from diagnostic tests. 19-4.2 Mechanical Considerations
6. Pump the TSO treatment until screenout or until the
The vast majority of HPF treatments have been per-
volume needed to form an annulus pack remains in
formed with the mechanical sand-control equipment in
place. However, in some early jobs, the tip-screenout and
7. Slow the pump rate to 1 to 2 bbl/min and open the gravel pack were done in two steps separated by a clean-
annulus valve to circulate in and dehydrate an annu- out trip. Concerns with fluid loss/damage to the fracture
lar pack. and a desire to eliminate all unnecessary expense even-
8. Shut down the pumps when tubing pressure reaches tually discouraged this two-step approach. More
its safe upper limit. recently, there is a trend toward screenless HPFs as
9. Prepare the well for production. described in Section 19-8.1.
Early treatments were plagued by rate and erosion-
resistance limitations of the gravel-pack tools. Enlarged
19-4.1 Perforations
crossover ports have now been incorporated in the
It is widely agreed that establishing a conductive connec- gravel-pack tools of all the major service companies,
tion between the fracture and wellbore is critical to the which minimize friction and erosion problems and
success of HPF, but no consensus or study has emerged allow for very aggressive treatment designs. The aggres-
that gives definitive direction. In the context of high per- sive pumping schedules, in turn, have given rise to
meability and maximizing conductivity and fluid flow another problem: Tiner et al. (1996) report several
rate, a common response is to shoot the entire target instances where the blank liner above the screen has
interval with high shot-density and large holes (12 been collapsed at screenout. They suggest that the pres-
shots/ft with ‘‘big hole’’ charges). Concerns with clean sure outside the blank rises quicker than the internal
formation breakdown (single-fracture initiation), near- pressure, resulting in a collapse of this ‘‘weak link.’’
well tortuosity, and perforations that are not packed The suggested remedy is the use of P-110 grade pipe
with sand (especially in screenless HPFs) cause some for the blank.
operators to use just the opposite treatment: perforating Limitations were also evident in the surface equipment
the middle of the target zone only (possibly modifying used on early treatments. The tendency was to approach
the treatment up or down based on stress contrast) with a these treatments (especially offshore) as an oversized
limited number of 08 or 1808 phased perforations. gravel-pack operation. While HPF volumes are relatively

small for a fracture treatment, the high rates (20 bbl/min withstanding, three tests (with variations) form the cur-
is common) and high proppant concentrations (up to 16 rent basis of pretreatment testing in high-permeability
or 18 lb/gal) require high horsepower. Undersized gravel- formations: step-rate tests, minifrac tests, and pressure
pack units were often used in early jobs; otherwise, mis- falloff tests.
cellaneous onshore fracturing units were hobbled
together and placed on barges. This practice resulted in
many failed treatments. Today, dedicated skid-mount 19-4.3.1 Step-Rate Tests
units with fixed manifolds are widely available and pro-
The step-rate test (SRT), as implied by its name, involves
vide adequate horsepower (including standby) within
injecting clean gel at several stabilized rates, beginning at
stringent space and weight limitations. Reliable mixing
matrix rates and progressing to rates above fracture
and blending equipment is now available to achieve the
extension pressure. In a high-permeability environment,
various fluid and additive specifications of HPF, includ-
a test may be conducted at rate steps of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10,
ing very-low to very-high proppant concentrations and
and 12 bbl/min, and then at the maximum attainable
slurry rates. Other than these considerations, the surface
rate. The injection is held steady at each rate step for a
equipment is common to that used in conventional MHF
uniform time interval, typically 2 or 3 min at each step.
In principle, SRTs are intended to identify the fracture
extension pressure and rate. The stabilized pressure (ide-
ally bottomhole pressure) at each step is classically
19-4.3 Pretreatment Diagnostic Tests plotted on a Cartesian graph vs. injection rate. The
point at which a straight line drawn through those points
The objective of pretreatment diagnostic tests (referred
that are obviously below the fracture extension pressure
to as fracture calibration tests, minifracs, datafracs, etc.)
(dramatic increase in bottomhole pressure with increas-
is to determine within engineering bounds, the value of
ing rate) intersects with the straight line drawn through
various parameters that govern the fracturing process.
those points above the fracture extension pressure (mini-
Fracture closure pressure (considered in most cases as
mal increase in pressure with increasing rate) is inter-
equivalent to the minimum horizontal in-situ stress)
preted as the fracture extension pressure. The dashed
and the fluid leakoff coefficient (used to describe bulk
lines on Figure 19-7 illustrate this classic approach.
leakoff behavior) are the most common targets and are
While the conventional SRT is operationally simple
especially important in HPF as discussed previously.
and inexpensive, it is not necessarily accurate. A
However, other information may also be sought or
Cartesian plot of bottomhole pressure versus injection
inferred, such as (1) fracture extension or propagation
rate, in fact, does not generally form a straight line for
pressure (often referred to as formation parting pressure
radial flow in an unfractured well. Simple pressure tran-
or FPP), (2) potential perforation or near-wellbore fric-
sient analysis of SRT data through the use of de-super-
tion, (3) evidence of fracture-height containment, and (4)
position techniques shows that with no fracturing, the
reservoir permeability.
pressure vs. rate curve should exhibit upward concavity.
Several features unique to high-permeability fracturing
make well-specific design strategies highly desirable if not
essential: (1) fracture design in soft formations is very
sensitive to leakoff and net pressure, (2) the controlled
nature of the sequential tip-screenout/fracture inflation
and packing/gravel-packing process demands relatively
precise execution strategies, and (3) the treatments are

very small and typically ‘‘one-shot’’ opportunities.

Furthermore, methods used in hard-rock fracturing for
determining critical fracture parameters a priori (geologic
models, log and core data or Poisson’s ratio computa-
tional models based on poroelasticity) are of limited
value or not yet adapted to the unconsolidated, soft,
high-permeability formations. Injection Rate
The preceding discussion of advanced leakoff models
and their applicability to pressure falloff analysis not- Figure 19-7 Ideal SRT—radial flow with no fracturing

Thus, the departure of the real data from ideal behavior minifrac procedure and primary outputs as described in
may occur at a pressure and rate well below that indi- Chapter 17 (fracture closure pressure and a single leakoff
cated by the classic intersection of the straight lines coefficient) are widely applied to HPF—this in spite of
(Figure 19-7). some rather obvious shortcomings.
The two-SRT procedure of Singh and Agarwal (1988) The first step in analyzing a minifrac is determining
is more fundamentally sound. However, given the rela- fracture closure pressure, which is typically done by plot-
tively crude objectives of the SRT in high-permeability ting the pressure decline after shut-in vs. some function
fracturing, the conventional test procedure and analysis of time. The main plots used to identify fracture closure
may be sufficient. are
The classic test does indicate several things:
. pshut-in vs. t
. Upper limit for fracture-closure pressure (useful in pffiffi
analysis of minifrac pressure falloff data) . pshut-in vs. t

. Surface treating pressure that must be sustained dur- . pshut-in vs. g-function (and variations)
ing fracturing (or whether sustained fracturing is even . log(pISIP  pshut-in)
possible with a given fluid)
. Reduced rates that will ensure no additional fracture The selection of closure pressure using these plots, a dif-
extension and (aided by fluid leakoff) packing of the ficult enough task in hard-rock fracturing, has proved to
fracture and near-wellbore with proppant be arbitrary or nearly impossible in high-permeability,
high fluid-loss formations. In some cases, the duration
. Perforation and/or near-wellbore friction (indicated
of the closure period is so limited (1 minute or less) that
by bottomhole pressures that continuously increase
the pressure signal is masked by transient phenomena.
with increasing rate, seldom a problem in soft forma-
Deviated wellbores and laminated formations (common
tions with large perforations and high shot-densities)
in offshore U.S. Gulf Coast completions), multiple frac-
. Expected casing pressure if the treatment is pumped ture closures, and other complex features are often evi-
with the service tool in the circulating position dent during the pressure falloff. The softness (low elastic
modulus) of these formations results in very subtle frac-
A step-down option to the normal SRT is sometimes ture closure signatures on the pressure decline curve.
used specifically to identify near-wellbore restrictions Flowbacks are not used to accent closure features
(tortuosity or perforation friction). This test is usually because of the high leakoff and concerns with production
done immediately following a minifrac pump-in stage. of unconsolidated formation sand.
By observing how bottomhole pressure varies with New guidelines and diagnostic plots for determining
decreasing rate, near-wellbore restrictions can be imme- closure pressure in high-permeability formations are
diately detected; for example, bottomhole pressures that being pursued by various practitioners, and this informa-
change only gradually during steps down in injection rate tion will eventually emerge to complement or replace the
would indicate no restriction. standard analysis and plots.
The shortcomings of classic minifrac analysis are
further exposed when they are used (commonly) to select
19-4.3.2 Minifrac Tests
a single effective fluid-loss coefficient for the treatment.
Following the SRT, which establishes the fracture exten- As described in Chapter 17, in low-permeability forma-
sion pressure and places an upper bound on fracture tions, this approach results in a slight overestimation of
closure pressure, a minifrac is typically performed to tai- fluid loss and actually provides a factor of safety to pre-
lor or redesign the HPF treatment with well-specific vent screenout. In high-permeability formations, the clas-
information. This test is the critical pretreatment diag- sic approach can dramatically underestimate spurt loss
nostic test. The minifrac analysis and treatment redesign (zero spurt-loss assumption) and overestimate total fluid
is now commonly done on site in less than an hour, or 2 loss (Dusterhoft et al., 1995). This uncertainty in leakoff
to 3 hours at the most. behavior makes the controlled timing of a tip-screenout
Concurrent with the rise of HPF, minifrac tests and very difficult. Dusterhoft et al. outlined various proce-
especially the use of bottomhole pressure information dures to correct for spurt loss and leakoff behavior that
have become much more common. Otherwise, the classic is not proportional to the square root of time; however,

