Psychological Profiles Among Women With Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome: A Chart Review

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J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol2003;24:195-203 September 2003

Psychological profiles among

women with vulvar vestibulitis
syndrome: a chart review
L. A.Brotto, R. Basson and D. Gehring

The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and type of psychological
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

distress in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS). A retrospective chart

review was conducted of all women receiving a diagnosis of VVS referred to a
tertiary care facility during a two-year period. Brief psychological questionnaires,
including the Personality Assessment Screener, fear of Negative Evaluation Scale,
Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction, and the Phobia Rating Scale
were administered.
fifty-consecutive cases were reviewed along with 12-15 month follow-up data
for 41 cases. Phobic anxiety to vaginal touch or entry was significantly higher in
women with VVS than normative data. fear of Negative Evaluation was a strong
associated feature, and for 30 % approached clinically significant levels. Twenty-
six percent showed a moderate, while another 26% showed a mild clinically
distressed profile. Negative affect and social withdrawal were among the most
For personal use only.

frequently endorsed variables. Improvement in aNodynia and intercourse were

both related to these psychological variables, and a multiple regression analysis
supported the use of psychological instruments in addition to standard medical
A subgroup of women with VVS display clinically significant broad based
psychological distress that warrants a ssessment. The use of psychological
questionnaires in addition to medical a t of women with VVS may provide
valuable information predictive of treatment needs and response.

Key words: vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, dyspareunia, psychological profiles,

assessment, aflodynia

Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (WS) is thought vulvodynia unrelated to intercourse is more
to be the most common diagnosis underlying characteristic of dysesthetic vulvodynia5,
chronic dyspareunia’. The few community where the precisely defined allodynia of WS
studies of dyspareunia in women under 40 is absent.There may be coexistent contraction
years of age give prevalence rates from 14- of the perivaginal muscles with attempted
2Z%2,3.Defined as severe pain on attempted vaginal entry, mimicking ‘vaginismus’,
vaginal entry, strictly localized hyperalgesial defined problematically as ‘vaginal ~ p a s m ’ ~ ,*L. A. OrOtto, Department
allodynia of the vestibule, and findings but widely considered to involve increased of Psychology. University of
Columbia, tR. Basson
limited to variable erythema4, W S may involuntary tone of the perivaginal muscles British and D. Gehring, BC Center
preclude entry of the penile head or cause without allodynia or other findings. The for Sexuality, Vancouver
painful intercourse, with penile movement presence of both W S and pelvic muscle Hospital, and Department of
Psychiatry and Qepartment
and ejaculation fluid typically increasing the hypertonicity is frequently d o c ~ m e n t e d ~ - of
~ .Obstetrics and Cyneco,ogy,
burning pain. Postcoital vulva1 pain and The etiology ofWS is unclear but histological University of British Columbia,
postcoital dysuria are usual, but ongoing findings are compatible with neurogenic Vancouver, Canada

“Correspondence to: L. A. Brotto, Outpatient Psychiatry Center, University of Washington Medical School, 4225 Roosevelt
Way NE, Suite 306, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. Email: [email protected]

Copyright 0 2003, The Parthenon Publishing Group 195

Brotto eta/. Psychological profiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis

i n f l a r n m a t i ~ n ' ~ -Premorbid
'~. factors with a different mental health clinician was
the potential to influence vulnerability to recommended when there were psychological
W S may be biological, given the recent issues unable to be fully addressed in the
preliminary data on polymorphism of the psychosexual counseling by the physician.
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene in Women were advised with respect to vulval
women with WS" and a subgroup of W S is hygiene and shown how to apply topical anti-
linked to chronic or recurrent Candida albicans inflammatory medication (sodium cromo-
overgrowth', and/or is psychological16. To glycate) on to the precise areas of allodynia
date, the literature examining an etiological (using a Icc syringe without a needle). In
role for psychological factors is equivocal"-". women with marked symptoms of over-
Of note there is marked heterogeneity of contraction of perivaginal muscles, the
responses to psychological enquiryI8, raising diagnostic exam was delayed until genital self
the possibility of shadowing psychopathology touch at home, along with a full under-
of a subsample ofwomen with W S by looking standing and acceptance of a detailed vulval
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

