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• Work Immersion is a required subject and a requirement for graduation from secondary education.
• It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of learners
• Work Immersion is for SHS only.
• Work Immersion requires parental consent.

• Partner Institutions are any public or private institutions or organizations duly registered/recognized by
any accrediting government agency.
• Memorandum of Agreement is a legally binding document which spells out the specific terms and
conditions between and among partners entering into partnership. All learner activities shall be
reflected in the MOA.
• Partnership refers to relationship between the partner institution and the school or any office of DepEd
which is formalized through a MOA.
• School Partnership Focal Person (SPFP) is the person authorized to seek partnership between DepEd
and institutions (may be the Principal for schools with only one program and teacher if more than one
program) DO 40, s 2015
• Work Immersion Teacher (WIT) is the school personnel who is assigned to supervise the learners at the
Work Immersion Venue in partnership with the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor.
• Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor (WIPIS) serves as counterpart of the Work Immersion
Teacher, may also be the representative of the partner institution and shall be identified in the MOA.
• Work Immersion Venue is the place where Work Immersion is conducted which shall 1) conform with
the law, rules and regulations on safety, 2) appropriateness for learning and 3) availability of facilities
and equipment. (The school may also be a work immersion venue)

• It aims to make the learners:
• appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned in school;
• enhance their technical knowledge and skills
• enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
• develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.


• Assures the achievement of WI objectives and serves as guide to schools in:
• creating flexible work immersion arrangements for their learners;
• Providing options for work immersion that are relevant to learner’s purposes and needs;
• organizing work immersion opportunities for learners that are consistent with the diverse
human resource requirements of partner institutions for work immersion; and
• Articulating the scope and limits of work immersions in the context of basic education

• MOA must have provisions for:
• the creation of Joint Working Group (JWG), its functions and responsibilities and responsibilities
of each partner;
• the Partner Institution to orient the school on the work the learners will engage in
• insurance for learners in DepEd schools, charged against MOOE (insurance fee paid by the
learners in private schools shall be utilized for immersion, and may also be included in the
• work immersion-related expenses like insurance and transportation allowance may be treated
as a donation under the DepEd’s Adopt-A-School Program
• Other provisions which are beneficial to the learners may be added in the MOA.
• DepEd shall ensure that all schools (if the school is the work immersion venue) and venues for learning
are conducive to the education and safety of learners.
• The maximum number of hours spent in the work immersion venue is 40 hrs per week and no more
than eight (8) hrs. per day as provided by law, for a child below 18 but older than 15.
• Work immersion should not be reduced to a mere recruitment tool of a Partner Institution.
• Expenses in securing partnership such as the travel expense of the SPFP and WIT shall be charged to
local funds or MOOE.
• Subject to availability of funds, travel expenses of learners to work immersion venue will also be
charged to MOOE and other funds.
• Schools and students shall not be asked to pay the SHS Partner Institution for any Work Immersion
activity conducted. Fees for Work Immersion must only be set after consultation with parents.
• The duties and responsibilities of SHS personnel shall be reflected in their OPCRF/IPCRF (for DepEd
schools only)
• Private schools may devise a scheme on how to remunerate teachers assigned as SPFP/WIT.


