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A Research Paper
Presented to
Mataasnakahoy Senior High School
Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

March 2019


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion



CATAMCO, ANA MARIE R. SOLIS AND ABET D. BAUTISTA in partial fulfillment of

requirement in Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion, has been exclaimed and is

recommended for final defense.


Research Adviser

Accepted and passed by the examiners with a grade of _________.

Panel of Examiners


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the subject Inquiries,

Investigation and Immersion.


Date Assistant Principal II


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

TITLE : Perceived Level of Customer’s Satisfaction

Towards Online Shopping

RESEARCHERS : Maria Ricielle P. Catamco

Ana Marie R. Solis

Abet D. Bautista

STRAND : Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

YEAR : 2019

RESEARCH ADVISER : Kassandra Kay K. De Roxas

The researcher used the descriptive research design and used simple random

sampling technique. The survey questionnaire was used in gathering data and after the

questionnaires have been accomplished, the results were tallied. The total population of

the chosen respondents is 528 and had a sample of 230. This research is all about the

perceived level of customer’s satisfaction in online shopping.

Online Shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly

purchased products or services from a seller over the internet using the web browser.

Consumers can shop from any place and need not physically visit the shops/outlets for

shopping purposes. Therefore, even if the customer is staying in a remote area, they can

easily shop through the internet. However, consumers can visit different sites to have their

final choice. Hence, online shopping can provide unlimited choices to the consumer so

that can buy the products they need. With the help of the internet the customer can shop

anytime and anywhere they like

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


We would like to extend our solemn gratitude to the following people and

organization that helped us to achieve and finish this piece of word.

Above all we wanted to thank our Almighty God for guiding us, for giving

inspiration, strength, and wisdom to make this research possible;

To our school Mataasnakahoy Senior High School that serves as a way for us to

learn to make a research paper;

To the authors of the books, articles, unpublished and published thesis, and other

sources that we used to fully understand our topic and interpret the data;

To our teachers, parents, siblings, friends, and our fellow researchers gave us

support and inspiration during the time of research.

Your moral is always recognizable with love and thanks.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


The piece of work is whole heartedly dedicated to those people who never give up

supporting, guiding and helped us to accomplish this study.

First of all we are whole heartedly thanking Almighty God on his guidance and the

nonstop courage and strength that he provides in every doing in our daily life.

To our parents that never give up in supporting, understand us and even in the financial

needs to make our research accomplished and valuable.

Mrs. Catamco

Mr. and Mrs. Solis

Mr. and Mrs. Bautista

And to those people who serve as our inspiration and became part of our research.

Our deepest gratitude is sincerely extended to all of you.


From the researchers




Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Table of Contents

Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………….i

Approval Sheet………………………………………………………………………………......ii






Background of the Study …………………………………….…………………1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………….2

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………….….3

Scope Delimitation of the Study…………………………………………….….3


Related Literature………………………………………………………………..4

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………7

Research Hypothesis…………………………………………………………...8

Definition of Terms……………………………………………….......................8


Research Design…………………………………………………....................10

The Sample.................................................................................................11


Data Collection Procedure…………………………………………………….12

Plan for Data Analysis………………………………………………………….13


Interpretation, Analysis and Presentation of Data…………………….........14

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


Summary of Findings…………………………………………………..….…. 21

Conclusions………………………………………………………………...…. 22

Recommendations………………………………………………………........ 23



Permission Letter

Research Instrument

Curriculum Vitae

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion



This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, and

the scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the study

Online Shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to

directly purchased products or services from a seller over the internet using the web

browser. Consumers can shop from any place and need not physically visit shops or

outlets for shopping purposes. Online shopping has a very important position in the 21st

century as most of the people are busy, having a hectic schedule. Hence, online shopping

became the easiest and most convenient for shopping. The Internet has changed the way

of consumer’s store and developed it into a global perspective. An online shop awakens

the physical similarity of buying products as well as services from the internet shop. The

process of shopping is called business-to-consumer online shopping. According to the

Statista (2018), 50% of online buyers in the Philippines stated that they only shopped

domestically while 45% of online shoppers stated that they shopped domestically and

cross-border and 5% shopped only cross-border.