only at the larger group. Therefore, in order exam, allowed their active participation.
to document the prevalence of specific, subtle Women were recommended pelvic muscle
indications of psychological maladjustment, physiotherapy and surface electromyographic
we conducted a retrospective chart review of biofeedbackwhenever allodynia did not remit
all women receiving a diagnosis of WS who with the other measures. Women were
were referred to a tertiary care facility during advised on stress reduction, and the few
a two-year period. women with troublesome (premenstrual)
vulvodynia were prescribed low dose
METHODS venlafaxine or minimally anticholinergic
tricyclic antidepressant (TCA).If, following an
improvement in allodynia, involuntary
Results are based on women consecutively overcontraction of perivaginal muscles
referred to the BC Center for Sexual Medicine remained, a series of conical wax vaginal
For personal use only.

between February 2000 and February 2002, inserts and modified Kegel exercise were
for introital pain with all attempts at penile prescribed. Writen informed consent was
vaginal entry. The center is a tertiary care obtained from all female participants before
facility for the assessment and treatment of the questionnaires were administered. The
sexual dysfunctions in men and women. questionnaires took approximately 20
Follow-up data is based on visits conducted minutes to complete, and these were filled,
12-15 months after primary diagnosis. For either while t h e i r p a r t n e r was being
four patients due to their distance from interviewed, or at home and mailed back to
Vancouver, this information was supplied by the clinic. A brief explanation of how to
the referring physician. Questionnaire com- complete the questionnaires was given by the
pletion is a routine component of assessment physician during t h e clinical interview.
in this clinic; thus, no specific inclusion or Questionnaires that tapped various aspects of
exclusion criteria were employed. Approval personality and psychological functioning as
for this chart review was obtained from the well as sexual and relationship functioning
University of British Columbia and t h e were chosen. Four questionnaires (thePhobia
Vancouver Hospital Ethics Review Boards. Rating Scale, PRS; the Personality Assessment
Screener, PAS; the Golombok Rust Inventory
Instruments and procedures of Sexual Satisfaction, GRISS; and the Fear of
Couples were assessed together and indi- Negative Evaluation, FNE) were used to
vidually over two sessions,with one physician provide broad-based assessment in a relatively
primarily responsible for all assessments and brief, self-report format.
follow-up. The women were given a simple
description of pain physiology such that the Phobia Rating Scale
role of stress and their possible predisposition The 4item PRS was developed for use in our
to the physical sequelae of stress was clarified. clinic, and was adapted from a similar rating
An average of five one-hour visits to the scale used in the clinical assessment of
physician for ongoing conservative therapy patients with a specific phobia. Patients were
included psychosexual counseling and asked to rate (from 0 to 4) the extent to which
encouragement of non-penetrative sex. they feared and avoided any form of vaginal
Additional intensive psychotherapy (either penetration (e.g. tampon, finger or sexual
individual, couple, or group format) by intercourse). Additionally, the dichotomous


Psychological profiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis Brotto et a/.

true/false statement ‘Although I can insert At each visit allodynia level was assessed
something into my own vagina, I would not on a self-report4-point Likert scale from 0 (no
allow another person to insert anything’ was pain) to 4 (profound pain). Intercourse ability
asked of each participant. was rated on a 3-point Likert scale from 0
(possible and free of pain), 1 (improved but
Personality Assessment Screener still painful) to 2 (not improved). Allodynia
and intercourse improvement scores were
The PAS is a valid and reliable, standardized,
obtained by subtracting the value given at
22-item questionnaire that asks participants
their final visit from the level assessed at the
to rate (false, slightly true, mainly true, very
initial visit.
true) the extent to which they agree with
For analyses in which published normative
statements. It is based on the parent instru-
data do not exist, results were compared to
ment, the PersonalityAssessment Inventoryz4,
data obtained from women participating in
and was developed to identify target areas in
other studies affiliated with our clinic.
need of further assessment. The PAS provides
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