• The School Head
• Authorized person to sign the MOA on behalf of the school, and Travel Authority (TA) of the
SPFP/WIT if immersion tasks are conducted within the division (SDS if outside the division)
• Assign personnel/teacher to be the SPFP (if school offers more than one program)
• Determine the number of teaching loads of the SPFP/WIT subject to the nature of the
track/strand for immersion and following the Magna Carta provisions.
• Report to the D.O. the activities in Work Immersion
• Supervise the work of the SPFP, WIT and learners.
• The SPFP (SHS Coordinator) DO 30, s. 2017
• Authorized person to seek partnership
• Manage the conduct of Work Immersion
• Use the M & E results to recommend decisions on partnerships
• Coordinate with WIT regarding placements of learners in partner institutions
• Consolidate reports from WIT
• Conduct regular ocular inspections with the WIT to ensure that venue is safe, secure and
suitable for learning
• The Work Immersion Teacher (WIT)kl
• Supervise the learners at the WI venue in coordination with WIPIS
• Participate in the JWG of work immersion
• Coordinate with SPFP learner’s activities and class and venue schedules
• Conduct pre-immersion and post immersion activities
• Conduct regular visits to the venue
• Submit report regularly to the SPFP on the completion and performance of learners, partner
institution and issues and concerns
• The Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor (WIPIS)
• Exercise supervision over learners during the work immersion
• Participate in the JWG
• Coordinate with SPFP and WIT on WI venue schedules and capacities
• Provide input in the pre-immersion and post immersion activities
• Schedule the learner’s activities in the WI venue together with the WIT
• Inform the WIT on capacities, WI completion performance of learners and issues and concerns
• The Learner
• Attend the pre-immersion and post immersion activities
• Report to the WIPIS during actual immersion
• Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the WI list of tasks/activities
• Prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the Partner
• The WIT and the WIPIS will jointly assess the learner’s performance following DepEd Order No.
8, s. 2015
• The WIT shall then issue the Final Grade
• Schools may choose different delivery models based on their needs and resources taking into account
the number of work immersion hours, learner’s purpose and needs, school capabilities and compliance
to TESDA, DOLE and DepEd Work Immersion venue guidelines.
• If these models do not fit a specific situation or concern, regions may design their own delivery model.
• For all models, the Work Immersion Curriculum Guide (CG) shall be followed. The number of hours may
vary based on the model to be chosen by the learners and the school.
• Model A – minimum number of hours which is 80 hours (10 days)
• Model B – options for those who will offer 240 continuous hours of WI. The 240 hours is the sum of 160
hours allotted for specialized subjects and 80 hours for Work Immersion as a subject.
• Model C – option for those who will offer 240 hours of staggered Work Immersion
• Model D – options for schools who will offer more than 240 hours of Work Immersion, a combination of
Models B and C

• To schools that will conduct In-House Work Immersion (school as W.I. venue), a written request with
justification should be forwarded to the Regional Office for approval thru the Schools Division
Superintendent. Moreover, resource speakers from TESDA/TVI’s or partner institutions should be invited
and conduct at least one-day visit to possible partner for exposure on facilities and work areas.
• These should be indicated in the request as conditions for approval.


• Cover Letter
• Letter request to conduct Work Immersion with Partner Institution (outside the school) for
approval by the SDS thru the Division SHS Coordinator
• Letter request to conduct In-House Work Immersion (in school) with justifications for approval
by the Regional Director thru the SDS.
• Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Partner Institution (still required for those that will conduct in-
house work immersion)
• Composition of the Work Immersion Joint Working Group (JWG)
• List of Tasks/Activities to be done during Work Immersion (Annex C, DO 30, s. 2017)
• List of Grade 12 Learners who will undergo Work Immersion per specialization, partner institution and
• Class Schedule (per specialization)
• Monitoring Plan
• Matrix of Issues and Concerns from the reports and action taken (end of immersion)
• Mid-year and Year-end report (on SHS Implementation)


• List of Students
• Parental Consents
• Work Immersion Curriculum Guide
• Class Schedule
• Monitoring Plan
• Insurance Documents of Students
• Budget Proposal (Before Immersion)
• Financial Report (After Immersion)
• Map of W.I. Venue in relation to school’s location
• Reports on Issues and Concerns
• Monitoring and Evaluation Results (Annex F)
• Summary of M & E Results (Annex F)
• Narrative Report on Work Immersion
• Students’ Records
• Essays
• Resume
• Application letters
• Clearance documents
• Narrative reports
• Assessment records (Grade Sheets) by WIT and WIPIS
• List of Competencies with ratings by WIPIS
• Students Portfolio
• Documentations/Minutes
• Orientation of Parents and students (before immersion)
• Orientation by WIPIS to students
• Actual assessment of students’ performance
• Activities and hands-on tasks of students at the immersion venue
• Monitoring activities by school heads, WIT and WIPIS
• Meetings conducted by school head with concerned personnel
• Compliance of the school and Partner to the MOA

• Required Documents
• Parental Consent
• Resume
• Application letter
• Clearance documents
• Gallery (may be by group output)
• Updated Resume
• Reflection Paper
• Portfolio (Please see attached sheet)

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