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New Civil Society of Crown Corporation Sole
AUXILIARY-A AUXILIARY-B “A Non- Political Involved Maharlika Indigenous Community of Philippine Island”
Maharlika Flag

Tribal King Office, _____________________________

Contact No.____________________, Email Add: _______________
Republic Act 8371-
Indigenous People’s HON. MICHAEL G. AGUINALDO
Rights Act of 1997, Chairperson, Commission on Audit (COA)
SEC. 15- JUSTICE Office of the Chairperson, Commonwealth Avenue,
SYSTEM, CONFLICT Quezon City, Philippines 0880
PROCESSES; Date:_______________________

Corporation Sole of
Tribal King dated Sir:
March 15, 2018;
Greetings of peace!
New Civil Society of
We the undersigned; Territorial Tribal King; Auxiliary Tribal Kings A & B; and
Crown Corporation
Territorial Tribal Baylan in the Municipality of ______________, Province of
Sole dated March
_________________ are members of the “Maharlika Tribal Kingdom New Civil Society
18, 2018; of Crown Corporation Sole” under the leadership and Royal Prerogative of His Majesty
Royal Highness King (H.M.R.H.K) Constancio A. Salvo, Jr./ Datu Kuluban, the Royal
M.T.K Royal Charter Highness King of the Philippine Archipelago, National Chieftain/ Tribal President of
& Bylaws in 2018; Indigenous Peoples/ICC’s of 110 Tribes-National Tribal Elders of Datus in the
Philippines Territory, Tribal Babaylanon King from Generation to Generations, 5 Star
Royal Decree No. General of H-GOI/ Chief of Staff/ H-WORLD UN-PI, and the Head King of Queens
04/2017; Kingdom.
R.A 8371, CHAPTER H.M.R.H.K Constancio A. Salvo, Jr./ Datu Kuluban is recognized Royal
IV, SEC. 13- SELF- Highness King by the Philippine Republic under the President Duterte’s Administration
GOVERNANCE & (attached as Annex-“1”) and also our Sole and Absolute Ruler of all Tribal Kings
EMPOWERMENT; nationwide (attached as Annex-“2”). Beyond that award and authority our His Majesty
SEC. 65- PRIMACY was also the sole successor of Maharlika Clan in the Philippnes (attached as Annex-“3”)
and the recognized President/ Chairman of the National Tribal Elders of Datus in the
Philippines Territory, Inc., consist by the hundred ten (110) tribes entire Philippine
Archipelago (attached as Annex-“4”).
Accordingly with the above-mentioned references of His Majesty Royal
NATURAL LAW OF Highness King Datu Kuluban, the undersigned signatories would like to request this
THE LAND; office to conduct an audit of the 20% component funds of the Internal Revenue Allotment
(IRA) of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of the Municipality of
United Nation ______________________, _________________, as well as the National Commission of
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) of that aforesaid municipality. The said funds was intended
Declaration on the
for the ICC’s/IP’s, under the governance of the Republic of the Philippines registered by
Rights of Indigenous
the Securities and Exchange Commission (The Securities Act of 1933) at Washington,
Peoples; D.C. 20549, as control by the Government of the United States (attached as Annex-“5”).
Since then from 1997 and now, the ICC’s/IP’s are been deprived of the legal entitlement
to the 20% component funds of IRA as authorized by law and yet unsustainable to such
Notwithstanding the fact that there is already an incumbent National
Chieftain/President and Royal Highness King of all Tribal Kings of the hundred ten (110)
tribes which in effect, and has been bestowed the authority to manage and dispense the
said funds. The Local Government Unit (LGU) of ________________________,
_____________________ has consistently ignored the Free Prior and Informed Consent
(F.P.I.C) from the ICC’s/ IP’s, contributing significantly to the increasing depravity of
the ICC’s/IP’s.

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We, therefore, affix our signature in behalf of the Kingship management of His
Majesty Royal Highness King Datu Kuluban who, we sincerely believe, is the answer to
the clamor of the “LUMAD” in these trying times. Our undying support of the President
Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s war against corruption and poverty is most assured.

Hoping then for your timely action on the said matter.

Truly yours,

Territorial Tribal King
Cagayan de Oro District-1, Misamis Oriental

Attested by:

Auxiliary Tribal King-A

Auxiliary Tribal King-B

Territorial Tribal Baylan

Copy furnished:

President, Republic of the Philippines



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