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LEA 108 Crime Scene Investigation

Mid-Term Exam, 2ND Semester CY 2014-2015)

Date: ___________

Name: __________________________________________________ Room Nr: _____ Permit Nr: ______

Test I. Identification. (Two (2) points each)
1. It is an inquiry, judicial or otherwise for the discovery and collection of facts concerning the matters involved. It is also called as
the process of inquiring, eliciting, soliciting and getting vital information, facts, circumstances in order to establish the truth?
2. It is a public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation of all criminal cases as provided for and embodied under
the revised penal code, criminal laws and special laws which are criminal in nature? Criminal Investigator
3. It is the investigation conducted by law enforcement officers after a person has been arrested or deprived of his freedom of
action? Custodial Investigation
4. It is a venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been committed? Crime scene
5. It refers to statement of facts not directly constituting an acknowledgement of guilt? Admission
6. It is the a structured group of three or more persons existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of
committing one or more serious crime or offenses? Organized criminal group
7. It is a combination of two or more persons who are engaged in a criminal or virtual criminal activity on a continuing basis for the
purpose of profit or power using gangland style to attain their purpose? Organized crime
8. It is an evidenced addressed to the senses of the court that are capable of being exhibited, examined or viewed by the court.
This includes but not limited to fingerprints, body fluid, explosives, hazardous chemicals, soil/burned debris, bombs, electronic
parts used in the commission of the crime? Physical evidence
9. Refers to the practice of strapping a suspect to a board with his or her head lowered, then the face is covered and water is
poured over it causing the suspect to gag and experience the sensation of drowning? Waterboarding
10. It is an 18" x 12" logbook with hard bound cover that contains the daily register of all crime incident reports, official summary of
arrests and other significant events reported in a police station? Police Blotter
11. a Scottish American detective who created the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, the first detective agency in the US.
Pinkerton foiled a plot to assassinate President Lincoln. Allan Pinkerton
12. A police collection of pictures or photographs of criminals and suspects kept for identification purposes. A compilation of
descriptions, methods of operation having places and names of criminal and their associates. Rouges Gallery
13. A photographic portrait taken after one is arrested. Mugshot
14. Can be define as the collection of information and evidence for identifying, apprehending, and convicting suspected offenders?
Criminal Investigation
15. The Data gathered by an investigator from other persons including the victim himself and from Public records, Private records
and Modus Operandi file. Information
16. Scientific examination of real evidence, application of instrument and methods of the physical sciences in detecting
crime? Instrumentation
17. It is a direct acknowledgement of the truth of the guilty fact as charged or of some essential part of the commission of the
criminal act itself. To be admissible, the confession of the accused must be voluntary? Confession
18. It is the evidence of circumstances which are strong enough to cast suspicion upon the defendant and which are sufficiently
strong to overcome the presumption of innocence, and to exclude every hypothesis except that of the guilt of the defendant?
Circumstantial evidence
19. These are the physical evidence which may identify the criminal by means of clues, personal properties, or the characteristics
patterns of procedure deduced from the arrangement of objects at the scene? Associate Evidence
20. The number of persons who handle evidence between the time of commission of the alleged offense and the ultimate
disposition of the case should be kept to a minimum? Chain Of Custody