While shopping, consumers spend time and effort to complete multiple tasks and

because today’s customer is more time-starved than ever, it is appropriate to consider the

benefits of providing online shopping convenience. Online retailers are certainly able to

supply more convenience, as store location becomes irrelevant and consumers may do

the shopping from any location (provided they have an Internet connection), 24 hours a

day, seven days a week (Beauchamp & Ponder, 2013).

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

The evolution of shopping has gone from malls and bazaars, to websites and easy

applications right at our finger tips. Avoid getting blisters on your feet after hours of walking

in malls and just sits back and scroll through items listed in online shops for easier and

more convenient way of shopping. There are top ten online websites in the Philippines

including, Lazada Philippines, Shopee, Zalora Philippines, OLX, and “Ayos Dito”, Shop

this Easy, Widget Easy,,, and WeeMall. The products that are sold

most are in the tech and fashion category, including mobile phones, ipads, accessories,

MP3 players, digital cameras and jewelry, electronic gadgets, apparel, home and kitchen

appliances, lifestyle accessories like watches, books, beauty products and perfumes, baby

products witnessed significant upward movement


This study sought to determine the perceived level of customer’s satisfaction on

online shopping.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Grade level;

1.4 Strand

2. What are the effects of conveniences of online shopping to the customer’s satisfaction?

3. What are the effects of website design/features of online shops to the customer’s


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
4. What are the effects of time saving while shopping online to the customer’s satisfaction?

5. What are the effects of having a security while shopping online to the customer’s


6. What is the possible output or action plan of the study that can give some tips on how to

enjoy shopping online without worries?

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to measure the perceived level of customer’s satisfaction towards

online shopping of ABM, STEM, HUMSS and TVL strand from Mataasnakahoy Senior

High School.

This study will give information about online shopping convenience for online

sellers/shoppers, students, teachers, parents, and future researchers. This research can

help them to understand and to have a further knowledge about online shopping


Scope and Delimitation

This study considered the student's perception of Online Shopping. All the

participants are given the same questionnaire to answer. This study focuses only on the

students of Mataasnakahoy Senior High School, the school year 2018-2019.

Some of the students of Mataasnakahoy Senior High School were used as the

respondents of this study. Its main purpose is to measure the perception of Online

Shopping. This research excluded students from other schools.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


This chapter presents the review of the literature, a conceptual framework, and

Definition of terms. The researcher made use of the local and foreign resources in order to

determine the similarities and differences of those studies with the present study.

Related Literature

As explained in the previous chapter, this research aims to provide students a

further knowledge about online shopping. Given the importance of Online Shopping which

is easy to shop on the internet, it can lessen the time to physically go shopping. Although

there are many countries who conducted this kind of study, the researcher decided to

conduct a study about the perceived level of customer’s satisfaction on online in the


According to the study by Bhatnagar et al., (2013), many people find that

online shops are more attractive because their lives are typically more time

constrained. Therefore, as people climb higher in their professional careers, the

demands on their time increase forcing them to look for retail formats, where they

have to spend their time as possible. As consumers want to go shopping and allocate

less time, their wish for convenience has grown and their attention has been

addressed to online shopping. The lack of consumer’s time results in a customer who

wishes to purchase goods and services that save them time and effort (Berry &

Cooper, 2015).

Moreover, online shopping is growing consistently year by year, with many

shoppers citing convenience as one of the main reasons for switching to online rather

than shopping in a physical store. Consequently, online convenience has been one of

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

the principal motivations underlying customer’s inclinations to adopt online purchasing

(Brown, 2001; Zhilin Yang et., al 2013). Due to exponentially rising business

opportunities, there are a number of services being offered on the internet. Online

shopping is one of the prominent services available that we can do through the

internet. Based on the study of Richa (2013) online shopping has an enormous

advantage for the consumers and also to the business houses that they may be able

to reach out to more consumers at least cost. It can be the stepping -stones to reach

the global world.

