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Paragraph Comprehension - ASVAB (full) test

1: Therapeutic drug use helps people. Drug misuse and abuse harms people. Drug misuse happens when
a drug is used in a way in which it was not meant to be used. For example, a person might use pain
medication to feel good, not to control pain. Drug abuse happens when a person feels that they must use
a drug, regardless of the consequences.

According to this passage:

A. All drug use is harmful.

B. No difference exists between drug misuse and drug abuse.
C. Drug use can sometimes help people.
D. Drug abuse is a serious problem in this country.

2: The U.S. Congress consists of 100 senators and 435 representatives. Two senators are elected from
each state. The number of representatives from each state is based on population, although each state
has at least one representative. Senators serve six-year terms and representatives serve two-year terms.

According to this passage:

A. There are an equal number of senators and representatives.

B. The number of representatives from each state is decided by a lottery.
C. It is possible for a state to have no representatives.
D. Senators and representatives have different term lengths.

3: Indo-European languages consist of those languages spoken by most of Europe and in those parts of
the world that Europeans have colonized since the 16th century (such as the United States). Indo-
European languages are also spoken in India, Iran, parts of western Afghanistan, and in some areas of

The author of this passage would agree that

A. Indo-European languages are spoken in areas all over the world.

B. Indo-European languages include all the languages spoken in the world.
C. only Europeans speak Indo-European languages.
D. Indo-European language speakers can easily understand one another.

4: In the process of digestion, proteins are broken down in the stomach and in the small intestine.
Carbohydrates are mainly broken down in the small intestine. Fats are broken down by the movement of
the stomach and by enzymes in the stomach and the small intestine.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. the process of digestion occurs only in the stomach.

B. proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are mostly broken down in the stomach and the small intestine.
C. proteins are more difficult to break down than carbohydrates.
D. fats can only be broken down by stomach movement.

5: Studies have shown that most employees are not highly motivated by money. Enjoyment of their work
and recognition for a job well done are greater predictors of job satisfaction than salary is.

From this passage, it is reasonable to assume:

A. An employer can improve employee morale by offering a 4% raise in salary.

B. Job satisfaction can be guaranteed by recognizing employees for their good work.
C. A person who enjoys her work and is regularly recognized for her good work is likely to be satisfied
with her job.
D. Employers can do more to make certain that people enjoy their jobs.

6: Cloud seeding is accomplished by dropping particles of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) from a plane onto
super-cooled clouds. This process encourages condensation of water droplets in the clouds, which usually,
but not always, results in rain or snow.

From this passage, it is reasonable to assume:

A. Cloud seeding could be used to end a drought.

B. Cloud seeding is prohibitively expensive.
C. Cloud seeding is rarely used.
D. Cloud seeding can be accomplished using regular ice.

7: The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is important to career success. Many business people
invest time and energy improving their public speaking skills, but they don't spend much time improving
their writing skills, even though writing skills are equally necessary for good communication.

The main point of this passage is:

A. Most business people are already good writers and don’t need additional instruction.
B. More business people should invest time and energy improving their speaking skills.
C. Both writing and speaking skills are necessary for good communication.
D. It's pointless for business people to spend time improving their writing skills.

8: The transistor, a small, solid-state device that can amplify sound, was invented in 1947. At first, it was
too expensive and too difficult to produce to be used in cheap, mass-market products. By 1954, though,
these cost and production problems had been overcome, and the first transistor radio was put on the

According to this passage:

A. There was no market for transistors before 1954.

B. When transistors could be produced cheaply and easily, the transistor radio was put on the market.
C. Transistors were invented in 1947 by order of the Department of Defense.
D. Transistors are still expensive to produce.

9: The Running of the Bulls is a wildly popular tradition in which a handful of bulls chase willing
participants through the streets of Pamplona, Spain, often resulting in injury to some of the participants. A
900-yard course through the center of town leads to the bullring where bullfights are staged. A series of
runs occur in July each year.

This passage best supports which statement:

A. The Running of the Bulls is a dying tradition.

B. The bulls are free to run anywhere in the town.
C. The Running of the Bulls can be dangerous.
D. The Running of the Bulls is held at different times and places each year.

10: Surveys show that the average child under the age of 18 watches four hours of television per day.
Although some of the programming may be educational, most is not. Spending this much time watching
television interferes with a child's ability to pursue other interests, such as reading, participating in sports,
and playing with friends.

The author of this passage would agree that

A. television viewing should be restricted.

B. parents who let their children watch this much television are neglectful.
C. reading, participating in sports, playing with friends, and watching television should all be given equal
D. adults over 18 can watch as much television as they want.
11: High school and college graduates attempting to find jobs should participate in mock job interviews.
These mock interviews help students prepare for the types of questions they'll be asked, make them more
comfortable with common interview formats, and help them critique their performance before facing a real
interviewer. Because they're such a valuable aid, schools should organize mock job interviews for all of
their graduating students.

The above passage states that mock job interviews

A. frighten students.
B. should be offered to the best students.
C. help prepare students for real job interviews.
D. should be organized by students.

12: High school and college graduates attempting to find jobs should participate in mock job interviews.
These mock interviews help students prepare for the types of questions they'll be asked, make them more
comfortable with common interview formats, and help them critique their performance before facing a real
interviewer. Because they're such a valuable aid, schools should organize mock job interviews for all of
their graduating students.

