Supreme Court Judges (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1959

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(As on 10.05.2019)

GSR 844 dated the 14th July, 1959 -- In exercise of
the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clauses (c) and
(f) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the 2Supreme Court
Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1958, ( 41
of 1958 ) the Central Government hereby makes the following
Rules, namely :-

1. (1) Short title and commencement--These rules may be

called the Supreme Court Judges (Travelling Allowance) Rules,

(2) They shall come into force at once.

1A. Definition--In these rules, "full wagon" means--

(1) Between places connected by rail :

(a) By goods train--any quantity upto the maximum

carrying capacity of a wagon and "wagon" means
a four wheeler wagon only;

(b) By passenger train or by road--the mileage

allowance will be limited to the amount
chargeable for 6,000 kilograms by goods train;

(2) Between places not connected by rail:

6,000 kilograms
(3) Mileage allowance means the road mileage
allowance at the rates notified by the concerned Directorate
of Transport for Taxi.

2. Travelling allowance to a Judge of High Court on his

appointment as Judge of Supreme Court--When a Judge of a High
Court is appointed to be a Judge of the Supreme Court, he is
entitled in respect of his journey to join his new post to
draw travelling allowance at the rates and to enjoy
travelling facilities specified in rule 6 of the High Court
Judges Travelling Allowance Rules, 1956, 5[ He shall also be
entitled to a lump sum transfer grant and packing allowance
at the rates as are admissible to a member of the Indian
Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the
Government of India when transferred or deputed from the
State Government to the Central Government.]

1.Published in the Gazette of India, 1959, Pt.II Sec.3(1) p.1054
2 Subs. by Act 18 of 1998
3.Subs. by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976. .
4.Ins. by GSR 1187(E) dated 6.11.1986.
5.Ins. by GSR 378 (E) dated 16.4.1993. -2-

3. (1)Provisions applicable to Government Servant appointed

as Judge of Supreme Court--When a Government servant,
appointed to be a Judge, travels by rail to join his post, he
may, at his option and in lieu of drawing travelling
allowance under the rule governing a journey on transfer
applicable to him, travel in a reserved compartment of the
highest class, excluding the air-conditioned class.

(2) A Government servant who avails himself of this

concession must pay to Government the fare which he would
have paid if no accommodation had been reserved, and must, in
addition, pay in cash to the station master of the station
from which the journey commences, the fares for any members
of his family accompanying him, whether they share his
reserved accommodation or not. When Government pays full
tariff rates for the accommodation, all such fares shall be
credited to Government.

4. Provisions relating to non-Government servant

appointed as Judge of Supreme Court--When a person not
already in Government service is appointed to be a Judge, he
may, when travelling by railway to join his post, travel in a
reserved compartment of the highest class, excluding the
air-conditioned class and subject to the conditions
prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 3.

Provided that, if any such person is appointed to be

the Chief Justice, he may travel in an inspection carriage or
in an air-conditioned coupe of two berths.

Explanation-- For purposes of rules 3, 4 and 7 a

reserved compartment means a two berth compartment or
four-berth compartment if a two-berth compartment is not
available in the train by which a Judge travels.

5. Travelling facilities to a Judge travelling on duty--

(1) When a Judge travels on duty, he is entitled--
[(a) When travelling by railway--

(i) to a reserved two-berth compartment of the

highest class including the air-conditioned
class, and if one such compartment is not
available, then, to a reserved four-berth
compartment of the highest class (but excluding
the air-conditioned class);
(ii)if such a compartment is provided to take his
wife along with him without payment of fare;
(iii)the fares at the lowest class rates actually
paid for servants not exceeding two in number.]
[Provided that the Chief Justice or an acting Chief
Justice will, if he so chooses, be provided with a standard
gauge saloon and if, for any reason a standard gauge saloon
is not available for his use, he will be provided with an
inspection carriage and the Chief Justice or an acting Chief
Justice, while travelling by a standard gauge saloon or an
inspection carriage shall be entitled to take with him in the
___________________________________________________________________ GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.
2.Subs. by GSR 1881 dated 3.10.1968.

