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October 30, 2019

Dear Partner:

We made continued progress in the third quarter with another good result. The Greenlight Capital
funds (the “Partnerships”) returned 5.6% for the quarter, bringing the year-to-date return to 24.0%.
Most of the gains came in the long portfolio, as the short portfolio had a small loss, which was offset
by a small gain in macro. During the quarter, the S&P 500 index returned 1.7%, bringing its year-to-
date return to 20.6%.

When we started in this business, there were over 7,000 listed companies in the United States – most
of which we didn’t know. When we received a stock pitch, we often had to begin by asking, “What
do they do?” We wondered who were the people following all these businesses. Even so, while some
tickers had little Wall Street research coverage, there always seemed to be somebody paying attention
and reacting to news. Today there are about half as many listed companies in the U.S. as when we
started, and yet in certain situations we are sometimes left wondering if there is anybody paying
attention, let alone reacting.

We raise this because of the curious case of Brighthouse Financial (BHF). Last quarter, we explained
how bearish analysts had estimated that BHF had suffered up to a $1 billion loss due to declining
interest rates. We disputed that analysis and thought the loss would be much smaller. Coming into
the earnings report, BHF traded poorly amid further rate declines, as it appeared that most market
participants accepted the bearish analysis.

What happened? When the company reported its second quarter, not only was there no $1 billion loss,
BHF actually grew its capital buffer by $400 million. In the early part of the year and again in June,
management added to its interest rate hedges and purchased cheap options that protected the balance
sheet through the subsequent interest rate declines. Usually, when an advertised bear case doesn’t
come to fruition, the stock tends to soar. Relative to BHF’s $4 billion market cap, the $400 million
capital build when the market had expected a large loss ought to have had a large positive impact on
the share price. In this case, the market yawned. The glass half-empty crowd concluded that if the
hedges generated gains in a falling rate environment, those gains would probably be reversed if rates
went back up.

Management made it clear on the conference call in August that the further declines in rates since
quarter-end did not erode its capital buffer. While it should be obvious, the greater level of interest
rate hedging makes BHF much less exposed to interest rates. Yet subsequent to the announcement,
the correlation between BHF stock and interest rates has increased.

As one analyst put it in his summary of the quarter, “we do not expect there to be many buyers for
this name despite a seemingly cheap valuation and reasonably good earnings results.” But someone
has been buying: with the stock in the doldrums, BHF continued its aggressive buyback program,
repurchasing nearly 3% of outstanding shares in May and June alone, and management collectively
purchased nearly $1 million worth of shares on the open market after the earnings report in August.

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During the quarter, the shares advanced from $36.69 to $40.47, making BHF our second largest

Other material contributors included Green Brick Partners (GRBK), whose stock rose from $8.31 to
$10.70 based on a strong quarterly result, combined with management commentary that earnings are
expected to inflect positively starting in the third quarter, and Altice Europe (Netherlands: ATC),
which advanced from €3.16 to €4.80, as the French cellular market is behaving more rationally and
the company is deleveraging its balance sheet.

Our Netflix (NFLX) short was another material contributor as the company failed to achieve its
subscriber growth targets and the stock fell from $367.32 to $267.62. In 2018, due to the runaway
performance of the shares, we converted our position into puts. We have been negative about NFLX
for a long time, as the company has yet to demonstrate a profitable business model. While NFLX has
grown subscribers and revenues, cash costs have grown even faster. This year the company projects
to burn a stunning $3.5 billion on just $20 billion of revenue. 1

In its early years, NFLX created a niche by licensing cheap content and growing its subscriber base
with a low-priced, value offering that aggregated hundreds of popular titles owned by major studios.
That arbitrage has gone away as the cost of licensed content has soared, competition has intensified
and traditional studios are pulling their libraries from NFLX to launch their own streaming services.
It appears to us that the value creation from streaming video on demand has gone to stand-up comics
and the owners of perennially popular shows like Friends, The Office and South Park. NFLX has
responded by trying to create its own content. To date, NFLX does not appear to have created any
similar franchises to rival the longevity of the shows it is losing, as viewership tends to collapse soon
after introduction. When was the last time you heard anyone mention watching House of Cards?

