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Sample Paper (XI Studying - Medical) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019

Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019

(For XI Studying - Medical)
(The questions given in sample paper are indicative of the level and
pattern of questions that will be asked in ANTHE-2019)

1. If force ‘F’, velocity ‘v’ and acceleration ‘’ taken as mg g
fundamental quantities, then dimensional formula for (1) a  (2) a 
 m
time period of simple pendulum is
(1) [F0 v1 –1] (2) [F1 v1 1] g g
(3) a  (4) a 
 
(3) [F0 v–1 1] (4) [F0 v1 –2]
2. The position x (in metre) of a particle along a straight 6. Initially the spring is relaxed. If the mass m is slowly
line is given as x = 3t2 – 18t. The maximum speed released, then the elongation produced in the
in the time interval t = 0 to t = 2 s is spring is
Spring constant = k
(1) 18 m/s (2) 6 m/s
(3) 12 m/s (4) 20 m/s
3. The equation of trajectory of a projectile is given as m
y  2x  . The maximum height of projectile is mg mg
2 (1) (2)
(Symbols have usual meanings and all are in SI unit) k 2k
(1) 4 m (2) 1 m 2mg mg
(3) (4)
(3) 2 m (4) 10 m k 4k
4. Forces which obey inverse square law are 7. A particle of mass 2 kg is moving along line ‘AB’
according to y = x – 4 with speed 4 m/s, then
(1) Gravitational forces
magnitude of angular momentum about ‘O’ is
(2) Strong nuclear forces
(3) Weak nuclear forces y B
(4) Both (2) & (3)
O x
5. A block of mass m is in contact with the cart. The
coefficient of static friction between the block and the A
cart is . The acceleration a of the cart that prevent
the block from falling will be
(1) 16 2 kg m2 /s
(2) 32 2 kg m2 /s
(3) 32 kg m2/s
(4) 16 kg m2/s

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019 Sample Paper (XI Studying - Medical)

w 12. Match the columns
8. 3.65%   HCl acid is found to have density of
w Column I Column II
1.4 gmL–1. The molarity of solution is (Species) (Hybridisation)
(1) 1.4 M (2) 2.8 M a. XeOF2 (i) sp3d
b. XeO4 (ii) sp3
(3) 14 M (4) 28 M
c. XeF6 (iii) sp3d 3
9. Radial nodes present in 3s and 3p orbitals are
respectively Choose the correct match
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii) (2) a(iii), b(ii), c(i)
(1) 3, 3 (2) 2, 2
(3) a(ii), b(i), c(iii) (4) a(ii), b(iii), c(i)
(3) 2, 1 (4) 3, 1
13. There is diagonal relationship between
10. Which elements have maximum and minimum
(1) Li and Al (2) Be and Al
electron affinity in periodic table respectively?
(3) Be and Mg (4) C and N
(1) Cl, Cs (2) Cl, He
14. If CH4(g)  C(g) + 4H(g), H = 400 kJ and
(3) F, Cl (4) Cl, Ne
11. If the densities of methane and oxygen are in the
H – C – C – H  2C(g) + 6H(g), H = 1000 kJ
ratio 1 : 2, then the ratio of rate of diffusion of O2 to
CH4 is H H
The value of B.EC–C will be
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 1.414 (1) 200 kJ (2) 400 kJ
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 1.414 : 1 (3) 800 kJ (4) 600 kJ

15. Read the following statements and identify the (1) a, b & c (2) All except a
incorrect ones.
(3) d & e only (4) b, d & e
a. Each rank or taxon, represents a unit of
16. The boundaries of the kingdom Protista is not well-
defined because
b. Solanum is a monotypic genus.
(1) They are unicellular
c. Genera are aggregates of closely related
species. (2) They have different types of pigments
d. Cat, dog, tiger and leopard are placed in the (3) Cell body contains a well defined nucleus and
family Felidae. other membrane-bound organelles
e. Class Carnivora includes families like Felidae and (4) They are photosynthetic protists to one biologist
Canidae. or may be a plant to another

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Sample Paper (XI Studying - Medical) Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019
17. Heterocysts of Anabaena 22. Which of the following is an incorrect difference
(1) Are thin walled and do not help in nitrogen between red and white skeletal muscle fibres?
Red muscle White
(2) Have both PS I and PS II fibre muscle fibre
(1) Myoglobin High Very less
(3) Contain nitrogenase enzyme content
(4) Are meant for sexual reproduction (2) Mitochondria More Less
18. In which of the following flower, the condition of ovary (3) Diameter Large Small
is represented by symbol Gn ? (4) Sarcoplasmic Less More

23. Which of the following is an incorrect statement

w.r.t. electrocardiogram?

