Department of Education Region III Rubrics Clay Model of Cell Group No.

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Region III


Clay Model of Cell

Group no. ________

Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Making Models of The students make model The students make model The students make model The students did not
Clay model that clearly and accurately that adequately show is cell of cell and its parts. But, it
make a model what is cell
what is cell and its parts. and its parts. does not show clearly its and its parts. It does not
structure and parts. present clearly its
structure and parts.
Concept The students demonstrate The students demonstrate The students demonstrate The students
Understanding a mastery of the concepts an adequate understanding some understanding of demonstrate a weak
related to cell. of the concepts related to the concept related to cell. understanding of the
cell. concepts related to cell.
Total =

Region III


Illustration of Cell and Its Parts

Group no. ________

Performance Indicator 4 3 2 1 Score

Creativity and Originality Piece includes learning Piece includes some Piece includes some Piece is finished but
on cell. learning on cell. learning on cell. provides no evidence
of creativity or
Effort and Perseverance Piece is complete with Piece is complete with Piece is completed with Piece is incomplete
substantial evidence of good effort, meeting all minimal effort, work is and does not show the
effort, beyond what requirements and somewhat careless. cell and its parts.
was required and shows cell and its parts.
shows the cell and its
Concept Understanding Piece was obviously Piece was created to Piece was created as a Piece was created but
planned and created understand the cell and monument but it is does not represent a
to understand the cell its parts. unclear the cell and its parts.
and its parts. understanding on cell
and its parts.

Region III

Mind Mapping on Cell and Its Parts

Group no. ________

Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Mind mapping on The students have written The students have written The students have written The students have not
cell and its parts clearly and accurately their adequately their their understanding on written clearly their
understanding on cell and understanding on cell and cell and its parts, but not understanding on cell
its parts. its parts. clearly. and its parts.
Concept The students discuss a The students demonstrate The students demonstrate The students
Understanding mastery of the concepts an adequate understanding some understanding of demonstrate a weak
related to cell and its parts. of the concepts related to the concept related to cell understanding of the
cell and its parts. and its parts. concepts related to cell
and its parts.
Total =

Region III


Role Playing of Cell and Its Parts

Group no. ________

Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Role Playing of Cell The students discuss clearly The students discuss The students show their The students do not
and Its Parts and accurately their adequately their understanding on cell and show clearly their
understanding on cell and understanding on cell and its parts. understanding on cell
its parts. its parts. and its parts.
Concept The student discusses a The students demonstrate The students demonstrate The students
Understanding mastery of the concepts an adequate understanding some understanding of demonstrates a weak
related to cell and its parts. of the concepts related to the concept related to cell understanding of the
cell and its parts. and its parts. concepts related to cell
and its parts .
Total =

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