Mil. Sir Earl

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The Lurkers

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spent 3 hours using social media
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Lurkers. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 It can cause addictive part of social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives
as well. The teenagers are the most affected by addiction of the social media. They get
involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste
individual time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 (none)
He said that he spent 3 hours in using social media. The effects of social media to him is that
social media can cause addictive part. Social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives
as well. The teenagers are the most affected by addiction of the social media. They get
involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste
individual time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.
The Deniers

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spent time for social media 4-5 hours a day.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Deniers. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 The effects of social media to myself are sometimes I don't have enough time to sleep, I
am not able to study my lessons, I don't have enough time for my family and also through
social media it can help me to to do my assignments and projects.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 My social media advocacies are to promote online teaching, to improve online business,use
social media in a good way, and limit yourself to use social media.

She spend 4-5 hours a day in using social media. The effects of using a social media to her are
sometimes she can have enough sleep, she can't study her lessons, she don't have enough time for
her family and also through social media she can be able to do her assignments and projects. Her
social media advocacie are to promote online teaching, to improve online business, use social
media in a good way, and to limit yourself to use social media.
The Peacocks

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 8 hours a day
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Ultras. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 It gives lack of sleep sometimes because, of the important matter that I do instead of
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 The fact that we are using social media is because we use it for our daily
research and to find answers but There are good and bad things that we can
get from it.

 He said that he uses social media for 8 hours a day. He classified as a Peacocks
because he has a high number of likes and followers. He said effect of social
media to him is gives lack of sleep sometimes because, of the important matter
that I do instead of sleeping. His advocacy in social media is the fact that we
are using social media is because we use it for our daily research and to find
answers but There are good and bad things that we can get from it.

The Virgins
1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

1-2 hours
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Virgins. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 Easy to communicate.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 Through fb we can post and share my advocacy to save mother earth.

She spent 1-2 hours a day in using social media. The effects of using a social
media to her as a Virgin is that she can easily communicate with people. Her
social media advocacy is that through using Facebook she can post and share
her advocacy in promoting to save mother Earth.
The Ranters

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spend 5-7 hours a day.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Ultras. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 Communicably, its effect for me is positive because I can reach easily other people far
from me anytime, anywhere.
3. What are your social media advocacies?

 His social media advocacy is he would like to stress to all users most especially the
students to be responsible in all their posts and contents they upload. Social media is so
powerful and it can either help or destroy something. They must learn to choose only good
things in it that they can apply to their daily lives.

He said that he is using a social media for almost 5-7 hours a day. He classified as a Ranters
because he is highly opinionated online. He said the effects for him, communicably, its effect for
me is positive because I can reach easily other people far from me anytime, anywhere. His social
media advocacy is he would like to stress to all users most especially the students to be responsible
in all their posts and contents they upload. Social media is so powerful and it can either help or
destroy something. They must learn to choose only good things in it that they can apply to their
daily lives.
The Ghosts

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spend 8-10 hours a day.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Ghosts. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 The effects of being a Ghosts to me is to get some information to others without
knowing my true identity.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 My media advocacy is, it's better to hide your true identity then to
exposed in public.

He spent 8-10 hours a day in using social media. The effects of being a Ghost to him is that, he
can get some information to others without knowing his true identity. His social media advocacy
is, it's better to hide your true identity than to expose in public.

The Ultras
1. How many hours do you spend in social media?
 12 hours
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Ultras. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 Always lack of sleep and tired.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 My social media advocacies is given the users a time to relax particularly
if they are stress.

She spent 12 hours a day in using social media. The effect of using a social media
to her as an Ultra is that she's always lack of sleep and tired. Her social media
advocacy is to give the users a time to relax particularly if they are stress.
The Lurkers

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spent 3-5 hours a day in using social media.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Lurkers. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 The effect of being a Lurkers is that I can get information from other people. I can
access it without getting my self into any issues.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 My social advocacy is to promote a freedom to every one so that they can
express their thoughts freely. By having a freedom they should use it well
to spread sensible information.

She spent 3-5 hours a day in using social. The effects of being a Lurker for her is that, she
can get information from other people and she can access it without getting herself into any
issues. Her social media advocacy is to promote a freedom to every one so that they can
express their thoughts freely. By having a freedom they should use it well to spread sensible
The Informers

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 Based on the screen time statistics shown on my device, I spend an average of 4 hours and
20 minutes in social media daily.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Informers. As being said, what are the
effects to yourself?
 The effect of being an informer type of social media user is that I am able to access
information first before others and I can easily get updated about issues and trends.
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 My advocacy as a social media user is to promote journalistic freedom so that
we could use social media properly by means of using it as a medium for
spreading factual and up-to-date news.

Based on his screen time statistics shown in his device, He spent an average of 4 hours and 20
minutes in social media daily. The effsct of being an informer to him is that he can access
information first before others and he can easily get updated about issues and trends. His advocacy
is to promote journalistic freedom so that we could use social media properly by means of using it
as a medium for spreading factual and up-to-date news.
The Dippers

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 5 or 8 hours
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Dippers. As being said, what are the effects
to yourself?
 nothing
3. What are your social media advocacies?
 “Think before you click”. Don’t click anything that entertain you.

He spend 5-8 hours a day in using social media. Being a dipper has no effect on him. His
social media advocacy is that, "Think beforw you click". Don't click anything that entertain
The Approval Seeker

1. How many hours do you spend in social media?

 I spend my time in social media 4-6 hours a day.
2. Base on my research, you are classified as Approval Seeker. As being said, what are
the effects to yourself?

3. What are your social media advocacies?
 (None)

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