TEST II. Multiple Choice. (Encircle the letter of the correct answer)
1. America's most famous private investigator and founder of Criminal Investigation.
a. Alec Nayhem
b. Allan Pinkerton
c. Thomas Byrnes
d. None of these
2. The first woman detective in the history of criminal investigation.
a. Kathleen Jacob
b. Candy Miles
c. Kate Wayne
d. Pines Hamilton
3. He was known to be the creator of the "bow street runners", a group of police officers attached to the Bow Street Court, and
not in uniform, performing criminal investigative functions.
a. Henry Fielding
b. John Fielding
c. John Howard
d. Robert Peel
4. The founder and chief organizer of the London Metropolitan Police, the Scotland Yard, which became famous police organization
in the world.
a. Henry Fielding
b. John Fielding
c. John Howard
d. Robert Peel
5. As a rule, do not touch, alter or remove anything at the crime scene until the evidence has been processed through
notes, sketches and photographs, with proper measurements. This refers to
a. the golden rule in investigation
b. the number one SOP in investigation
c. the act of note taking
d. the act of crime scene preservation
6. An Englishman who published a handbook for Examining Magistrates in Munich, Germany and advocated the use of scientific
methods in criminal investigation process.
a. Hans Gross
b. Thomas Byrnes
c. Alphonse Bertillon
d. Francis Galton
7. The SC ruled the illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in state criminal prosecutions in the famous case of
a. Miranda vs Arizona
b. Otit vs Jeff
c. Mapp vs Ohio
d. Milkey vs Wett
8. The continues accountability of persons handling evidences, and having responsibility of taking care and preserving the
evidences from the time it was found until brought to court for presentation is called?
a. Chain of events
b. Key events
c. Chain of custody of evidence
d. Chain of command
9. In England, he was a buckle maker then a brothel operator; a master criminal who became London's most effective criminal
investigator. He was the most famous Thief-Catcher in 1720s.
a. Alexander Macanochie
b. Jonathan Wild
c. Billy Cook
d. John Howard
10. What is the Latin term for criminal intent?
a. Mens Rea
b. Magna Culpa
c. Inflagrante Delicto
d. Mala Vise
11. It is the process of inquiring, eliciting, soliciting and getting vital information, facts, circumstances in order to establish the truth.
a. Investigation
b. Criminal Investigator
c. Custodial Investigation
d. Neighborhood Investigation
12. A well trained, disciplined and experienced professional in the field of criminal investigation.
a. Criminal Investigator
e. Criminal Investigator
f. Custodial Investigation
b. Neighborhood Investigation
13. Latin for the body of the crime.
a. Corpus delicti
b. Physical evidence
c. Associative evidence
d. Material evidence
14. Proof that a criminal act has occurred.
a. Actus Reus
b. Corpus delicti
c. Crime scene
d. Body of the crime
15. The purpose of evidence is to link a suspect with the victim or with the crime scene.
a. Probably false
b. Probably true
c. True
d. False

TEST III. Enumeration.

1. What are the six (6) cardinal points of an investigation?
1. what specific offense has been committed;
2. when it was committed;
3. where the offense was committed;
4. who committed it;
5. why it was committed; and
6. how the offense was committed.
2. Tools of an investigator in gathering facts?
7. Information
8. Interview/Interrogation
9. Instrumentation
3. Three (3) phases of an investigation?
10. Identify the suspect/s
11. Locate and apprehend suspect/s; and
12. Gather and provide evidence to establish the guilt of the accused.
4. What are the methods of identifying the suspects?
13. By confession
14. By eyewitness testimony
15. By circumstantial evidence
16. By associative evidence
6. What are the duties and responsibilities of the first responders?
17. Proceed to the crime scene to validate the information received;
18. Record the exact time of arrival and all pertinent data regarding the incident in his issued pocket notebook and notify the
19. Cordon off the area and secure the crime scene with a police line or whatever available material like ropes, straws or human
as barricade to preserve its integrity;
20. Check whether the situation still poses imminent danger and call for back up if necessary;
21. Identify possible witnesses and conduct preliminary interview and ensure their availability for the incoming investigator-on-
22. Arrest the suspect/s if around or in instances wherein the suspect/s is fleeing, make appropriate notification for dragnet
23. Prepare to take the “Dying Declaration” of severely injured persons with the following requisites:
24. Evacuate the wounded to the nearest hospital using emergency services;
25. Conduct initial investigation; and
26. Brief the investigator-on-case upon arrival and turn over the crime scene.

Test III. Essay.

1. What are the requisites or need to establish in proving the guilt of the accused in court?
Ans: In proving the guilt of the accused in court, the fact of the existence of the crime must be established; the accused must be
identified and associated with the crime scene; competent and credible witnesses must be available; and the physical evidence must
be appropriately identified. The investigator must know by heart the elements of a specific crime.

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