(1) P-wave represents depolarisation of atria

(2) Ventricular systole begins shortly after Q wave

(1) (2) (3) (4)
(3) T-wave represents the return of ventricles from
19. Which of the following symbol stands correct for the excited to normal state
Liliaceae family?
(4) The end of T-wave marks the end of ventricular
(1) C(5) A5 (2) % diastole

(3) P(3 + 3) (4) G2 24. Following diagram represents longitudinal section of

kidney with certain labelled parts A, B, C and D.
20. Select the incorrect statement(s) about cilia and
flagella of eukaryotes. Which of the following is correct explanation of the
labelled parts?
(1) Cilia and flagella give a cartwheel appearance
(2) Axoneme is made up of nine microtubule triplets
at periphery
(3) They show ‘9 + 2’ microtubular organisation
(4) Both (1) & (2) C
21. A plant species has 10 pg DNA and 8 chromosomes
in its pollen grain, then what was the amount of DNA
and number of chromosomes in its microspore
mother cell at G1 phase (1) A – Formed by fusion of collecting ducts
(1) 40 pg; 16 chromosomes (2) B – Contains loop of Henle and collecting ducts
(2) 20 pg; 16 chromosomes (3) C – Consists of collagen fibres; forms a layer
(3) 10 pg; 8 chromosomes around kidney and protects it

(4) 20 pg; 32 chromosomes (4) D – Extension of cortex into medulla

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019 Sample Paper (XI Studying - Medical)
25. Consider the following statement w.r.t. human (1) a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
digestive system
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)
a. Duodenum is the longest part of small intestine
27. Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase is caused by
b. Hepatic and cystic ducts release their secretions malonate. What will happen to the Km of the enzyme
into common bile duct whose opening is when excess of succinate is added?
controlled by sphincter of Oddi
(1) Km will increase and Vmax constant
c. Ileocaecal valve is present at the junction of
small intestine and large intestine (2) Km will decrease and Vmax constant

d. Mechanical and chemical digestion of food (3) Km constant and Vmax decreases
occurs in buccal cavity, stomach and small (4) Km constant and Vmax increases
28. Read the following statements:
Which of the following choices is correct?
(a) In epithelial tissue, cells are compactly packed
(1) a & b (2) b & c with little intercellular material.
(3) c & d (4) a, b, c & d (b) Epithelial tissue is highly vascular so has high
26. Match the column and choose the correct option regeneration capacity.

Column I Column II (c) In ciliated epithelium, the function of cilia is to

move particles or mucus in any direction over
a. Occupational (i) Alveolar walls are the epithelium.
respiratory disorders damaged
(d) Connective tissues are most abundant and widely
b. Asthma (ii) Proliferation of distributed in the body of complex animals.
fibrous tissue
Choose the option which includes incorrect
c. Emphysema (iii) Inflammation of statements.
nasal tract
(1) (a) & (b) (2) (b) & (c)
d. Rhinitis (iv) Inflammation of
bronchi and bronchioles (3) (a), (b) & (c) (4) (b) & (d)


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Note : Answer key of Sample Paper is available at &

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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2019

Class XI Studying - Medical

1. (1) 8. (1) 15. (4) 22. (3)

2. (1) 9. (3) 16. (4) 23. (4)

3. (3) 10. (4) 17. (3) 24. (2)

4. (1) 11. (2) 18. (4) 25. (3)

5. (3) 12. (1) 19. (3) 26. (2)

6. (1) 13. (2) 20. (4) 27. (1)

7. (1) 14. (2) 21. (2) 28. (2)

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