The increasing Internet penetration and availability of more payment options

boosted the e-commerce industry in 2013. E-commerce business in India is expected to

reach around $50-70 billion by 2020 on the back of a fast-growing internet-connected

population and improvement in related infrastructures like payment and delivery systems.

(DNA, 2014). Retailers have found a new type of consumer - one who considers the

concept of time as valuable as money. Because today’s consumer is more time-starved

than ever, it is appropriate to genuinely consider the benefit of online convenience to

consumers as a concept of extreme importance (Beauchamp & Ponder, 2013)

In this regard, Berry et al. (2014) have concluded that the greater the time costs

associated with a service, the lower the degree of consumers’ perceived service

convenience. The concept of effort-saving relates to the decrement of cognitive, physical,

and emotional activities that consumers must support to purchase goods and services

such as searching for product information, locating the product they wish to buy or

completing the checkout process. By saving customers time and energy, retailers increase

the value of their market offer. Since everyone has the ability to go shopping from their

house or their office, they are able to choose from a variety of products and services

available on the online shop and they can also easily compare the prices and engage in

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
online discussions with other consumers about the products and services they are

interested in. (Zhilin Yang., et al 2013).

However, the study conducted by Margarida Bernardo Ferreira (2016), found that,

compared to conventional in-store shopping, consumers perceive shop online as being

more convenient for purposes of access and search convenience, but not in terms of

transaction convenience. Understanding convenience will only be facilitated through an

examination of the existing literature review. Although it has been conceded that

convenience encompasses a number of dimensions, there has been no agreement on

what these dimensions are (Seiders et al., 2017). These authors also suggested some

ideas to offer customers convenient shopping, including strategies to improve the speed

and ease with which consumers can reach retailer; identify, select and obtain products;

and also to upgrade transactions. In accordance with what was claimed above, our study

argues that the consumers favor the retailers that save time and energy and be able to

maximize the speed of shopping and have long-lasting customer relationships. Although it

becomes crucial to better understand to have strategies in order to improve the

consumer’s online shopping experiences.

In addition, Berry et al., (2014), stated that access convenience is a deeply

important dimension of retail convenience, because if the consumer can’t access the

retailer, then they will never have the opportunity to obtain the desired product. The

retailers may upgrade access convenience by operating from a location that easy to get to,

close to most consumers, and close to other commonly visited stores. Moreover, online

retailers are able to provide access convenience, as the store location becomes irrelevant

and some consumers may shop from any location at any hour of the day. (Hofacker,

2016). The accessibility of websites is considered as the most important factor in order to

determine the consumer perceived online shopping convenience. (King & Liou, 2014).

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
According to the Ram L. Kumar et al.,, buying products from an online shop, e-

shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store, or virtual store is similar to

purchasing from a mail order catalogue. Online stores describe products for sale with text,

photos, and multimedia files. Typically the customer select items to be listed on an order

form known as a “shopping cart” and pays with accredit card or some form of electronic

payment. Some online stores provide or link to supplemental product information, such as

instructions, safety procedures, demonstrations, manufacturer specifications advice, or

how to guides.

Based on the New World Encyclopedia, online stores are available 24 hours a day,

and many consumers have internet access both at work and at home. A visit to a

conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours. During

the holiday season and on weekends, shoppers in retail stores must contend with crowds

and long lines.

Conceptual Framework


Design/Features Customer’s Satisfaction

Time Saving


Paradigm of the Study

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
The proposed conceptual framework associates the convenience, Website
Design/Features, Time saving, and the security and has a relationship on the customer'
Research Hypothesis

H1- The convenience of online shopping has an effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

HO- The convenience of online shopping has no effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

H2- The website design/features of online shops has an effect to the customer’s


HO- The website design/features of online shops have no effect to the customer’s


H3- The time saving while shopping online has an effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

HO- The time saving while shopping online has no effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

H4- The security while shopping online has an effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

HO- The security while shopping online has an effect to the customer’s satisfaction.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined as they were used within the limits and context of

the study.