entirely new procedures based on sound fundamentals of . Washpipe data (from sensors attached to washpipe
leakoff in HPF (as outlined previously in Section 19-3.3) below the service-tool crossover)
are ultimately needed. The traditional practice of
accounting for leakoff with a bulk leakoff coefficient is Washpipe pressure data is the most desirable for HPF
simply not sufficient for this application. design and analysis because of its location adjacent to the
fracture and downstream of all significant flowing pres-
sure drops. Workstring bundle carrier data can introduce
19-4.3.3 Pressure Falloff Tests serious error in many cases because of fluid friction gen-
A third class of pretreatment diagnostics for HPF has erated both through the crossover tool and in the casing/
emerged that is not common to MHF: pressure falloff screen annulus. Without detailed friction-pressure cor-
tests. Because of the high formation permeability, com- rections that account for specific tool dimensions and
mon availability of high-quality bottomhole pressure annular clearance, significant differences may exist
data and multiple pumping and shut-in cycles, matrix between washpipe and workstring bundle carrier pres-
formation properties including kh and skin can be deter- sures (Mullen et al., 1994). Deadstring pressures are
mined from short-duration pressure falloff tests with the widely used and considered acceptable by most practi-
appropriate transient flow equation. Chapman et al. tioners; others suggest that redundant washpipe pressure
(1996) and Barree et al. (1996) propose prefrac or matrix data has shown that the deadstring can miss subtle fea-
injection/falloff tests that involve injecting completion tures of the treatment. The use of bottomhole transdu-
fluid below fracturing rates for a given period, and cers with real-time surface readouts is suggested in cases
then analyzing the pressure decline with a Horner plot. where a deadstring is not feasible or when such well
The test is performed with standard pumping equipment, conditions as transients may obscure important informa-
and it poses little interruption to normal operations. A tion. The calculation of bottomhole pressures from sur-
test can normally be completed within 1 hour or may face pumping pressure is not recommended in HPF. The
even make use of data from unplanned injection/shut- combination of heavy sand-laden fluids, constantly chan-
in cycles. The resulting permeability certainly relates to ging proppant concentrations, very high pump rates, and
fluid leakoff as described earlier in this chapter (Section short pump times makes the estimation of friction pres-
19-3.3.2), and it allows the engineer to better anticipate sures nearly impossible.
fluid requirements. An initial skin value is useful in
‘‘benchmarking’’ the HPF treatment and for comparison
19-4.4 Tip-Screenout Design
with post-treatment pressure transient analysis.
The so-called tip-screenout or TSO design clearly differ-
entiates high-permeability fracturing (HPF) from con-
19-4.3.4 Bottomhole Pressure Measurements ventional massive hydraulic fracturing (MHF). While
A discussion of pretreatment diagnostic tests requires a HPF introduces other identifiable differences, such as
discussion of the source of pressures used in the analysis. higher permeability, softer rock, smaller proppant
Implicit to the discussion is that the only meaningful volumes, etc., it is the tip-screenout which makes these
pressures are those adjacent to the fracture face, whether fracturing treatments unique. Conventional treatments
measured directly or translated to that point. At least are designed to achieve TSO at the end of pumping. In
four different types of bottomhole pressure data are high-permeability fracturing, the fracture creation stage
available, depending on the location at which the real that precedes TSO is followed by a fracture inflation and
data were taken: packing stage; this two-stage treatment gives rise to the
vernacular fracpack. These conventional and HPF design
. Calculated bottomhole pressure (bottomhole pressure concepts are illustrated and compared in Figure 19-4.
calculated from surface pumping pressure) Because of the rapid ascent of high-permeability frac-
turing, many engineers did not have (and still do not
. Deadstring pressure (open annulus and bottomhole
have) computer models that accommodate the TSO
pressure determined based on the density of fluid in
design. By definition (Nolte, 1986), conventional fracture
annulus; tubing may also be used as a deadstring when
design systems were formulated with TSO as the end-
the treatment is pumped down the casing)
point. A no-growth fracture inflation and packing stage
. Bundle carriers in the workstring (measured down- had not been envisioned, never mind entering the neces-
hole, but above the service tool crossover) sary design algorithms into a computer model. Recently,

however, several of the commercially available simula- and

tors have been modified to accept the TSO designs.
The in-house simulators of many producing companies pffiffiffiffih pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii
Vi ðTi Þ ¼ 2CL A0 t0
i arcsinð1=
i Þ þ ð
i  1Þ
and oilfield service companies have also been modified.
Given the near-crippling dependence of the modern ð19-12Þ
petroleum engineer on ‘‘black-box’’ solutions, one is
compelled to ask how engineers effected a TSO design where
before the modified computer programs were available.

i ¼ ðt0 þ Ti Þ=t0 ð19-13Þ
What is the key? An experienced engineer would recog-
nize that after TSO (assuming complete arrest of fracture
and CL is the fluid leakoff coefficient.
growth), the problem is reduced to a simple one of mate-
5. The following material balance relations can be easily
rial balance.
implemented in a spreadsheet program and used to
Wong et al. (1995) offer the following algorithm that
calculate fracture parameters at any time Ti:
can be used with any conventional 2D simulator to
develop a fundamentally sound tip-screenout design: X
Vf ðTi Þ ¼ Vci  Vi ðTi Þ ð19-14Þ

1. It is assumed that the following fracture parameters

are known at the end of the TSO stage (from the Vf ðTi Þ ¼ VF ðt0 Þ þ Vi  Vl ðTi Þ ð19-15Þ
A0 = fracture area at TSO X
t0 = total time to TSO Mfip ðTi Þ ¼ Mts0 þ ðci Vci Þ ð19-16Þ
Mts0 = total proppant mass
p(t0 ) = net pressure at TSO
VFðt0Þ = fracture volume at TSO cm ðTi Þ ¼ Mfip ðTi Þ=Vf ðTi Þ ð19-17Þ

2. For every ith stage of the fracture inflation and pack-

ing (FIP) pumping schedule, the clean fluid volume APCðTi Þ ¼ Mfip ðTi Þ=A0 ð19-18Þ
(Vci) and the pumping time for the ith stage (ti) are
given in terms of known slurry volume (Vi), proppant and
concentration (ci), pump rate (qi), and proppant spe-
cific density ( p ): VF ðTi Þ
pðTi Þ ¼ pðt0 Þ ð19-19Þ
VF ðT0 Þ
Vci ¼ Vi p =ð p þ ci Þ ð19-8Þ
where Vf is the total (two-wing) fluid volume, VF is the
and total fracture volume, Mfip is the total amount of prop-
pant, cm is the average proppant concentration loading,
APC is the average areal proppant concentration, and
ti ¼ Vi =qi ð19-9Þ
p is the net pressure.
Using the relations above, a TSO design is developed
3. Cumulative time from TSO to the ith stage is simply that specifies pump rate, slurry volume, and proppant
X loading during fracture inflation and packing in as
Ti ¼ ti ð19-10Þ many stages as deemed appropriate. Design objectives
include (1) achieving a desired fracture width (from
areal proppant concentration) and (2) ensuring that the
4. Assuming that the fracture area ceases to propagate
proppant does not dehydrate prematurely (cm < 28 lb/
after TSO, the fluid leakoff rate (ql) and leakoff
volume (Vl) at any time Ti are given (for low-effi-
Early TSO treatment designs commonly called for
ciency conditions) as
50% pad (similar to conventional fracturing) and a fairly
 pffiffiffiffi  pffiffiffiffi aggressive proppant ramping schedule; however, it is
ql ðTi Þ ¼ 2CL A0 1= to arcsin 1=
i ð19-11Þ now increasingly common to reduce the pad to 10 to