standard gauge saloon or the inspection carriage, without

payment one relative.
Provided further that where the Chief Justice or an
acting Chief Justice travels by a standard gauge saloon or an
inspection carriage, he shall not be entitled to any fares
for the servants]

(b) when travelling by a Steamer service, to one

reserved first-class cabin if available, or to
the fare actually paid for himself and the
fares at lowest class rates actually paid to
the steamer service for servants not exceeding
two in number subject to usual deductions on
account of messing charges;

(c) when travelling by a public air transport

service, to the fare paid for himself and if
actually paid, the cost of transporting upto
(80 kilograms) of luggage by rail at
passenger rates, or steamer and the railway or
steamer fares of the lowest class for servants
not exceeding two in number, and the
expenditure actually incurred on the transport
by road of servants or luggage upto a maximum
of 1(one-half of rate per kilometer notified
by the concerned Directorate of Transport for
Auto-rickshaw) of that part of the journey by
road for which no allowance is claimed under
clause (d) of this sub-rule;
Provided that the Chief Justice shall be entitled to
take his wife with him when travelling by a public air
transport services, within the country.

(d) when travelling by road, to 3(the Mileage

Provided that--
(i) no such allowance shall be payable in
respect of that portion of Journey by road
for which a public air transport service
provides its own transport and the fare
for which journey is included in the air
fare paid under clause (c) for the air
(ii) no such allowance shall be payable in
cases where the Judge uses transport
provided at Government expenses;
(e) [ ... ... ... ... ... ... ]
(f) 7to a daily allowance up-to 5Rs.7500/- per day for
hotel or guest house accommodation, transport charges (AC taxi)
of up-to 50 kms. for travel within the city and food bills not
exceeding 5Rs.1200/- per day for the entire period of absence from
headquarters, the absence being reckoned from the time of
departure from headquarters to the time of return to headquarters;
1. Subs. by GSR 1187 (E) dated 6.11.1996.
2. Ins. by GSR 175 dated 8.3.1986.
3. Subs. by GSR 175 dated 8.3.1986
4. Omitted by GSR 343 (E) dated 12.5.1976.
5. Subs. By GSR 630 (E) dated 12.07.2018. -4-

Provided that daily allowance so admissible shall be

regulated as follows :-
(i) full daily allowance for each completed day,
that is, reckoned from mid-night to mid-night.
(ii)for absence from headquarters for less than
twenty-four hours the daily allowance shall be
at the following rates, namely:-

(1) if the absence from headquarters does not

exceed six hours 30 per cent of the full
daily allowance;
(2) if the absence from headquarters exceeds six
hours, but does not exceed twelve hours, 50
per cent of the full daily allowance;
(3) if the absence from headquarters exceeds
twelve hours full daily allowance.
(iii)if the dates of departure from and return to
headquarters fall on different dates, the
period of absence from headquarters shall be
reckoned as two days and daily allowance shall
be calculated for each day as in clause (ii):

Provided further that in case the Chief Justice or

the acting Chief Justice stays in a saloon or an inspection
carriage, the daily allowance admissible shall be 1(Rs.1150/-)
and if he stays in any hotel or other place, the daily
allowance shall be 1(Rs.5000/-.

Provided also that--

(i) when a Judge is required to perform functions
outside his normal duties away from his headquarters, he
may, subject to such conditions as the President may in each
case determine, be granted daily allowance up-to 2[Rs.7500/-
per day for hotel or guest house accommodation, transport
charges (AC taxi) of up-to 50 kms. for travel within the city
and food bills not exceeding 2[Rs.1200/- per day and shall
also be entitled to Government accommodation at the same
rates as for Government servants of equivalent pay;

(ii)when a Judge is required to perform similar

functions, whether part-time or whole-time in
his own headquarters, he shall not be paid any
allowance or charges unless the special work
involves extra expenses in which case he may
be granted such allowance not exceeding
(Rs.7500/-) per day as the President in each
case determine.