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) - strand that were taken by students

that deals with business, accounting and management.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)- is an educational

program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college and graduate

study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)- This is for those who are considering taking

up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related

courses in college.


Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL)- is one of the two tracks offered in senior

high school; the other one is the Academic Track.


Online Shopping- the act of purchasing products or services over the internet.

Convenience- measure of time and effort wasted in purchasing a consumer product.(

Copeland, 1923)

Consumers- a person who purchases goods and services for personal use. (Scammell

Margaret, 2016)

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

This chapter depicts the methods and procedures followed in data gathering. It

includes the research design, research sample, research instruments, data collection

procedure, and plan for data analysis

Research Design

The study used the descriptive research design to answer the research problem

and to measure the perceived level of customer’s satisfaction on online shopping of the

students of Mataasnakahoy Senior High School.

Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study are the students from Mataasnakahoy Senior High

School, school year 2018-2019. They are composed of five hundred-twenty eight students

(528) students and had a sample size of two hundred-thirty (230) students divided equally

into 14 sections.


Compassion 16 6.96%

Integrity 18 7.83%

Creativity 18 7.83%

Humility 19 8.26

Solidarity 19 8.26

Courage 15 6.52

Serenity 16 6.96

Resilience 17 7.39

Benevolence 19 8.26

Faith 19 8.26

Sincerity 19 8.26

Unity 19 8.26

Diligence 16 6.96

Peace 16 6.96

Total 230 100%

Table 1: Respondents Strand Distribution

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

The Sample

The researcher employed a simple random sampling technique where the students

of MSHS are the respondents. Moreover, a random sample proportionate to stratum size

was drawn. Given the total population, the researcher used a 95% confidence level and

5% margin of error. For sample size determination, the following formula was used.

Based on the given formula for sample size determination, the total population of

the chosen respondents is 528 and had the sample of 230.

Research Instrument

The researchers constructed a self-administered questionnaire that was used in

conducting a survey on the respondents. The questionnaires consist of the profile of the

respondents and their perception towards online shopping in terms of its conveniences,

website design/features, time-saving, and security. It has a five (5) parts, which composed

of twenty (20) questions to specify the necessary information. It served as the main

instrument in gathering data for it depicts the answers of the respondents:

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Variable Number Of Questions Question Number Response Category

Part 1

1- Strongly Disagree
Convenience 4 1-4 2- Disagree
3- Agree
4-Strongly Agree
Part 2

1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
5 5-9
3- Agree
4-Strongly Agree

Part 3

1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
Time- Saving 3 10-12
3- Agree
4-Strongly Agree

Part 4

1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
Security 3 13-15
3- Agree
4-Strongly Agree

Part 5

1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
5 15-20
3- Agree
4-Strongly Agree

Table 2: Table Specification of the Questionnaire

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers personally administered the research instruments to the

respondents. They conferred and discussed the significance of the study and

accomplished the distribution of the instruments properly.

The respondents were given time to accomplish the forms to prevent them from giving

hasty responses. The researcher went to the section of ABM, STEM, HUMSS, and TVL on

collecting the accomplished questionnaires.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
After the questionnaires have been accomplished, the results were tallied. These data

became the bases of analysis and interpretation.

Plan for Data Analysis

The researchers used the following statistics to interpret the data gathered:

The weighted mean was used in research as the total number of students who

respond consistently to specific number of questions. It was obtained by dividing the

number of the similar responses to the total number of participants, the earned answer

was multiplied by one-hundred percent (100%) to get the weighted mean.

Weighted Mean = Ʃwx/Ʃw

Ʃ = the sum of

w = the weights

x = the value

The composite mean was the total number of cumulative weighted mean in each

number. It was obtained by combining all the weighted mean and dividing it into the total

number of questions.

The ranking was used in the study as the order level of questions based on

participants’ answers. It ranks from the highest number of weighted mean to the lowest.