15% of the treatment and extend the 0.5 to 2 lb/gal stages mation material into the perforation tunnels and
(which combined, may comprise 50% of total slurry annulus.
volume, for example). This practice is intended to ‘‘create
width’’ for the higher concentration proppant addition
(12 to 14 lb/gal). 19-4.5.1 Swab Effect Example
The following simple equation, given by Mullen et al.
(1994) can be used to convert swab volumes into oil-
field-unit flow rates.
19-4.5 Pumping a TSO Treatment
Anecdotal observations related to real-time HPF experi- qs ¼ 2057 ð19-20Þ
ences are abundant in the literature and are not the focus
of this text. However, some observations related to treat-
where qs is the instantaneous swab rate in bbl/d, Vs is
ment execution are necessary:
the swabbed volume of fluid in gal, tm is the time of tool
movement in seconds, 2057 is the conversion factor for
. Most treatments are pumped with a gravel-pack ser-
gal/sec to bbl/d.
vice tool in the ‘‘circulate’’ position with the annulus
The volume of swabbed fluid is calculated from the
valve closed at the surface. This practice allows for
service-tool diameter and the length of stroke during
live annulus monitoring of bottomhole pressure
which the sealed service tool does not allow fluid
(annulus pressure + annulus hydrostatic head) and
bypass. The average swab volume of a 2.68-in. service
real-time monitoring of the progress of the treatment.
tool is 2.8 gal when the service tool is moved from the
. When no evidence exists of the planned TSO on the squeeze position to the reverse-circulation position.
real-time pressure record, the late treatment stages can Assuming a rather normal movement time of 5 seconds,
be pumped at a reduced rate to effect a tip-screenout. this represents an instantaneous production rate of 1103
Obviously, this practice requires reliable bottomhole bbl/d.
pressure data and direct communication with the frac
unit operator.
. Near the end of the treatment, the pump rate can be
slowed to gravel-packing rates, and the annulus valve
can be opened to begin circulating a gravel pack. The 19-5.1 Optimum Fracture Dimensions
reduced pump rate is maintained until tubing pressure
Much has been published recently concerning optimum
reaches a safe upper limit, signaling that the screen/
fracture dimensions in HPF. While there are debates
casing annulus is packed.
regarding the optimum dimensions, fracture conductivity
. Because very high proppant concentrations are used, is largely regarded as more important than fracture
the sand-laden slurry used to pack the screen/casing length. Of course, this intuitive statement only recognizes
annulus must be displaced from the surface with clean the first principle of fracture optimization: Higher perme-
gel well before the end of pumping. Thus, proppant ability formations require higher fracture conductivity to
addition and slurry volumes must be metered carefully maintain an acceptable value of the dimensionless frac-
to ensure that there is sufficient proppant left in the ture conductivity, CfD.
tubing to place the gravel pack (to avoid ‘‘overdispla- So how long should the fracture be? A ‘‘rule of thumb’’
cing’’ proppant into the fracture). is that fracture length should be equal to half the perfora-
tion height (thickness of producing interval).
. Conversely, if an HPF treatment sands out prema-
Alternatively, Hunt et al. (1994) showed that cumulative
turely (with proppant in the tubing), the service tool
recovery from a well in a 100-md reservoir with a 10-ft
can be moved into the ‘‘reverse’’ position and the
damage radius is optimized by extending a fixed 8000-
excess proppant can be circulated out.
md-ft conductivity fracture to any appreciable distance
. Movement of the service tool from the squeeze/circu- beyond the damaged zone. This result implies that there
lating position to the reverse position can create a is little benefit to a 50-ft fracture length compared to a
sharp instantaneous drawdown effect, and it should 10-ft fracture length. Two observations are in order:
be done carefully to avoid swabbing unstabilized for- first, the Hunt et al. evaluation is based on cumulative

recovery; second, their assumption of a fixed fracture The productivity index (Equation 19-1) after the creation
conductivity implies a decreasing dimensionless fracture of a fracture of half-length, xf , can be written in oilfield
conductivity with increasing fracture length (less than units as
optimal placement of the proppant).
It is generally true that if an acceptable CfD is main- kh
J¼    ð19-21Þ
tained, additional length will provide additional produc- 0:472re rw xf
141:2B ln þ ln þ ln þ sf
tion. (An acceptable CfD may require an increase in areal rw xf rw
proppant concentration from 1.5 lb/ft2, which is common
in hard-rock fracturing, to 20 lb/ft2 or more.) Ultimately, where sf is the Cinco-Ley et al. pseudoskin appearing
the decision becomes one of economics and/or optimal because of the fracture. The quantity ln xf =rw þ sf can
placement of a finite proppant volume (as in offshore be obtained from the dimensionless fracture conductiv-
environments where total fluid and proppant volumes ity, CfD , (Equation 17-8). The wellbore radius drops out
may be physically limited). and the fracture half-length is substituted from Equation
These issues are discussed more rigorously in the fol- 17-9. The resulting productivity index is
lowing sections.
hk xf
141:2B ln 0:472re þ 0:5 ln þ 0:51 ln CfD þ ln þ sf
Vf kf rw

19-5.1.1 Fracture Width as a Design Variable (19-22)

In practice, fracture extent and width have been difficult where the only unknown is CfD . Since the drainage
to influence separately. Once a fracturing fluid and injec- radius, formation thickness, two permeabilities, and the
tion rate are selected, the fracture width evolves with propped volume are fixed, the maximum PI occurs when
increasing length according to strict relations (at least the quantity
in the well-known PKN and KGD design models). xf
Therefore, the key decision variable has been the fracture y ¼ 0:51 ln CfD þ ln þ sf ð19-23Þ
extent. Once a fracture extent is selected, the width is
calculated as a consequence of technical limitations,
becomes a minimum. The quantity y is also shown on
(maximum realizable proppant concentration).
Figure 19-2. Since it depends only on CfD , the optimum
Knowledge of the leakoff process helps to determine
CfD ; opt ¼ 1:6 is a given constant for any reservoir, well,
the necessary pumping time and pad volume.
and proppant. (Note: Depending on the accuracy of the
The tip-screenout (TSO) technique has brought a
calculations and the graphical representation, some
significant change to this design philosophy. Through
authors have suggested the value 1.2.) As explained in
TSO, fracture width can be increased without increas-
Chapter 17, the optimum dimensionless fracture conduc-
ing the fracture extent. In this context, a strictly tech-
tivity corresponds to the best compromise between the
nical optimization problem can be formulated: How
capacity of the fracture to conduct and the capacity of
does one independently select the optimum fracture
the reservoir to deliver hydrocarbon.
length and width under a given proppant volume con-
straint? The problem is one of maximizing the PI in
the pseudosteady-state flow regime. The answer is of
primary importance in understanding HPF, but is also
necessary for understanding hydraulic fracturing in 19-5.1.2 Technical Optimization
general. Once the volume of proppant that can be placed into one
The same propped volume can be used to create a wing of the fracture, Vf , is known, the optimum fracture
narrow, elongated fracture or a wide, short fracture. It half-length can be calculated as
is convenient to select CfD as the decision variable, and
then the fracture half-length can be expressed using the  
Vf kf 1=2
propped volume of one wing, Vf, as xf ¼ ð19-24Þ
Vf kf 1=2
xf ¼ ð17-9Þ and consequently, the optimum propped average width
CfD hk should be

1:6Vf k 1=2 selection in Section 17-3.4. Resin-coated proppants are
w¼ ð19-25Þ
hkf discussed briefly as an emerging HPF technology in
Section 19-8.1. While specialty proppants (intermediate-
These results have several implications. Most impor- strength and resin-coated proppants) have certainly been
tant, there is no theoretical difference between low- used in HPF, most treatments are pumped with standard
and high-permeability fracturing. In both cases, a tech- graded-mesh sand.
nically optimal fracture exists, and it should have a When selecting a proppant size for HPF, the engineer
dimensionless fracture conductivity of order unity. In faces competing priorities: sizing the proppant to address
a low-permeability formation, this requirement results concerns with sand exclusion, or using maximum prop-
in a long and narrow fracture. In high-permeability for- pant size to ensure adequate fracture conductivity.
mations, a short and wide fracture may provide the As with equipment choices and fluids selection, the
same dimensionless conductivity. In practice, not all gravel-packing roots of fracpack are also evident when
proppant will be placed into the permeable layer, so proppant selection is considered. Engineers initially
in the relation above, the effective volume should be focused on sand exclusion and a gravel pack derived
used, subtracting the proppant placed in the nonpro- sizing criteria such as that proposed by Saucier
ductive layers. It is also important to recognize that (1974). Saucier recommends that the mean gravel size
the indicated ‘‘optimal fracture’’ may not always be (Dg50) be five to six times the mean formation grain size
feasible. In high-permeability formations, departure (Df50). The so-called ‘‘4-by-8 rule’’ represents minimum
from the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity and maximum grain-size diameters that are distributed
might be justified by several factors (e.g. the indicated around Saucier’s criteria, i.e. Dg;min ¼ 4Dg50 and
large width may be impossible to create): a minimum Dg;max ¼ 8Dg50 , respectively. Thus, many early treat-
length may be dictated by the damage radius, severe ments were pumped with standard 40/60-mesh or even
non-Darcy effects in the fracture may strongly reduce 50/70-mesh sand. The somewhat limited conductivity of
the apparent permeability of the proppant pack, and these gravel-pack mesh sizes under in-situ formation
considerable fracture width can be lost because of prop- stresses may not be adequate in many cases.
pant embedment into the soft formation. Irrespective of sand mesh size, fracpacks tend to reduce
concerns with fines migration by reducing fluid flux at
19-5.1.3 Economic Optimization the formation face.
The current trend in proppant selection is to use
Having settled the optimization of fracture length vs. fracturing-size sand. A typical HPF treatment now
width for a fixed proppant volume, the remaining task uses 20/40 proppant (sand). Maximizing the fracture
is to optimize proppant volume. Obviously, this is an conductivity can itself help prevent sand production
economic optimization issue rather than a technical
by reducing drawdown. Results with the larger prop-
one. The more proppant that is placed in the formation
pant have been encouraging, both in terms of produc-
(otherwise optimally), the better the performance of the
tivity and limiting or eliminating sand production
well. At this point, economic considerations must dom-
(Hannah et al., 1993).
inate. The additional revenue at some point becomes
It is interesting to note that the topics of formation
marginal compared to the linearly (or even more
competence and sanding tendency, major issues in the
strongly) increasing costs. This situation is properly trea-
realm of gravel-pack technology, have not been widely
ted by applying net present value (NPV) analysis (Balen
studied in the context of HPF. In many cases, HPF is
et al., 1988). Though a NPV analysis always provides an
providing a viable solution to completion failures despite
‘‘optimum design,’’ it should not replace the understand-
the industry’s limited understanding of (soft) rock
ing of the underlying technical optimization issues.
This move away from gravel-pack practices toward
fracturing practices is common to many aspects of
19-5.2 Proppant Selection HPF with the exception (so far) of downhole tools, and
The primary and unique issue relating to proppant selec- it seems to justify changing our terminology from frac-
tion for high-permeability fracturing is proppant sizing. pack to high-permeability fracturing. The following dis-
Proppant strength, shape, composition, and other factors cussion of fluid selection is also consistent with this
are included in a more general discussion of proppant perspective.

