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Physics Notes: 1.

Force: A push or pull in any direction that can change the shape of an object or change how it
moves. Measure in newtons (N).
Types of Forces:
1. Gravitational Force AKA Weight: Force that attracts you to the center of the earth.
2. Electrostatic Force: force b/w 2 objects that are charged, once charged can attract or repel
other charged objects.
3. Magnetic Force: Force between magnets and magnetic materials (iron,steel,nickel).
4. Friction: Force between two objects sliding across each other.
i. a.Air Resistance: Force acting on object moving through air.
ii. b.Water resistance:Force on object moving through any liquid.
5. Upthrust: Force of water pushing an object up, causing it to float.
6. Tension: Force acting on any cable, wire, rope or string with a weight on it.
Measuring Forces: devices used to measure forces known as forcemeters like a spring balance.

Physics Notes: 1.2

Balanced Forces: When opposite forces on an object cancel out. Resultant force = 0
 Effects of Balanced forces: If not moving, will stay still.
If moving, will move at a steady speed.
Unbalanced Forces: When opposite forces on an object are not equal. Resultant force is not zero
 Effects of Unbalanced forces: If not moving, will start moving.
If moving, will speed up/accelerate or slow down/decelerate

Physics Notes: 1.3

Friction: a force that slows moving objects down.
Reducing friction: Lubrication: Reduces force of friction
 Oil: Makes easier for surfaces to slide over each other.
 Ball bearings: Roll over each other to reduce friction in a skateboard wheel.
Useful Friction: Friction can be useful in many ways
 Friction is needed to walk, is acting b/w feet and ground.
 Vehicles need friction to move and also stop.
Physics Notes: 1.4
Gravity: Force b/w all objects. Depends on mass of the two objects and distance between the two objects.
Difference between weight and mass: Weight is the force of the gravity acting on an objects and is thus
measured in newtons(N).Mass is the amount of matter in an objects and is measured in kgs
Formula for Weight: Weight = mass x gravitational field strength.
(N) (kg) (N/kg)
Earth’s Gravitational Field Strength= 10(N/kg)
Physics Notes: 1.6
Air Resistance: Force on an object moving through the air. Collision of air particles with object, also
affected by speed of moving object.
Reducing Air Resistance: Streamlining: Reducing air resistance by changing flow of air. This can be
done by changing the shape of the object or streamlining it.
Useful Air Resistance: Useful in parachutes, helps person fall slower.
Terminal Velocity: An object moving through air with a steady speed.
Physics Notes: 1.8
Tension: The force in a rope or string being stretched.
Elastic: If Elastic, it will go back to its original length after the force was removed.
Extension: Amount something stretches.
Plastic: Something that is not elastic and does not go back to its original shape.
Extension of Spring = Proportional to force applies
Elastic Limit: When something can not be stretched further. It is now permanently extended. May break if
stretched further.
Upthrust: Force of particle collisions of water/air pushing up against object. This balances the weight of the objects.
Archimedes Principle: In simple words, Archimedes' principle states that, when a body is partially or completely
immersed in a fluid, it experiences an apparent loss in weight that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
immersed part of the body.
Physics Notes: 1.10
Centripetal Force: A force that keeps an object moving in a circle. This can be: Tension, Gravity etc.

Physics Notes: 2.1

Units of Energy: joules(J), kilojoules(kJ); Food: Calories/ kiloCalories(kcal)
All activities cost energy.
Energy can be stored in fuels: coal, oil or wood.
Physics Notes: 2.2
Energy Transfer from Sun:

Sun evaporates water and makes it rain. Rainwater is trapped and used in dams to create hydroelectricity.
Sun heats up land and water to create land breeze and sea breeze which can be used to create electricity
in wind turbines.
The sun’s energy can be directly transferred to electricity using solar cells.

Solar Panel: Water runs through pipes and is heated by sun energy.
Physics Notes: 2.3
Types of Energy:
Potential Energy: Energy something has because of its shape, or position or motion. These changes store energy.
 Potential Energies:
o Chemical potential Energy: Energy in Foods and Fuels
o Gravitational Potential Energy: Energy something has because it has changed position.
o Kinetic Energy: Energy moving objects have.
o Thermal Energy: Energy hot objects store.
 Types of energy transfer: These cannot store energy but only show how energy is transferred.
o Electrical Energy
o Light Energy
o Sound Energy
Nuclear Energy: Energy produced by the sun through nuclear fusion that produces nuclear energy. Hydrogen
atoms are combined to form helium and energy is released.

Physics Notes: 2.4

Energy Transfer: Can be shown on energy transfer diagrams.
Physics Notes: 2.5
Law of Conservation of Energy: Law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed ,
it can only be transferred in a process
Physics Notes: 2.6
Gravitational Potential Energy: Energy something has because of its position. It depends on your mass and the
distance you move from the center of the earth.
Kinetic Energy: Energy something has when it is moving. Depends on mass and speed.
Physics Notes: 2.7
Elastic Potential Energy: When materials change shape or are stretched they deform. When an object deforms it

stores energy.
Physics Notes: 2.10
Efficiency: Amount of useful energy compared to wasted energy. Formula:
Useful Energy/Total Energy x 100%
Sankey Diagram: Shows energy transfer and useful and wasted energy.

Physics Notes: 3.1

Stars: Huge balls of gas that give out light.
Planets: Means wandering stars. Made of Rock or Gas and don’t
give out light. Four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The asteroid belt divides the inner and outer
planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Dwarf Planets: Tiny planets- Pluto. Exoplanets: Planets outside
the solar system.
Moons: Natural satellites that orbit planets.
Comets: Made of ice and dust. Orbit the sun. When near sun produce a tail. Only seen because reflect sunlight.
Meteor: The streak of light produced when a particle of dust or a piece of rock enters the earth’s atmosphere and
burns up.
Meteorite: A piece of rock that survives to reach the ground.
Artificial Satellites: man made satellites in orbit around the earth. Most part of global positioning system(GPS).
Largest satellite: International Space Station(ISS).
Physics Notes: 3.2
Day and Night: The earth spins on its axis. The area that is in ight has day whiule the arera in the dark has night.
The earth taks 24 hrrs to complete one rotaion. The earth moves from the west to the east.
Physics Notes: 3.3
The seasons: The earth orbits tthe sun every 365 days or 1 year. The year has 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn
and winter. The earth’s axis is tilted by 23.5 degrees. This means that the north pole is toward the sun for 6 months
whihle the south pole is away and visa-versa.
Changing day length: Days are longer in summer and shorter in the winter. The sun stays is tne sky for longer
because the northern hemisphere faces the sun for longer each day.
Temperature: Since days are longer, the sun warms the earth for longer each day. In summer the sun is also higher
in the sky which means that the rays of the sun hit the earth at 90 degrees which means that the surface will heat up
Physics Notes: 3.4
Constellaions: A constellation is a collection of stars that makes a pattern.
Life Cycle of a Star:

Stars start drom a colud of gas and dust called nebula. Gravity pulls it together. Hydrigen make the sun shine. It is
now a main sequence star. After all tthe hydrogen is used it will become a red giant and will swallow anything
around it

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