The study also used survey questionnaire with options from four (4) to one (1) that serves

as an option for the information gathered. The fourth option serves as the highest, followed

by three (3), two (2), until one (1) which is the lowest among the four. The weighted mean

used in the evaluation of data is defined based on the options written below:


4 3.5-4.0 Strongly Agree

3 2.5-3.49 Agree

2 1.5-2.49 Disagree

1 1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table 3: Data Verbal Interpretation Guide

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


The chapter presents and describes the analysis of data followed by the discussion

of the research findings. The findings relate to the interview questions that guide the study.

The study is intended at determining the customer’s satisfaction towards online

shopping convenience, website design features, time saving and security. Also, the study

will confirm if the perception towards online shopping can satify the customers

Respondent’s Demographic Profile

Demographics Percent
Gender Male 42%

Female 58%
Age 15-18 76%
18 above 24%
Grade Level 11 43%
12 57%
Strand ABM 14%
STEM 16%
TVL 20%
Table 4: Demographics

Most of the respondents of the study are female with a percentage of 58%, while

42% were answered by the male respondents. The respondents are 15-18 years old

(76%) and some are 18 above (24%). The Grade 12 students had a total of 132

respondents (57%) and from Grade 11 only had 98 respondents (43%).

Half of the respondents came from Humanities and Social Sciences with a total of

116 respondents (50%) , 47 respondents came from the Technology Livelihood Track

(20%), Science Technology Engineering Mathematics student respondents are only 35

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
(16%) , and 32 (14%) respondents came from Accountancy, Business, and Management

strand with a total of 230 respondents(100%).

Effects of conveniences of online shopping to the customer’s satisfaction

Item Weighted Mean Verbal Ranking


1. I get on-time delivery by shopping 2.84 Agree 4

2. Detail information is available while 3.10 Agree 1
shopping online.
3. I can buy the products anytime 24 3.02 Agree 3
hours a day.
4. It is easy to choose and make 3.07 Agree 2
comparison with other products while
shopping online.
Composite Mean 3.01 Agree

Table 5: Convenience

Based on the table, most of the students agreed that detail information is

available while shopping online and as the customers, they satisfied with a kind of

convenient online shopping is. According to Ram L. Kumar et al., buying products from an

online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store, or virtual

store is similar to purchasing from a mail order catalogue. Online stores describe products

for sale with text, photos, and multimedia files. Typically the customer select items to be

listed on an order form known as a “shopping cart” and pays with accredit card or some

form of electronic payment. Some online stores provide or link to supplemental product

information, such as instructions, safety procedures, demonstrations, manufacturer

specifications advice, or how to guides.

Second, it is easy to choose and make comparison with other products while

shopping online. According to Zhilin Yang., et al 2013, since everyone has the ability to go

shopping from their house or their office, they are able to choose from a variety of

products and services available on the online shop and they can also easily compare the

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
prices and engage in online discussions with other consumers about the products and

services they are interested in.

Third, I can by products 24 hours a day. The New World Encyclopedia stated that

online stores are available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have internet access

both at work and at home. A visit to a conventional retail store requires travel and must

take place during business hours. During the holiday season and on weekends, shoppers

in retail stores must contend with crowds and long lines.

The fourth one is I get on time delivery while shopping online. Berry et al., (2014),

stated that access convenience is a deeply important dimension of retail convenience,

because if the consumer can’t access the retailer, then they will never have the

opportunity to obtain the desired product. The retailers may upgrade access convenience

by operating from a location that easy to get to, close to most consumers, and close to

other commonly visited stores. Moreover, online retailers are able to provide access

convenience, as the store location becomes irrelevant and some consumers may shop

from any location at any hour of the day

Effects of website design/features of online shops to the customer’s satisfaction

Item Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Ranking

1. The website design helps me in

3.25 Agree 1
searching the products easily.

2. While shopping online, I prefer to 3.21 Agree 2

purchase from a websites that provide
safety and ease of navigation and order.
3. The website layout helps me in 3.13 Agree 4
searching and selecting the right product.