Specifically, two separate samples consist-

information on the follow-ingfacets: negative
ing of 25 women without female sexual
affect, acting out, health problems, psychotic
dysfunction, and 30 women with female
features, social withdrawal, hostile control,
orgasmic disorder but not WS, were used as
suicidal thinking, alienation, alcohol prob-
comparison groups. These two groups of
lems and anger control.
women had responded to a newspaper
advertisement seeking volunteers for a
Colombok Rust Inventory of Sexual university-sponsored laboratory study on
Satisfaction sexual arousal.
The GRISSz5is a 28-item, valid and reliable
standardized questionnaire designed to assess Statisitcal analysis
relationship and sexual satisfaction. In
Independent samples t-tests were used to
For personal use only.

addition to a global dysfunction score, indi-

investigate differences between diagnostic
vidual subscores for infrequency, non-
groups on a number of psychological vari-
communication, dissatisfaction, avoidance,
ables and response to treatment. Pearson
non-sensuality, vaginismus and anorgasmia
product moment correlation coefficients
were obtained.
were used to establish the relationship
between improvement in pain scores and
Fear of Negative Evaluation severity of psychopathology, and outcome on
The FNE is a 30-item truelfalse questionnaire intercourse ability and psychological vari-
that is commonly used in the assessment of ables. Levene’s test for equality of variance
social anxietyz6.It specifically assesses the was used to establish homogeneity ofvariance
extent to which one fears the loss of approval between groups. Finally, multiple regression
from others, and was chosen based on our analyses were used to determine which
clinical impression that women with WS psychological measures contributed the most
often spontaneously report concerns over unique variance to pain change and inter-
being evaluated negatively. course improvement scores.
In addition to standardized question-
naires, data was collected on the following: RESULTS
number ofvisits, additional intense (up to 10
The mean age for the 50 women with WS was
further sessions) individual, group or couple
29.4 (range 19-54) years. Co-existent peri-
psychotherapy, physiotherapy, low dose TCA
vaginal muscle hypertonicity was strongly
or venlafaxine and history of sexual abuse.
suggested by history and physical exami-
nation in 35 of these women. The mean
Measures duration of symptoms from WS was 6.2
Percentage rates were calculated to charac- (range 0.6-27) years. Twenty-four percent of
terize our sample’s demographic status, to the women had one or more of the following
determine the proportion with clinically diagnoses: tension headaches, chronic
significant personality profiles, and to temporo-mandibular pain and irritable bowel
quantify t h e number of patients who syndrome. Thirty-two percent reported
improved following treatment. The two main inconstant, mostly mild premenstrual vulvar
outcome variables were allodynia improve- pain unrelated to attempts at vaginal entry.
ment and intercourse improvement. Forty-four percent of the women with WS


Brotto eta/. Psychologicalprofiles among women with v u l v a vestibulitis

had previously experienced pain-free

intercourse, 40% had lifelong histories of
painful intercourse, and 16%had never been
able to tolerate penile containment nor
internal physical examination. Four women
had experienced sexual abuse (8%). The mean
number of visits was 4.4 (range 2-9), with 15
of the women receiving additional sessions
for intensive psychotherapy.There were seven
women who were unable to implement this
recommendation. Fifteen women received
physiotherapy and 13 others were unable to
follow this recommendation. Five women
were prescribed venlafaxine or low dose TCA.
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

Women with W S scored significantly Figure 1 Percentage (%) of women with VVS
higher on the PRS than age-matched sexually (n),
(n = 50) scoring in the normal, (m),
mild, (a),
health women, t (71.99) = -8.06, p < 0.0001 moderate, and (I )clinically significant range
on the Personality Assessment Screener (PAS)
(mean 6.18 and 1.20, respectively). Com-
parisons between women with W S and
an age-matched sexually healthy group
revealed no significant differences on the FNE, t (18.78)= 0.463, p > 0.05; or the GRISS
GRISS subscales of noncommunication (e.g., total score, t (41) = -0.757, p > 0.05. The only
asking your partner what he enjoys about the GRISS subscale to significantly differ between
sexual relationship),t (70)= 0.15, p > 0.05, or these groups was, predictably, the vaginismus
anorgasmia, t (68)= -1.86, p > 0.05. Women subscale, t (44)= -2,692, p = 0.010, with sig-
with W S did score significantly higher on the nificantly higher scores in women with both
For personal use only.

