Project Proposal Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) - Visible Light Communication Based On Wireless Automated Systems (KSCST)

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1. Name of College and Place : Angadi Institute of Technology and Management, Belgaum-
2. Name of the SPP Co-Ordinator :
Prof. Anilkumar Korishetti Mob No:9845390679 Email Id: [email protected]
3. Project title (in brief) : Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) - Visible Light Communication Based Wireless
Automated Systems
4. Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
5. THRUST AREA : Wireless Communication using Light as Medium
6. Name of guide :
Prof. Anilkumar Korishetti Mob No:9845390679 Email Id: [email protected]
7. Name of Team Members :

Names E-Mail Id Mobile Numbers

Mr. Deepak Gachhi [email protected] 8951038024

Miss. Pooja Oulkar [email protected] 8867294595

Mr. Vinay Patil [email protected] 9591232925

8. Team Leader of the Project : Mr. Vinay Patil / [email protected] /9591232925

9. Date of commencement of the Project : 07/10/2013
10. Probable date of completion of the project : 07/5/2014
11. Has a similar project been carried out at your college or in any other college / institution
(Check with the list of completed projects available in your college library or with the list
available at KSCST website). If "Yes", please give details.
12. If this project is an improvement / extension of an earlier project, please give the title of earlier
project and the year in which it was carried out. Specify the improvements / modifications
clearly.: No

13. Is similar device / machine (outcome of the project) commercially available? If "Yes", what is
the cost per unit? Please give details.
14. Objectives of the project highlighting its importance : [Page-1]
15. Methodology : [Page-2]
16. Expected Outcome of the project : [Page-3]
17. Application of the project : [Page-3]
18. If the project is a case study / survey project, variables to be studied, criteria for sample
selection and size of the sample, etc., should be furnished. A specimen questionnaire should be
: Not a case study / survey project.

19. In case of fabrication of related project, an engineering drawing with dimensions / detailed
design calculations (approximately) of the machine / device should be attached to the
proposal. :No
20. Can the idea of your project be patentable::No

21. Budget :

Sl. No Requirements Cost

1. Components 6000/-

2. Miscellaneous 2000/-

3. Breakage 1000/-

4. Travel expense 800/-

TOTAL 9,800/-

22. Any other details: No.

Prof. Anilkumar C. Korishetti Prof. Anilkumar C. Korishetti Dr. U. S. Hamapannavar

(Guide) ( HOD ) (Principal)


1. Name and Address of the College : ANGADI INSTITUTE OF

Savagaon Road, Belgaum – 590009.

Karnataka. INDIA.

Phone :+91-831-2438100 | 2438123

Mobile: +91-9448339652

Fax :+91-831-2483197

2. Name of the Account Holder as per Bank : Director , ANGADI INSTITUTE OF


3. Bank SB / Current Account No. : 05642210001904

4. IFS Code No. : SYNB0000564

5. MICR Code No. : 590025013

6. Bank Branch Address : Syndicate Bank , Benakanhalli Branch ,



Signature of Principal
Seal of the institution
Project Title:
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) - Visible Light Communication Based
Wireless Automated Systems

 To remotely control devices using light as communicating medium.
 To effectively use light as a medium for wireless communication.
 Develop a communication system in real time which is safe from
radiation hazards unlike Wi-Fi (which uses radio communication).
 To achieve Voice Communication using light as the communicating

 Unlike wireless radio networks Li-Fi networks are practically immune
from interference due to various sources generating random
electromagnetic noise.
 An improved version of LI-Fi can be used in hospitals wherein radio
networks are restricted over radiation concerns.
 The hazards of present wireless technology are practically excluded by
the use of Li-Fi technology.
 A considerable research and effort on Visible Light Communication
(VLC) - a technology used for voice communication over visible light as
communication medium, would bring out a substantial solution for
worldwide wireless spectrum shortage.

Control Circuitry

Input Micro Driver Light

Control Controller Circuit Emitter

Micro Driver Light

Controller Circuit Receiver

Transmitter and Receiver Module

General Block Diagram

The basic principle involved in Li-Fi Technology is that if the light emitter is on, a digital 1 is
transmitted, if it is off a digital 0 is transmitted. The light emitter can be switched on and off
very quickly, which gives nice opportunities for transmitting data. In simple words, a light
emitter which can switch fast enough and a controller that can interpret the data.

In the above block diagram a device is being controlled remotely using light as the
communication media. It consists of the Transmitter and Receiver module, Control Circuitry,
Input Control Panel and the device which is to be controlled. The control circuitry consists of
a microcontroller which interprets the input from the input control panel and generates
signals necessary for transmission (which is a series of logic 1s and 0s corresponding to a
meaningful signal in real time). It performs the opposite function on the receiving section. In
the Transmitter and Receiver module the light emitter (generally a LED) transmits the data in
the form by going on and off with a speed higher enough such that the flickering goes
undetected by the human eye. The light receiver (photo detector) receives the data which is
decoded by the microcontroller consequently driving the device.

When a constant current is applied to an LED light bulb a constant stream of photons are
emitted from the bulb which is observed as visible light. If the current is varied slowly the
output intensity of the light dims up and down. Because LED bulbs are semi-conductor
devices, the current, and hence the optical output, can be modulated at extremely high
speeds which can be detected by a photo-detector device and converted back to electrical
current. The intensity modulation is imperceptible to the human eye, and thus
communication is just as seamless ad RF. Using this technique, high speed information can
be transmitted from an LED light bulb.

 An efficient technology for wireless communication which has the
potential to overcome the critical problems of present day wireless
communication technology.
 Li-Fi technology most importantly reduces the hazards of radio
communication (which is used in present day for almost every wireless
communication technology) technology and provides a safer wireless
 Can be extended to design and develop protocols for wireless data
sharing those similar to today’s Wireless LANs and WANs.


 A smart lighting technology wherein any private or public lighting

including street lamps can be used to provide Li-Fi hotspots and the
same communications and sensor infrastructure can be used to
monitor and control lighting and data.
 Digital assistants like Laptops, smartphones, tablets etc. can be
interconnected using Li-Fi with considerably high data rates.
 Another mesmerizing application is the underwater communication
using Li-Fi technology which is not possible with radio wave
communication due to strong signal absorption.
 This technology can be used to implement road safety in vehicles
transportations using LED headlights and taillights.
 Since Li-Fi uses light as the communication media it is completely
harmless to humans unlike radio wave communication networks, it can
be used in hospitals and hazardous environments like mines.

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