19-5.3 Fluid Selection . Choke damage refers to the near-well zone of the frac-
ture that can be accounted for by a skin effect. This
Fluid selection for HPF has always been driven by con-
damage can result from either overdisplacement at the
cerns with damaging the high-permeability formation,
end of a treatment or by fines migration (native or
either by filter-cake buildup or (especially) polymer inva-
proppant) during production and the accumulation
sion. Most early treatments were performed with HEC,
of fines near the well but within the fracture.
the classic gravel-pack fluid, because it was perceived to
be less damaging than guar-based fracturing fluids. . Fracture-face damage implies permeability reduction
While the debate continues and many operators continue normal to the fracture face and includes permeability
to use HEC fluids, the fluid of choice is increasingly impairments caused by the filter cake, polymer-
borate-crosslinked HPG. invaded zone, and filter cake-invaded zone.
Based on a synthesis of reported findings from several
practitioners, Aggour and Economides (1996) provide a
well-reasoned rationale to guide fluid selection in HPF.
Their findings suggest that if the extent of fracturing fluid 19-5.3.1 Composite Skin Effect
invasion is minimized, the degree of damage (permeabil-
ity impairment caused by filter-cake or polymer invasion) Mathur et al. (1995) provide the following representation
is of secondary importance. They use the effective skin for effective skin resulting from radial wellbore damage
representation of Mathur et al. (1995) to show that if and fracture-face damage:
fluid leakoff penetration is small, even severe permeabil- " #
ity impairments can be tolerated without exhibiting posi-  b2 k r ðb1  b2 Þkr b1
sd ¼   þ   
tive skin effects. In this case, the obvious 2 b1 k3 þ xf  b1 k2 b1 k1 þ xf  b1 kr xf
recommendation in HPF is to use high-polymer concen-
tration, crosslinked fracturing fluids with fluid-loss addi-
tives, and an aggressive breaker schedule. The polymer,
crosslinker, and fluid-loss additives limit polymer inva- Figure 19-8 depicts the two types of damage accounted
sion, and the breaker ensures maximum fracture conduc- for in sd, (fracture-face and radial wellbore damage). The
tivity, a critical factor which cannot be overlooked. b- and k- terms are defined graphically in Figure 19-9 and
Experimental work corroborates these contentions. represent the dimensions and permeabilities of various
Linear gels have been known to penetrate cores of very zones included in the finite-conductivity fracture model
low permeability (1 md or less) whereas crosslinked poly- of Mathur et al.
mers are likely to build filter cakes at permeabilities two The equivalent damage skin from Equation 19-26 can
orders of magnitude higher (Roodhart, 1985; be added directly to the undamaged fracture skin effect
to obtain the total skin:
Mayerhofer et al., 1991). Filter cakes, while they may
damage the fracture face, clearly reduce the extent of
polymer penetration into the reservoir that is normal to st ¼ sd þ sf ð19-27Þ
the fracture face. At extremely high permeabilities, even
crosslinked polymer solutions may invade the formation.
Radial Damage Fracture
Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1981) and Cinco-Ley et al.
(1978) described the performance of finite-conductivity
fractures and delineated the following three major
types of damage affecting this performance:

Fracture Damage
. Reduction of proppant-pack permeability resulting
from either proppant crushing or (especially) unbro-
ken polymer chains, leads to fracture conductivity
impairment. This condition can be particularly pro-
blematic in moderate- to high-permeability reservoirs. rs xf
Extensive progress in breaker technology has drama-
tically reduced concerns with this type of damage. Figure 19-8 Fracture-face damage



k1 k3 b1
∆p k2 b2


Radial Fluid-Invaded Zone


Figure 19-9 Fluid-invaded zones

19-5.3.2 Parametric Studies more than 90%. For 1.25-ft damage penetration, the
permeability impairment would have to be over 95% to
Aggour and Economides (1996) used the Mathur et al.
achieve positive skins. If the penetration of damage can
model (with no radial wellbore damage) to evaluate total
be limited to 0.25 ft, even a 99% permeability reduction
skin and investigate the relative effects of different vari-
in the invaded zone would not result in positive skins. At
ables. Their results related the total skin in a number of
a higher dimensionless conductivity equal to unity, even
discrete cases to (1) the depth of fluid invasion normal to
higher permeability impairments can be tolerated with-
the fracture face and (2) the degree of permeability reduc-
out suffering positive skins.
tion in the fluid-invaded zone. A sample of their results
At least one obvious critical conclusion can be made
(for xf ¼ 25 ft, CfD ¼ 0:1, and kf ¼ 10 md), expressed
from this work: The extent of damage normal to the
initially in terms of damage penetration ratios, b2/xf ,
fracture face is more important than the degree of
and permeability impairment ratios, k2/kr , are re-
damage. If fluid invasion can be minimized, even 99%
expressed in real units on Table 19-4. Under each of damage can be tolerated. The importance of maximizing
these conditions, the total skin is equal to zero. CfD is also illustrated; certainly, a good proppant-pack
These results suggest that for a (nearly impossible) 2.5- should not be sacrificed in an attempt to minimize the
ft penetration of damage, a positive skin is obtained only fracture-face damage.
if the permeability impairment in the invaded zone is This conclusion emphasizes the selection of appropri-
ate fracturing fluids:

Table 19-4 Total skin

. Linear gels because of their considerable leakoff pene-
Depth of Fluid Invasion Permeability Reduction
tration, are not recommended
2.5 ft 90%
1.25 ft 95% . Crosslinked polymer fluids with high gel loadings
0.25 ft 99% appear to be much more appropriate
After Aggour and Economides (1996) . Aggressive breaker schedules are imperative

. Filter-cake building additives may also be considered fluids with, of course, an appropriately designed breaker
to minimize the spurt loss and total leakoff system.

19-5.3.3 Predicted Well Performance with Cleanup 19-5.3.5 Viscoelastic Carrier Fluids
Fracture-face damage should not significantly alter long-
HEC and borate-crosslinked HPG fluids are the domi-
term HPF performance. Previous work has confirmed
nant fluids currently used in HPF; however, a third class
this conclusion. Mathur et al. (1995) used a case study
of fluid deserves to be mentioned, so-called viscoelastic
from the Gulf Coast and Ning et al. (1995) studied gas
surfactant (VES) fluids. There is little debate that these
wells in Alberta, Canada. The Mathur et al. study
fluids exhibit excellent rheological properties and are
assumed a linear cleanup of the fracture and observed
nondamaging, even in high-permeability formations.
an early-time improvement of the production rate. The
The advantage of VES fluids is that they do not require
Ning et al. study showed that the effect of fracture con-
the use of chemical breaker additives; the viscosity of this
ductivity on the long-term production rate was the sig-
fluid conveniently breaks (leaving considerably less resi-
nificant factor, whereas the effects of fracture-fluid
due than polymer-based fluids) either when it contacts
invasion damage were minimal.
formation oil or condensate, or when its salt concentra-
tion is reduced. Brown et al. (1996) present typical VES
fluid performance data and case histories.
19-5.3.4 Experiments in Fracturing Fluid The vulnerability of VES fluids is in their temperature
Penetration limitations. The maximum application temperature for
McGowen et al. (1993) presented a series of experiments VES fluids has only recently been extended from 130oF
showing the extent of fracturing fluid penetration in to 200oF.
cores of various permeabilities. Fracturing fluids used
were 70-lb/Mgal HEC and 30- or 40-lb/Mgal borate-
crosslinked HPG. Filtrate volumes were measured in
mL/cm2 of leakoff area (centimeters of penetration) for 19-5.4 Quality Control
a 10-md limestone and 200- and 1,000-md sandstones at
Many early HPF treatments failed because of equipment
1208F and 1808F.
problems and a lack of quality control on fluids and
Several conclusions are drawn from this work:
proppants. In general, the intense quality control that
is standard for onshore massive hydraulic fracture treat-
. Crosslinked fracturing fluids are far superior to linear ments was not immediately adopted on small offshore
gels in controlling fluid leakoff. For example, 40-lb/ fracpack treatments. This invited skepticism of the merits
Mgal borate-crosslinked HPG greatly outperforms of the process and somewhat slowed the introduction of
70-lb/Mgal HEC in a 200-md core at 1808F. HPF technology. In addition to quality-control proce-
. Linear gel performs satisfactorily in 10-md rock but dures that have been instituted by all major service com-
fails dramatically at 200 md. Even aggressive use of panies, it is now common for producing companies to
fluid-loss additives (40-lb/Mgal silica flour) does not supply a consultant or in-house specialist to oversee the
appreciably alter the leakoff performance of HEC in a quality control on most HPF treatments.
200-md core. A number of control checks should be performed
before each HPF treatment to verify the performance
. Increasing crosslinked gel concentrations from 30- to of all fluids and proppants. The treatment itself should
40-lb/Mgal has a major impact on reducing leakoff in also be closely monitored so that (1) to the extent possi-
200-md core. Crosslinked borate maintains excellent ble, real-time modifications can be made that will
fluid-loss control in 200-md sandstone and performs improve the outcome of the treatment and (2) unavoid-
satisfactorily even at 1000 md. able deficiencies in the treatment execution can be appro-
priately evaluated post-mortem. The reader is referred to
This experimental work strongly corroborates the mod- the Stimulation Engineering Handbook (Ely, 1994) for a
eling results of Aggour and Economides (1996) and sug- detailed explanation of fracturing quality-control proce-
gests the use of higher-concentration crosslinked polymer dures.

