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Adani Enterprises Ltd

1QFY20 Performance Highlights

August 2019
Adani Enterprises (AEL) - History

2019: Forayed in to Airports, Roads, Water & Data Centre

2018: Demerger & Listing of Adani Green Energy & Adani Gas

2015: Demerger & Listing of APSEZ, APL & ATL

Awarded Bunyu Coal Mine Indonesia
2017 Solar Mfg plant commissioned

2006 2009-10
• Awarded India’s 1st MDO • APL & ATL started
• Stock Split: 10:1 • QIP of $ 850 Mn
• Carmichael Coal Mine acquired
• Coal ICM Commenced
Grain Silo started at 7 locations
• Signed JV with Wilmar
• Bonus Issue of 1 : 1
Adani Gas started

Nov-1994 listed Adani Ports started
@ Rs 150/share Bonus Issue 1 : 1
Subscribed 25x

AEL 2.0 - Tested incubation model poised for growth beyond 2020
AEL Business Portfolio

Resources Transport & Logistics Utility Others

Integrated Coal Rail /

Mining Airports Roads Water Data Centre Strategic Investments
Management Metro

Embarked up on 2nd phase of infrastructure creation in AEL

• India’s largest integrated coal
management (volume 67MMT
• won bids for 6 airports • Solar Manufacturing
in FY19)
• developing 3 HAM Road projects • Agro
• Largest MDO operator
• undertaking 1 water HAM project • Defence
• Mining in Indonesia &
• setting up 1 GW of Data Centre capacity

AEL - Value Creation for Shareholders through Demerger
Value Creation since 2015 Value Creation in 2018-19

1252 354

95 170

519 28 578
60 34

519 133 151
22-Jan-15 Post-Demerger Value as on 01-Jul-17 30-Jun-19
(03-Jun-15) 30-Jun-19
AEL Value AGEL Value AGL Value
AEL Value APSEZ Value APL Value ATL Value

₹ 150 ~30% CAGR ₹ 100,000

in Nov 1994 in Jun 2019
AEL – Business Highlights 1QFY20

ICM  ICM volume rose by 61% to 18.5 MMT during the quarter vs 11.5 MMT in 1QFY19

Mining  Washed Coal dispatch volume during the quarter 2.4 MMT
Services  Operationalised 2 coal MDO blocks – Gare Pelma III and Talabibra II & III

 Solar Module volume grew ~3x to 236 MW against 81 MW in the corresponding

MSPVL quarter previous year

Note: ICM – Integrated Coal Management 5

MSPVL – Mundra Solar PV Ltd
AEL – Key Consolidated Financials
(Rs Cr)

Q1FY20 Q1FY19 % 4QFY19 %

Revenue 10,686 7,664 39% 13,473 -21%

EBIDTA 896 484 85% 943 -5%

PAT 601 169 255% 283 112%

AEL – Key Consolidated Financials – Segment wise
(Rs Cr)

ICM Mining & Services MSPVL

Q1FY20 Q1FY19 Q1FY20 Q1FY19 Q1FY20 Q1FY19

Volume 18.5MMT 11.5MMT 61% 2.4MMT 2.2MMT 11% 236MW 81MW 191%

Revenue 8,072 5,814 39% 499 320 56% 509 247 106%

EBIDTA 355 243 46% 335 176 90% 66 -29 -328%

AEL – Adani Wilmar: Steady overall performance
(Rs Cr)

Q1FY20 Q1FY19 % Change 4QFY19 % Change

Revenue 7,497 7,100 6% 7,597 -1%

EBIDTA 382 345 11% 349 8%

 Fortune brand continues to dominate the domestic retail consumer pack market
with 20% market share

AEL – Robust Leverage Profile
(Rs Cr)

Jun-19 Mar-19
ST Debt & ST Debt &
Segment LT Debt Total LT Debt Total
ICM 900 4,614 5,514 1,608 3,934 5,542
Mining & Services 524 261 785 530 518 1,047
Solar Manufacturing 1,320 445 1,765 1,390 407 1,797
Shipping 652 - 652 730 - 730
Uncubating Businesses - 1,147 1,147 20 1,712 1,732
Others 27 974 1,001 74 323 396
Total Debt 3,422 7,441 10,863 4,351 6,892 11,243

Net Worth 16,125 15,144

Debt : Net Worth 0.7x 0.7x

Safe Harbor
Certain statements made in this presentation may not be based on historical AEL assumes no responsibility to publicly amend, modify or revise any forward
information or facts and may be “forward-looking statements,” including those looking statements, on the basis of any subsequent development, information or
relating to general business plans and strategy of Adani Enterprises Limited events, or otherwise. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the information
(“AEL”), its future outlook and growth prospects, and future developments in its contained herein is based on management information and estimates. The
businesses and competitive and regulatory environment, and statements which information contained herein is subject to change without notice and past
contain words or phrases such as ‘will’, ‘expected to’, etc., or similar expressions or performance is not indicative of future results. AEL may alter, modify or otherwise
variations of such expressions. Actual results may differ materially from these change in any manner the content of this presentation, without obligation to
forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including future changes notify any person of such revision or changes.
or developments in its business, its competitive environment, its ability to No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation not
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political, economic, regulatory and social conditions in India. This presentation information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorized
does not constitute a prospectus, offering circular or offering memorandum or an by or on behalf of AEL. This presentation is strictly confidential.
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be considered as a recommendation that any investor should subscribe for or subscribe for any securities in any jurisdiction, including the United States. No part
purchase any of AEL’s shares. Neither this presentation nor any other of its should form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any investment
documentation or information (or any part thereof) delivered or supplied under or decision or any contract or commitment to purchase or subscribe for any
in relation to the shares shall be deemed to constitute an offer of or an invitation securities. None of our securities may be offered or sold in the United States,
by or on behalf of AEL. without registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
AEL, as such, makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, and pursuant to an exemption from registration therefrom.
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herein. The information contained in this presentation, unless otherwise specified Rupees amounts into U.S. dollar amounts at specified rates solely for the
is only current as of the date of this presentation. convenience of the reader.


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