subscales of non-sensuality (e.g.,not enjoying WS and perivaginal muscle contraction. Thus

cuddlinglcaressing your partner’s body), t for all remaining GRISS analyses women with
(62.78)= -2.66, p = 0.010: sexual infrequency, and without this associated feature were
t (68) = -7.76, p < 0.001; avoidance (e.g., combined.
becoming tense/anxious or avoiding inter- Using the PAS, the data revealed that 14.3%
course), t (68)= 5.94, p < 0.0001; vaginismus of our sample scored in the marked clinically
(e.g., having a tense/tight vagina during significant range, 26.5% scored i n t h e
intercourse), t(34.12)= - 1 1 . 8 0 , ~< 0.0001;and moderately significant range, 26.5%were in
dissatisfaction (e.g., feeling dissatisfied with the mild clinical range, and 32.7% did not
the amount of time spent engaging in sexual differ from a normal, standardized sample
activity), t (66) = 2.69, p = 0.009. Though (Figure I).Among those women who were in
women with W S significantly differed from the moderate to marked clinically significant
normal controls on non-sensuality and range (n = 20). subscales for several person-
dissatisfaction, mean levels did not fall within ality traits emerged as being clinically
the range for sexual dysfunction on these significant. The most frequently endorsed
variables. Women with lifelong symptoms psychological variables were negative affect
had significantly higher vaginismus scores (e.g., experience of personal distress, un-
t h a n women with acquired symptoms, happiness and apprehension), and social
t (30.1)= 2.78, p = 0.009. whereas no other withdrawal (e.g., detachment or discomfort
GRISS subscale was affected. in relationships), both of which were seen in
The FNE was significantly higher i n 45% of t h e sample. Anger control (e.g.,
women with WS compared to a separate difficulties managing anger) 37%;hostile
group ofwomen with orgasmic disorder, t (78) control (e.g.,need for control and inflated self-
= -3.81,~ < 0.001.Thirtypercent ofthesample image) 35%;health problems (e.g., somatic
scored in the markedly significant clinical complaints and health concerns) 27%;and
range on this variable (score > 20), and show acting out (e.g.,problems with impulsivity or
profiles similar to patients with marked social sensation-seeking) 16%, were also over-
anxiety. represented in this group. Some 22%of the
There were no differences between women women with WS reported thoughts of death
with and without co-existing perivaginal or suicide. There were no significant differ-
muscle contraction on the PRS. t (48)= 0.56. ences between women with W S who did and
p > 0.05; the PAS, t (47) = 0.889, p > 0.05; the did not have coexisting perivaginal muscle


Psychological profiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis Brotto et a/.

contraction on any of these personality Table 1 Personality Assessment Screener (PAS) profiles and effects of receiving
subscales, p > 0.05. additional psychotherapy among women with VVS who experienced remitted,
modestly improved, and no change in allodynia (n = 39), and intercourse ability
Allodynia and intercourse data at one-year (n = 41). Data represent number of women within each category
follow-upare available for 39 and 41 women,
respectively. There was an overall improve- Allodynia intercourse
ment in allodynia following treatment, Category outcome outcome
~ ~