4. I believe that familiarity with the 3.15 Agree 3

website before making actual purchase
reduce the risk of shopping online.
5. I prefer to buy from website that 3.06 Agree 5
provides me with quality information.
Composite Mean 3.16 Agree

Table 6: Website Design/ Features

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
This table shows that most of the respondents agreed that websites design of

online shops has an effect on the customer’s satisfaction.

Based on the table, respondents agree that the website design helps them in

searching the products easily with a weighted mean of 3.25. Then, rank 2 respondents

agreed that they prefer to purchase from a websites that provide them safety and ease of

navigation and order with a weighted mean of 3.21. Then, respondents agreed that

familiarity with the website before making actual purchase reduce the risk of shopping

online and it has a weighted mean of 3.15. Next, they also agreed that the website layout

helps them in searching for and selecting the right product with a weighted mean of 3.13

Then, rank 4 respondents agreed that they prefer to purchase from a webs11ites that

provide them safety and ease of navigation and order with a weighted mean of 3.21.

Lastly, respondents agreed that they prefer to buy from a website that provides them with

quality information and it ranks 5 with a weighted mean of 3.06.

According to Kim and Lee (2002), website design describes the appeal that user

interface design presents to customers. A good website must have acreative and attractive

design with appropriate content that allows the users to trust and interact effectively with

the sellers (Gefen, 2000; Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003). The characteristics of wesite

determine customer’s perception towards the online store. This perception is important

especially for the first-time users, and to impose the website reliability mind set among

users (Guo et al., 2012).

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Effects of time-saving while shopping online to the customer satisfaction

Item Weighted Mean Verbal Ranking


1. Online shopping takes less time 3.12 Agree 3

to purchase.
2. Online shopping doesn’t waste 3.13 Agree 2
3. I feel that it takes less time in 3.15 Agree 1
evaluating and selecting a product
while shopping online.
Composite Mean 3.13 Agree

Table 7: Time-saving

Time-saving is one of the most influencing factors of online shopping. It refers to

the speed of the transaction, the time saved in not having to travel to retail stores, and in

not having to stand in long queues at these stores.

Based on the table presented, customers feel that it takes less time in evaluating

and selecting a product while shopping online. In this regard, Berry et al. (2014) have

concluded that the greater the time costs associated with a service, the lower the degree

of consumers’ perceived service convenience. The concept of effort-saving relates to the

decrement of cognitive, physical, and emotional activities that consumers must support to

purchase goods and services such as searching for product information, locating the

product they wish to buy or completing the checkout process. By saving customers time

and energy, retailers increase the value of their market offer. Since everyone has the

ability to go shopping from their house or their office, they are able to choose from a

variety of products and services available on the online shop and they can also easily

compare the prices and engage in online discussions with other consumers about the

products and services they are interested in.

Second, online shopping doesn’t waste time. According to the study by Bhatnagar

et al., (2013), many people find that online shops are more attractive because their lives

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
are typically more time constrained. Therefore, as people climb higher in their professional

careers, the demands on their time increase forcing them to look for retail formats, where

they have to spend their time as possible.

The last and the third one is Online shopping takes less time to purchase.

According to Berry & Cooper, (2015), as consumers want to go shopping and allocate less

time, their wish for convenience has grown and their attention has been addressed to

online shopping. The lack of consumer’s time results in a customer who wishes to

purchase goods and services that save them time and effort.

Effects of having a security while shopping online to the customer’s satisfaction

Item Weighted Mean Verbal Ranking


1. I feel safe and secure while 2.92 Agree 3

shopping online.

2. Online Shopping protects my 2.97 Agree 2


3. I like to shop online from a 3.16 Agree 1

trustworthy website.

Composite Mean 3.01 Agree

Table 8: Security

Based on the table, having security while shopping online has an effect on

customer’s satisfaction.

This table shows that rank 1 is the respondents like to shop from a trustworthy

website and it has a weighted mean of 3.16. Then, the respondents also agreed that

online shopping protects their security with a weighted mean of 2.97. Lastly, rank 3 is

respondents feel safe and secure while shopping online with a weighted mean of 2.92.