19-6 EVALUATION OF HPF of real-time datasets (pretreatment and main treatment)

TREATMENTS: UNIFIED APPROACH is net-pressure history-matching, although this approach
is not advocated.
19-6.1 Production Results
The incorporation of multiple leakoff, stress, friction,
The evaluation of HPF treatments can be viewed on and other variables in a 3D simulator, while it may (and
several different levels. Economic justification (produc- invariably does) lead to an excellent ‘‘match,’’ unfortu-
tion results) is the first level on which HPF technology nately sacrifices the uniqueness (usefulness) of the eva-
was (and continues to be) evaluated. Simply put, HPF luation by introducing multiple degrees of freedom.
has gained widespread acceptance because it allows These activities may provide operators with qualitative
operators to produce more oil at less cost. direction on a case-by-case basis, but they also conceal
McLarty and DeBonis (1995) report that fracpack the real issues and retard fundamental development of
treatments typically result in production increases 200 the technology.
to 250% times that of comparable gravel packs, and In contrast to this approach, consider the step-wise
offer the example cases in Table 19-5. approach for the evaluation of bottomhole treating pres-
Similar reports of production increase are scattered sures outlined by Valkó et al. (1996):
throughout the body of HPF literature. Stewart et al.
(1995) present a relatively comprehensive economic jus-
tification for HPF that considers (in addition to produc- . A leakoff coefficient is determined from an evaluation
tivity improvements) the incremental cost of HPF of minifrac data using a minimum number of assump-
treatments and the associated payouts, operating tions, minimum input data, and minimum user inter-
expenses, relative decline rates, and reserve recovery action. Radial fracture geometry and a combined
acceleration issues. Nolte-Shlyapobersky method are suggested.
. When the obtained leakoff coefficient is used, an
almost automatic procedure is suggested to estimate
19-6.2 Evaluation of Real-Time Treatment Data the created fracture dimensions and the areal prop-
There is increasing recognition of the value of real-time pant concentration from the bottomhole-pressure
HPF treatment data. Complete treatment records and curve monitored during the execution of the HPF
digital treatment datasets are now routinely collected treatment. This procedure (termed ‘‘slopes analysis’’)
and evaluated as part of post-treatment analysis. In is further developed and expanded in Section 19-7 as a
fact, a fracpack cooperative has been established at fundamental and potentially important building block
Texas A&M University to facilitate databanking of for the evaluation of real-time HPF data.
these real-time engineering datasets.
. The obtained fracture dimensions and areal proppant
Treatment reconstruction and post-mortem diagnosis
concentration can be converted into an equivalent
hold tremendous potential to improve HPF design and
fracture extent and conductivity. The actual perfor-
execution, but the usefulness of many ongoing efforts in
mance of the well is analyzed on the basis of well-
this regard is limited. With the proliferation of user-
test procedures, and these results are compared to
friendly, ‘‘black box software,’’ many engineers embrace
the results of the slopes analysis.
and increasingly confuse technology with computer soft-
ware and simulations. A popular approach to evaluation
Conducting the procedure above for a large number of
treatments originating from various operators will result
Table 19-5 Example Production Results
in a data bank that ultimately improves the predictability
Job Type Before After and outcome of HPF treatments.
New Well Comparison 460 bopd 1,216 bopd At present, there seems to be a trend in the industry to
Recompletion (oil) 1,300 bopd 2,200 bopd support joint efforts and assist mutual exchange of infor-
mation. The procedure above provides a coherent
Recompletion (gas) 3.8 MMcf/d 13.2 MMcf/d
(though not exclusive) framework to compare HPF
Sand Failure 200 bopd 800 bopd
data from various sources through the use of a common,
After McLarty and DeBonis (1995) cost-effective evaluation methodology.

19-6.3 Post-Treatment Pressure-Transient Analysis . Factors causing decrease of apparent permeability in

the fracture The most familiar factor that decreases
For post-treatment evaluation, temperature logs and var-
the apparent permeability of the proppant pack, and
ious fracture-mapping techniques, such as triaxial bore-
therefore fracture conductivity, is proppant-pack
hole seismics and radioactive tracer mapping, have
damage. The reduction of permeability because of
gained increasing importance. However, from the basis
the presence of residue from the gelled fluid and fail-
of future production, by far the most important evalua-
ure of proppant because of closure stress are well
tion is pressure transient analysis. While avoiding an
understood. Since those phenomena exist in any frac-
exhaustive treatment of the subject, it is appropriate at
ture, they cannot be the general cause of the discre-
this juncture to discuss several issues related to pressure-
pancy in high-permeability fracturing. Non-Darcy flow
transient analysis in HPF wells, especially positive skin
in the fracture is also reasonably well understood.
factors, which pose the largest challenge to treatment
Separation of rate-independent skin from the vari-
able-rate component by multiple-rate well testing is
The performance of a vertically fractured well under
a standard practice. The effect of phase change in the
pseudosteady-state flow conditions was investigated by
fracture is less straightforward to quantify.
McGuire and Sikora (1960) through the use of a phy-
sical analog (electric current). A similar study for gas . Factors decreasing the apparent width Embedment of
wells was conducted by van Poolen et al. (1958). For the proppant in a soft formation is now well documen-
the ‘‘unsteady-state’’ case, a whole series of works was ted in the literature (e.g. Lacy et al., 1996).
initiated by Gringarten and Ramey (1974), and contin- . Fracture-face skin effect The two sources of this phe-
ued by Cinco-Ley et al. (1978) They clarified concepts nomenon are filter-cake residue and the polymer-
of the infinite-conductivity fracture, uniform-flux invaded zone. Sometimes the long-term cleanup
fracture, and finite-conductivity fracture. From the for- (decrease of the skin effect) of a stimulated well is
mation perspective, double-porosity reservoirs, multi- considered as indirect proof of such damage. It is
layered reservoirs, and several different boundary assumed that linear polymer fluids invade more deeply
geometries have been considered. The typical flow into the formation and therefore, cause more fracture-
regimes (fracture linear, bilinear, pseudoradial) have face damage, as discussed by Mathur et al. (1995).
been well documented in the literature. Deviations
from ideality (non-Darcy effects) have also been consid- . Permeability anisotropy While the anisotropy of per-
ered. meability has only a limited effect on pseudoradial
Post-treatment pressure transient analysis for HPF flow, the early-time transient flow regime of a stimu-
wells starts with a log-log diagnostic plot that includes lated well is very sensitive to anisotropy. This fact is
the pressure derivative. Once the different flow regimes often neglected when the well is characterized with one
are identified, specialized plots can be used to obtain the single skin effect.
characteristics of the created fracture. In principle, frac- . Concept of skin It has to be emphasized that the con-
ture length and/or conductivity can be determined using cept of negative skin as the only measure of the ‘‘qual-
the prior knowledge of permeability. For HPF, however, ity’’ of a well might be a source of the discrepancy
the relatively large arsenal of pressure-transient diagnos- itself.
tics and analysis for fractured wells has proven somewhat
ineffective. Often, it is difficult to reveal the marked char-
acteristics of an existing fracture on the diagnostic plot. 19-6.3.1 Validity of the Skin Concept in HPF
In fact, the well often behaves similar to a slightly There is, in fact, no clear theoretical base for obtaining
damaged, unstimulated well. An HPF treatment is negative skin from short-time well-test data distorted by
often considered successful if a large positive skin of wellbore storage if the well has been stimulated. The use
order +10 or more is decreased to the range of +1 to of infinite-acting reservoir + wellbore storage + skin
+4. These (still) positive skin factors create the largest type-curves in this case is not based on sound physical
challenge of treatment evaluation. principles and might cause unrealistic conclusions.
The obvious discrepancy between theory and practice In addition, the validity of the pseudoskin concept
has been attributed to several factors, some of which are during the transient production period is an important
well documented and understood and some others of issue. In general, the pseudoskin concept is valid only at
which are still in the form of hypotheses: late times. Thus, a fracture designed for optimal late-time

performance may be not optimal at shorter times. One kf ;app w

CfD;app ¼ ð19-29Þ
may ask how much performance is lost in selecting frac- kr;app xf
ture dimensions that are optimal for a late time. This
question has not been investigated, but it is reasonable The apparent permeabilities are flow-rate dependent;
to assume that the loss in performance is negligible for therefore, the deliverability equation becomes implicit
high-permeability reservoirs where the dimensionless in the production rate.
times corresponding to a month or year are much higher Proceeding further requires a model of non-Darcy
than for low-permeability reservoirs. flow. Almost exclusively, the Forcheimer equation is
used in the industry:

19-6.3.2 Effect of Non-Darcy Flow in the Fracture dp u

 ¼ v þ jvjv ð19-30Þ
dx k
Non-Darcy flow is another important issue that deserves
specific consideration in the context of HPF. Non-Darcy
where v ¼ qa =A is the Darcy velocity and is a property
flow in gas reservoirs causes a reduction of the produc-
of the porous medium.
tivity index by at least two mechanisms. First, the appar-
A popular correlation was presented by Firoozabadi
ent permeability of the formation may be reduced
and Katz (1979) as
(Wattenbarger and Ramey, 1969) and second, the non-
Darcy flow may decrease the conductivity of the fracture c
(Guppy et al., 1982). ¼ ð19-31Þ
Consider a closed gas reservoir producing under pseu-
dosteady-state conditions, and apply the concept of pseu-
where c ¼ 8:4  108 m1:4 ð¼ 2:6  1010 ft1 md1:2 Þ:
doskin effect determined by dimensionless fracture
To apply the Firoozabadi and Katz correlation, we
Definitions and Assumptions    
dp 1 k jvj 1 c jvj
Gas production is calculated from the pseudosteady-  ¼ v 1þ ¼ v 1 þ 0:2 ð19-32Þ
dx k  k k 
state deliverability equation:
   showing that
khTsc mðp Þ  m pwf

psc T
kapp 1
kr;app ¼ ð19-33Þ
    k c jvj
  0:472re 1 þ 0:2
kr f1 CfD;app þ ln ð19-28Þ k 
The equation above can be used both for the reservoir
where m(p) is the pseudopressure function, kf,app is the
and for the fracture if correct representative linear velo-
apparent permeability of the proppant in the fracture,
city is substituted. In the following, it is assumed that
and kr,app is the apparent permeability of the formation.
h ¼ hf .
(All the equations in this subsection are given for a con-
A representative linear velocity for the reservoir can be
sistent system of units, such as SI.) The function f1 was
given in terms of the gas-production rate as
introduced by Cinco-Ley and Samaniego (1981); it was
presented in Chapter 17 as qa
v¼ ð19-34Þ
xf 1:65  0:328u þ 0:116u2
f1 ðCfD Þ ¼ sf þ ln ¼
rw 1 þ 0:18 ln u þ 0:064u2 þ 0:005u3
where qa is the in-situ (actual) volumetric flow rate; there-
fore, for the reservoir non-Darcy effect
where u ¼ ln CfD .    
The apparent dimensionless fracture conductivity is c v c qa 1
¼ ð19-35Þ
defined by k  r 2h 2xf k0:2

A representative linear velocity in the fracture can be where

given in terms of the gas-production rate as
1þ 0:2
qa kf w wk f
v¼ ð19-36Þ cfD;app ¼ ð19-42Þ
2hw kr xf 1 þ c0 q
2xf k0:2

Thus, for the non-Darcy effect in the fracture, one can

The additional skin effect, sND, appearing because of non-
Darcy flow, can be expressed as
c v c qa 1 c0 q   0:472re
¼ ð19-37Þ sND ¼ 1þ f1 CfD;app þ ln
k0:2  f 2h wk0:2
f 2xf k0:2 xf
The term qa is the mass flow rate, and it is the same in  f1 CfD þ ln
the reservoir and in the fracture; c qa is expressed in
terms of the gas-production rate as

c qa c a g The additional non-Darcy skin effect is always positive

¼ q ¼ c0 q ð19-38Þ
2h 2h and depends on the production rate in a nonlinear
where q is the gas-production rate in standard volume Equations 19-29 and 19-31 are of primary importance
per time, g is the specific gravity of gas with respect to for interpreting post-fracture well-testing data and to
air, and a is the density of air at standard conditions. forecast production. If the mechanism responsible for
The factor c0 is constant for a given reservoir-fracture the post-treatment skin effect is not understood clearly,
system. the evaluation of the treatment and the production fore-
The final form of the apparent permeability depen- cast might be severely erroneous.
dence on production rate is

  19-6.3.3 Case Study in Effect of Non-Darcy Flow

kapp 1
¼ c q ð19-39Þ As discussed above, non-Darcy flow in a gas reservoir
k r 1 þ 0 0:2
2xf kr reduces the productivity index by at least two mechan-
isms. First, the apparent permeability of the formation
may be reduced, and second, the non-Darcy flow may
for the reservoir and decrease the fracture conductivity. In this case study, the
  effect of non-Darcy flow on production rates and
kapp 1 observed skin effects is investigated. Reservoir and frac-
¼ c q ð19-40Þ
k f 1 þ 00:2 ture properties are given in Table 19-6.
wkf A simplified form of Equation 19-41 in field units is

for the fracture. As a consequence, the deliverability p 2  p2wf

equation becomes 1424ZT
kr h
khTsc mðp Þ  m pwf  
q¼ c0 q 0:472re
psc T 1þ f1 FCD;app þ ln
2xf k0:2
r xf
 !   ð19-44Þ
c0 q   0:472re
1þ f1 CfD;app þ ln c a g
2xf k0:2
r xf where c0 ¼ has to be expressed in ft-md0.2 MMscf/
ð19-41Þ d. In the given example, c0 ¼ 73 ft-md0.2 MMscf/d and

Table 19-6. Data for fractured well in gas reservoir The results are shown graphically in Figs. 19-10 through
re ft 1 500 19-12. It is apparent that the effect of the fracture (nega-
 cp 0.02 tive skin on the order of 3) is hidden by the positive
skin effect induced by non-Darcy flow. The zero or posi-
Z N/A 0.95
T R 640
kr md 10
h ft 80
hf ft 80 3000
kf md 10,000

pw, psi
xf ft 30 2000
w inch 0.5
g N/A 0.65
p psi 4 000
rw ft 0.328
0 20 40 60 80 100
q, MMSCF/d
 1 þ q  
kf w 2xf k0:2
r kf w 1 þ c0r q Figure 19-10 Inflow performance of the fractured gas reser-
CfD;app ¼ c ¼
kr xf 1 þ 00:2 q kr xf 1 þ c0f q voir, non-Darcy effect from the Firoozabadi - Katz correlation


c0r ¼ 2:34  103 m3 =s ¼ 7:67  102 ðMscf=dÞ1


c0f ¼ 6:14  101 m3 =s ¼ 2:78  102 ðMscf=dÞ1 0

0 20 40 60 80 100
q, MMSCF/d

Therefore, in field units Figure 19-11 Additional skin effect from non-Darcy flow in
the fracture
1 þ 0:76q
CfD;app ¼ 1:39 ð19-46Þ
1 þ 280q


40002  p2wf 1
q¼  -1

21:645 ð1 þ 0:76qÞ½f1 ðFCD;app Þ þ 3:16

ð19-47Þ -2

The non-Darcy component of the skin effect can be cal- -3

culated as 0 20 40 60 80 100
q, MMSCF/d
sND ¼ ð1 þ 0:00076qÞ½f1 ðFCD;app Þ þ 3:16  4:619
Figure 19-12 Observable pseudoskin, the resulting effect of the
ð19-48Þ fracture with non-Darcy flow effect

tive observable skin effect, while directly attributable to ing radius’’ of the fracture at that point during the treat-
the inevitable effect of non-Darcy flow, might be inter- ment, which is characteristic for the given period. Putting
preted as an unsuccessful HPF job. together a sequence of packing-radii estimates gives a
scenario which—combined with additional information
on the proppant injection history—yields the final prop-
pant distribution.
In transforming the idea to a working algorithm, sev-
Complete tip-screenout is expected to produce a distinct eral assumptions must be made, both regarding fracture
behavior in the treating pressure; that is, the treating geometry and the character of the leakoff process. The
pressure should markedly increase with time. However, following assumptions are made:
HPF treatments often exhibit numerous increasing-pres-
sure intervals that are interrupted by anomalous pressure
decreases, most probably because fracture extension can . The created fracture is vertical with a radial geometry.
still occasionally occur (in many cases, a single complete . Fluid leakoff can be described by the Carter leakoff
tip-screenout is not achieved). model (Howard and Fast, 1957) in conjunction with
This work (Valkó et al., 1996) provides a simple the power-law type area growth used by Nolte (1979),
tool for examining such behavior. Treating-pressure or by one of the detailed leakoff models discussed in
curves are analyzed to gain insight to the evolution Section 19-3.3.
of fracture extent and a plausible end-of-job proppant
distribution. . Fracture-packing radius may increase or decrease with
In developing the tool, several design parameters were time.
intentionally imposed: the method should require mini- . Hydraulic-fracture radius (which defines leakoff area)
mum user input beyond the real treatment data, it should cannot decrease; it is the maximum of the packing
be relatively independent of the fracture propagation radii that have occurred up to the given time.
model used, and it should not be a history-matching
procedure. In accordance with the basic requirement of . During regular width-inflation periods, the pressure
model independence, the slopes analysis method is a slope is defined by linear, elastic rock behavior and
screening tool based on simple equations and a well- fluid-material balance with friction effects being neg-
defined (reconstructible) algorithm. Based on its simpli- ligible.
city, the tool lends itself to real-time use as well. . Injected proppant is distributed evenly along the
actual packing area during each incremental period
19-7.1 Assumptions of arrested extension/width growth.