F(1.40)= 572.55, p < 0.0001 which was un-

Normal PAS + no psychotherapy
affected by t h e presence of associated In remission 7 8
perivaginal muscle contraction. Allodynia Modest improvement 11 6
completely remitted in 38.1%of women, No improvement 1 6
improved in 52.4%,and was the same or worse Normal PAS + psychotherapy
in 9.5%.Among women with an overall In remission 2 1
clinically significant PAS, there was a trend Modest improvement 2 2
No improvement 1 2
towards acting out and allodynia improve-
Clinical PAS + no psychotherapy
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

ment being negatively related, r = -0.472,

In remission 4 5
p = 0.08, such that women with higher acting
Modest improvement 3 0
out scores improved less. The majority of No improvement 0 2
women with complete remission of allodynia,
Clinical PAS + psychotherapy
who did not require additional intensive In remission 3 3
counseling, did not show a clinically signifi- Modest improvement 5 4
cant PAS (Table1).Furthermore, among those No improvement 0 2
women with a clinically significant PAS
profile whose allodynia completely remitted,
nearly half did receive additional intensive
counseling (Table 1).Another eight women on intercourse ability, r = -0.314, p = 0.032.
with W S and a significant PAS profile had Avoidance showed a trend to being negatively
For personal use only.

slightly improved allodynia. The number of related to intercourse improvement, r =

women improving and experiencing no -0.256, p = 0.08. Of the 17 women with WS
change in allodynia with treatment are who progressed to pain free intercourse, eight
presented in Table 1. Among women of these had clinically significant PAS profiles
reporting vulvodynia unrelated to intercourse - three receiving additional intensive psy-
attempts, a clinically significant PAS profile chotherapy, presented in Table 1.Of the seven
correlated significantly with less vulvodynia women who were encouraged to receive
improvement, r = -0.812, p = 0.05. Women additional counseling but did not, only one
who scored in the clinically significant range improved to pain free intercourse while the
on the FNE had less improvement in allodynia other six made no improvements on this
than women with normal profiles (mean measure. The number of women improving
improvement 1.83 vs. 2.44 out of 4.00 and experiencing no change in intercourse
respectively). None of the GRISS subscales ability with treatment are presented in Table
correlated with allodynia improvement, 1.
p > 0.05. There was no difference in allodynia Despite an improvement in allodynia in
outcome between women with life-long and most women, this did not necessarily trans-
acquired symptoms. late into pain-free intercourse, r = 0.149,
Among women with WS, there was a p > 0.05. Women with life-long histories
significant improvement in ability to have reported less improvement in intercourse
intercourse without pain. Specifically, 40% than those with acquired symptoms.
of the sample was able to have pain-free Using a multiple regression analysis with
intercourse, and 28% had modest improve- allodynia improvement as the dependent
ment in their dyspareunia.Thirty-twopercent measure, and the PRS, PAS total score, GRISS
of the sample were not attempting to have total score, FNE and initial allodynia severity
intercourse at the time of follow-up for a as independent predictors, it was found that
variety of reasons; thus, any improvement in initial allodynia, standardized Beta = 0.719,
their dyspareunia is unknown. Women with p < 0.001, and the PRS score, standardized
clinically significant PAS scores improved less Beta = -0.242, p = 0.038, significantly ac-
on intercourse outcome, though this measure counted for improvement across women with
only approached statistical significance, Y = W S . Subsequently the multiple regression
-0.425, p = 0.06. Women with initially higher was run only among women with a clinically
vaginismus subscale scores improved less significant PAS score using the same predictor


Brotto e t a / . Psychological profiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis

variables to predict allodynia outcome. This difficulty that require further assessment,
time the FNE, standardized Beta = -0.318, identifies a subgroup with a significant
p = 0.037, emerged as providing the most experience of personal distress and un-
unique variance. happiness, social withdrawal, difficulties
with anger management, intense need to
DISCUSSION exert control, and somatic complaints. The
Unlike erectile dysfunction which may affect finding that only 32.7% showed normal
up to 7%of men under the age of 402,chronic psychological profiles whereas 14.3%scored
dyspareunia in women of this age group has in the markedly clinically significant range,
received little research attention. Given the and almost a quarter of the sample admitted
limited efficacy of the various medical, to thoughts of death and suicide emphasizes
surgical, physical and behavioral therapeutic the distress of some women with this syn-
interventions’$, increased understanding of drome.
subgroups of women with W S may allow The concept that personality inventories
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