The information security protection during online transactions depends on how far

they understand their security level implemented by the seller. When customers found

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
security features (for example security policy, disclaimer, security guarantees, etc.) and

protection mechanism on seller’s website, they should know and perceive that the seller

has an intention to safeguard their information during online transactions (Kim et al.,

2009). Consequently, customer perception about security perception increases customer

trust of the vendor and also decreases the risks perceived by customers to make an online


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the

conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study.

This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the perceived level of

customer's satisfaction on online shopping. The descriptive method of research was

utilized and the normative survey technique was used for gathering data. The

questionnaires served as an instrument in collecting the data. The total population of the

chosen respondents is 528 and had a sample of 230. The inquiry was conducted during

the school year 2018-2019. Based on the results, most of the students agreed that

convenience, website design/features, time-saving, and security have a big effect on the

customer's perceived level of satisfaction.

The researchers want to answer the questions: What are the effects of the

convenience of online shopping to the costumer’s satisfaction? ; What are the effects of

website design/features of online shopping to the costumer’s satisfaction? ; What are the

effects of time-saving of online shopping to the costumer’s satisfaction?; What are the

effects of security of online shopping to the costumer’s satisfaction?

Summary of the Findings

Through this research, the researchers had these results.

1. On the first statement of the problem which is the convenience of online shopping

to the customer’s satisfaction? Most of them agreed that detail information is

available while shopping online, they are satisfied with a kind of convenient online

shopping is. According to Ram L. Kumar et al., buying products from an online

shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store, or virtual

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

store is similar to purchasing from a mail order catalogue. Online stores describe

products for sale with text, photos, and multimedia files.

2. On the second statement of the problem, the respondents agreed that the website

design helps them in searching the products easily. According to Kim and Lee

(2002), website design describes the appeal that user interface design presents to

customers. A good website must have a creative and attractive design with

appropriate content that allows the users to trust and interact effectively with the

sellers (Gefen, 2000; Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003).

3. On the third statement of the problem, customers feel that it takes less time in

evaluating and selecting a product while shopping online. In this regard, Berry et al.

(2014) have concluded that the greater the time costs associated with a service,

the lower the degree of consumers’ perceived service convenience.

4. On the fourth statement of the problem, the respondents like to shop from a

trustworthy website. The information security protection during online transactions

depends on how far they understand their security level implemented by the seller.

When customers found security features (for example security policy, disclaimer,

security guarantees, etc.) and protection mechanism on seller’s website, they

should know and perceive that the seller has an intention to safeguard their

information during online transactions (Kim et al., 2009).


From the results of this study, the researchers form the following conclusion:

1. There is a high level of customer satisfaction in terms of website design/ features,

time-saving, convenience, and security of online shops.

2. Online Shopping is convenient because it is one of main reasons for switching to

online rather than shopping in a physical store.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion 22

3. Online convenience has been one of the principal motivations underlying

customer’s inclinations to adopt online purchasing.


1. For online shoppers, they must be aware of sites and apps that only accept money

orders, wire transfers, or checks. They must use a secure payment method. A payment

gateway supports many payment methods to ensure the security of confidential data of

buyer and merchant both. These payment methods are credit or debit card, net banking,

and some alternative electronic payments to make sure that they have security while

shopping online.

2. For the retailers, they should be careful about some factors of online shopping such

as being unable to access the website and long delays in completing online orders. They

must understand that customer service can make or break their business. They must fix

the problem as soon as possible in order for them to have the trust of their customers.

3. They must be more concerned about delivery times and delivery charge. Sometimes it

causes some misunderstanding between the seller and customers because failing to meet

their expectations can result in loss of the business and negative brand perception.