(iii)when a Judge is a State Guest or is allowed

to avail free board and lodging at the
1.Subs. by GSR 149(E) dated 24.2.1999.
2.Subs. by GSR 630(E) dated 12.7.2018 -5-

- expenses of the Central or State Government or

any autonomous industrial or commercial
undertaking or corporation or a statutory body
or a local authority in which Government funds
have been invested or in which Government have
any other interest, the daily allowance shall
be restricted to 25 per cent of the amount
admissible or sanctioned; and if only board
or lodging is allowed free, the Judge may draw
daily allowance at one-half of the admissible
(g) to the expenditure, if any, actually incurred
on the transport by passenger train or steamer
at owner's risk of a motor car, and the fare
at lowest class rate actually paid to a
railway or steamer service in respect of one
driver or cleaner for the car;
(h) to the actual freight paid for the transport
of personal effects nor exceeding the freight
chargeable for transporting by goods train
personal effects weighing 1(2,400 kilograms).
Provided that no freight shall be payable for any
personal effects which are capable of being carried in an
inspection carriage.

(2) If any person 2(other than wife and servants)

accompany a Judge in a compartment of cabin reserved for him
under sub-rule(1), fares shall be payable by him on their
account, and the fares so paid shall, if full tariff rates
have been paid by Government for the reserved accommodation,
be credited to Government.

[(2A) When a Judge is deemed, under clause (ii) of sub-rule

(3), to be travelling on duty, he shall also be entitled to
reimbursement of the fares paid by him in respect of one of
the members of his family ( excluding married sons and
married daughters ) if he or she accompanied him on such

(3) For the purposes of this rule--

(i) all journeys to and from headquarters shall be
deemed to commence and terminate at the
Judge's residence at headquarters or, as the
case may be at an out-station. For journeys
by road within 1(eight kilometres) of the
Judge's residence at headquarters, no mileage
allowance will be admissible unless the Judge
actually proceeds to a place outside the
(eight kilometres) radius. Actual out
station, no mileage allowance in addition to a
daily allowance to which a Judge may be
entitled will be admissible for road journeys
within 1(eight klometres) of the Judge's
temporary residence;

(ii)a Judge shall be deemed to be travelling on

duty when, during a vacation of the Supreme
1.Subs. by GSR 1187(E) dated 6.11.1986.
2.Ins. by GSR 579 dated 30.5.1974 w.e.f. 15.5.1974. -6-

Court, he proceeds from any place in India

where he was spending the vacation for the
purpose of doing duty in the Supreme Court and
returns to such place after completion of such

(iii)"actual expenses" means the ordinary and

normal expenses incidental to the journey and
include any charge for ferry, payment of
tolls, amount spent on transport of camp
equipment but do not include such other
charges as hotel charges, rent for occupying a
traveller's bungalow, cost of refreshments,
charges for carriage of stores or conveyance
or presents to coachmen or tips to bearers
or any other allowance for such incidental
losses or expenses as the breakage of
crockery, wear and tear of furniture and the
employment of additional servants;
[(iv) ... ... ... ... ... ... ]

(v) when the period of continuous halt at any

place exceeds ten days, but does not exceed
thirty days, daily allowance shall be
admissible at full rate for the first ten days
and at three fourth of the rates for any
subsequent days.

6. Travelling allowance payable to Judge when proceeding

on, or returning from leave etc. (1) when a Judge--

(a) proceeds on, or returns from leave, or

(b) proceeds on, or returns from, vacation spent in

or outside India, or

(c) proceeds to join another post after resigning

his office, he may, when travelling by rail in
India, travel in a reserved compartment of the
highest class, excluding the air-conditioned
class, subject to the conditions prescribed in
sub-rule (2) of rule 3 :

Provided that --
(i) the Chief Justice may travel in an
inspection carriage or in an air conditioned
coupe of two berths, if one is available;

(ii)a Judge, who was holding office as such

immediately before the 9th March, 1954, may,
when travelling by rail, travel in a
reserved compartment of the highest class,
excluding the air-conditioned class, subject
to the conditions prescribed in sub-rule (2)
of rule 5;
[(iii) ... ... ... ... ... ... ]
1. omitted by GSR 343 (E) dated 12.5.1976.
2. Omitted by GSR 2010 dated 15.12.1970. -7-