more effective therapy. The areas of allodynia may reflect significant aspects of personality
are remarkably consistent**.”.and patho- without necessitating the presence of full-
physiological mechanisms may include those scale personality provides the
of neurogenic inflammation and central and rationale for their use in women with W S .
peripheral sensitization of dorsal horn cells The instruments employed mostly assess
in the spinal cord”. In addition to altered aspects of personality that are trait, rather
descending input from the brain, there may than state characteristics. This, combined
be increased afferent input from the typically with the finding that clinically significantly
hypertonic pelvic mu~cles’~. Peripheral sensi- profiles were seen in a similar percentage of
tization from products of i n f l a m ~ n a t i o n ~ ’ women
~ ’ ~ ~ ~ ~with life-long and acquired W S ,
and upregulated nerve growth factor3> supports the concept that stable psycho-
provokes peptide release from sensory nerve logical factors, rather than situation specific
For personal use only.

endings under conditions of sustained anxiety, may contribute to vulnerability to

stimulation - compounding and maintaining WS.
the inflammatory p r o c e ~ s ’ ~This. ~ ~ neuro-
. Fear of negative evaluation by others was
logical sensitization allows touch to be strongly endorsed by the women and their
perceived as pain. It is the clarification ofany partners during the clinical sessions, and this
role for psychological factors modulating was supported by our questionnaires show-
central and peripheral neurological sensiti- ing 30% with scores in the moderately or
zation3zin W S that is the focus of this chart markedly significant range. That this asso-
review. ciated stress might contribute to neurological
Previous research examined mean values mechanisms thought to underlie WS was
across a group of women with W S based on readily acceptable to the women once they
the use of general psychological question- had received a simple outline of pain
naires for sample sizes ranging from nineIn physiology. Although overall stress reduction
to 54l- and tended to amalgamate all women was an integral part of therapy, these results
into one group for the purposes of statistical suggest specifically modifying the intense
analysis. Reports have ranged from minimal need to excel in other’s eyes might be of
psychopathology17,’n, increased shyness”, therapeutic value. During t h e clinical
somatizationIy,anxietyLo,avoidance of harm2’, sessions it was apparent that the self-imposed
depressionzz,or symptomatology on struc- high standard at work, study, care of the
tured interview t h a t is unsupported by home and family responsibilities often
questionnaire evaluationz3.Clinical experi- precluded the woman from fully complying
ence suggests that a proportion of women with the various therapeutic recommenda-
with W S possess significant psychological tions.
features that warrant attention, whereas These 50 women with typical hyperalgesia/
others appear psychologically healthy, and allodynia of W S all acknowledged significant
investigations t h a t have relied less on fear and avoidance regarding genital touch
grouping all women with W S as a whole and specifically, vaginal entry of even small
corroborate this clinical o b ~ e r v a t i o n ~ ~ . ~items
~ , ~ ~such
. as their own finger or a tampon.
The current study, using questionnaires Moreover historical or physical judgement of
that address more subtle manifestations of increased muscle tone is approximate at best.
psychological maladjustment and quite These women all showed similar phobic
specific delineation of areas of psychological anxiety to women with heightened pelvic


Psychological profiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis Brotto etal.

muscle tone (spasm) that interferes with are the women with significant psychological
intercourse but is not accompanied by features on t h e PAS whose allodynia
allodynia or other findings on physical improved, with complete healing in seven
examination, i.e., women with ‘vaginismus’. (although three of these did receive extra
The lack of significant difference in psycho- intense psychotherapy).In contrast, less than
logical inventories between women with WS a quarter of the women with a normal PAS
and those with ‘vaginismus’ is in keeping and remitted allodynia required additional
with the frequently reported difficulty in psychotherapy. The assessment of FNE
distinguishing these two g r o ~ p s ~Con- -~. appeared especially helpful in predicting
firming the research of yet in outcome given that those with more intense
contrast to s ~ m e ’ ~the
, ~ majority
~, enjoyed fear of others’ negative evaluation had less
non-penetrative sexual stimulation, were improvement in allodynia. This and the result
orgasmic, enjoyed non-sexual physical from the multiple regression analysis support
affection, and felt they could communicate the inclusion of this instrument, as well as
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/05/14

