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Project Proposal for English 7

T. Adam Concepcion
Project: Children’s Story Book
Target Dates: October 1-2 and 4, 2019

 Writing Tools Coloring Materials Stapler Bond Paper Intermediate Paper


Rough Draft:
1. Choose and read a book from the Summer Reading List.
2. Write a summary of the story in an intermediate paper.
3. Submit it to the teacher for editing.

Story Book:
1. On the front cover, write the title of the book and your name as the author.
2. Draw an image that will best represent the story.
3. At the back part, write a summary of the story with a hanging ending. Entice the readers to read the story.
4. On the inner pages, write the story.
5. Draw images to represent each part of the story.
6. Choose which part of speech to highlight - nouns or pronouns.
7. Be ready to tell the story for oral presentation.

This project is expected and designed to improve the following skills through the following activities:
Activities Skills Targeted Schedule

Summer to First Quarter
Story Book October 1-2 and 4, 2019
Creative Thinking Skills

The students will be graded based on the following criteria:

Activity Scoring System Points

Rough Draft 10 pts.
Front Page 5 pts.
Story Book Story Summary 15 pts. 50
Highlighted Part of Speech 10 pts.
Creativity, Clarity of Concept, Completeness 10 pts.
Delivery (Confidence, Organization, Clarity) 20 pts.
Eye Contact and Gesture 10 pts.
Oral Presentation 50
Facial and Voice Expression 10 pts.
Audience Impact 10 pts.
Total 100 points
Note: Materials are graded as homework .

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