(2) The facilities provided under this rule will be

available upto and from the place of embarkation or
disembarcation or the place where the Judge ordinarily
resides in India, as the case may be.
(3) When a Judge retires from service, he and the members
of his family shall be entitled to the following expenses for
travel and for the transportation of personal effects from
the place in which he was on duty prior to his retirement to
the permanent residence in his home State declared for the
purpose before retirement. If a Judge wishes to settle down
at a place other than the permanent residence in his home
State, the amount reimbursable to him on account of the
expenditure actually incurred by him on his journey and the
journey of the members of his family and for the
transportation of personal effects shall be that which would
have been admissible to him had he actually proceeded to his
permanent residence in his home State or the amount
reimbursable for journey to a place other than the permanent
residence in his home State, whichever is less. The precise
entitlement as aforesaid under these rules shall be as
follows, namely :-
[(a) When travelling by rail or air]
[(i) the Judge himself may travel by a reserved
compartment of highest class including the
air conditioned class or by air. The
members of his family may also travel in
such reserved compartment.
(ii) members of his family not trvelling in the
reserved compartment may travel in the
highest class of accommodation including the
air-conditioned class or by air.
Provided that the Chief Justice may travel in an
inspection carriage or in an air conditioned coupe of two
berths, if one is available]

(b) when travelling by road;

[One mileage allowance for the Judge, a second
mileage allowance if two members of his family
are traveling with him and a third mileage
allowance if more than two members of his
family travel with him at the rate applicable
to the Judge on the date he was last on duty:
Provided that when any portion of the journey can be
performed by rail, the allowance claimed in respect of that
portion shall not exceed the amount admissible had the Judge
and the members of his family travelled on such portion by
rail by the highest class, including air-conditioned.]
[(bb)when travelling by the modes referred to in
clause (a) and (b), daily allowance shall be
admissible to the Judge and each member of his
family at the same rates as are admissible to
a Judge when he travels on duty and the
provisions of clause (f) of sub-rule (1) of
the rule (5) shall, as far as may be, apply.]
1.Ins. by GSR 2010 dated 15.12.1970.
2.Subs. by GSR 716 (E) dated 4.12.1991
3.Subs. by GSR 1187 (E) dated 6.11.1986.
4.Subs. by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.
(c) for transportation of one motor car, by
passenger train at Railway risk or by air at
owner's risk whichever is less]; and

(d) for transportation of other personal effects

not exceeding the expenditure which would be
incurred in the transport of 2(a full four
wheeler wagon or 6,000 kg. by goods train or
on Double Container) and the expenditure
incurred in loading and un-loading such
personal effects;

(e) the lumpsum transfer grant and packing

allowance at the same rates as are admissible
to a member of the All India Services holding
the rank of Secretary to the Government of
Provided that the above entitlement will lapse if the
Journey is not completed by the Judge within six months from
the date of his retirement.
Provided further that the members of his family may
follow him within six months or precede him by not more than
one month and the period of six months or one month, as the
case may be shall count from the date of retirement of the
Explanation--For the purposes of this rule and rule
7, members of a Judge's family means his wife, his children,
parents, sisters and minor brothers normally residing with
and wholly dependent on him.
6A. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 6, a Judge
of the Supreme Court shall be entitled to leave travel
concession for himself, his wife and the dependent members of
his family for visiting any place in India (including
permanent residence in his home State) during his leave,
(thrice) a year in accordance with the rules applicable in
this behalf to a member of the Indian Administrative Service
holding the rank of a Secretary to the Government of India.
Explanation:--For the purpose of this rule, `leave'
shall include vacation 6(any of the Gazetted holidays, closed
holidays and Sundays).
Provided that a Judge and his wife shall have the
option to travel by air or by air-conditioned first class
when travelling by Railway. Dependent members of the family
shall also be allowed to travel with either of them by air
conditioned first class or by Air, when the Judge or his wife
travels on Leave Travel Concession (or they can travel
independently while travelling by air).