During tip-screenout, the fracture width is inflated while

the area of the fracture faces remains theoretically con- The suggested method consists of several steps. First,
stant. This phenomenon should appear as a marked those portions of the bottomhole pressure curve are
increase in the treating pressure. In practice, the increas- selected that show positive slope. The slope is then inter-
ing pressure intervals may be interrupted by an anoma- preted assuming that the pressure increase is caused by
lous pressure decrease because fracture extension can still width inflation. The interpretation results in a packing
occur occasionally. Based on this rationale, the HPF radius that corresponds to a given time point. A step-by-
treatment is considered a series of (regular) arrested step processing of the entire curve gives a history of the
extension/width growth intervals interrupted by (irregu- packing radius, though it still does not provide informa-
lar) fracture-area extension intervals. tion regarding those intervals when the slope is negative.
In this case, the treatment can be decomposed into The history is made complete by interpolating between
sequential periods of constant fracture area separated the known values.
by periods (possibly several) of fracture extension. The Based on this history of packing-radius evolution, the
time periods are located by a simple processing of the final proppant distribution is easily determined by super-
treatment-pressure curve. imposing real-time proppant injection data. Final prop-
If this vision of the treatment is accepted, then the pant distribution (which implies fracture length and
slope of the increasing-pressure curve during a width- width) is the practical result of the proposed slopes
inflation period may be interpreted to obtain the ‘‘pack- analysis.

19-7.2 Restricted-Growth Theory where E 0 is the plane-strain modulus (Chapter 17).

Substituting Equations 19-50 and 19-51 into Equation
Tip-screenout can be considered to be inflating the frac-
19-49, the time derivative of net pressure is obtained as
ture width while the area of the fracture face does not
increase. If the average width is denoted by w and the   
dp 3E 0 2
fracture-face area (one wing, one face) is denoted by A, ¼ ði  qL Þ ð19-52Þ
dt 16R R2

where the subscript for net pressure is dropped because

dw 1
¼ ð i  qL Þ ð19-49Þ the derivative of bottomhole pressure and that of net
dt A
pressure are equal.
Recording the bottomhole pressure and injection rate
where i is the injection rate (per one wing) and qL is the
provides the possibility of using Equation 19-52 to deter-
fluid-loss rate (from one wing).
mine R. For this purpose, an estimate of qL is needed.
The basic notation is shown in Figure 19-13. Assuming
Details of the Carter leakoff model are given in
that the fracture is radial with radius R, then
Chapter 17. Assuming that the fracture has extended
up to the given time t according to Nolte’s power-law
R2 assumption, and that it is arrested at the given time
A¼ ð19-50Þ
2 instant t, the leakoff rate qL,t immediately after the arrest
is given by
As a first approximation, assume that the pressure in the
inflating fracture does not depend on location (it is 1 @gðtD ; Þ
homogeneous). The net pressure (the excess pressure qL;t ¼ 2ACL pffiffi ð19-53Þ
t @tD tD ¼0
above the minimum principal stress) is directly propor-
tional to the average width: where A is the current fracture area and  is the power-
law exponent of the areal growth. The two-variable g-
3E 0 function was discussed in Chapter 17.
pn ¼ w ð19-51Þ
16R For a radial fracture created by injection of a
Newtonian fluid, the exponent is taken as  ¼ 89, and
the derivative of the g-function is
2i 2 3
@gðtD ; Þ
6 97
4 5 ¼ 1:91 ð19-54Þ
qL /2 tD ¼0

qL /2 Therefore, the estimate of leakoff rate is obtained as

qL;t ¼ 2ACL pffiffi 1:91 ð19-55Þ
A = (π/2)R2 i t

i Equations 19-52 and 19-55 were developed explicitly in

the text, and they form the core basis for the slopes
analysis method. The use of these relations is demon-
strated in the following section.
qL /2

qL /2 19-7.3 Slopes Analysis Algorithms

The restricted-growth theory is combined with simple
material-balance computations to form the slopes analy-
sis method as demonstrated below using a sample set of
Figure 19-13 Schematic of fracpack, radial-fracture geometry HPF data provided by Shell E&P Technology Co.

19-7.3.1 Selecting Intervals of Width Inflation Using a simple algorithm, one can select points satisfy-
ing the criterion of restricted fracture growth. Straight
Figure 19-14 is the bottomhole pressure recorded during
lines are fitted to the individual series to arrive at the
a HPF treatment. While it may look ‘‘not typical,’’ most
plot shown in Figure 19-15.
of the data sets available (without the natural self-cen-
The slope of the straight line gives an average pressure
soring of publishing authors) are ‘‘not typical’’ in one or
derivative corresponding to the given time interval of
more respects. The recommended approach of avoiding
restricted growth. In view of the stated assumptions,
premature assumptions about the form of the pressure
these slopes contain information that defines the actual
curve is based exactly on this fact. The slopes analysis
packing radius corresponding to discrete moments dur-
approach can be better described as a signal processing
ing the HPF treatment.
operation than one of fitting a given model to the data.
The suggested method consists of selecting those por-
tions of the bottomhole pressure curve that show positive
slope. Straight lines are fitted to the points corresponding 19-7.3.2 Determining the Packing Radius
to each such interval. Corresponding to a Width-Inflation Period
Substituting the obtained expression for the leakoff rate,
Equation 19-52 can be rewritten as
  " ! #
3E 0 2 R2 1
m¼ i2 CL pffiffi 1:91 ð19-56Þ
Bottomhole Pressure, psi

16R R2 2 t

Rearranging Equation 19-56, we obtain

2:25E 0 CL 0:375E 0 i
R3 þ R2 pffiffi  ¼0 ð19-57Þ
m t m

Once a restricted-growth interval is selected, knowing the

slope, m, and the injection rate, i at a given time, t,
19:00:00 19:20:00 19:40:00 Equation 19-57 can be solved for R. Since the equation
Clock Time, hh:mm:ss is cubic, an explicit solution can be given, which (in con-
sistent units) is given by
Figure 19-14 Bottomhole treating pressure from fracpack
treatment " #
0:7501 0 ðCL  E 0 Þ2
Rp ¼ pffiffi a  CL  E þ ð19-58Þ
m t a
h  3 i1=3
a ¼ 0:4443  E 0 i  m2  t3=2  CL  E 0
Filtered BHP, psi


Equations 19-58 and 19-59 can be used with the actual
one-wing slurry injection rate, i, recorded at time t. The
obtained solution is the packing radius. Figure 19-16
shows the packing radius obtained from recorded data
of the example HPF treatment. As seen from the figure,
3300 after a certain pumping time (approximately 25 min), the
19:00:00 19:20:00 19:40:00
packing radius begins to decrease. In other words, near
Clock Time, hh:mm:ss
the end of the treatment, only the near-wellbore part of
Figure 19-15 Bottomhole pressure points corresponding to the fracture was ‘‘packed.’’ This condition is consistent
width inflation intervals and corresponding ‘‘straight lines’’ with the treatment objectives, and it was achieved by

1. For every time interval, t, determine the mass of

Hydraulic Radius
50 proppant entering the fracture.
2. Assume this mass to be uniformly distributed inside
40 the packing radius corresponding to the given time
3. Obtain the mass of proppant in a ‘‘ring’’ between
R, ft

Packing Radius radius R1 and R2 by summing up (accumulating)
the mass of proppant placed during the whole treat-
4. Repeat Step 3 for all rings to obtain the areal prop-
pant concentration as a function of radial location R.