More generally, NFLX structures its site to emphasize new releases and popular licensed content
while library content requires an effort to watch. And yet, NFLX amortizes its content over up to 10
years, inflating GAAP margins by deferring expense recognition. Even as its portfolio shifts from
legacy titles with steady long-term viewership trends to binge-and-forget Netflix Originals,
amortization as a percentage of cash spending has plummeted. At least we have heard of House of
Cards; NFLX’s balance sheet likely contains capitalized values for unpopular shows like The Get
Down, Lilyhammer, Atelier, Longmire, the aptly-named Disjointed, and the even more aptly-named
Everything Sucks. While we enjoyed Aziz Ansari’s Right Now, we suspect 80% or more of its lifetime
viewing has already happened. 2 How and why does something like that deserve a multiple-year
accounting life? We believe that management’s approach to expense recognition renders NFLX’s
GAAP financials nearly meaningless.

The point is that NFLX needs to maintain a constant stream of popular new content in order to sustain,
let alone grow, its subscriber base. Thus, the cash burn of over $3 billion (which NFLX promises will
improve “slowly” and “gradually”) better reflects the business economics than do its GAAP

Through the first nine months of the year, cash burn has tracked roughly in line with the comparable period in 2018,
when the company ultimately burned $3 billion. As such, there is a good chance that the $3.5 billion projection is overly
conservative. The CEO ended its most recent earnings call by saying, “I look forward to blowing away the numbers.”
Our data indicates that by September, just two months after the show’s debut, U.S. viewership had already fallen by

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When NFLX subscribers were growing at an accelerating pace, the market did not care about these
pesky financial issues. However, NFLX’s domestic subscriber growth has slowed sharply in 2019.
Unsurprisingly, NFLX – as is its custom 3 – announced that it will no longer guide to the number of
U.S. subscribers. International subscriber growth also appears to have peaked. At the same time,
NFLX has begun offering heavily discounted “mobile-only” plans in some emerging markets. Bulls
forecast ever-higher international prices (from roughly $9.50 per month currently to $14-15 per month
or higher over the next decade), but that math breaks down as NFLX increasingly relies on $3-4
monthly subscriptions in low-income countries like India and Malaysia to maintain the global
subscriber growth narrative.

Of further note, in its most recent 10-Q, NFLX adjusted its description of its pricing plans by changing
one rather important word. The filing now says, “We expect that from time to time the prices of our
membership plans in each country may increase change and we may occasionally test other plan and
price variations.” With a disclosure like that, the NFLX story of unmitigated pricing power for years
to come has to be called into question. We’re surprised no one has noticed. Then again, we were
surprised in April when no one noticed another disclosure change that clarified that operating cash
flow (as well as free cash flow) would be negative “for many years.”

All told, NFLX has a suspect content library carried on the balance sheet at $23 billion, supporting
$8 billion of net debt, over $3 billion annual cash burn and a $117 billion market capitalization. At a
time when the market appears to be re-evaluating companies that have demonstrated poor economics
and rely on sustained access to the capital markets, 4 we think NFLX, like many of its shows, is in the
process of being de-rated.

Finally, we had a surprising winner this quarter as subordinated debt we held, marked at zero over
ten years ago and long since forgotten, turned out to be worth par. It was a bank failure and not an
error, but nevertheless it felt like this:

NFLX stopped disclosing global churn in 2011 and domestic churn, gross subscriber additions and subscriber acquisition
costs in 2012. NFLX began reporting and emphasizing domestic contribution margin in 2011, but will stop disclosing it
in 2020. The company used to tout rising engagement metrics (hours viewed per user), but stopped disclosing hours
viewed in 2016 and stopped citing viewership growth rates in 2018. Finally, in 2019, NFLX switched guidance and
emphasis from Total subscribers (which includes free trials) to Paid subscribers. Year to date, the change has inflated
“headline” net adds by 3.6 million and helped obscure the underlying subscriber growth weakness: Total net adds are
down roughly 21% versus last year (and down 11% in the International segment) amid a sharp slowdown in sign-ups,
while Paid net adds are down only 4% (and up 8% in the International segment) due to the lagged effect of a record late-
2018 surge in free trials.
WeWork reportedly cited NFLX’s example of relying on high yield borrowings “as recurring cash” in an internal
discussion of the viability of its financing strategy.

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In 2008, we bought subordinated debt in Guaranty Bank. Shortly afterward, the bank invested in
AAA-rated tranches of Alt-A mortgage pools. That turned out to be fatal, and the bank was seized by
the FDIC in 2009. Over the last decade, the FDIC liquidated the bank’s troubled assets and pursued
claims against the Wall Street banks that dumped the toxic bonds on Guaranty Bank. The FDIC
achieved sizable recoveries, which it is now passing back to stakeholders. In September, the FDIC
contacted us and more or less asked where to send the money. It was so odd that the running joke in
the office was that it was a scam. But ultimately we received the funds… and so far there have been
no follow-up requests from a “foreign dignitary” with further instructions.

