Adacuna DLP Fabm1 Wk3 July 6, 2017 Accounting Principles

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Lucsuhin National High School

Integrated Senior High School


SUBJECT AREA : Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business

SEMESTER : Second Semester – First Quarter
TIME : 60 Minutes
DAY : Thursday
DATE : July 6, 2017

The learners
I. Content Standard accounting concepts and principles

identify generally accepted accounting principles

II. Performance Standard

The learners should

1. explain the varied accounting concepts and principles
III. Learning ABM_FABM11- IIIb-c-15
Competencies/Objectives 2. solve exercises on accounting principles as applied in various cases
ABM_FABM11- IIIb-c-16

IV. SUBJECT MATTER Accounting Concepts and Principles

A. References DepEd
Grade 12- FABM Teacher’s Guide
Curriculum Guide

• Valencia, E. and Roxas, G. (2009). Basic Accounting, 3rd ed. Valencia

B. Other Learning Education Supply
Resources • Valix, Conrado T. (2015). Financial Accounting, Vol. 1, First part.
GIC Enterprises & Co. Inc.
• Weygandt, J. et. al. (2012) Accounting Principles 10th ed. John Wiley
& Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
B. Prayer / Greetings / Classroom management instructions
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Review the types of business organizations
• Sole / Single proprietorship – owned by one person
• Partnership – owned by partners (two or more persons)
• Corporation – owned by shareholders
• Emphasize that the types of business organizations differ on the
presentation of the equity side but the accounting for assets and
liabilities are essentially the same
• Tell the learners that this topic, types of business operations, differs in
terms of the presentation of the statement of comprehensive income
(income statement) and the content statement of financial position
(balance sheet)
E. MOTIVATION (10 mins)
Show a diagram of Acctg Business


Connect to a real life situation

1. Remind the learners that the topic revolves on possible
violations of the principles and that they need to be aware
of it.
2. Hand out a copy of an article made specifically for this lesson
3. Let them read and answer the text quietly for 10 minutes.
Petness First Petshop
Juan dela Cruz opened his pet shop business called Petness
First Petshop. He opened a bank account for his business and
deposited PHP500,000. The business earned PHP50,000 but
he had doubts with the recorded expense of PHP60,000. He
is not sure if he should include the following items as

Salary expense 20,000
Rent expense 10,000

Utilities expense (at home) 15,000

Utilities expense (at the store) 10,000
Insurance expense 5,000
Withdrawals 10,000
TOTAL 60,000 

4. Ask the students what they think should not be included
as expenses. Then explain why.

Emphasize that:
The activity is an application of the Business Entity Principle
which is one of the most important principles in accounting

Give a lecture. The following principles should be discussed. After
each principle, give a practical example. Suggested examples are
given below.
• Business entity principle – a business enterprise is separate and
distinct from its owner or investor.
Examples : o If the owner has a barber shop, the cash of the barber
shop should be reported separately from personal cash. o The owner
had a business meeting with a prospective client. The expenses that
come with that meeting should be part of the company’s expenses. If
the owner paid for gas for his personal use, it should not be included
as part of the company’s expenses.
• Going concern principle – business is expected to continue
indefinitely. Example: When preparing financial statements, you
should assume that the entity will continue indefinitely.
• Time period principle – financial statements are to be divided into
specific time intervals. Example : o Philippine companies are
required to report financial statements annually. o The salary
expenses from January to December 2015 should only be reported in
• Monetary unit principle – amounts are stated into a single
monetary unit Example : o Jollibee should report financial
statements in pesos even if they have a store in the United States. o
IHOP should report financial statements in dollars even if they have a
branch here in the Philippines
• Objectivity principle – financial statements must be presented with
supporting evidence.
Example : o When the customer paid Jollibee for their order, Jollibee
should have a copy of the receipt to represent as evidence.
o When a company incurred a transportation expense, a voucher should
be prepared as evidence.
• Cost principle – accounts should be recorded initially at cost.
Example : o When Jollibee buys a cash register, it should record the
cash register at its price when they bought it. o When a company
purchases a laptop, it should be recorded at the price it was purchased.