well with their partners. Therefore, in the vaginal PRS, as both contribute signifi-
reference to the dilemma of ‘do these women cant unique variance in predicting treatment
experience painful sex or sexual pain?5, it response.
would appear to be both. The pain is Regarding the ability to have painless
associated with a degree of phobic fear of intercourse, three variables emerged as
vaginal entry. significant predictors of poor improvement
Although at one year 90.5% had less - high sexual avoidance and vaginismus
allodynia, only 40% reported painless subscores on the GRISS, and an overall
intercourse. Perhaps it is not surprising that clinically significant PAS score. It is of interest
women with lifelong versus acquired that the majority of women with W S who
symptoms showed less improvement in coital progressed to painless intercourse without
pain - there being no positive past memories. the need o f further intense psychotherapy
For personal use only.

This was despite similar improvement in did not show overall high levels of psycho-
allodynia in the two groups. While for some pathology. Failure to follow through with
women, interpersonal difficulties or lack of recommended additional psychotherapy is
a partner were relevant, for others it was the also of predictive value given that only one
residual allodynia, or continuing pelvic of the seven women was able to progress to
muscle hypertonicity, or continued fear of painless intercourse.
pain that resulted in ongoing dyspareunia or Relating the psychological profiles to
their reluctance to attempt penile entry. outcome at one year is problematic since this
Unfortunately, women with WS can rarely is a clinical population, with each couple
capitalize on the clinical report of increased receiving slightly different treatment. The
pain threshold with sexual arousal since the number of physician visits and additional
latter typically lessens as soon as penile psychotherapy received varied, depending on
introital contact is attempted. Moreover, need and ability of the couple. Pelvic muscle
when WS persists, many women become physiotherapy was recommended whenever
avoidant of sexual cues and triggers through the allodynia did not completely remit with
the day resulting in fewer sexual thoughts topical sodium cromoglycate,stress reduction
and lowered sexual self-image.At the time of and avoidance of penetrative sex - but some
sexual interaction, despite the various women could not afford the cost. However,
therapeutic interventions, the risk is that the given that all women were offered the same
woman’s arousability will remain low. Some modalities of treatment whenever they were
physical discomfort for a woman who is deemed necessary, and motivation to follow
nevertheless subjectively and physiologically through may itself be linked to the psycho-
sexually aroused is vastly different to the logical features of these women, the findings
experience of the woman who is unaroused, are of some interest. Another methodological
feeling sexually substandard and who consideration is that the current sample
otherwise strives to excel in all aspects of her represents women seeking treatment for WS,
life. and their personality style may differ from
The majority of women with improved those choosing to live with the condition.
allodynia from the standard five visits for Yet it is of interest that FNE scores were
medical therapy and psychosexual counseling significantly higher than those of women
by the physician did not show a clinically choosing to present for help with orgasmic
significant psychological profile. Of interest problems. The extent to which fear of negative

Brotto et a/. Psychologicalprofiles among women with vulvar vestibulitis

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Guilford Press, 2000:154-80
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Biopsychosocial profile of women with
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Women's Health Fellowship to L. Brotto. 18. Schmidt S, Bauer A, Greif C, et af. Vular Pain:
Dr. R. Basson provides medical consultation psychological profiles and treatment
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Boehringer-Ingelheim Ltd., Procter and
MM. Psychologic profiles of and sexual
Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Zonagen Inc., and function in women with vulvar vestibulitis
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Treatment of vulvar vestibulitis syndrome

Current knowledge on this subject

Current data on psychological profiles in women with VVS is
equivocal, and this may be attributable to inadequate question-
naires having been administered, and the tendency to amalgamate
all women into one group, thus subtle indications of
For personal use only.

psychological difficulty among a s of the sample

The implications for s hological profiles in women with
WS has not been ex piricaily, though clinical anecdotal
experience would sug res may affect treatment

What this study adds

This study suggests that among a group of women with WS
there are significant psychological ures that distinguish them
from the entire sample
Future investigations might benefit from tailoring treatment
approaches to the individual woman, t g into account her
psychological profile


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