4. The researchers recommended an infographic having some tips on how to enjoy

shopping online without worries and how to identify if shops are a scam. This may help

them to be more aware of the online shops that they are browsing.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

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Seiders et al., (2017). Retaining customers with shopping convenience.Retrieved from
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Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

February 26, 2019

Assistant Principal II
Mataasnakahoy Senior High School


The undersigned are conducting a research on Perceived Level of Customer’s

Satisfaction towards Online Shopping. We have thought conducting survey
questionnaire so as to determine the Perceived Level of Customer’s Satisfaction towards
Online Shopping

In line with this, may we ask your permission to let us use the results of the test as data in
our study. Rest assured that all the information or data from the test results shall be kept

Thank you very much and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,

Maria Ricielle P. Catamco

Group Leader
Noted by:

Kassandra Kay K. De Roxas

Research Adviser

Approved by:

Assistant Principal II

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Dear Respondents,

Good day! We are students of ABM 12 – SERENITY and as a requirement for our subject “Inquires, Investigation
and Immersion”; we are currently conducting a survey about the Perceived Level of Customers Satisfaction
Towards Online Shopping

In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our respondents of this study and we hope that you will take
time answering the questions honestly. Rest assured that all the data gathered will be used for academic purposive

Thank you for your support and cooperation. God Bless!

- The Researchers

Name: (Optional)

Age: 16-18 18 above

Gender: Male Female

Grade level: 11 12


Direction: Put a mark (/) on the listed perceived level of customer’s satisfaction towards online shopping. Use the given option below.

4 – Strongly Agree

3 – Agree

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

ITEMS 4 3 2 1
1. I get on-time delivery by shopping online.
2. Detail information is available while shopping online.
3. I can buy the products anytime 24 hours a day.
4. It is easy to choose and make comparison with other products while shopping online.
5. The website design helps me in searching the products easily.
6. While shopping online, I prefer to purchase from a websites that provide safety and
ease of navigation and order.
7. The website layout helps me in searching and selecting the right product.
8. I believe that familiarity with the website before making actual purchase reduce the
risk of shopping online.
9. I prefer to buy from website that provides we with quality information.
10. Online shopping takes less time to purchase.
11. Online shopping doesn’t waste time.
12. I feel that it takes less time in evaluating and selecting a product while shopping
13. I feel safe and secure while shopping online.
14. Online Shopping protects my security.
15. I like to shop online from a trustworthy website.
16. I am generally satisfied with the service quality among online shops.
17. The speed of delivery is very important to me.
18. The price is important when I’m shopping online.
19. The service quality of sellers is important.
20. I will buy the products again from the same shop if I am satisfied with it.

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Brgy. San Sebastian, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Mobile No. : 0907-010-4482
E-mail Address : [email protected]

Age : 17
Birthday : July 22, 2001
Birthplace : Brgy. San Sebastian, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Gender : Female
Height : 5’2”
Weight : 45
Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of Father : Edgardo A. Catamco
Name of Mother : Merline P. Catamco


SECONDARY : Balete National High School

Poblacion, Balete Batangas

PRIMARY : Kinalaglagan Elementary School

Brgy. Kinalaglagan, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Brgy. Calingatan, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Mobile No. : 0927-370-5968
E-mail Address : [email protected]

Age : 18
Birthday : August 21, 2000
Birthplace : Brgy. IV, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Gender : Female
Height : 4’11”
Weight : 38
Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Born Again Christian
Name of Father : Mario O. Solis
Name of Mother : Marilou R. Solis


SECONDARY : Bayorbor National High School

Bayorbor, Mataasnakahoy Batangas

PRIMARY : Paaralang Sentral ng Mataasnkahoy

Brgy. IV, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Brgy. Loob, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Mobile No. : 0977-369-5705
E-mail Address : [email protected]

Age : 18
Birthday : September 11, 2000
Birthplace : Brgy. Loob, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas
Gender : Male
Height : 5’8”
Weight : 53
Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Name of Father : Rodolfo A. Bautista
Name of Mother : Lily D. Bautista


SECONDARY : Mataasnakahoy National High School

F. Silva Street, Mataasnakahoy Batangas

PRIMARY : Loob Elementary School

Brgy. Loob, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

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