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966G Wheel Loader 3ZS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3306 Engine(SEBP256...

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Producto:  WHEEL LOADER 
Modelo:  966G WHEEL LOADER 3ZS00372 
Configuración: 966G Wheel Loader 3ZS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3306 Engine 

Operación de Sistemas
966G Wheel Loader and 972G
Wheel Loader Power Train
Número de medio -RENR2104-05 Fecha de publicación -01/08/2010 Fecha de actualización -24/08/2010


Torque Converter
SMCS - 3101 05/11/2019
966G Wheel Loader 3ZS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3306 Engine(SEBP256... Page 2 of 3

Illustration 1 g00431438

Torque Converter

(1) Rotating housing. (2) Impeller. (3) Gear. (4) Inlet port. (5) Output shaft. (6) Turbine. (7) Stator. (8) Adapter. (9)
Carrier assembly. (10) Outlet port.

The torque converter is located at the input end of the transmission. The torque converter housing is
bolted to the flywheel housing. Output torque from the torque converter enters the planetary
transmission through either the Number 1 sun gear or the Number 2 sun gear. The gear that receives
the output is dependent upon the directional clutch that is engaged.

Oil for the operation of the torque converter is supplied by the transmission oil pump. Oil from the
transmission oil pump flows to the torque converter housing. The oil flow is divided in the torque
converter housing. The transmission hydraulic control relief valve and the clutch solenoid modulating 05/11/2019
966G Wheel Loader 3ZS00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3306 Engine(SEBP256... Page 3 of 3

valves receive the oil flow that is divided. The transmission hydraulic control relief valve regulates P3
converter inlet oil to flow to the torque converter at a nominal pressure of 550 kPa (80 psi). The
torque converter inlet relief valve limits the oil flow to the torque converter to a maximum pressure of
900 ± 70 kPa (130 ± 10 psi). The torque converter inlet relief valve is located in the torque converter
housing. The transmission hydraulic control relief valve is located above the torque converter inlet
relief valve.

The torque converter outlet pressure is 415 kPa (60 psi).

Rotating housing (1), impeller (2), and oil pump drive gear (3) are driven by the flywheel. These
components rotate as a unit at the engine speed.

P3 converter inlet oil enters the torque converter through inlet port (4) in carrier assembly (9). The oil
is directed to the inlet port by a passage in the torque converter housing. From inlet port (4), the oil
flows through carrier assembly (9) and through a passage in impeller (2) .

As impeller (2) rotates, the impeller acts as a pump in order to direct the oil to turbine (6). The turbine
is fastened to the hub assembly with bolts. The hub assembly is connected to output shaft (5) by
splines. The turbine directs oil to stator (7) that is held stationary. The stator is connected to adapter
(8) with splines. Adapter (8) is connected to carrier assembly (9) with splines. Carrier assembly (9) is
bolted to the torque converter housing .

The oil flows through a passage in carrier assembly (9) to outlet port (10). From outlet port (10), oil is
directed to the torque converter oil cooler. The temperature of the oil is lowered in the torque
converter oil cooler. From the torque converter oil cooler, the oil flows to the transmission. The oil
cools the internal components of the transmission. The oil lubricates the internal components of the

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