• Accrual Accounting Principle – revenue should be recognized when

earned regardless of collection and expenses should be recognized
when incurred regardless of payment. On the other hand, the cash basis
principle in which revenue is recorded when collected and expenses
should be recorded when paid. Cash basis is not the generally accepted
principle today.
When a barber finishes performing his services he should record it as
revenue. When the barber shop receives an electricity bill, it should
record it as an expense even if it is unpaid.
• Matching principle – cost should be matched with the revenue
generated. Example: When you provide tutorial services to a customer
and there is a transportation cost incurred related to the tutorial
services, it should be recorded as an expense for that period.
• Disclosure principle – all relevant and material information should be
Example: The company should report all relevant information.
• Conservatism principle – also known as prudence. In case of doubt,
assets and income should not be overstated while liabilities and
expenses should not be understated.
Example: In case of doubt, expenses should be recorded at a higher
amount. Revenue should be recorded at a lower amount.
• Materiality principle – in case of assets that are immaterial to make a
difference in the financial statements, the company should instead
record it as an expense. Example: A school purchased an eraser with an
estimated useful life of three years. Since an eraser is immaterial
relative to assets, it should be recorded as an expense.


A. Concept check. Use the following multiple choice questions for practice. Ask
the students to answer the following multiple choice questions:
1. The accounting guideline that requires financial statement information to be
supported by independent, unbiased evidence other than someone's belief or
opinion is the:
a. Business entity principle
b. Monetary unit principle
c. Going-concern principle
d. Cost principle e. Objectivity principle
2. The principle that requires every business to be accounted for separately and
distinctly from its owner or owners is known as the:
a. Objectivity principle
b. Business entity principle
c. Going-concern principle
d. Revenue recognition principle
VII. APPLICATION e. Cost principle
3. The rule that requires financial statements to reflect the assumption that the
business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold, unless
evidence shows that it will not continue, is the
a. Going-concern principle
b. Business entity principle
c. Objectivity principle
d. Cost Principle
e. Monetary unit principle
4. To include the personal assets and transactions of a business's owner in the
records and reports of the business would be in conflict with the:
a. Objectivity principle
b. Realization principle
c. Business entity principle
d. Going-concern principle
e. Revenue recognition principle
5. The objectivity principle:
a. means that information is supported by independent, unbiased evidence b.
means that information can be based on what the preparer thinks is true c.
means that financial statements should contain information that is optimistic
d. means that a business may not re-organize revenue until cash is received
6. Marian Mosely is the owner of Mosely Accounting Services. Which
accounting principle requires Marian to keep her personal financial information
separate from the financial information of Mosely Accounting Services?
a. Monetary unit principle
b. Going-concern principle
c. Cost principle
d. Business entity principle
7. Which of the following accounting principles would require that all goods and
services purchased be recorded at cost?
a. Going-concern principle
b. Continuing-concern principle
c. Cost principle
d. Business entity principle
10 minutes

Provide local examples. You can use the activity below.

Accounting principles. Indicate which principles are violated

1. The owner-manager bought a computer for personal use. The invoice

.was given to the accountant who recorded it as an asset of the

2. The statement of financial position of a company included an

equipment purchased from Japan for 350,000 yen. It was reported at
that amount in the statement of financial position while all the other
assets were reported in Philippine pesos.

VIII. ASSESSMENT 3. No financial statements were prepared by Mrs. Balani for his
business. He explained that he will prepare the statements when he
closes the business, which he predicts to take place after 20 years.

4. Aside from owning a shoe store, Mr. Alcazar operates a canteen. The
assets of the canteen are reported in the statement of financial position
of the shoe store.

5. Mrs. Rodillo purchased a hammer at a cost of PHP500. This was

recorded as an asset and expense to decrease its value by PHP50 per
year for 10 years.

6. A food company ordered a machine needed in the assembly line of its

production department. Upon order, the machine was immediately
listed as one of its assets.
Answers :
(1) Business entity (2) Monetary unit (3) Time period (4) Business entity
(5) Materiality (6) Objectivity
5 minutes

IX. AGREEMENT / Interview the owner by asking the following questions. Pick someone from the
ASSIGNMENT class to discuss his findings.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
No. of learners who require
additional activities for
B. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
C. No. of learners who
continue to require
D. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
E. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
F. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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