Tesla (TSLA) and Chemours (CC) were material losers during the quarter. TSLA shares recovered
from $223.46 to $240.87. Unit sales in the June quarter improved more than we expected compared
to the March quarter.

Even so, TSLA appears to continue to spin positive PR ahead of the safety and fair treatment of its
customers. For example, in August Walmart sued TSLA because its solar panels were catching on
fire. Rather than warn its solar customers when TSLA became aware of the fire risk, TSLA allegedly
created Project Titan – a covert program to replace the defective components while staying out of the
news. Similarly, in response to a series of car battery fires, instead of recalling the batteries, TSLA
appears to have quietly issued a “software update” to the battery management system that has a side
effect of reducing battery range. TSLA has chosen not to warn or compensate its customers for the
decreased performance.

Finally, to the surprise of nobody, documents in TSLA’s SolarCity litigation unsealed in September
showed that Elon Musk knowingly orchestrated a significant fraud by arranging the $2.6 billion
acquisition at a time when SolarCity was insolvent. Musk and his family had a huge conflict of
interest, but rather than properly recusing himself, Musk initiated the transaction and drove the
process. SolarCity was so cash-strapped, it was trying to delay payments to vendors after parts were
delivered and the vendors had recognized the revenue; SolarCity could not raise any funds at
reasonable rates from third parties; and Musk engineered the unveiling of the Solar Roof tile to
convince TSLA’s shareholders to approve the deal, even though the product did not exist at the time.
As was the case with Musk’s extraordinary “funding secured” tweet last year, we believe this level
of trampling of standard processes of corporate governance, ignoring methods to deal with related
party transactions and self-dealing should lead to substantial consequences. For now, the accepted
reality appears to be that Elon Musk is above the law.

CC’s stock price fell from $24.00 to $14.94. The quarterly result was disappointing, as the company’s
TiO2 segment continued to cede market share due to its efforts to maintain pricing discipline in a
weak market, and the fluoroproducts segment was impacted by illegal importation of refrigerants into
Europe. Management indicated that both headwinds will take time to resolve. Further, the noise about
CC’s environmental liabilities (which we believe is unjustified) grew louder. As a result of the weaker
operating performance we have reduced our 2021 earnings estimate from $10 to $8.50. Even so, we
believe the price drop is an overreaction and the stock is extremely cheap. So does management, as
insiders made substantial purchases after announcing the quarterly results.

We had only a few portfolio changes this quarter. We added a small new long position in Siltronic
(Germany: WAF), which makes wafers used in semiconductors, after the shares fell in response to
oversupply and falling prices. We believe that the oversupply will be short-lived and the shares were
inexpensive at our average entry price of €63.59, or 8x our estimate for 2020 earnings net of its cash

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on the balance sheet. Notably, WAF’s Asian competitors Sumco and Globalwafers trade at substantial
premiums to WAF. WAF ended the quarter at €69.70.

We exited our long-held short position in Caterpillar at a loss. The company did a better job of
improving its long-term cost structure during the downturn than we expected, which will mean higher
peak and trough earnings going forward. We closed out a medium-sized short position in Nvidia with
a solid profit, as demand for graphics cards fell in response to the collapse of the cryptocurrency
mining bubble last year. We exited our long position in Dialog Semiconductor with an excellent
return. The shares soared after the company sold part of its business to Apple and investors
appreciated the strength of the remaining business.

We had two investment analyst departures during the quarter. After eight years at Greenlight, Gabe
Marshank relocated from London to the West Coast and will be pursuing new opportunities. In
September, Ethan Auerbach left to join a distressed credit hedge fund as a portfolio manager. We
thank them both for their contributions and wish them well.

Please save the date for our 24th annual partner dinner, which will be held on January 21, 2020 at the
American Museum of Natural History in New York.

At quarter-end, the largest disclosed long positions in the Partnerships were AerCap Holdings, Altice
USA, Brighthouse Financial, General Motors and Green Brick Partners. The Partnerships had an
average exposure of 116% long and 72% short.

“Great is the power of steady misrepresentation.”

– Charles Darwin

Best Regards,

Greenlight Capital, Inc.


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