[6B. Travelling facilities to Judge travelling on Sundays

and holidays-- Judge while travelling by rail on Sundays or
closed holidays shall be entitled to a reserved two-berths
1.Subs. by GSR 915(E) dated 6.9.1988.
2.Ins. by GSR 484(E) dted 7.3.1986.
3. Subs. by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.
4.Ins. by GSR (E) dated 27.4.1972 further amended by GSR
899 dated 28.9.1985 Relettered by GSR 1187(E) dt.6.11.1986.
5.Subs. by GSR 979(E) dated 18.12.1990.
6.Ins. by GSR 636 dated 27.7.1988.

compartment of the highest class (excluding the air

conditioned class) for his exclusive use.]
[ ... ... ... ... ... ... ]

7. Travelling expenses payable to family of Judge who

dies while in service--In the case of a Judge who dies while
in service, the members of his family shall be entitled to
the following travelling expenses for travel by the shortest
route from the headquarters of the Judge to his normal place
of residence which shall be the permanent home as entered in
the record or such other place, as might have been declared
to be permanent home by the Judge while in service, provided
the journey is completed within six months after the death of
the Judge:--
(a) For journey by rail and/or by Steamer--
[(i) actual first class fare for every member of
the family]

(ii) actual cost of transportation of personal

effects upto 2(a full wagon).

(b) For journeys by road--

(i) one mileage allowance for one member of the
family, a second mileage allowance if two
members of the family and a third mileage
allowance if more than two members of the
family of the deceased Judge travel, at the
rate applicable to such deceased Judge;

(ii)actual cost limited to the expenditure,

which would be incurred in the
transportation of 3(2,400 kilograms) of
goods and the expenditure incurred in
embarking and disembarking such personal
(c) for journeys by the modes referred to in
clauses (a) and (b) daily allowance at the same
rates as are admissible to a Judge when he
travels on duty and the provisions of clause
(f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 5 shall, as far as
may be, apply.]

The above concessions will also be admissible for the

travel of a member of the family of the Judge from the
headquarters of the Judge to a place other than the
headquarters of the Judge, where the member happens to be at
the time of the Judge's death, to a place other than the
normal place of residence, provided that the total expenses
claimed shall not exceed the amount admissible had such
member travelled from the headquarters of the Judge to the
normal place of residence and the journey is completed within
six months after the death of the Judge.
1.Omitted by GSR 1187(E) dated 6.11.1986.
2.Subs. by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.
3.Subs. by GSR 1187(E) dated 6.11.1986.
4.Ins by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.

This rule shall not apply to a Judge who dies while

on leave pending retirement.
( ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... )

8. Repeal and Savings--(1) The Supreme Court Judges

(Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1951, are hereby repealed.

Notwithstanding such repeal, nothing contained in

these rules shall have effect so as to give to Judge who is
serving as such at the commencement of these rules less
favourable terms in respect of his travelling and daily
allowances than those to which he would be entitled if these
rules had not been made.

[ Ministry of Home Affairs No.12/12/56-Judl.I ]

1.omitted by GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976

FOOT NOTE: Principal Rules published vide Notification No.

GSR 844 dated 14th July, 1959, Gazette of India
dated 25th July, 1959, Part-II Section 3(i) page
1054 (Ministry of Home Affairs

Subsequently amended by :--

(1) GSR 1881 dted 3.10.1968.

(2) GSR 2010 dated 15.12.1970.
(3) GSR 263(E) dated 27.4.1972
(4) GSR 579 dated 30.5.1974.
(5) GSR 1365 dated 18.12.1974.
(6) GSR 343(E) dated 12.5.1976.
(7) GSR 990 dated 28.7.1978.
(8) GSR 871 dated 5.8.1980.
(9) GSR 1043 dated 23.9.1980.
(10) GSR 394 dated 4.4.1981.
(11) GSR 899 dated 28.9.1985.
(12) GSR 484(E) dated 7.3.1986.
(13) GSR 175 dated 8.3.1986.
(14) GSR 1187(E) dated 6.11.1986.
(15) GSR 915(E) dated 6.9.1988.
(17) GSR 979(E) dated 18.12.1990.
(18) GSR 716(E) dated 4.12.1991.
(19) GSR 378(E) dated 16.4.1993.
(20) GSR 150(E) dated 24.2.1999.


(AS ON 10.05.2019)
GSR 935, dated the 4th August, 1959,--In exercise of
the powers conferred under sub-section (1) and clauses (a),
(b), (d) and (e) of sub-section (2) of section 24 of the
Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service)
Act, 1958, (41 of 1958), the Central Government hereby makes
the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title--These rules may be called the Supreme

Court Judges Rules, 1959.

