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Burning Question of Bingo Brown

By betsy byars
Paperback :176 pages
Published May 1st 1990 by Puffin(first published 1988)
Original title :The Burning Questions of Bingo Brown
ISBN :01403247098
Edition Language :English
Reviewed by Abby

The setting takes place in an ordinary town during the 90’s.The main character is a boy
about 10 –year-old boy named Bingo Brown.A 10-year-old boy named Billy Wentwort is
always bullyng him.Bingo is a regular little boy.There nothing special about him,except he
asks a lot of questions.Bingo’s teacher,Mr.Markham gives the class a journal and tells them
to write anything they want in their journals .Well.Bingo starts to write questions.He does
this every time he gets a chance,and before he know it,his journal is filled with
questions.Then one day there is an announcement for the school.There will be no more shirts
worn in this school with any latters of alphabet on them.Bingo goes home to tell his mom
about the T-shirt rule and his mom comes up with an idea.The student should protest and
Bingo should be the leader!But Bingo has a better idea.He thinks they should have a T-shirt
war and Billy Wentwort should be the leader!”At school the next day Bingo sends a note to
Billy.The note said ”Billy,my mom had an interisting suggestion about our T-shirt
problem.She said we ought to rebel.She said we ought to set aside one day-like this Friday-
and every single person in the school would wear a shirt with words written on it.She said it
would be a wear-in.Like a sit-in.I think you should be the leaders.sincerely,Bingo.”Then at
recess,Billy announces the wear-in ,Where everybody is going to wear a shirt with words
written on it! Word is out,everybody knows about the wear-in.The next
day(Thursday)Mr.Markham has another announcement.Principal Boehmer will be at the door
at 8:00 am inspecting shirts,and anyone’s shirt that has letters of the alphabet on it will be
The next day everybody is at school,even the sick kids.Everybody is wearing a shirt with
word on it.Will principal Boehmer be at the door?Will Billy stop bullying Bingo?If you want
to know the answers read this book.
I enjoyed this was full of excitement and questions.I like that after each chapter there
is another adventure.I like the characters in the book,the author describes them so that people
can understand them.
1.How old is Bingo Brown?

a. 10 years old
b. 11 years old
c. 12 years old
d. 13 years old
e. 14 years old

2.Who is always bullying Bingo?

a. Puffin
b. Betsy Byars
c. Mr.Markham
d. Boehmer
e. Billy Wentworth

3.Who is the leader of T-shirt war?

a. Bingo Brown
b. Puffin
c. Boehmer
d. Mr.Markham
e. Billy Wentwort

4.Mr. Markham has another announcement Principal Boehmer will be at the door at....

a. At 7.00 am
b. At 8.00 am
c. At 9.00 am
d. At 10.00 am
e. At 11.00 am

5.When was the book first published?

a. 1987
b. 1988
c. 1989
d. 1990
e. 1991

6.Who is the author of the book?

a. Puffin
b. The Burning Question of Bingo Brown
c. Mr.Markham
d. Billy Wentwort
e. Betsy Byars

7.Who is the main character?

a. Puffin
b. Billy Wentwort
c. Bingo Brown
d. Betsy Byars
e. Mr.Markham

8.Who is Bingo’s teacher?

a. Mr.Markham
b. Billy Wentwort
c. Boehmer
d. Betsy Byars
e. Puffin

9.Who has an idea of a t-shirt war?

a. Bingo’s mom
b. Billy Wentwort
c. Bingo Brown
d. Mr.markham
e. Principal Boehmer

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