The Settlers of Catan: Player Aid Sheet

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Player Aid Sheet


Be the first player to acquire 10 victory points.


1. Each player chooses a color. In a three player game, red is not used.
2. Each player takes a “building cost” card.
3. The board island can be set up either in “variable” or “beginner” format. For
beginner format, refer to the color fold out setup diagram (starting positions for
settlements and roads are included). For the variable setup, see page 14 of the
Settlers Almanac.
4. Resource cards (cards with pictures of the various commodities) are sorted into
stacks and placed face up in five piles.
5. Shuffle and place the special cards face down in one stack.
6. Set the longest road and largest army cards aside.
7. Place the “robber” (wooden black token) on the desert hex on the island.
8. The setup phase has two rounds:
• Round 1: Roll a die – highest roll goes first (variant – oldest player goes first).
Place one settlement at an intersection of the player’s choice, followed by a road
segment adjacent to that settlement. Continue clockwise from the first player.
• Round 2: Starting with the last player from Round 1, place a settlement and road
in the same manner and work around the table to the player who started first in
round one is now last. After a player places a settlement, they immediately get
the resources adjacent to the intersection of their second settlement.
• The last player to place a settlement in round two starts the game.

Turn Order:

1. Roll for resource production (must)

2. Trade resources with other players (may)
3. Build roads, settlements, and cities and/or purchase development cards (may)
• Play one development card at any time during the turn (may)
Game Play:

1. Resource Production
• 5 types – Lumber (forest), Pasture (wool), Fields (grain), Hills (bricks), Mountains
• Roll dice. Corresponding number tiles produce that resource for adjacent
settlements. A player gets one resource for each settlement he has that
boarders the hex or hexes that are producing resources. For each resource
produced, the player takes one of the corresponding resource cards, unless the
player has a city adjacent to the resource being produced, in which case the
player takes two resource cards for each adjacent city.
• The desert hex never produces any resources.
• If a “7” is rolled the robber is activated – see rules below.
2. Domestic Trading – the player who’s turn it is announces an offer of resources to the
table. These offers should be in the following format – “I will trade –number- of –
resource(s)- for –number- of –resources-.” Other players may accept or make
counter offers.
3. Maritime Trading
• A player may always trade in 4 of one resource for 1 of another resources. Turn
in the 4 resource cards back into the appropriate stack.
• Settlements or cities on a harbor hex can trade for the resource shown on the
harbor hex for a better rate of 2 to 1, or 3 to 1 for any resource if a question mark
is shown.
4. Building
• Refer to the building card for different building costs of roads, settlements, cities,
and special cards.
• Roads – must always be built on paths. Must always connect to one of the
player’s roads or settlements/cities.
• The Longest Road – The first player who makes a road 5 segments long gets the
“longest road” card. If another player builds a longer road, that player gets the
• Settlements – Worth one victory point. Must be built on vacant intersections and
only if the other three adjacent intersections are vacant. Must be connected to
one of the player’s roads. Allows 1 resource card to be collected from each of
the three adjacent hexes with the appropriate die roll.
• Cities – Worth two victory points. Only existing settlements can be upgraded to
cities. Double the resource production of settlements.

• Special Cards – Some special cards are worth victory points. When bought take
the topmost special card from the stack. Only one special card can be played
during a turn, but they can be played at any time – but not on the same turn they
were bought (except Victory Point cards – see below).
• Soldier Cards – When played, immediately move the robber to the numbered
terrain hex of the players choice. Take one resource card (face down at
random) from the player who has a settlement or city adjacent to that hex. If
there are two or more adjacent players, it’s the soldier card player’s choice.
• Progress Cards – Follow the instructions on each card.
• Victor Point Cards – Can be played immediately after purchase, and as many
victory points cards can be played per turn.
5. The Robber
• The robber is activated when a player rolls a 7.
• No player receives resources when a 7 is rolled.
• Each player who holds more than 7 resource cards must select half of them
(round down) and discard them back to the stacks.
• The robber must be moved to any new terrain hex (other than desert, ocean or
harbor hexes) of the players choice. The robber can not remain on his current
• The player who rolled a 7 may take one resource card from any player who has a
settlement or a city that is adjacent to the hex the robber is now in (face down,
• The hex the robber is in now does not produce resources until the robber has
been moved.

Winning the Game:

The first player to accumulate 10 victory points immediately wins the game and is
declared “Lord of Catan”.

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