2. Special disability leave--The rules for the time

being in force with respect to the grant of special
disability leave in relation to an officer of the Central
Civil Services, Class-I, who has entered service on or after
the 16th July, 1931, and who may be disabled by injury caused
in, or in consequence of his official position shall apply in
relation to a Judge, subject to the modification that the
monthly rate of allowance payable to a Judge while on such
leave shall be as specified in the First Schedule to these

3. Extraordinary pensions and gratuities--The rules for

the time being in force with respect to the grant of extra
ordinary pension and gratuities in relation to an officer of
the Central Civil Services, Class-I, who has entered service
on or after the Ist April, 1937, and who may suffer injury or
dies as a result of violence in the course of and as a
consequence of the due performance of his official duties,
shall apply in relation to a Judge, subject, however, to the
modification that reference in those rules to tables of
injury gratuities and pensions, and of family gratuities and
pensions shall be construed as references to the tables in
the Second Schedule to these rules.
3A Payment of arrears of pension--A Judge may nominate
any other person to receive the arrears of pension payable to
him in accordance with the provisions of the payment of
Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983.
3B(1) Post retiral benefits--A retired Chief Justice
shall be entitled during his lifetime to a payment of
twenty five thousand rupees per month for defraying the
services of an orderly, driver and security guard, for
meeting the expenses incurred towards secretarial assistance
on contract basis and for maintainance of an office-cum
residence. He shall also be entitled to a residential
telephone free of cost and the number of free calls to
the extent of 1,500 per month (over and above the number of
free calls per month allowed by the telephone

1.Published in the Gazette of India 1959, Pt.II Section 3(i)
page (b)
2.Subs. by Act 18 of 1998 w.e.f. 1.1.1996
3.Ins. by GSR No.1176(E) dated 4.11.1986 (F.No.24/20/86-Jus.)
4.Ins. by GSR 680(E) w.e.f. 12.11.1991 5.Subs. by GSR
162(E) dated 11.3.2006

*(2) A retired Judge shall be entitled during his life time

to a payment of fourteen thousand rupees per month for
defraying the services of an orderly and for meeting the
expenses incurred towards secretarial assistance on contract
basis and also shall be entitled to a residential telephone
free of cost and the number of calls to the extent of 1,500
per month (over and above the number of free calls per month
allowed by the telephone authorities).

(3) The above retiral benefits shall be provided by the

Registrar of the Supreme Court of India on furnishing a
certificate by the retired Chief Justice in the form
specified by the Registry of the Supreme Court of India.

Provided that the retiral benefits available under

this rule shall not be deemed to be income, liable to
Tax, under the Income Tax Act,1961 (43 of 1961).


*Subs by GSR No.602(E)dated 29.9.2006.

4. Residence of Judges—Each Judge shall be entitled

without payment of rent to the use of furnished residence
throughout his term of office and for a period of !(one
month) immediately thereafter, and no charge shall fall on
the Judge personally in respect of the maintenance of such
residence. This concession shall also be admissible to the
members of the family of a Judge, who dies while in service,
for a period of 1(one month) immediately after his death.

Explanation—For the purposes of this rule,

`residence’ includes the staff quarters and other buildings
apartment thereto and the garden thereof, and `maintenance’
in relation to a residence includes the payment of 2local
rates and taxes and electricity and water.
This rule shall be deemed to have come into force on
the 26th January, 1950.
[4A. Rent for period of over stay—(1) Where a Judge
occupies a residence beyond the period specified in rule 4,
he shall be liable to pay, for the period of over stay, rent
calculated in accordance with the provisions of Fundamental
Rules 45-B together with full departmental charges or if the
rents have been pooled, the pooled standard rent under
Fundamental Rules 45-A whichever is higher.

(2) Where a Judge dies while in service the members of

his family shall, in addition to the period specified in rule
4, be entitled to occupy residence for a further period not
exceeding one month by making payment of rent calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Fundamental Rules, 45-A,
or, if the rents have been pooled the Standard rent under
that rule].
4B. Free furnishings-- The value of free furnishing
(including electrical appliances) provided free of rent in the
official residence allotted to the Chief Justice shall not
exceed Rs.5(10,00,000)(Rupees ten lakhs Only)and in the case of
other Judges shall not exceed Rs.5(8,00,000) (Rupees eight
lakhs only).