0 10 20 30 40 50 Application of the scheme above to the example data
t, min results in the areal proppant concentration as a function
of the radial distance from the center of the perforations,
Figure 19-16 Estimated packing radius with interpolation to
R. The areal proppant concentration distribution for the
fill in the ‘‘gaps’’
example dataset is shown in Figure 19-17.
The proposed method for evaluating pressure behavior
gradually decreasing the injection rate at the final stages of HPF treatments is not based on specific fracture
of the treatment. mechanics and/or proppant transport models. Rather,
it takes the pressure curve ‘‘as is’’ and processes it
using minimum additional data. The usual data records
of a job (slurry injection rate, bottomhole proppant con-
19-7.3.3 Interpolation Between Known Values of
centration, and bottomhole pressure) can be used for
the Packing Radius
estimating fracture extent and the distribution of prop-
Since the packing radius is obtained only in those pant in the fracture. The only other additional input
selected intervals where width inflation can be assumed, parameters necessary for the analysis are plane-strain
a simple tool is needed to fill in the ‘‘gaps.’’ A simple modulus and leakoff coefficient.
logarithmic interpolation is used to estimate the packing Success of the procedure depends on the validity of the
radius in between the known values. key assumption that positive slopes observed in the bot-
In addition, one can estimate the ‘‘hydraulic’’ fracture tomhole pressure curve are caused by restricted fracture
radius at time t as the maximum of the packing radii up extension/width growth. If there is no time interval satis-
to that point (dashed line in Figure 19-16). While prop- fying the criterion of restricted extension or if no other
pant is placed within the actual packing radius, leakoff phenomena involved mask the effect, such as (1) pressure
occurs along the area determined by the hydraulic-
fracture extent. Knowledge of the hydraulic-fracture
extent is useful for further material balance considera-
tions. 12

cp, lb/ft2

19-7.3.4 Determining the Final Areal Proppant 8

Final proppant concentration (proppant distribution) in
the fracture can be derived in a relatively straightforward
fashion from the packing radius curve and knowledge of 2
the bottomhole proppant concentration as a function of 0
time. (The standard job record typically includes this 0 10 20 30 40 50
R, ft
Calculation of the final areal proppant concentration Figure 19-17 Final areal proppant concentration as a function
in the fracture follows the simple scheme: of radial distance from the center of the perforations

transients caused by sharp changes of the injection rate 19-8.2 Complex Well-Fracture Configurations
or (2) dramatic changes in friction pressure resulting
Vertical wells are not the only candidates for hydraulic
from proppant concentration changes, the estimated
fracturing. Figure 19-18 shows some basic configurations
packing radius might be in considerable error.
for single-fractured wells. Horizontal wells using HPF
Nevertheless, the suggested procedure is considered a
with the well drilled in the expected fracture azimuth
substantive first step in the analysis of HPF treatment
(thereby ensuring a longitudinal fracture) appear to be
pressure data.
(at least conceptually) a very promising prospect as dis-
cussed in Section 19-2.3. However, a horizontal well
intended for a longitudinal fracture configuration
19-8 EMERGING HPF TECHNOLOGIES would have to be drilled along the maximum horizontal
19-8.1 Screenless and Rigless HPF Completions stress. This requirement, in addition to well-understood
drilling problems, may contribute to long-term stability
On the basis of a recent industry survey, Tiner et al.
(1996) report that the most common HPF technology
Figure 19-19 illustrates two multiple-fracture config-
advance being sought by producing companies is one
urations. A rather sophisticated conceptual configura-
that will allow removal or simplification of gravel-pack
tion would involve the combination of HPF with
screens and tools, which are still used in most HPF com-
multiple-fractured vertical branches emanating from a
pletions. The most likely alternative is to eliminate the
horizontal parent well drilled above the producing for-
screen completely and use conventional fracturing meth-
mation. Of course, horizontal wells, being normal to the
ods, with a ‘‘twist’’: the final proppant stage should be
vertical stress, are generally more prone to wellbore sta-
tailed-in with resin-coated sand to control proppant
bility problems. Such a configuration would allow for
flowback. A number of these screenless HPF treatments
placement of the horizontal borehole in a competent,
have been completed, apparently with considerable suc-
nonproducing interval. Besides, there are advantages to
cess (Kirby et al., 1995).
fracture-treating a vertical section over a highly deviated
Screenless HPFs have the potential of dramatically
or horizontal section: (1) multiple starter fractures, frac-
reducing treatment costs and simplifying treatment
ture turning, and tortuosity problems are avoided, (2)
execution; however, some questions remain: Can the
convergence-flow skins (‘‘choke’’ effects) are much less
resin-coated proppant in fact be placed as needed to pre-
of a concern, and (3) the perforating strategy is simpli-
vent proppant flowback and ensure a high-conductivity
connection between the fracture and the wellbore? What
about formation sand production from those perfora-
tions that are not connected to the fracture? If successful,
screenless HPFs would also allow the development of
19-8.3 Technology Demands: Where Do We Go
From Here?
multiple-zone HPF completions and through-tubing
HPF recompletions. The major benefit of through-tubing 19-8.3.1 Candidate Selection
completions, of course, is that they can often be done
Wellbore stability is viewed in a holistic approach with
without a rig on location.
horizontal wells and hydraulic fracture treatments.
New HPF operations and equipment are also emerging
Proactive well completion strategies are critical in well-
to allow rigless coiled tubing completions in wells that
are completed with gravel-pack screens (Ebinger, 1996).
Depending on the particular configuration, the treatment
is pumped through a fracturing port/sleeve located below
the production packer and above the screen. The port is
opened and closed with a shifting tool on the coiled tub-
ing. Because a gravel pack cannot be circulated into
place, prepacked screens are required. This requirement
seems to be the largest drawback to the technique. While
the rigless HPFs may be uniquely suited to dual-zone
completions, the primary influence behind this trend is
cost reduction by eliminating rig costs and inefficiencies Figure 19-18 Single-fracture configurations for vertical and
associated with rig timing. horizontal wells

Multibranch Well with

Fractured Vertical Branches
(Horizontal "Mother" Well is
Drilled above the Reservoir) Horizontal Well with Multiple
Transverse Fractures

Figure 19-19 Multibranched, multiple-fracture configurations for horizontal wells

bore stability and sand-production control to reduce tically difficult to use. Other currently available techni-
drawdown while obtaining economically attractive ques such as polymer or sand plugs, are prone to failure.
rates. Reservoir candidate recognition for the correct
well configurations is the critical element. Necessary
steps in candidate selection include (1) appropriate reser- 19-8.3.3 The Fracture-Well Connection
voir engineering, (2) formation characterization using New fracture-and-well interfaces should be developed,
modern techniques, (3) wellbore-stability calculations, which could include the next generation of screens and
and (4) the substantive combination of production fore- replacement technologies. Hydraulic fractures are prone
cast with an assessment of sand-production potential. to sand production, both from the reservoir and the
The mixed origin of the HPF (fracpack) community proppant-pack itself. This situation is particularly
(gravel-packing and fracturing) still exists. For gravel- important in high-rate wells where, although the reser-
packers, it is still difficult to consider correctly the voir problem may be resolved, the near-well fracture
whole reservoir and not merely the near-wellbore region. portion may be susceptible to sand production. The
On the other hand, for practitioners of fracturing, it is current solution (gravel-pack screens) should be aban-
still difficult to understand the mechanisms involved in doned. Although they are reasonably effective, these
sanding and its control. screens can cause a serious choke effect at the frac-
ture-well interface. New consolidation techniques or
perhaps, oriented long perforations and alternative
‘‘sieves’’ can be envisioned.
19-8.3.2 Completion Hardware
Completion hardware should be improved. As discussed
19-8.3.4 Next-Generation Completion Fluids
above, there is a need to simplify, eliminate, or otherwise
advance beyond the modified gravel-pack hardware cur- The next generation of drilling and well completion
rently being used in HPF. There is also a need for fluids should also be developed. The envisioned
improved zonal isolation hardware, (for the execution ‘‘smart’’ fluids would consider application and forma-
of hydraulic fracturing in complex well-fracture config- tion-specific issues affecting wellbore stability and
urations). In fact, lack of appropriate drilling, comple- damage. New gels, polymers, and leakoff-control addi-
tion, and stimulation hardware is often the limiting tives are urgently needed for the drilling of complicated
factor in the indicated new completion configurations. wellpaths through difficult formations. Nondamaging
Clearly, all fracture treatments must be conducted sepa- fluids will be critical to the future of production engi-
rately, in stages. Thus, inexpensive and robust zonal iso- neering. Stimulation is often expensive, cumbersome,
lation schemes are necessary. Certain zonal-isolation and at times, unsuccessful. Production-induced pro-
hardware is available, but it is expensive and often logis- blems such as paraffin and asphaltene deposition, and

especially sand production, can be avoided if the well is bases, but to provide incentive and methods to encourage
undamaged, and no large drawdown is necessary for continuous input of data and the tailoring of data for-
appropriate production. mats toward common standards. Once a database is
established, simple evaluation tools (such as the slopes-
analysis method presented) can be used to evaluate a
19-8.3.5 Treatment-Pressure Analysis large number of treatments efficiently. Estimated frac-
Treatment-pressure analysis is based on understanding ture dimensions and conductivities could then be com-
the leakoff process and on the concept of net pressure. pared with results from pressure-transient analysis and
Soft formations and their rock mechanics are still not production results. Discrepancies should be resolved
well understood, and an understanding of which using a large number of data sets from various indepen-
mechanisms control fracture length and width is more dent sources.
evasive than ever. Many of the debates could be settled
by determining the closure pressure (and hence the net
pressure) with more confidence. While there is a lot of
activity in this area, new results are very limited. REFERENCES
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