From the above passage, it is reasonable to assume that

A. mock interviews can increase a student's confidence when he or she goes into a real job interview.
B. mock interviews are expensive to organize.
C. few students are interested in mock interviews.
D. students don't need job-interview preparation.

13: Due process, the guarantee of fairness in the administration of justice, is part of the 5th Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment further requires states to abide by due process. After this
amendment was enacted, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down many state laws that infringed on the civil
rights guaranteed to citizens in the Bill of Rights.

According to the above passage, due process

A. is an outdated concept.
B. guarantees fairness in the justice system.
C. never became part of the U.S. Constitution.
D. is the process by which winning lottery tickets are selected.

14: Due process, the guarantee of fairness in the administration of justice, is part of the 5th Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment further requires states to abide by due process. After this
amendment was enacted, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down many state laws that infringed on the civil
rights guaranteed to citizens in the Bill of Rights.

According to the above passage, it is reasonable to assume that the 5th Amendment

A. is about taxes.
B. guarantees due process in all criminal and civil cases.
C. guarantees due process in federal law.
D. should never have become part of the Bill of Rights.

15: Due process, the guarantee of fairness in the administration of justice, is part of the 5th Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment further requires states to abide by due process. After this
amendment was enacted, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down many state laws that infringed on the civil
rights guaranteed to citizens in the Bill of Rights.

The author of the above passage would agree that

A. without the passage of the 14th Amendment, many laws restricting civil rights would still exist in
various states.
B. the Supreme Court overstepped its jurisdiction when it struck down laws infringing on citizens' civil
C. the Supreme Court had every right to strike down state laws before the passage of the 14th
D. the 14th Amendment was opposed by all states.
1. C. The passage states that drug use can be helpful, so Choice A is incorrect. The
passage defines differences between misuse and abuse, so Choice B is wrong. Although
it may be true, the passage doesn't mention Choice D.
2. D. The passage gives the numbers of senators and representatives, so Choice A is
incorrect. The passage states that each state's population determines the number of
representatives a state has, so Choice B is incorrect. The passage says that each state
has at least one representative, so Choice C is incorrect.
3. A. Many languages are excluded from the Indo-European language group, so Choice B
is incorrect. Indians, Iranians, Asians, and Afghans aren't Europeans, so Choice C is
incorrect. The passage gives no evidence to support Choice D, which is not true.
4. B. The passage shows that digestion also occurs in the small intestine, making Choice A
incorrect. Nothing in the passage supports Choice C. The passage states that stomach
movement and enzymes break fats down, so Choice D is incorrect.
5. C. The passage states that money isn't a motivator ? Choice A is incorrect. Recognizing
the good work of employees is only part of the job-satisfaction equation, so Choice B is
6. A. One can assume that causing rain or snow would end a drought. Nothing in the
passage has to do with expense, so Choice B is incorrect. The passage says nothing
about how frequently the process is used, so Choice C is incorrect. The passage
specifies that dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) is used; solid water (regular ice) is a
different chemical, so Choice D is wrong.
7. C. The passage doesn't say anything about people already being good writers, making
Choice A is incorrect. The passage states that business people already spend time and
energy improving their speaking, but it doesn't state that more people should do so, so
Choice B is incorrect. The passage says that business people don't spend much time
improving their writing skills; it doesn't saying anything about working to improve
writing skills being a waste of time, so Choice D is incorrect.
8. B. Products with transistors weren't widely sold before 1954 because of the expense
and difficulty of production, not because markets didn't exist, so Choice A is incorrect.
Choices C and D aren't supported in the passage. The passage states that the problem
of transistors being expensive and difficult to produce was solved by 1954.
9. C. The passage says the tradition is still wildly popular, so Choice A is incorrect. The
passage states that a course is set through the center of the city, making Choice B
incorrect. The passage states that the run is held in Pamplona in July of each year, so
Choice D is incorrect.
10. A. The author makes no reference to parents in the passage, so Choice B is incorrect.
The author doesn't imply anything about all these interests requiring equal time, so
Choice C is incorrect. The passage is about children under 18; no conclusion can be
drawn about what the author thinks people over 18 should do, so Choice D is incorrect.
11. C. The passage doesn't say anything about mock job interviews being frightening, so
Choice A is wrong. The passage says that mock job interviews should be available to all
students, so Choice B is wrong. The passage says that schools, not students, should
organize mock interviews, so Choice D is incorrect.
12. A. Choices B, C, and D are the opposite of what the paragraph states and implies.
13. B. Nothing in the paragraph supports Choice A, which is incorrect. When an amendment
is passed, it becomes part of the Constitution, so Choice C is incorrect. The passage
doesn't support Choice D.
14. C. Because the 14th Amendment guarantees due process in states' laws, the 5th
Amendment must guarantee due process only in federal law. Nothing in the passage
implies that the 5th Amendment is about taxes, so Choice A is wrong. Because the
passage states that the 14th Amendment had to be enacted to require states to abide
by due process, Choice B is incorrect. Choice D is neither stated nor implied in the
15. A. Because the Supreme Court struck down many state laws after the 14th Amendment
was enacted, it's probably true that these laws would still exist if there had been no 14th
Amendment. The passage doesn't support Choices B, C, or D

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