1 Subs. GSR No.634 dated 22.4.1976

2.Subs. by GSR 718(E) dated 3.11.1995 w.e.f. 1.4.1994
3.Ins. by GSR 634 dated 22.4.1976
4.Ins. by GSR 698 (E) dated 25.11.1991. GSR 238(E) dated 19.03.2018 w.e.f. 19.03.2018

Facilities for medical treatment and accommodation in

In respect of facilities, for medical treatment and
accommodation in hospitals, the provisions of the All India
Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, shall apply to a Judge
as they apply to a Member of the India Administrative Service and
shall be deemed to have come into force on the 26th January, 1950.
Provided that the expenses shall be reimbursed on
prescription of Doctors/Hospitals or Recognised Private
Practioners/Private Hospitals by the Registry of the Supreme Court
of India.

6. Conditions of Services where no express provision is

made in the Act -- The conditions of service of a Judge of
the Supreme Court for which no express provision has been
made in the 1Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1958, shall be and shall from the commencement
of the Constitution be deemed to have been determined by the
rules for the time being applicable to a member of the Indian
Administrative Service holding the rank of Secretary to the
Government of India.

NOTE: Cases relating to reimbursement of medical

charges or any other matter covered by rule 5 or
rule 6 which have been decided before the date of
publication of these rules in the official
Gazette, shall not be re-opened unless it is
specifically so desired by the Judge concerned.

7. Decision of question--If any question arises about

the interpretation of the provisions of these rules, the
decision of the Central Government thereon shall be final.

8. Savings--Nothing in these rules shall have effect so

as to give to a Judge who is serving as such on the date of
publication of these rules in the Gazette less favourable
terms in respect of his privileges than those to which he
should have been entitled, if these rules had not been


1.Subs. by Act 18 of 1998 w.e.f. 1.1.1996


(See Rule 2)

The monthly rate of leave allowances payable to a Judge

while on special disability leave shall be as follows:

Period Monthly rate of leave allowance

(1) First 120 days (a) at the monthly rate of salary for the
First 45 days

(b) at the monthly rate of Rs.2,220 for

the next 75 days.

(2) for the remaining period (i) at the monthly rate of Rs,1,110/-
of any such disability
leave (ii) at the option of the Judge for a
period not exceeding the period
of leave which under the provision
in Chapter-II of the Supreme Court
Judges (Salaries and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1958, may be admissible
to him on full allowances, at the
monthly rate of Rs.2,220/- provided
that when such an option is exercised
one half of such leave shall be
debited in the leave account.



( See Rule 3 )


Annual Pension
Officer Gratuity Higher Lower
Scale Scale

1. The Chief Rs.20,000/- Rs.5,400/- Rs.4,700/-

of India or
acting Chief
Justice or a
Judge of the
Supreme Court.



Officer Gratuity Annual Pension

1. The Chief Justice of India or acting Rs.15,000/- Rs.5,000/-

Chief Justice or a Judge of the
Supreme Court.

Annual Pension


If the child is motherless Rs.550/-

If the child is not motherless Rs.320/-


[ Ministry of Home Affairs 15/6/58-Judl.I ]


FOOT NOTE:- Principal Rules published vide Notification No.

GSR 935 dated the 4th August, 1959, Gazette of
India, Part-II, section 3(I) page 1161.

[ Ministry of Home Affairs No.15/6/58-Judl.I ]

Subsequently amended by:

1. Notifiction No.1/34/74-Jus(1) dated

2. GSR No.634 dted 22.4.1976.
3. GSR No.854 dated 1.8.1980.
4. GSR No.1176(E) dated 4.11.1986.
5. GSR No.680(E) dated 12.11.1991.
6. GSR No.381(E) dated 20/4/1993
w.e.f. 25.9.1992.
7. G.S.R. 444(E) dated 10.5.1995 w.e.f.12.11.94
8. GSR No. 717(E) dated 3.11.1995.
9. GSR No. 718(E) dated 3.11.1995 w.e.f.1.4.1994
10. GSR No. 149(E) dated 24.2.1999.

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